#she turned an already weird scene even weirder and I can't get over it
diabeticgirl4 · 1 year
I just realized if tlovm season 2 covers (all?) the chromatic conclave arc, there's a good chance it'll include the perc'alia post-talk and bathtub scenes...
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bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
Girl of his Dreams- Prologue
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Pairing: Fuckboi! Jungkook x Reader
Au: Strangers to Lovers au
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3K (approx)
Summary: You think Jungkook is the utter definition of beauty. Jungkook thinks you’re cute but just not his type. Throw a magic ring into the equation, that makes you look like the girl of his dreams and you have the perfect recipe for heartbreak and tears.
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Walking into your art class you notice that your designated seat has already been taken by a boy. That's weird.
What's even weirder is that you have never seen the said boy before in your class. You say that with complete surety because there are only a handful in your class and this boy does not seem familiar at all.
Walking up to him you tap on his shoulders. "Excuse me, this is my seat."
The said boy turns to look at you and you frown when you realise you don't even have a clear view of his face as the majority of it remains covered by his hoodie.
Instead of responding to you, he moves a little to give you some space to sit on the stool.
There's a protest on your lips because how the fuck can two people sit comfortably on one small stool. But you decide on not voicing it because you know there are no other empty seats and asking him to just evacuate would basically mean him standing there awkwardly in the middle of the room, which honestly is harsh.
You awkwardly clear your throat and occupy whatever remaining space the stool has to offer.
"So are you new here?" The query leaves your lips a few moments later when you realise that you can't just ignore his presence considering how the right side of your body is almost entirely in contact with his left.
His fingers momentarily stop swiping at the phone screen and he looks up the slightest to give you attention.
He shakes his head and locks his phone. "Nah, I'm not here as a student."
If he's not a student then, what is he doing here?
He must have noticed the look of confusion on your face and he opens his mouth seemingly to clarify what exactly he is here for but the arrival of your art teacher stops him from doing so.
"Good morning, class," Miss Richardson greets the class as she settles all her materials on the table. "I hope you all had a good weekend."
The class comes up with mixed responses with a few people groaning and a few voicing their responses positively.
"Well that sure is a confusing response," she says with an amused look. "Well for those who had a not-so-good-weekend, I hope knowing that you will sketch a model today would be exciting enough to make your Monday."
A low murmur spreads through the classroom. That's a good response, you'd say. You definitely find yourself pleasantly surprised and excited at the thought of getting to capture the beauty of a model. The list of things she asked to bring for today's class, makes so much more sense now.
"Now, for today's model; his name is Jeon Jungkook and he's a fashion designing student."
All of a sudden you feel the warmth next to you gone, and the figure walks towards the podium. It takes a few seconds too long for you to realise what was happening.
Oh. He is the model.
"I hope all of you have your equipment ready and remember that you have to complete the sketch by the next two classes." She finishes. Once done, she turns to face Jungkook and gives him a small smile as if to tell him that from here on, he can do his thing.
And so he does.
It begins with him removing his hoodie which finally enables you to get a proper look at his face and fuck.
He's beautiful.
You did not think anyone could ever be this gorgeous and it honestly has you speechless. It's like one of those scenes from the movies where one of the main protagonist's eyes land on someone and they can't help but keep staring at them because they are the most beautiful creature on earth.
You believed that those sorts of things happened only in movies because that kind of breathtaking beauty existed only in movies. As it turns out, you were wrong.
Before you can gather your thoughts, he removes his t-shirt.
If you were in awe with how beautiful his facial features are, now you find yourself gasping for air after having a glimpse of his body.
Fuck, he looks sculpted, like a Greek god of some sort.
You feel butterflies flying merrily in your stomach as if they too want to voice out their agreement.
Unfortunately, the sound of low murmuring snaps you out of your daze. Looking around, you realise that almost everyone has their eyes on him and is in awe of his beauty.
It's when your eyes land on a guy who has already started sketching, do you realise that you too are here to sketch and that you too will only get three classes to finish this.
With a sense of urgency, you pull out your pencils and with a deep breath start sketching the beautiful man that seems to be straight out of your fantasies.
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As your classmates slowly but steadily empty the classroom, you find yourself lingering.
You can't help but run your eyes across the canvas with a scrutinising gaze, wondering if you like how it is turning out to be and if your pencil is doing justice to the man's beauty.
Jungkook strolls towards your stool to take his bag but his eyes land on the sketch.
"That looks weird."
You yelp in shock and turn to look at the person who thought it was a good idea to scare you.
However, you find your breath hitching when you realise that it's Jungkook. Even worse, he remains shirtless.
Gulping down the saliva in your mouth, you try to steady your breath and register the words that fell from his lips. "What do you mean it's weird? Is it not coming out nice?"
He steps closer and bends down a little to have a better look at your sketch.
His movements cause a wave of nervousness to wash over you. In an attempt to hide your flustered state, you pretend that your whole attention is on your canvas and that you are not bothered by the man next to you.
"It is nice, I'd say you captured the details well," his low timbre reaches your ears and his exhale hits the expanse of your back. Fuck, you had no idea he was standing this close. "I just never had anyone draw me before. So looking at a sketch of me does feel weird."
"Oh, t-that makes sense." You curse yourself for stuttering. Could you look any more stupid?
The stutter catches Jungkook's attention and his eyes move from the canvas to the side of your face. A smirk appears on his lips when he notices your fast breathing rate.
He usually doesn't bat an eye because girls getting flustered around him, is not unusual. He knows the effect he has on the female population. However, with how flustered and how desperately you try to seem unaffected, Jungkook can't help but find it cute.
Cute enough to drop a flirtatious comment.
"But I guess it's okay if such a cute girl like you is doing it."
The effect those words have on you are instantaneous. You flush and your whole body warms up from head to toe. Squirming in your seat, you clear your throat and pray that your cheeks aren't embarrassingly red.
Jungkook's smirk widens. He wonders how you'd react if he were to call you the l-word. "I'll get going then, love."
You choke on air. That reaction was worth it, he thinks.
Stepping a few steps back, he puts his shirt back on and swings his bag on his shoulders. "See you, next class."
You hold your breath until the sound of his shoes against the floor completely fades away and only when he's gone, do you let yourself relax and feel the rush of emotions and adrenaline.
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As embarrassing as it is, the first thing you do after going home is to search for his name on Facebook. There's just no way you're not searching up, the unbelievably good-looking guy, who also happened to flirt with you, on the net.
Thankfully, his Facebook profile is unlocked.
Clicking on his name you are greeted by his handsome face which stares back at you from the circle of his profile picture. You might have looked at it for a little too long, observing every single detail and wondering how a human could be this handsome.
Nevertheless, after snapping yourself out of your daze, you scroll down and your eyes fall upon the top post.
Models required.
For the upcoming inter-college fashion show, I need someone to model my designs. If you're interested, please meet me and my team on Friday in room no. 302.
One male and one female model would be chosen for the occasion.
You blinked at the screen and soon a wide smile spread on your lips. Isn't this just perfect? The perfect opportunity for you to get to know him better.
You have never modelled, you idiot.
A voice reminds you not so gently.
Although you feel doubts enter your head, you don't let your hopes get killed. Clicking on the comments section, you look for something that can provide you with clarification as to what exactly he is looking for.
One particular comment catches your eye as it is the only comment he has replied to.
Your eyes do a quick scan of the words and you find that it's a girl asking whether it's okay to try out even if she has no prior modelling experience. Jungkook's response to which is 'ofc it is'.
You internally scream thinking how perfect this is for you.
You take out your notepad and take down the details and also set a reminder on your phone, just in case.
However, with how long you stay on the net scrolling down his profile, you and probably even your FBI agent knows that there's no way you will forget about this on Friday.
Very unsurprisingly, you don't forget about it on Friday. In fact, you find yourself heading towards the room way earlier than the scheduled time.
It's on an entirely different side of the campus. It will take time to get there. That's what you tell yourself every time a voice tries to remind you that you're being far too eager about this.
When the building approaches, you feel a shiver of nervousness run down your spine. Is this going to be awkward? Is he going to recognise you?
The moment that thought comes to your mind, you chase it away. Of course, he's gonna remember you. It hasn't even been a week since the art class. There's no way he could have forgotten you this soon. Right?
With that little talk with yourself, you take a deep breath and step inside the building.
Having practised some modelling over the course of these few days from YouTube, you repeat the instructions you came across. Head held high, shoulders and back straight, and sway your hips and arms naturally. You can do this! (The last part was not in the video)
You find yourself being so narrowly focused on your way to the room that you miss the tall body that's heading in your direction. Although, the other party also remains blissfully unaware of the fact that they are heading towards you. Guess it's only fair that you two collide with each other.
"Owwwwww," you groan
"I'm so sor–Wait you're the art girl!" His pupils dilate ever so slightly in recognition.
Your eyes widen when you realise, it's him out of all people. Once the surprise wears off, you nod and a part of you feels glad to know that he indeed does remember you.
"So wassup?" He asks, genuinely curious.
Now see, you possibly could have replied to that question with anything. But with how caught off guard and unprepared you feel, you don't find your brain having the capability to come up with something cool. Hence, nothing but the truth comes spilling out; truth with the slightest bit of lie, mixed with it. "A friend of mine mentioned that you were participating in the inter-college fashion competition–"
You searched him up on the net. That's the first thought that comes to Jungkook's mind. How can he be so sure about it? Because he made the post only yesterday and sure he's popular, but not so much on Facebook because he's hardly ever active there. The chances of your said friend getting to know about it are next to zero.
"It's more like, I was asked to represent our college," that's the second thing that comes to him and he cuts you off with it. Call it him being cocky (which he knows he is), but there's a huge difference between putting your name in a competition and the college board preferring him to represent them. He can't have people making mistakes, can he?
Your mouth forms an oh and your eyes sparkle in wonder because how good is he exactly at fashion designing?
"That's great," you say. "I hope you win it."
"Oh don't worry," he says with his gaze locked with yours. "Pretty girls inspire me."
Now, he had meant for it to come out as a fact. Because that's what it is. But with the way his eyes remain locked with yours, it makes you assume otherwise. Makes you think that the statement is directed at you.
You clear your throat and look away from him. Gosh, your knees are gonna give away.
"That's good to know," you say in a meek voice. "I was actually heading towards room 302. You know, just want to give it a try."
Jungkook's brow furrows as he observes you closely.
So you searched him up on the net. Cute. But he isn't interested in you and he can tell that unfortunately, you took his meaningless flirting as him showing interest in you.
Thankfully, you seem like someone who knows how to get the hint. You don't seem like you will trail behind him like a lost puppy even if he were to make it clear that he isn't interested in you. Good for him.
He comes up with a quick plan which he thinks will send the message loud and clear. He has just gotta be honest.
"Don't waste your time with that darling," he says as he takes out his phone from the pockets of those tight skinny jeans of his. Before you can ask for clarification, he is speaking again. "You see this girl?"
You take a look at his phone screen which is now facing you and is currently displaying a Facebook profile page. Tina Rei. After some pondering as to why this name rings a bell, it clicks. She's the same girl whose comment you stumbled upon a few days back.
Not sure what he is trying to say, you nod.
"She's the one who's going to be my model," he says before locking the screen. "She's just so hot. One of the prettiest girls on campus. Can't think of anyone else better."
Your stomach sinks at his words. Oh. He already has a model.
"Then why have this whole audition thing?" You ask, trying not to interact with your thoughts at the moment.
"Don't want to seem like I'm being unfair you know?" He shrugs. "But thought I'd save you some time. Going inside that room won't be of any use. I already know who I want to work with."
You simply nod at his words. You don't know what to say. You feel so stupid for letting your teeny tiny crush get out of hand and although you never admitted it out loud, his flirty actions had you hoping.
"Lost your voice, art girl?" He asks with a teasing tone. You refuse to answer him verbally, yet again and simply shake your head, making him sigh. "I'll get going then."
He moves forward a few steps but stops.
Walking back to where you are standing, he bends down a little to look into your eyes. "Also, a small piece of advice, you should probably stick to art. Modelling is not for you."
And then he's gone.
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That day instead of going back to your dorms, you choose to go back home for the weekend.
Feeling angry with yourself, you find that you are not in the mood of interacting with anyone and desperately crave the comfort of home. Where you don't feel judged.
Thankfully, when you're greeted by warm hugs from your parents and gentle (very very aggressive) licks and kisses from your dog, you don't find it in you to regret making this decision.
A small smile manages to make its way onto your lips and you find your spirits being lifted ever the slightest.
Your dad watches you from the corner as you playfully give Jack belly rubs. He notices the way your eyes don't have their usual bright look and the way you seem as if something's been eating you away. He can't help but wonder what it is that seems to be bothering you.
Once you've gone to freshen up, he makes his way inside the kitchen.
"Do you think she's okay?" He asks in a tone that does not hide his worry at all.
Your mum takes a spoonful of the soup she's preparing and tastes it, soon letting out a satisfactory hmm.
"She's a big girl now, don't worry she'll be fine." Her words do not address his question as there's no point in denying that there's something that seems to be troubling you.
He sighs. "I know but I still can't help but get worried."
Patting his back, your mom lets out a huff in amusement. Two big kids she has got. "Don't worry, she's probably itching to talk to me about it. Maybe while we clean the dishes, okay?"
Your dad feels some of the tension leave his body at your mom's warm touch and nods with a sigh.
Dinner goes smoothly with you laughing loudly at your dad's exaggerated storytelling about the time he went fishing with his friends and at your mom's annoyed grunts and comments about how your dad has turned into a teenager. You laugh so much that you forget about everything. Temporarily.
Once you're alone in the kitchen helping your mom with the dishes, you feel the silence prompting your brain to be loud with its thoughts.
"Am I not attractive?" You blurt out of nowhere. But then it probably isn't out of nowhere.
You were so busy admiring and daydreaming about Jungkook's beauty that you did not stop to ponder the possibility that he might not find you attractive.
While the thought of your crush not finding you attractive is hurtful, the thought of your crush finding you unattractive is quite gut-wrenching. And something about the last comment he made before leaving, has you feeling all sorts of things.
Most importantly, it has you questioning if you really are unattractive. But at the moment, you're too scared to address that question, all by yourself.
Your mother's movements stop all at once. "What kind of a question is that? No never mind, I'll answer that– one of the most stupid questions I have ever heard."
A small smile appears on your lips at her dramatics. "It's a serious question, though."
She shakes her head as if to indicate that she won't tolerate any of your nonsense. Putting down the cleaning cloth, she walks over to you. "What is making you say all this?"
She keeps her tone gentle.
You sigh trying to hide the tears that try to leak out. "It's stupid."
"Nothing is more stupid than you thinking that you're not attractive." She quips and pats the top of your hair in hopes of giving you comfort. "Is it a boy problem?" She asks for clarification.
Feeling relief but also hating, how spot-on she is, you let it all spill out. You tell her how Jungkook just took your breath away. How he seemed to be the perfect guy. The guy you always dreamt about. How he looked like a literal prince. How he only stomped away after giving you hopes that you might have a small chance of being his princess. Not to mention, how that one comment made you feel insecure to ever be in front of him again.
Your mom's eyes soften. "Oh sweetie, come here." She wraps you in a warm hug and lets you cry silently for a while. "There's something that might help you."
You unwillingly retreat from her warmth to look at her. "What is it?"
"Just wait here," she says before swiftly getting up and heading towards her bedroom. You sit there and stare in confusion until she arrives. When she does, you find yourself thoroughly perplexed to find that she went to get a ring.
"A ring?"
She smiles. "Hmm but not just any ordinary ring. The one who puts this on you will start seeing you as their dream partner."
You blink at her blankly for far too long. "Huh? Mom, are you doing drugs?"
She throws her head back and laughs. "Thankfully, no, not yet."
"Then are you trying to check if I'm doing drugs?"
A chuckle escapes her lips and she shakes her head. "I get that you don't believe me but take this and try it out. Put that ring on the guy you like and let it do its magic."
Saying so, she takes a hold of your clenched fist and pries it open. Placing the ring on your finger, she looks at you and you can't help but feel even more disbelief when you see nothing but honesty in her eyes. "Take care of this ring, it's precious."
And then she's getting up, asking you if you'd like to sleep in her room as if she didn't just say the most absurd thing moments ago.
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America & Libi
America: This is gonna sound thirsty as hell cos it is 👌 America: your boyfriend's friend, Sean America: do I have a shot? Libi: 😂 Thirst away, I know he would be SO flattered Libi: Bobby isn't MY boyfriend, but that's by the by and so not why you're in my inbox right now Libi: well, he isn't dating anyone, that I know of, I'll ask Bobby to confirm but I'm like 99% sure Libi: and of course he thinks you're cool, you guys would be a sweet match America: He ISN'T? I thought - never.mind 🤫 America: anywayyy America: did he say I was cool? LOL yeah I really feel it now Libi: Everyone says that, don't worry Libi: we're just best friends Libi: Awh, don't be silly! I'm not going to go tell him word for word Libi: like that's not an exact quote but I know the few times we've hung out all together he's had a good time, specifically hanging out with you America: if you're gay I'm like really sorry for getting your hopes up with my thirsty opener! America: Sean does not deserve that quick of a U-turn from me Libi: Not, so you're totally cool and not on the gay girl shit-list Libi: not for this anyway, I don't know who is, officially Libi: He talked about your party for AGES after Libi: even though that got cut short 😕 did you get in so much trouble? America: The reaction from my sister alone would be reason to do it but I don't think I can commit that hard to you & that idea America: maybe if Sean says no America: I hope he didn't say anything about that part of the party when he was talking about it or I'll have to go crawl in a hole America: or bury my mam's boyfriend in one America: did you get to have any fun? I literally don't remember seeing you when we left your house Libi: Well, she is my biggest fan Libi: who's 💔 is theoretically worse, hers or mine rn? Libi: Just what we were all thinking Libi: which was that we thought that guy might keel over if he didn't 🤐 sooner rather than later Libi: so I'm glad you're already making funeral plans though not because that must suck Libi: no, we had a good time, lost in the crowd seems like the answer America: Jake is the only one with any power to 💖✂ her, don't worry, & she's my biggest fan for pointing out on the regs he's a waste of unblemished skin America: we were making all kinds of plans before she got 🍆💫 America: guess I'm on my own with keeping the good times coming ➜ Libi: 🤨 I'm not sure I've heard him say anything interesting before Libi: It's usually a lot of posing and preening, right Libi: but who am I to judge America: 🤣 I'm on the classroom floor rolling America: neither of them are looking for intellectual stimulation from each other Libi: 😅 Apologies to your teacher Libi: I'll pretend my 😳 is paint America: Miss visibly wants to get me diagnosed with something, it's a long-running thing we have going Libi: Like it makes them any more equipped to deal when they have a name for something Libi: must be a funding issue Libi: but that's a rant for another day 🤓 America: Sean is gonna have his work cut out now America: get your not boyfriend to tell him, game on, but he's in competition with you Libi: I'll go easy on him 😉 Libi: oh, and he is 100% single and 100% tried to read that message so America: misbehaviour puts him back in the 🏃 Libi: Damn Libi: Would helping you have a meet-cute with him bizarrely help my case? America: how cute? sharing in my sister's delusions is a turn off Libi: I don't think he's that kind of guy Libi: BUT it would not be weird for me to bring you along to hang with my not boyfriend and it wouldn't be any weirder if he asked Sean, casually America: which means what I've been thinking about him is right America: & you don't have to be disqualified for trying to drag me into some fake paradise where everyone is in love with themselves Libi: I mean, like all boys Libi: or most, I would be asked to ** in Libi: he talks a bigger game than he has, but I mean that in the best possible way, honestly Libi: he's nicer than he can sometimes sound, you know what I mean? America: me too, I hope Libi: You sound nice Libi: thirst and all America: I scared you away before, couldn't let that happen before I got what I wanted from you Libi: No, that was your mum's fella Libi: I promise Libi: I'm just not a party pro America: that's what I mean, before at your 🏠 I could tell you two were out of your depth Libi: I hope you didn't take it as a personal, you and your party thing though America: it wasn't my party Libi: Sorry, no doubt she'd be 😤 over my lack of distinction there Libi: you know what I mean America: I'm just a guest that she didn't really want there, like you Libi: I don't get the whole sibling thing Libi: only child perk and curse, I guess Libi: but I'm not anti-party or anti-you, for the record Libi: just less initiated America: & I'm not anti-anyone cos Chi is, putting that on the record while we're stating facts Libi: Fair enough 🤝 Libi: I don't take it personally from her, also btw Libi: how she has been about Bobs, moreso but that's not on you so like ❌ America: she acts like she burst out of her crib knowing how to do a smoky eye & what shots she liked best America: you've got time to get initiated if you want to America: & yeah, I know she's a dick about anyone not in her ⬛ of perceived coolness Libi: I've got very little shame in how far away from a smoky eye I was as a kid 😂 Libi: She's not the only one Libi: ⬛ are boring Libi: more boring than I probably seemed that night Libi: 🤞 America: I thought you were just 😍💖 America: that's a lot of people in my life right now though so that's probably why Libi: Oh God, you do not need to tell me Libi: I feel like EVERYONE is suddenly, it's wild America: & now me jumping into your inbox America: what's in the water? Libi: I'm sure the Bio teachers are screaming hormones right now Libi: 😬 gross but true America: Whatever the reason, I didn't mean to contribute to the 💖💣 in your face Libi: You're so beyond fine Libi: not anti-love Libi: or a nun America: you'd be in luck if you were, we aren't calling this love Libi: 😍💖? Libi: Gotcha America: interest America: the 1st I've broadcast Libi: Worth pursuing Libi: I hope I've helped confirm, anyway America: maybe we'll end up just friends like you & Bobby or < America: but I think he's worth pursuing Libi: no harming in 👀 or trying, right America: for the right people Libi: I'll drink to that Libi: not right RIGHT now though because that is paintbrush water and I've made that mistake before 🤢 America: vivid flashbacks to your pre-party drinking face America: shock & disgust Libi: Oh nooooooo 😭 Libi: really sold myself as life of the 🥳 Libi: 😂🙄 America: It wasn't any different for me, if you'd be there to see it Libi: No one is doing it for the taste yet are they Libi: I refuse to believe America: I don't think anyone's doing it for the taste ever America: wine or whiskey snobs only wanna show off America: & that's grown adults Libi: My granddad would be so offended 😅 America: If he wants to try & change my mind, I'll come over Libi: Sounds fun Libi: but also like a potential way for him to lose his license so maybe we'll keep it between us America: Why can't he use his words without bringing the 🍷🥃? America: it's like those people who are all about how 🌶🌶🌶 or rare something is America: you wish you were 💪 we understand Libi: I didn't know you just wanted a debate but that's cool too Libi: come over any time, like America: it's off the table at my house America: he'll start blowing a whistle & stop all verbal communication soon America: not a nun either so I assume I won't be into it Libi: Yikes, he should try getting a 🐶 or two Libi: even then, probably be disappointed, soz America: I'll pitch the idea as long as it ends in disappointment Libi: if he doesn't love puppies you know he's not the one America: I know that about him already America: What's Sean's stance? Libi: Good question Libi: I shall 💬 America: don't lie to score points yourself, I'll find out Libi: [so many dog pictures which clearly aren't just her and Killer but her and Twix and Bobby too] Libi: ➕ America: OMG Libi: Yeah 😎 Libi: they're old ladies now but they were puppies once [a throwback we just have] America: Miss is gonna live for this U-turn from 🤣 to 🥺 America: name that personality disorder, bitch Libi: Looking like a poor taste budget horror Libi: LOVE that America: get my good side with that 📹 of yours Libi: but every personality Libi: Got this 🎬 America: every personality's best bits Libi: I wish I could fix everything in post Libi: life would be so ✨ America: edit out Gary America: make Chi less of a cow America: make my other sister reappear Libi: So wild to me how your sister used to be 'round my grandma's at the same time I was and I really can only just remember those days Libi: what is she up to now? America: 😍💖 Libi: Ah Libi: of course Libi: like everyone else in the world America: but you know, with a rented flat & office job Libi: The grown-ups version Libi: I feel you America: I don't know what the fuck we're calling what my mam is playing at America: but yeah, give my sister more grown up points than that Libi: How long has he been on the scene, Gary? America: too long LOL America: but that'd be 1 date in his case Libi: I can't imagine how awkward that must be when it's your mum and your house Libi: it's bad enough when a friend or an auntie or something dates a dickhead America: she's dated fuckwits for as long as she's dated America: but they don't usually see a month in Libi: I'll 🤞 he's gone sooner rather than later America: Thanks Libi: You're okay, right? Libi: That might be weird to ask America: I guarantee it's weirder to answer Libi: You don't have to, that was out of line Libi: but if you wanted to, I wanted to give you the chance, even though all I can do is listen Libi: but we can as easily leave it America: I'm 👌 in the sense that he's probably not gonna murder us all in our beds Libi: That's always something America: but if your grandad decides to leave your nan, I'm down to move in & have nightly debates Libi: It's been nearly 60 years so Libi: he's either overdue or change or you're out of luck Libi: but you're still invited to come crash when you need America: unless Sean makes me a better offer, you win Libi: Of course, of course America: unlikely, I can't really open with please rescue me Libi: Might be a bit strong Libi: but the spare room doesn't come with any of those connotations America: Can I have the dog too? Libi: She'll have to decide for herself, it would be rude for me to Libi: but she's pretty chill as long as you give her treats or attention so it's likely America: What's her name? Libi: Killer Libi: I did not name her America: 😶 I don't really get to say anyone's got a shit name anyway Libi: What's in a name, the English teachers will chime in America: music teacher would probably say a lot Libi: **harmonize it, please America: [does as if we're not fully in class rn] Libi: Brava! 👏 Libi: so much better than whatever 'painting' I've managed this lesson, whoops America: that'll be my L to take for not shutting up America: sorry to your 🎨 Libi: We'll all survive, even if this not-masterpiece does not 🗑 Libi: painting is not my thing anyway America: I never got prime fridge real estate America: as an only child, you would Libi: Only child, technically, but my grandparents have ALL the grandkids, so it didn't always work out like that America: my nan has the same favourite as my mam so 🤷 America: consistency 🎊🎉 Libi: I don't need 3 guesses Libi: why is it Libi: is she most like them or what America: 👼 America: blue eyed, blonde haired fucking wonder America: my entire family IS that shallow Libi: Well I can say blue eyes are overrated and you can say blonde hair is America: skipping over the 🚩 of taking German when my family are basically neo-Nazis Libi: will have to get you out of my DMs stealth if that one rings true Libi: no negotiating America: I don't want to do the cliché plea of how different I am but like, in this instance, it holds up Libi: I'll hear it America: how does a girl prove she's not a Nazi around here? 💭 Libi: 😂 Can you prove/disprove a negative is a big 💭 Libi: too big for before lunch, I think America: Gary's existence proves a negative Libi: 📢🔥 Libi: He felt that America: 💖✂ Libi: If that's the order of the day, I'm not mad Libi: have played cupid once here so America: What about you? Libi: What about me? America: There's absolutely no 😍💖? Libi: Oh, nah Libi: not right now 🤷 America: Then you probably can't answer my kissing questions America: I think that practising on my hand has to be movie propaganda but pretending it'll be perfect & I won't 🤤 all over anyone has to be too Libi: I could try Libi: I've had some but maybe not recently enough to experience counts? America: this close to picking up a 🎸 & opening the floor for them but my sister would KILL me Libi: and Miss would fully be staging an intervention before you could get any decent ones America: even though she's literally a teacher & I'm asking to be taught something Libi: The hypocrisy 😏 Libi: I think the less you think about it the easier it is Libi: which is such non-advice I know America: 👌 have a drink & just do it Libi: lowkey, yeah Libi: nerves never help a performance, right Libi: sure your teacher would have to agree on that one America: Did I agree to putting on a show for him? 👌 I see how it is Libi: 😲 Libi: not what I meant America: No? Libi: I mean, do what you wanna Libi: but not sure he warrants that much effort yet America: 🤣 America: I hope he didn't feel that 💖✂ Libi: It's not shade so it's okay Libi: I covered that he's nice before I went there 🙃 America: Did he go out with Michelle? Libi: Our sources say yes Libi: couple of months America: A couple of months seriously or casually? You were there Libi: I think he thought it was more serious than it was Libi: but I don't think he's looking for that America: & they're 100% over, no hang ups Libi: Totally America: cos she seems cool, I'm not trying to start something Libi: She's chill Libi: he's a free agent Libi: and he's interested too, for sure America: the interrogation can stop 🎊🎉 it's not making me look very chill Libi: I'll never tell Libi: plus you've distracted me from a boring lesson so it's okay Libi: a favour, really America: I can tell you're an only child America: my sisters would use anything I said or did or almost said or did against me if they can Libi: Damn, should I be keeping these in my backpocket? America: realistically Libi: SO bad at this Libi: I'm a slightly better friend 🤞 America: Being somewhere in the middle of a total dick & and a good friend, I'm not the right person to help you get better at either America: partying though America: if you ever want Libi: It would be useful Libi: not gonna lie Libi: as you got what you wanted, like America: I'll knock for you Libi: 👍 Bobby can come too, right? America: yeah, he can join in too America: I won't insist that he kisses me but pitch the idea Libi: I'll 🏏 America: There's always something going on, even with my house being not enough like a morgue but simultaneously too much like a morgue Libi: Halloween isn't the only time for costume parties 👻🧛👽🤖 America: I knew I fucked with you Libi: 😏 Libi: people who think costume parties suck have 0 imagination America: or only wanna look a certain way Libi: that too Libi: heaven forbid you have fun and don't just sit there 😘 America: if Chi didn't feel that, I'll be the one 💖✂ Libi: you can always say it yourself and take credit Libi: on me America: ghost writer, there's a costume in that America: she doesn't just sit there honestly, but it's not about having fun, she'll do fucking anything but it's to keep everyone looking at her Libi: I guess that accounts for some of it Libi: Middle child syndrome is a costume too Libi: if a little abstract America: Favourite child too, but she's got too much wear out of that one as is Libi: No repeats America: worse crimes have been committed than tiara recycling Libi: Maybe Libi: but it's close America: you've got jokes America: I don't think you really need me to teach you anything to be fun at 🥳 America: I predict some kind of 📹 prank is about to happen to me Libi: If youtube pranks are still fun and cool, I'm gonna have to ❌ that because yikes Libi: I just, there's a lot of it that everyone else does that I don't see the point to Libi: for me, anyway America: You don't have to do things that everyone else is doing Libi: Technically Libi: I don't think everyone else is the PSA enabler friend/peer pressure pusher or anything Libi: but it does other you if you don't join in, to a degree, with a lot of it America: 👌 so when we get to your limit, stop me Libi: Okay Libi: but don't go easy just because this all makes me sound about 7 America: Miss wouldn't have oppositional defiant disorder on her diagnosis checklist if I went easy on anyone Libi: 😂 Libi: She's really gone through psychology today yeah America: she's clearly so bored America: & wishing she had talent to scout America: I literally can't have that cos I don't see teachers as authority figures in the first place Libi: Delusions of grandeur ✔ for her America: 🤣 America: sorry you can't control me bitch, call Gary & compare notes Libi: Maybe Gary should bring in his CV America: we'd both love to see more of each other Libi: Of course Libi: and he's the ideal candidate for hapless teacher #46 who can't control their class America: if he ended up 🤯 my mam would 😍😗 the little neck stump America: she's that far gone Libi: Again, I only have experience by-proxy Libi: but that usually ends up 🤯 everything else Libi: so I 👂 America: You heard right in my experience America: my da's got enough left of him to sign a cheque, I picture him like that Adam's family hand Libi: [does the clicks in a boomerang type thing] America: nailed it! Libi: You know Libi: didn't want to be the girl who makes everything about her dead parents Libi: but arguably I'm the proof of everything going 🤯 so I do know a little bit about it America: Shit sorry! I forgot Libi: Don't be Libi: it's good it's not like, forefront of the facts you can recall on me, if anything America: I know what you mean, from a family of attention seeking whores isn't how I like to advertise myself Libi: I'm sure I could make a claim for that title too according to the masses Libi: but neither of us need to 📢 America: send my apologies to Sean if that's what he was expecting America: I do need attention but it doesn't have to be sexual specifically, as Miss can testify Libi: I should HOPE she can America: She plays hard to get, for all her therapizing Libi: She in the 🏃? America: only in the fantasy land she's created Libi: Bless her Libi: any way to kill the day is this place's motto, I think America: 🎼 school song if I do some more harmonising 🎹 Libi: 🌹👏 America: Due credit to you & your ideas America: I couldn't be happier it's not a 😍💖 song Libi: Likewise Libi: so it's worth it and you're welcome Libi: I can give Sean your number, I presume? America: & any screenshots you've taken as mean girl practice Libi: Only the worst bits, obvs Libi: 😘 America: my ugliest sides 👺👺 America: Still not a nazi btw, I just realised the 👃 and brows are a bit anti-Jewish propaganda Libi: 🤔 What if you realizing that is racist though? Libi: conundrum America: well fuck Libi: Hypothetically though Libi: goes a bit beyond mean girl territory to accuse you of racism/fascism America: slightly yeah Libi: thus I would NEVER Libi: 😎 only America: you've seen Gary so you know my hatred isn't rooted in anything racist there America: 🎊🎉 Libi: Can back you up there Libi: nothing but warranted and fair America: Thanks Libi: Has he 💬 yet or is he playing it cool? America: Cool or his teacher is a dick 📴 America: hopefully he's not in a lesson with my sister, that'll turn him off Libi: Not ideal Libi: She's probably changed all her classes to match Jake's, right? America: 🤮 Libi: Too real America: the upside of Gary's regime is that I don't have to see Jake at my house on the regs Libi: Upside? Libi: That's the WHOLE appeal America: 👏 You're not one of the 'everybody' Chi thinks is obsessed with him 🎊🎉 Libi: I don't even know him, in reality Libi: so I probably shouldn't 💬 on him but the only times I've heard him speaking he's been being dismissive or rude so Libi: meh America: Nobody knows him in reality, they live a bubble 🏰👑 America: but when you party, you'll get to know him America: what a fuckwit he happily presents himself as Libi: 😰 Libi: as long as that's in the bottom 3 of the experience, not top, then it won't put me off the 🥳 as a whole America: don't worry, you're too pretty to have to hear the full 💯 Libi: ❓❓❓ America: I just mean, he'll frame it like a compliment for you, so it'll be easier to take or brush off Libi: Compliments don't mean much when they come from an arsehole Libi: 🤷 America: I know Chi didn't feel that Libi: We've all got our taste, I guess Libi: or lackthereof Libi: I'm making myself sound more and more like a nun by the minute America: Not gonna insist that you prove you're not Libi: 🤞 it'll become clear Libi: obvious lack of habit aside America: Excellent wordplay Libi: Do my best Libi: though as it's art, not english, probably not appreciated by anyone but you rn America: Graffiti is words a lot of the time & that's art Libi: That's a good point Libi: I'll have to see if he goes for it America: Good luck Libi: Do you like high school so far? America: maybe that's supposed to be a weirder question than if I'm okay, but I lowkey do like it Libi: Me too 🙃 Libi: Primary was really boring by the end America: I thought everyone would treat me like a giant baby but I've made so many cool older friends already America: & I refuse to give my sister credit for them ALL Libi: Yeah, I thought the same thing Libi: apart from the usual dickheads being like that to everyone whatever the reason, everyone's been pretty chill Libi: and it's nice that we have SOME say over what we take now, instead of just doing a bit of everything America: My even older sister, from your flashbacks, made this place seem really different America: in a bad way Libi: SAME Libi: not your older sister, that would be random Libi: my aunties and stuff made it sound like literal HELL though America: She is a LOL random type, honestly, I'd believe it Libi: 😂 Libi: No DM slides from either sister, we're 👌 America: that'll happen when she finds out you pimped me to Sean Libi: 😬 Libi: well when you put it like THAT America: jk she hasn't threatened anyone on my behalf since everyone was over my OUTRAGEOUS lies about who my da was & I got doxxed to prove how 🥱 he is America: Primary really did get boring by the end Libi: Like I said, no imagination America: what was your favourite lie of mine? Everyone's got one Libi: 🤔 Libi: Long haul lorry driver Libi: because it seemed the most realistic so everyone thought that one was true America: I tripped myself up when I added he witnessed that 🚽 murder Libi: Right Libi: and then suddenly it was all along route 66 Libi: 👎 America: it was a better naming story than my mam's real reasons, I stand by that Libi: Was she a big traveller or wishes she was? America: this would be the PERFECT time for an elaborate lie Libi: Feel free America: you're expecting it now Libi: Suppose that does take away most of the fun Libi: Everyone thought I made up all the stuff about my parents too America: Why didn't you? Libi: That's the thing, probably would've been more comfortable for everyone if I did, honestly Libi: guess the details made it seem unbelievable enough but it just didn't cross my mind, really Libi: I was just wanting to 💬 about them all the time when I was little America: I remember that! Not saying you inspired me to become a pathological liar with how cool it all sounded though America: I probably wouldn't even if Chi hadn't be so mad you gatecrashed her birthday party Libi: 😏 See, can't say I couldn't hang America: she'll still try to but she's said worse Libi: To be expected America: like a text from Sean Libi: Let's not get it twisted though Libi: not excited for it America: 😐 is me Libi: What emoji can I be/ America: 🥳 when I'm done with you, bitch Libi: 😂 I accept America: ask your not boyfriend when he's down & slide into my dms Libi: I will Libi: You can hit up Sean and ask him when he hits you up, finally Libi: I think he's gonna hit you up just after lunch Libi: to show he's casual America: 🐁🐈 America: I'll resist the urge to throw myself at him before then America: to show I understand how this all works Libi: Very mature Libi: or actually, not, but we have to get down to boy's levels America: he's about at our level right now, I think that's how the age gap works Libi: That's fair Libi: there's a lot of lads who still think we're diseased or are more interested in whatever game they are rn America: yeah, I don't know how much he knew about me before we met but there's no escaping that we only just got here America: an age based lie isn't happening Libi: No, that's not working Libi: I don't think you need to lie though Libi: he clearly wants to get to know you more too or I'd be awkwardly letting you down right now, right America: unless you're either too nice to do it or mean enough to want to see me make a twat of myself Libi: 🧐 Libi: Have to see, but I am neither, for the record America: catch me on the rebound 🕷🕸 Libi: All part of the plan America: I'll partner up with you in PE, give you a chance to make your move America: the seating plan'll fuck you over for the rest America: really would look like a nazi if I force Bekah to give up her seat for me like I'm your new BFFL America: 💖💣 Libi: Maybe we don't bring up the 2nd N word around her, like Libi: otherwise she's gonna be cool America: 👌 I'll 🤫 America: no casual German dropped into the conversation Libi: You wanna sit next to each other in German though Libi: the boy I sat next to is 🥱😴 America: The boy I sit next to did fall asleep recently so yeah America: I need to know if I'm 🥱 or he's 😴 & it's not about me Libi: 👋 It's a date Libi: 😘 jk America: they do like it when we roleplay America: 💐🕯🍷
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