#she's a wyrm. she's a straight up wyrm who molted like PK
basilbellona · 1 year
for the oc ask
comet and crown for both velvet and dewstep
*Rubs hands together* Alright, my mad moth and the ruler of my foreign fan-kingdom! I'm especially glad you asked about the latter because I haven't talked about her on here yet.
Comet: What do people assume about them? Are they right?
- People assume Velvet to be soft, materialstic, and greedy. They're right on two of those— She is soft and materialistic. Colorful textiles, plush blankets, and amber arts tempt her too much. And children can wheedle practically anything they want from her (within reason). She's got a bleeding heart and an artist's eye. But she's actually pretty generous! Whenever she goes out or has guests in her palace, she spares no expense in making her subjects and visitors are comfortable. The only arguments that'd hold traction against that are that she buys up more comforts and commodities than she needs in her quest for good impressions (true) and that she demands high taxes from her people (false, that'd be her governors).
And as for softness, she may be the indulgent auntie of her kingdom, but she hasn't forgotten how to defend herself or her territory from years in the wastes.
People also assume that she socializes more than she works. And they're absolutely right. She's quite shameless about that.
- Moths in Dewstep's "present" assume he was blindsided by his punishment. The truth is, he was aware of what sort of consequences might befall him if he continued fraternizing with the Pale King. He just didn't take it seriously. As some of his generation thought, he was too confident his own charm to think he'd get punished so soon and he loved the king more than he loved the Radiance.
Crown: What do they want to be remembered as? Why?
- Velvet is a higher being who has lived long and has been many things throughout her life: a wandering beast, a circumstantial hero, a revered but aloof protector, and a beloved monarch. When she finally reaches the "current" point in her life, after shedding her larger form and becoming comfortable with mingling and ruling directly, I think she just wants to be remembered as a kind, effective ruler. Queen Velvet, the matriarch who hears all plights and answers them, who will make sure no child is without food, shelter, or comfort. She would much rather be that than any aloof, fearsome thing she was before.
(You could say she was literally transformed by the power of friendship, lol)
- For the longest time, Dewstep probably wanted to just be remembered. A spark that'd burn bright for ages and ages after he was gone. Maybe as someone with some badassery and coolness. Like all moths, he believed the self lives on in the memories of the living. Perhaps this, in part, motivated him to seek friendship with the new monarch. That and a desperate, secret wish to escape the Radiance’s rule and show she couldn’t control him.
Well, he got his wish, in one way.
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