#she's a weirdo that simps for him idea that I've had for four years
beybladefanboy · 2 years
To people telling me that Motti is actually Johannes's sister. Believe me I definitely prefer this to the idea of her having some weird crush on him. Johannes being unable to find any other partner for the tag team tournament and being forced to ask his annoying little sister is a really funny idea. However, I don't get where that idea comes from. The wiki (a fan made resource) states it as absolute fact but it's never stated in the show (at least not in the English dub) and the show, seemingly regardless of dub, implies more that she has a crush on him.
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To be clear, this makes me uncomfortable because it feels like the episode is trying to romanticise this girl who looks to be younger than ten. I don't actually have a problem with her having a ONE-SIDED crush on him. Kids get crushes on adults or teens all the time, mainly celebrities or fictional characters, and it's a totally innocent, childish thing. As long as the adult/teen in question is... You know, appropriate about it. On-screen, Johannes only ever shows annoyance with her, thinking of her as a nuisance, snapping at her when she gets in the way, and only partnering with her in the first place as a last resort, which yes, does have a sibling vibe. Johannes does act like an older brother, Motti though doesn't act like a younger sister, besides maybe the part about needing a bribe to do anything helpful/nice. That's definitely something my sister would do.
The rest though... Who looks at their siblings like this? O.o
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That's just weird, even if it was for a joke, it makes me uncomfortable, especially the frame I won't show that puts the two of them in frame of roses staring at each other. That literally has to be in Motti's imagination considering the out there imagery itself and Johannes immediately snapping at her.
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Which honestly, thank you. That entire fifteen second stretch beforehand was really uncomfortable and I'm glad my new problematic fave doesn't have pedophilia on his track record.
So if they are siblings, then this is REALLY creepy and no thank you.
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