#she never really seemed to connect with lion/jay/holly for me
squishy-rocks · 5 years
Estranged Karma AU + speed paint
I made another warriors AU!
Thiiiis AU is based off my first thought of the squirrel and ash situation when I was 10, was new to the fandom and knew NOTHING about it. I saw this video of Ash looking at Jay kit, and in my baby mind I was like "THEY LOOK ALIKE THAT'S HIS DAD"
This AU starts the same, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw still have a break and Squirrelflight gets with ashfur, but when her and brambleclaw get back together Squirrelflight finds out that she is pregnant, but it is with Ashfurs kits, and Ashfur knows this, but no other cat does, so Squirrelflight pretends they're her and Bramblesclaws kits, lying and making sure no one, asides her sister, finds out. Ashfur sadly watches them, breaking more, growing more, and more spiteful, watching Brambleclaw getting all the love he should be getting, the happy life Brambleclaw is living with HIS KITS.
As the siblings grow, and Lionpaw is apprenticed to Ashfur, Lionpaw notices how their movements are the same, but thinks this is him being an amazing warrior. Jawpaw starts feeling an odd connection to Ashfur, he seemed so much more familiar than another cat in the clan he'd treat for a cough or splinter. He felt like he knew him as family. It unnerved Jawpaw, and all the way into the apprentices becoming warriors Jayfeather felt- uneasy around him, like they should be closer...
When the fire happens Ashfur traps Squirrelflight, and DEMANDS he tells the kits, to tell them the truth. Fearing for her kits life, seeing as Ashfur was unstable, she told her kits- their kits, that Ashfur was their real father. Ashfur looks at his kits hopefully, only to see anger, disgust as they kits run away. Ashfur is broken, how- HOW ARE THEY NOT LOVE HIM. Squirrelflight stalks away, being ignored by her kits. The three and confused, scared, and disgusted in their blood. They were related to a sociopath.. filled with anger, the three ask Brambleclaw why they never told them about their real dad. Brambleclaw is took aback... real dad? What did they mean? The three regretted asking. After Brambleclaw got heated Jayfeather told Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw was furious and disgusted and ran out to meet his soon ex mate. The three tried to stop him but it was too late. He started yelling at Squirrelflight. "Why on earth would you have kits with ASHFUR!? You just thought never to tell me "MYY" kits were HIS!? I can't believe you!"
Squirrelflight was took aback and yelled back in defence, saying "This changed nothing!" She still loved him and he still fathered her kits, so what if they weren't his biological kits? Brambleclaw yelled that it was over, and that she can go back to Ashfur. The three watch as Brambleclaw goes back to sleep in the warriors den and the faces of the clan as Squirrelflight runs like prey to her sister.
The three never wanted this. The three walked out to where Sol use to meet them to talk, to see if they'd forgive her. After all- Ashfur was mean, hurt her, and they did know that the two had a fling, but nothing serious, and that she did love bramble more.. The siblings decided they'd forgive her and told her just that, that they still love her, and ignore Brambleclaw. But Hollyleaf can't get over it, she wanted to be like her "dad." but her real dad was a sociopath- he ruined their family- now her adoptive father hates her. He ruined everything. Holly still kills ash, and in shame runs to the caves and still "dies"
From there the story is the same as cannon. Squirrel and Bramble still get back together and everything just- goes back to normal
As you can see I wildly changed the threes designs to suite the look of Ash and Squirrel more. Lion getting his mothers body, her tail and colours, but his fathers facial markings and somewhat grandmas facial markings as well. Holly has ashs body and Squirrels white paw and Jay looks a lot like Ashfur, but got his grandmas markings.
The name is because
Estranged = How Ash was left out of the family, getting no love
karma = how he made Squirrel fess up and made Bramble leave him and hurt her like he did to her (Not saying she deserved it- calm Squirrel stans I get cha-)
The name was made by my bff as I was struggling! (She gave me karma, I already had estranged)
I really hope y'all enjoy this AU!
Speedpaint: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCsmm2…
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doves-wing · 5 years
Warriors Song Post
what up here’s a bunch of songs that i connect to warriors in some fuckin way. this took way too long and i’ll add more later because i couldn’t everyone in the tags lol
People in my Head by Oceans on Mars: Goosefeather - If the title wasn’t obvious enough as to why it fits him, the song is about hearing voices and going mad because of it. If that doesn’t fit Goosefeather, what does?
Twisted by MISSIO: Darktail - The whole song is about a bad guy with fucked up thoughts and how his dad was a shit but had a good mom. 
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO: Bluestar - The song is about addiction and depression. And well, Bluestar has depression so there we go already but it uses the specific metaphor of drowining which is strongly connected to Bluestar’s character, so it fits even better! 
Everybody Gets High by MISSIO: Sol - It’s his tragic backstory. I mean if this was a human AU this would just be his backstory. Sol is an evil gay, makes sense if he had a homophobic upbringing which led him to drugs and eventually running away. Makes sense to me at least.
Kamikazee by MISSIO: Sol - This is a song about greed, desire, and dark hearts. Who has all three? That’s right, it’s Sol baby! The boy desires all the nice things in life and will not stop at anything to get them.
Best Friends by Grandson: The Kin - So I’m kinda cheating with this one as it isn’t a singular characer but my post, my rules. I feel as if this fits best when Needletail and the other apprentices joined The Kin. Thinking they’re so cool and shit.
Kiss Bang by Grandson: Leafpool/Crowfeather/Nightcloud - Okay again not a singular character but my post, my rules. Basically this song represents Crowfeather’s relationship with the two of them. In short: a fucking mess
Things Change by Grandson: Crowfeather - I’d say this is specifically about Leafpool soon after the badger attack, but could still work for him and Feathertail. Either way, this guy is dumb angst monster lmao
Saint Bernard by Lincoln: Mapleshade - This is a song about one-sided love and how the singer won’t be going to heaven. Also it’s fucking scary so Mapleshade :)
Hellbent by Mystery Skulls: Ashfur - It’s him about Squirrelflight. He does not care that she is in a relationship. All he cares is that the relationship she’s in, isn’t with him. All he wants is her and he truly won’t stop at anything to have her.
The Wolf by SIAMES: Tigerclaw - This is another song that’s about addiction but it has a strong theme about being out of your mind, and well, if you kill people I don’t think your sane. And in a way, Tigerclaw could’ve been addicted to killing. Either way many of this song’s lyrics (and especially the chorus) remind me of him so he gets this masterpiece of a song to himself.
Same Old Forest by Nathan Sharp: Firestar - This fits Firepaw/Rusty specifically but hey I prefer using the most recent names of a character in the title. Anyway though, this song is all about beginnings and wanting to be something (while also being a protaganist) and who could fit better than Firepaw? I mean one of the lyrics is literally: “Because compared to every child you know, you’re something else”. Tell me it isn’t about Firepaw.
Far Away by Nathan Sharp: Spottedleaf - This is a song sung by a female about the character from the previous song on this list, who knows that the character is destined for greatness. Tell me it isn’t sung by Spottedleaf. 
Time to Go by Nathan Sharp: Yellowfang - Yellowfang is the grumpy grandma we all know and love. If you know her and then listen to this song and say she didn’t sing it you’re so wrong it’s unbelievable. Did her savior just wake up? Yes. Is she going to push him out and force him to save the world now? Yes.
Drowning by Nathan Sharp: Bluestar - Look at the title. Okay but the song is about losing everything in your life and well, the water metaphors :}
Shell by Nathan Sharp: Bluestar (w/ Firestar) - I think this fits really well for Bluestar and Firestar’s relationship. Bluestar after having been almost murdered by her trusted deputy, Tigerclaw, has lost faith in everything. Fireheart is desperately trying to keep her what remains of her, alive. The chorus speaks for itself, she is a shell, almost entirely withered away. Just, it’s mostly Bluestar but the way the lyrics go it sounds as if someone is speaking to another character about Bluestar, which in this case is probably Tigerclaw and Firestar.
The Evil King by Nathan Sharp: Tigerclaw & Firestar - This is their final battle in song form. At the end it becomes a duet, but for the majority it’s Tigerclaw monologuing about why he should and deserves to win. How Firestar should’ve never come to the forest, as he was meant to rule the forest as his father did before him, unfortuneately this is a YA novel which means that evil can never win. 
Unaligned by Nathan Sharp: Ivypool - I imagine this is when she’s starting to realize that the Dark Forest isn’t good. That it’s full of evil cats, but because she’s only started to realize this their abusive teachings are still in her head, thus “You took me in, showed me love when I had nowhere to run” is a lyric. She’s done bad things by joining them, she doesn’t know if she can be good but she knows she doesn’t want to be bad.
Dead Silence by Nathan Sharp: Mothwing - Mothwing can’t get it out of her head that she is the daughter of Tigerclaw. The worst cat in the history of the Clans yet she chose to be a medicine cat, a peaceful cat who does no harm. Her intrusive thoughts won’t stop reminding her of how brutal her family as been. Her father first and then her brother, Hawkfrost, second. Maybe she is destined to be a violent monster, she knows it isn’t true but those evil thoughts say otherwise, and she can’t ignore them any longer.
Epcoh (TLT Remix) by Salvonic: Hollyleaf - After she ran away from the gathering, she had a lot of time to think about everything. She had time to regret her actions and came back to apologize, and hope that she would be accepeted. Just about everything in this song fits her and someone needs to make a map for her with this song because it fits her so fucking well it’s insane.
Terrible Things by Brick + Mortar: Ivypool - She sees no difference between her and her sister, Dovewing, yet her sister is consistently praised more than her and gets more attention. Ivypool then joins the Dark Forest as they claimed to have seen in her, what her Clanmates saw in Dovewing. Instead of dreaming, she fought hard to get the attention and mild praise of a few dead cats. She murdered cats for them and all she got in return was a free t-shirt.
Burn The House Down by AJR: Squirrelflight - Honestly this just gives me some lighthearted Squirrelflight vibes. More so when she was still an apprentice and wanted to be treated with the same amount as respect as a warrior but she tried to gain their respect in ridiculous ways, such as joining Brambleclaw on the journey to the Sundrown place, for instance.
G-G-Ghost by Steven Universe: Fallen Leaves - He’s just a ghost boy who wants someone to notice him!
Noticed by MandoPony: Sol - This theatre gay just wants someone to pay attention to him! And if you do look away, he might have to kill you. M i g h t
Nothing Personal by Night Riots: Darktail - He came to erase the Clans. He will wash away their history, he will make himself the leader of his own group and lead them with an iron fist, his ideology is correct. To the members of his group he is a shining star, a beacon of light and truth.
Contagious by Night Riots: Shadowpaw - This is more speculative but it seems to me that he could definitely start to think that he is bad, wrong. Because of the voice in his head. He is plagued with lies, just by existing he has broken the code. He has to remind himself, it isn’t his fault that he is shunned, looked down upon. But everything is wearing him down. Reminding yourself that it isn’t wrong to exist is tiring.
On the Line by Night Riots: Tawnypelt - Tawnypelt is the type to give all she has for her Clan. Sometimes she gets nervous but she fights through it because her Clan is what matters most. 
She Wants Me Dead by CAZZETTE: Crowfeather - This is just every female in Crowfeather’s life at him.
Bet on You by The Man Who: Mistystar - Back when Mistystar was known as Mistyfoot, she crtiticized her leader, Leaopardstar harshly. The latter did let her brother be murdered. Though Leopardstar would’ve risked her own life, among everyone in her clan’s life, had she tried to stop it from happening. Leopardstar made many mistakes throughout her life but Mistyfoot always came back to her, in the end she knew Leopardstar was only doing the best she could. 
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Darktail - Only he would say the most fucked up things while having a genuine smile on his face and making it sound nice. He only cares for himself, and a distorted love for his mother, painting her as this perfect being who was ruined by his father. I have no doubt that he would do all the things in this songs, given he were able to of course.
Crossing a Line by Mike Shinoda: Leafpool & Squirrelflight - This is all about the truth of Holly/Jay/Lion and how they want to tell them, but don’t know how, and just that whole mess is this song. 
Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz: Brokenstar - He is one of the most evil characters in the series, using child soldiers will do that though. He takes pleasure from seeing cats die, especially kits. He enjoys watching others suffer, especially if he can gain something by it. He forced WindClan out of the Clan territories because he wanted the extra hunting land.
Monster (Under my Bed) by Call Me Karizma: Tigerclaw - After his father left, Tigerkit felt alone. His sisters were dead, and his mother was heartbroken. He looked for friends in the shadows, hoping that they’d take form and want to play. It took some time but they took form in the shape of a cat. She was a transparent tortoiseshell, claiming to be of ThunderClan’s past. It didn’t matter to Tigerkit though, she promised to make him the strongest cat in the forest, in all of the Clan’s history even. That’s what mattered to Tigerkit. He wanted to be strong enough to take down any of his enemies and most importantly, his father.
Wolves (You Got Me) by DREAMERS: Fire/Raven - Firepaw is the new apprentice and oh no there’s a cute anxious boy. “Guess we’ll fall in love” they said, and then they did. Firepaw learned how to hunt, and fight. Though it was a bit harder because he was absolutely smitten with Ravenpaw.
Our Song by Vinyl Theatre: Sandstar (w/ Clan) -  (Med-Cat!Fire AU) This happens before the battle with BloodClan, when they’re still preparing. 
High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco: Hollyleaf - (Wind!Holly AU) - This is her coming home after leaving the tunnels and rescuing Dovewing, and Ivypool. She is welcomed back warmly by her mother, brother, and best friend (Heathertail)
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