#she's a cool robot lady in the third game but just a disembodied voice in the second lol
akuzeisms · 2 years
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@pessimistics cont'd ;;
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She knew he was overwhelmed by all the new places on the ship, but she couldn't help teasing him a little; he was figuring it out little by little, and at least for the most part, he'd managed to find everything. She wasn't expecting him to know every little nuance; the most she needed him to know was where the mess hall, med bay, captain's cabin, and armory were. Of course, she knew he could tell he wasn't in the armory, and was just playing along with her teasing.
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"Commander," she corrected gently. "Which, I know, is confusing. I'm the captain of the ship, or commanding officer, but officially I'm still a Lieutenant-Commander." She paused. "And a Spectre. Which just complicates things so much more. And I won't even get into marines who still use the army ranks over the naval ranks, even though they serve on naval vessels..." She wouldn't even get into that. It was difficult to explain how she followed the law, yet didn't have to. More like... a personal law of her own.
Her smile softened, hand reaching up to gently pat his cheek. "You're cute when you try." And it's something she greatly appreciates. "You are catching on pretty quick, though. I hope you haven't had to ask EDI too many times for directions." Not that EDI would have a problem with such; it was one of her many duties around the ship.
"Only twice in the last day, Shepard," EDI chimed over the comms. "Mr. Cohle has resourcefully found his way around solo, for the most part."
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