#she's better at the whole unwavering cheer thing. he man voice oh my god do i try.
moe-broey · 4 months
Anyways I hope I'm not just the local Alfonse and Sharena blogger to you, I hope I'm also thoroughly Just Some Guy
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jj-bxby · 4 years
Where Do We Go? |Chapter Two| JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary - Y/N is a Mainlander who has just moved to The Cut. When she meets her new neighbor, she just may have found the family she’s been searching for, and more.
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gif credit - @rue-bennett
Word count - 4.1k (oopsies)
Warnings - Teenage drinking, mention of abuse, fluff at the end
A/N - Okay so I went a bit extra for this chapter, so please let me know what you think! And just ask if you’d like to added to the tag list for the series ❤️
JJ slung his arm around me, walking me over to the small bonfire his friends sat around. The bubbly blonde told me about how I would love his mates and I would become one of the pogues before I even knew it, and I sure as hell hoped he was right. We came to a stop at the fire, and JJ gestured proudly at me before exclaiming a little “Ta-Da!”
“Hey, you found Mystery Girl!” The brunette chuckled.
“Well, she isn’t a mystery anymore. Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are the Pogues. Pope, Kie, Sarah, and John B.” All of the pogues greeted me kindly, and Kie patted the empty spot next to her for me to sit down. “So,” Kie began, “We hope we didn’t bug you too much by asking you out here, it isn’t every day that someone new moves in!” She flashed me a smile. “And don’t worry, we don’t bite.”
“Except JJ.” John B grinned
“JB, don’t be a little shit, alright? We want her to stay, you doof,” Sarah said as she gave him a little push on the shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had to deal with JJ the whole way here. John B seems to be in the minor leagues compared to him, at least on the Shithead Scale.” Kie, Sarah, and Pope all laughed with me while JJ and John B looked at each other in mock-offense.
“Thank God we’ll finally have someone else who can put up with them.” Pope smiled.
“Oh yeah, it can’t get much worse than JJ scaring me awake and making me face-plant out of my hammock.”
“JJ did what, now?” Kie cocked an eyebrow at JJ accusingly.
“Okay, in my defense, I tried to wake her up calmly! She looked like she was gonna karate chop me or something when she shot up outta there!”
“Yeah, because waking a random stranger, who you have never spoken with, from her nap is sooo calm,” I teased. “But yeah, when he woke me up, I was not expecting it. He’s lucky I didn’t headbutt him!” I pointed at JJ, and he smiles.
“Yeah, don’t wanna damage the money-maker.”
“Oh yeah, that’s right. Your ego would have cushioned the blow.”
“Goddamn, girl, you’re gonna give J a run for his money,” JB chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah, Pretty Girl got me this time,” JJ retorted while he stood up, walking over to me. “C’mon, can’t leave ya empty-handed.”
I nod at him, accepting his outstretched hand to help me off the log. “Back in a minute, guys.” JJ led us both to the standing keg in the center of the beach.
“Can you tell if they liked me? Was I saying stupid shit?” I asked the boy, slightly nervous. This was a new thing to me: I was never one to care about what people thought of me, so why do I care now?
“Don’t worry, doll, they loved you,” he winked. “Not everyone can handle me and my—“
“I was gonna say cockiness, but that works too. But anyway, they love you. You’re a natural pogue, Y/N. I think Kiara and Sarah, like you, especially.” We finally reach the keg, and he turns to face me. “On tonight’s menu, we have beer or vodka with some strawberry lemonade Crystal Light. Pick your poison.” I chew on the inside of my cheek, suddenly finding the sand very interesting.
“So, uh, here’s the thing. I’m not really a drinker,” I begin, finally looking back up at JJ, who’s gaze never left mine. “And—“
JJ cuts me off, quickly. “Shit, I’m sorry. Look, you don’t have to pick anything if you don’t want to, it’s not a requirement or anything. And I don’t want to pressure you, you know?”
“Oh my god, JJ, shut up for just a second, okay? I was gonna say I haven’t ever drunk, so I don’t know what I like. I was gonna ask you what you thought I should pick, you dummy.” I giggle at him as he rakes his hand through his hair.
“Well, in that case, I’d say beer. Just don’t drink too quickly, ‘kay Pretty Girl? Don’t want you throwing up on me,” he smirked.
“Alright, beer it is, then.”
JJ knelt down to grab a cup and pour a drink, still chattering on about how I need to drink a glass of water for every cup of beer. It’s so stupid, but I was so in awe of him. This boy I knew nothing about just mystified me, everything about him did. The way his lips curled up at the edges whenever he said something he thought was funny, the curves and lines of his biceps, how wisps of his hair were caught in the starlight perfectly, and, oh my God, his eyes. They were so brilliantly blue. They were the kind of blue that made me hear Hawaiian waters in my ears. The kind of blue that brought a sense of serenity, despite the chaos around us. The brilliance of his eyes did not hide their depth — at least not to me. I could see the shimmer of midnight within them, and the kind of navy blue found in an endless, bleak cavern. Behind the cool, icy facade, there were storms dappled throughout the calm. JJ handed me my now full cup, and I opened my mouth to ask him a question, but a voice interrupted me before I could even begin.
“Found another Touron to fuck, aye, Maybank?” JJ’s head snapped to the source of the voice. Another tall blonde had walked up to us. This boy seemed to be the complete opposite of JJ: Gelled hair, board shorts, a pastel-toned shirt, and an air of arrogance surrounding him. He wasn’t calming like JJ, he was intimidating.
“Lay off, Rafe. She isn’t a Touron, she just moved to the island,” JJ spat. He then grabbed my hand protectively, seeming like he wanted to shield me entirely from the drunken boy’s words.
“Ah, so she’s a long-term fuckbuddy, then.” The boy, Rafe, cackled as he swayed. JJ just rolled his eyes and squeezed my hand in his, his eyes finding my own.
“He’s drunk, Y/N, don’t worry about him. Not that he’s any less of an asshole sober.” I nodded, and JJ faced Rafe again. “Go off to your Kook friends, and don’t fucking talk about her like that, got it?” Rafe rolled his eyes and ignored JJ, instead locking his gaze on me.
“Once you see his old man smack him around, you’ll change your mind about him, babe. He ain’t worth shit.”
I kept my eyes locked on Rafe’s as I spoke slowly, my voice unwavering. “Leave us the fuck alone. Now. I don’t care who you are, I don’t know you, but I will not back down to you. So you better stay in your damn lane. You seem like one to not fight girls, but I don’t discriminate.” I finish, and immediately turn around and head off towards the bonfire where the pogues were sat, tugging JJ along with me.
He stopped us and I spun around to look at him, glancing over his shoulder to see Rafe giving me a smug look as he took a swig of his vodka before I shift my eyes back to JJ’s. “Holy shit,” he breathed. “You’re a feisty one, Y/N.”
“Yeah, well I don’t exactly take kindly to people who harass my friends,” I sigh. “I’m kinda scrappy, I guess. At least that’s what my everyone used to tell me.”
“Friend, huh? I like it. And, look, I’m not looking to just fuck around with you, y‘know? If I told Rafe that, it’s all he would have fixated on.” His gaze falling to the sand.
“JJ, I get it. Don’t worry, okay?” I wait for him to look at me. “I’m a walking box of daddy issues, anyways,” I smile slightly, and JJ gives me a laugh.
“Well, damn, we have even more in common than I thought, Pretty Girl. Now, let’s head back to the fire, you need to relax after all that.” I smiled at JJ and noticed how his eyes flicked to my lips for half a second. Just friends, though... right? JJ guided us back towards the group, his arm slung around my waist, and I was definitely hyper-aware of every inch of his skin pressed against my midsection. I take a sip of my beer, trying to distract myself. Finally, we stopped at the bonfire, and everyone gave us a little cheer and a wave, and JJ pulled me down to sit beside him.
“Hey, was King Kook giving you shit, Y/N?” Sarah asked me.
“Yeah, ’cause we’ll mess him up if you want us to,” Kie butts in, giggling. “But seriously,” Sarah continues, “You looked pretty pissed off, did Rafe say something? God, he’s such a dick. And I can say that, ‘cause I live with him.”
“Ah, he was just drunk and pestering us, is all,” I say. “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
“Yeah, the pretty one can fend for herself, it seems. Not that I wouldn’t have stepped in if they threw down, of course. But, that being said, I would be pretty curious to see how badly Rafe would get his ass beat.” JJ grinned at me proudly, and I wiggled my eyebrows at him as I sipped on my drink.
“So, on a more serious note, what do you think of the OBX so far, Y/N?” Pope asked me.
“Oh, it’s so frickin’ gorgeous!” I nearly yell, and I bring my hand up to cover my mouth, surprised by my outburst. I giggle before I continue on. “Well, at least what I’ve seen of it, I guess. But I really can’t wait to go out on the water, of course I still need to find a boat somewhere, but the sea is so perfect for swimming. It would be damn good for fishing too!” I was pretty obviously excited, and John B grinned at me.
“Well, missy, you’re in luck. The HMS Pogue is in need of a drive again, and we were planning on going out tomorrow. You up for a little initiation ride?” John B asked, raising his eyebrow.
I smile widely. “Hell yes, I am!”
“Well, it’s settled. Tomorrow, you’ll officially become one of the pogues, Y/N,” Kie said excitedly.
JJ raised his cup, “To the pogues!”
“To the pogues!” We all cheered. Everyone began babbling together about things that needed to be ready for tomorrow — and whether or not they should push me off and into the sea to see if I can get back onto the boat as a ritual.
I smiled at the sight around me and took a swig of my drink, and JJ bumped his shoulder into mine before whispering in my ear. “See? I told you they’d love you as much as I do, Pretty Girl.”
I suppressed a shiver when I felt his breath against my ear, trying my hardest not to falter in my voice as I responded quietly. “Mhm, I’m pretty hard to not love, huh?” I brought my cup up to my lips again, and he cocked his eyebrow at me, his lips curling into a smirk.
“Goddamn,” he murmured as he shook his head. He glanced down at my cup and looked back up at me, concerned. “You better slow down, you know. I know you haven’t been drinking before, so… Just be careful, ‘kay?”
I rolled my eyes at him, sipping my drink again. “Oh don’t worry about it, I have to get used to it somehow,” I say, brushing him off. I can see that his brows are still furrowed, and I think for a second. “Y’know, if you’re really that worried about me, I guess you can stay at my place tonight.”
“Oh really, now?” He questioned teasingly.
“You’ll be on the couch, dumbass.” JJ just laughed, and his brows softened in relief.
“I like this arrangement. I’ll take care of ya if you need it, Y/N.” I nod at him, and I realize that I just invited him back to my own house, and I wonder when I became so brave. I turn away from JJ as Sarah asks if I’ve ever been scuba diving before, and I begin chatting away. As we talk, I can feel JJ’s gaze on me, and for once in my life, I don’t mind it. For once, having a boy pay attention to me was a good thing, even if it was simply him being a concerned friend. Eventually, I finish my drink and JJ pours some water into my cup, I mouth a silent ‘thank you’ to him, before turning back to Sarah and Kie.
“What brought you to the Outer Banks, Y/N?” Kie asks me.
“Oh, I guess it a bit of a long story. But… I think I just really needed a fresh start.” I say quietly. It wasn’t technically a lie — it was more of an omission. It was a long story, and I did need a new beginning, but I didn’t exactly want to say why. Not yet, at least.
“Hey, I think we’ve all felt that a time or twenty,” John B says reassuringly. “Do you have a job lined up out here yet?”
“Oh yeah, I’m teaching dance classes to little kids over on the North Side. I used to it back on the Mainland, too. Actually, I was a dancer myself back there.”
“Ooh, is it the one that’s brand new?” Sarah asks me, and I nod. “It’s only a few minutes from my house! You have to come over, Y/N!”
“I’d love to,” I smiled widely at Sarah.
“Here, gimme your phone, girl,” I laugh and hand my phone over to Sarah, and she enters her phone number for me. My phone ends up being passed between all of the pogues, all of them entering their contacts and sending themselves a text to get my number. I smile as JJ passes my phone back to me, finally, him being the last one to enter his number. Sarah is extra bubbly now; telling me about how she’ll let me pick through her closet, how we’ll walk on the boardwalk and see all of the small artisan shops, and how she wants to take me to the little ice cream stand that sets up every day near her house. “Kie, you have to come too, it’ll be a girls’ day! Don’t even start on how you don’t like unnecessary gender roles and shit, okay, it’s just an expression.” Kiara smiles and tells us that shes in.
“So if it’s just an expression, does that mean I can come too?” Pope asks, feigning a pout.
“Nope,” the three of us say in unison. “Look, we have to show her that there’s actually shit to do on the island, aside from working and fishing,” Kie says as she gives Pope a kiss on the cheek.
“And we have to get to know her too, duh. Can’t do that with you boys around,” Sarah smiles at me. “Don’t worry, we won’t do anything crazy, though.”
I smile back at them, and I tell them that I can’t wait for our girls’ day. I go to take a drink from my cup, only to find that I’ve finished my water, and I make a pouty face. I stand up, looking around. “Anyone need a refill?”
“Yeah, I do. You sit back down, though, I’ll run and grab some,” JJ tells me. I roll my eyes and tell him a little thank you before passing him my empty cup. I sit back down and see that everyone is looking at me expectantly. “Uh, did I do something wrong?” I ask.
Pope shakes his head, “No, no nothing wrong. It’s just—”
“We haven’t really seen JJ take to someone as quickly as he has to you,” Kie explains. “He doesn’t usually trust anyone very quickly.”
John B nods at me. “Yeah, the closest he gets is being flirty with Tourons that he wants to f— Ow!” Sarah smacked him on the arm to cut him off, and John B gave her a little glare as he rubbed his arm.
“It’s nice to see him actually let his guard down and hit it off with someone,” Pope clarifies, smiling kindly. “He’s a good guy, he just doesn’t trust people very easily.”
“But, he clearly sees something in you to change that,” Kiara adds. “I think he picked a good person to put his confidence into.”
I smiled to myself, appreciating the pogues’ reassurance. It feels like I’m actually surrounded by love for the first time in my life, and although it frightened me, it made me so happy at the same time. When JJ came back to us, we all laughed and drank for a few more hours, before finally deciding it was time to head back to our homes. We were able to walk together the majority of the way, but eventually we had to split off. Pope, Kiara, Sarah, and John B all headed back to his house, and JJ and I branched off to my own. Admittedly, I was quite buzzed. I was lucky to have JJ at my side, as I nearly tripped a time or two, and he caught me every time.
“Y/N, you’re lucky I decided to come with you,” he laughed. We had finally reached my doorstep, and I was facing JJ, my back resting against the door.
“Y’know, JJ, I wish I’d done more stuff like this back on the Mainland. Made more friends, gone to more parties. I would have had a much better time,” I told him.
JJ smiled softly at me. “As much as I may agree, I’m glad you didn’t. I’m glad I get to meet you.” I grinned lazily at him, fumbling for my keys in my pocket, eventually finding the right one and shoving it into the lock, twisting the key and opening the door. I kick off my sandals and JJ does the same.
“So, I don’t exactly have a guest bedroom, but I do have a futon couch.” I say, grabbing blankets and a pillow out of one of my packing boxes and tossing them onto the couch. “I’m so fucking tired.”
JJ sits down, and looks at me, tilting his head. “You know you’re one of us now, yeah?”
I think for a second, not sure how to respond. “I mean, I guess. For how close-knit you all are, I’m glad you guys accepted me.” His lips curled at the edges, and his eyes left mine.
“Me too, Y/N.”
I clear my throat slightly. “Well, the bathroom is down the hall, and the kitchen is right over there if you need water or anything, okay? And my room is just past the bathroom if you need me. Don’t need me,” I say jokingly. JJ smiles as he lays his head back against the couch. I walk off to my bedroom to change out of my clothes, wash my face, and finally lay down.
JJ had finally fallen asleep after nearly an hour of thinking of you. He couldn’t get you off of his mind; Your smile, your laugh, the curves of your body, the way he found you sleeping in your hammock that day. You had looked so peaceful, your features soft. God, he just wanted to touch you. He hadn’t wanted to fall for you, but from the moment he’d seen you that day, his heart had skipped a beat. It still made his heart quicken thinking about it.
Kie just pointed you out to all of them, and JJ had to keep his jaw from dropping to the ground.
“Hey, who’s the new girl, JB?” He’d asked, taking a sip of his can.
“No clue, dude. I didn’t even know the house had been for sale, honestly.”
That’s when he saw you looking towards them, and waved as he flashed you a smile. He caught himself staring for an extra second, studying the way your cheeks looked as they flushed with color, and the way the right side of your cheek dimpled as you smiled.
Sarah gave a small whistle when she noticed him staring. JJ snapped his head to her, flipping the bird.
“Ooh, JJ’s ‘boutta be whipped y’all.” Pope cackled.
“J, you don’t even know the girl! Try not to stare so much.” Kie said smugly. JJ groaned, and chugged his beer. He knew they were right, he was staring. But he couldn’t help it, he had never found anyone that attractive. Ever. Something within him felt drawn to you, like a tether being pulled in your direction.
JJ snapped awake as he heard a small yelp. He slowly relaxed back into the couch, until he heard it again. He stood up cautiously, trying not to bump into anything. He padded down towards your room, hearing soft weeping as he grew closer. He gently opened the door, only to find you with a tear-stained face, thrashing your head against the pillow as you whimpered. His heart hurt at the sight, and, without thinking, he sat on the bed, and gently woke you.
I don’t totally remember what my dream was to make me wake up with tears running down my face and choked out screams escaping my throat, I just know that it was JJ who held me against him as I woke. I do know that it was JJ who stroked my hair and told me that I would be okay, that he was here. I do know when I finally looked up at him, he was the one who wiped away my tears with his thumb. He was the one who kissed my forehead as he helped me slow my breathing. I know it was him who told me that it was okay as I whispered so many apologies through my tears. His voice was the one to calm me as thunder cracked through the sky, lightning illuminating the room. “Shh, Y/N, it’s okay. You’re safe. I promise. I’ve got you, okay? I’ve got you,” he mumbled to me, stroking my back. He continued holding me against him, murmuring calming things to me, helping me relax.
“I’m so sorry, JJ. I don’t know what happened. I don’t remember,” I whispered as I shook my head, my breathing finally evening out. “God, I’m sorry I woke you up. I’m so sorry you had to see me like that.”
JJ sighed, and he pressed a kiss to my hair. “It’s okay, doll. I always wished someone was there to do this for me. I’m just glad you weren’t alone.”
I pull back from his chest to look in JJ’s eyes, getting lost in their blue spell. “Thank you,” I whisper. He tilts his forehead to rest against mine. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, just as they did earlier that night. Boldly, I pressed my lips to his gently. And while JJ seemed surprised, he didn’t pull away. He moved his hand to rest against my cheek, his thumb brushing against my cheekbone delicately. I felt as though I was melting as he moved his lips against my own. I brought my hand up to his hair, finally able to run my hand through his soft mess of hair. We sat like that for what seemed like forever, our bodies intertwined as our lips slid together as thunder clapped through the sky. Until eventually, JJ pulled away, out of breath. “I… I shouldn’t have done that, have I? You’re drunk, Y/N.”
“No, JJ, I barely am, okay? I’m the one who started it, remember? God, I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment I saw you.” The words seemed to pour out of me, and I was suddenly exhausted. “I… I know it isn’t great timing. But I meant it.” JJ’s eyes examined my own, studying how my lashes grazed against my brow bone, and how gorgeous my lips looked despite being puffy. “Please, just stay with me tonight, JJ?”
He nodded slowly before laying back in the bed, opening his arms for me to crawl into, finally resting my head against his chest. JJ presses a kiss to the top of my head before mumbling quietly, “I won’t leave you, Y/N.” I finally closed my eyes again, listening to the fluttering of JJ’s heart and feeling his hands playing with my hair. I finally felt safe as I drifted off to sleep. It was the best sleep I’d gotten in years.
taglist ~ @hmspxgue @drewswannabegirl @jiaraendgame @midnightmagicmusings
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch.11 Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
A/N: I’m sorry I can’t really write battle scenes I SUUCK, but I do have a cute DadJeanist moment that makes me smile cause I wish Jeanist was my dad ;( (jk dad i love you but c’mon you’d want him to be your dad) I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist, or if I missed anyone! 
TAGLIST:  @rizamendoza808 !(: @iris-suoh !(: @quicksilverfangirl​ !(: @shortperson202 !(: @noodlenerd101 !(: @matchamidoriya​ !(: @thorsbtch-captainnoobmaster69me​ !(: @pastel-prynce​ !(: @sunkissedneptune​ @monetfatalia​ !(: @legit-fandom-trash​ !(: @lovethewitchofendor​ !(:
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The arena was finally cleaned up after a while, as it was left a mess after Todoroki and Sero’s fight. Next up to battle, you watched as Denki took his place followed by the girl from class 1-B. You cheered him on along with the crowds who cheered for another match, but your cheers along with everyone else's were short lived. Denki had let out a large amount of electricity, only to have it blocked by the girl, the vines that made up her hair had grown and trapped him. Even if he wasn’t trapped, the poor boy used too much and had short circuited himself. You heard a laugh come from Jiro behind you, before a voice drowned it out.
“That match was over in what, two seconds?” 
You turned your head to face the person, and to your annoyance it was one person you really didn’t want to see.
“Oh great, it’s you again.” You sighed.
“Oh hello again mutt, I take no surprise in your classmates loss. I knew it was just all talk when everyone said class 1-A was supposed to be so much better than us-” Monama was cut off as he was dragged down from the wall divider that separates the classes, another face taking his place.
“Sorry about him!” She said apologetically before taking her leave. 
No one said anything but you could feel the annoyance, surprisingly, coming off of everyone.
Well, almost everyone.
Izuku was so distracted by talking to himself he didn’t notice the little interruption that had transpired, too busy writing down strategies. You looked at Ochaco as she glanced back at you with a shrug, unsure of what to make of the boy and his antics.
“Uh, maybe you shouldn’t try to plan too far ahead, it’s not good to worry over nothing.” You spoke out softy, trying not to scare him by being too loud.
That didn’t work as well as you thought it would, since he jumped in his seat, turning to you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.
“Sorry!” He squeaked, “I didn’t realize I was talking out loud.. I just don’t get to see quirks from people outside of our class. This is an amazing opportunity and I want to make sure I can get all the information I can!” 
“Oh? You write everything down, don’t tell me you have info on everyone here too?”
“I do actually! Do you want to see? Here’s yours!” He flipped a couple pages back of the burnt notebook and stretched over the two boys in between you both to hand it off.
You grabbed it and looked at the page gently, you could feel Kirishima hovering over your shoulder to check it out as well. Izuku had a really neat sketch of you in your hero costume drawn out on the left side, taking up the entire page. While on the right side he had a bunch of information on you, including all your stats, strategies if he ever had to go up against you, and even some special moves he thought you could do.
“Wow Deku, should I be scared knowing you have all of this info on me? What, do you have my blood type too?” You teased.
“You drew her curves so good Midoriya! I knew you had it in you.” A nasty voice spoke up and you turned to look at him with annoyance.
“Give it a rest dude, that’s not cool to talk about a woman like that you know? Super unmanly.” Kirishima frowned, unimpressed at how pervy the kid could be.
Mineta just shrugged as you quickly closed the notebook so he wouldn’t stare at your drawing anymore.
“A woman's curves need to be appreciated.”
“Shut the hell up already, you fuckers are distracting!” Bakugou hissed out, shoving Mineta away from him and back to his place in the row behind him. 
He was already annoyed at the way you and Deku were talking so chummy, how you kept brushing shoulders with Kirishima. Because all he wanted to do was watch these losers fight in peace. Not hear your laugh, or worse, hear you praise Deku of all people. Now he had to deal with the little grape shit stain talking about you out loud? Why did all the attention have to be on you? Why were you always brought up around him? Why were you on his mind, especially when he should be thinking about his upcoming battle, even if he knew he was going to win. That smile you were giving him wasn’t helping either, why the hell were you smiling at him like that!? 
He thought back to when you brushed noses and with that thought he turned his head away from you in a hurry, feeling heat creep along his face as he remembered how close you two were. 
You gave him a smile of appreciation, one he outright ignored as he turned away abruptly. So you turned to Kirishima and smiled shyly for the same reason.
“He’s such a pervert, thanks.” You whispered.
“It’s my duty as a man and as a hero to protect the innocent from dangerous leeches.” He winked, speaking as softly as you were.
You giggled and looked back at Izuku who was still giving Mineta a look, you’ve never seen Midoriya glare so hard, it was a little weird. You didn’t like him without a smile on his face, so you grabbed his attention and attempted to put a smile there instead.
“Anyways Izuku, this is really cool. I always knew you were determined but this really takes it to a whole other level.”
It seemed to work, because as soon as he heard your voice a sweet and nervous smile was back on his face.
Izuku felt the blood rush to his face as he brushed hands with you as you gave him his notebook back. Your hands were so warm and your smile was so kind, he couldn’t help it. He felt annoyance at Mineta for saying those things about you, and it caused him to remember how Shinsou was talking about you like that too. No one had the right to talk about you, or anyone like that. Yeah you were pretty, really pretty, but that doesn’t mean they were allowed to talk about you like you were a piece of meat! 
His eyes widened a tad as he thought back to how he looked at you when you walked out with the other girls in your cheer uniform. Oh God, he did the same thing didn’t he? He was a pervert too wasn’t he! What a vulgar word! He didn’t want to be anything of the sort.
You watched as he shook his head frantically and laughed, not knowing the internal struggle he was going through. 
Your laugh broke him out of his daze and he couldn’t help the dopey grin that spread along his face. What was wrong with him?
“Let’s get ready to watch two new players duke it out! He’s the kid with engines in his legs, Tenya Iida from the Hero Course! Versus a fully equipped gadget dinamo from the support course, Mei Hatsume!”
“So it’s hero vs support huh?” Jirou muttered.
“I have no idea what this fight could look like!” Tsuyu said.
“Uh, what’s up with Iida’s outfit?” Sato questioned.
“Is he wearing gear?” You squinted.
Down below, Iida was putting on the equipment given to him from Hatsume herself. And after some reluctance and asking on iida’s part, Midnight had allowed it.
Even though the speech he made sounded like it was something Hatsume was using to make the playing field fair, she was doing anything but. Iida was being played like a fiddle and you looked on in pity. However, you didn’t stay to watch the end of the match, knowing your turn was up next. It seems Mina was already gone, probably in one of the waiting rooms available for the participants. You got up and went to leave as well, waving to those who wished you luck before making your way to one of the hallways that lead to the entrance. 
You took a deep breath tried to calm your nerves,  someone calling out to you while you did so. Your eyes went wide at the familiar voice and spun on you heel to see them walk up to you.
“Dad?” You grinned, attacking him in a hug.
“Hello sweetheart, you’re doing amazing.” He returned the hug.
“I’m glad you’re here.” You mumbled, enjoying the familiar denim the rubbed on your face from his hero suit.
“So am I sweetheart, it’s been surreal watching you perform out there. Although I am concerned on how reckless you were, is you arm alright?” He pulled away to look and touch your shoulder gently. Trying to analyze it for himself. 
“Yes dad I’m fine. I barely feel it now, and ‘sides, a little pain is nothing for this gal.” You laughed, pointing a thumb to your chest.
“Hm yes, I suppose so. A little setback has never stopped you.” He smoothed your hair down in an attempt to neaten it.
“I was also a little perplexed, to say the least, to see you and that Bakugou boy-”
“AH no!” You cut him off, embarrassment flooding your cheeks, “It was an accident, there’s nothing going on there at all.”
He looked at you with narrowed eyes and a raised eyebrow.
“I swear!”
He only hummed in response, accepting your answer for now. But you knew you definitely weren’t off the hook, the thought making you groan on the inside.
With the silence that stretched in the corridor, you felt your fears creep in once more.
“Dad?” Your voice timid.
“I’m.. I’m a bit nervous. What if I don’t win?”
“(y/n), the moments you feel like this is exactly why you remain focused and have an unwavering determination. This will lead you into victory no matter the outcome. Even if you do not happen to win, your victory will be in your perseverance and growth. Let your fear turn into your driving factor, give yourself a reason to fight. There is no reason to doubt yourself, you’ll always make me proud.” The corners of his eyes crinkled, indicating he smiled even if it was hidden behind his costume.
“Thanks dad, you’re right as always. I love you.” You smiled.
“I love you too sweetheart,” The announcement for you to make your way to the arena was heard overhead, “now go and make your mark on the world.”
“Right!” You gave him one last hug before walking away from him, and onto the field. The crowd was a blur, faces unidentifiable from here, but you spotted all your classmates and felt your determination harden. If they could be brave, so would you.
“Let’s jump right along to the fifth match! Is there some reason she has those things sticking out of her head? From class 1-A, Mina Ashido! Versus, our quick-witted miss who definitely has got the skills and potential, also from 1-A, (y/n) Hakamata!”
“I have this in the bag bestie!” An unshaken smile on her face, “sorry to say you’ll be losing!”
“We’ll have to see about that now won't we?” Your own steely grin present.
“Well let’s get started! Let the fifth match, BEGIN!”
You attacked first, sending off a blast off light that she immediately dodged with ease. 
“HA, you’ll have to be quicker than that!” She called out.
She was using her quirk like skates, her acid granting her a slippery path to glide along, making it easier to dodge your long ranged attacks. She had always seen you use long range attacks, and you wanted to use that to your advantage. She probably assumed you weren’t as skilled in close combat, but that’s where her downfall would be.
She rushed at you and you quickly bent the light to wrap around your fists and upper arms, hardening while retaining its heat. You braced yourself as she threw a punch, counter attacking as she pulled her hand back quickly due to what you assumed was the burning. You brought your own arm up and tried to catch her off guard, but she managed to dodge the first swing, but she failed to notice your left jab coming straight after your right hook. 
She cried out as she was thrown back, catching herself before she flew out of bounds.
“Ye-ouch! That’s hot!”
You lunged again but this time she knew better than to let you get close, she skated away from you, keeping her distance. She flung her acid in your direction, but missed. Several times. So you kept up the charade of dodge and attack while trying to figure out why she wasn’t aiming for you. A crack alerted you and that’s when you knew, she was trying to make the whole area fall apart and give you no time to collect yourself, making you fall out of bounds. What a great idea.
Forming a plan, you got to work. Assaulting her with beam after beam from both hands, not giving her time to rest as she had to stay on her toes to make sure she wasn’t hit.You made your way closer to the edge, giving Mina the impression she could trap you there.
“I’ve got you now!” She shouted.
“You sure?” You asked.
She looked confused and you knew it had worked. While she was inching her way closer to you in hopes to knock you off, she failed to notice that now she was standing very close to the area that had been damaged with acid earlier.
You sent a large beam of solid light straight next to her feet, the most unstable part of the arena. She thought she dodged your attack, but instead landed on now crumbling cement with a yelp. You used this distraction to your advantage, crouching low and kicking the air as you did. Solid, yet cooled, light shot out from your outstretched foot. The momentum knocking into Mina’s back and sent her tumbling to the right and face first out of the boundary. 
“Ashido is out of bounds! Hakamata shall move on to the next round!” Midnight announced, the crowd going wild.
“Well you saw it here folks, finally we got our first real action packed battle! Thanks girls!” 
You walked to Mina and extended your hand to help her up, which she gladly took. 
“Well I guess I spoke too soon didn’t I?” She snickered, pulling herself up with your help.
“Maybe just a bit, but you were a worthy opponent nonetheless.”
“Oh you know it!”
You both laughed as you walked off the field together, no hard feelings present. You did feel an overwhelming amount of relief and happiness though, even though you knew there was more battles, you let yourself enjoy this win.
Walking into the long halls you saw the next participant walking towards you both.
“Oh hey Momo!” Mina yelled out with a wave.
“Hello girls, good fight from the both of you! And congratulations Hakamata, I’ll be looking forward to our fight once I win.” Momo smiled.
“Well I’ll look forward to it!” 
“Who are you fighting Momo?” Mina wondered.
“Tokoyami. He has a pretty impressive quirk, so I’m going to have to be cautious and execute a phenomenal plan.”
“Well I have no doubts you’ll do great.”
“Thank you Hakamata-”
“C’mon Momo, call me (y/n)! Don’t worry, I’ll still let you call me it if you beat me. If you can.” You joked.
“Alright, you better be careful what you say (y/n), karma may favor me after your boasting.”
“Me? Boast? Never!”
You all giggled, wishing Momo good luck before parting ways, her heading towards the arena while you two continued your journey to the balcony. Once you arrive, you notice Izuku sitting alone in the front row by himself, so you took a seat directly to his right. As soon as he felt your presence he grinned, eyes wide in wonder and happiness.
“(y/n)! That match was really incredible! Like, the way you were able to maneuver Ashido by the unstable part of the arena without her noticing? It’s such a smart tactic to think of on the spot!”
“Way to rub it in Midoriya!” Mina huffed, crossing her arms with a pout.
“Sorry! You did really well Ashido, I knew this was going to be an amazing match! But (y/n) you’re power is so incredible to see in action! I mean, I already knew that it was and I told you it before when I wanted you on my team earlier, but I just didn’t realize there was so much you could do? Is there a limit on how far you can make the light stretch? Or how hard you can manipulate it? We’ve already seen you use it like bracers or gloves and as beams but like, is there a way to-”
“Shut the hell up shitty nerd! Quit fangirling and rambling like an idiot!” Bakugou rolled his eyes and stood up.
He walked away from the seats, deciding to wait in one of the training rooms to get some peace and quiet before his match. What was Deku’s problem, looking at you like some puppy dog? He acted as if your win was a surprise to him, which was just stupid because he was praising you and your quirk to the tail man before you went on, so what gives? Bakugou knew you were going to win, while raccoon eyes didn’t seem that bad of a fighter, you were the one on his team after all. Which was something that made him smirk, knowing you chose his team over Deku’s. Ha, he knew it. He knew he was better than that loser, and it seemed you knew it too. So why the hell were you always talking to him?
Your eyes followed Bakugou’s form as he stalked off, before turning back to comfort Izuku whose face had gone bright red from being called out.
“Thanks Deku! But, I do have to keep some things a secret you know. Can’t have you knowing all of my tricks now can I?” You winked.
“Uh yeah of course not!” 
“So Midoriya, who do you think is going to win this one? Since your prediction for Hakamata’s match was right?” Oijiro asked as he leaned forward, his arms crossed and on top of the seat to Deku’s left.
As he trailed off answering Oijiro’s questions, you felt yourself blush. He had gotten the last prediction right? Meaning he thought you were going to win, did he have that much faith in you?
“Now lets not let this hot-streak cool! Time to move onto the 6th round! This guy is offense and defense in one, the dark samurai and his darker shadow! From Class 1-A hero course, Fumikage Tokoyami! Versus, the great creator! She was admitted on recommendations and we could see why from the previous matches! It’s Momo Yaoyorozu who is also a Class 1-A student! So let’s get going, 6th match, BEGIN!”
You watched closely, knowing whoever won this was going to be your opponent for your next match. While you had faith in Momo, knowing her quirk was incredible all on its own, Tokoyami was also someone with a powerful quirk.
As if to prove your thoughts, Tokoyami wasted no time by having dark shadow ram into Momo’s shield relentlessly. She could barely react and it was apparent that she was flustered, seeing as she was pushed out of bounds in under thirty seconds.
Your eyebrows drew together while crossing your arms at the fact you would have to go up against him. It was a little troublesome, since you weren’t sure how dark shadow fared in physical attacks. He took a direct hit from on of Bakugou’s explosions, but as far as you could tell there was no damage done while he blocked it.
“Tokoyami is way too powerful!” Deku’s mouth dropped, and all you could do was hum in agreement.
You hoped you could figure out some type of plan to win, you came this far and there was no way you were backing down now.
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lildowdow123 · 4 years
MLQC Guys being jealous (slight NSFW for Vic and Lu)
Hey everyone, I'm glad that people like my last piece so I decides to make another one. Hopefully you guys like it too. There may he some spoilers. If so I'll put it in ** so you can just be a Goldman and avert your eyes. Btw, in these, you're dating the s/o in question just to clear up any confusion
Also, feel free to drop me a message to ask me to do a particular scene. If I can, I'll do it
Exel own the bois
Lets get to it
Victor slight NSFW
Normally, its us who has our green eyed monster rear its head. Contenders for our medusa stares are socialites wanting to get a piece of Loveland's most eligible batchelor (like Chik) , the new pretty interns who spends a little too long with Victor
It is a rare event when the tables are turned and it is Victor questioning himself on weather he has it in him keep you with him. But rare isn't a never
At events like the LFG charity ball or an Investors evening, any occasion where MC dresses up and gets a little fancy, the CEO's blood pressure begins to rise when he sees how much male attention you get. Not in a creepy possessive way. More a jealous way.
You're chatting with another business owner, just making polite conversation with the man. Of course you get compliments on your outfit or maybe your hair. You're god damn gorgeous
The conversation gets more and more friendly. Small lines are dropped here and there like "Wow that colour really goes well with your eyes" or "It suits your figure" until soon enough he is asking you back to his place after this
You're a little taken aback by the offer at first. "Oh I'm really sorry.." you try to start. A shadow looms over you. The charming sexy devil in his suit has arrived
An arm finds his way around your silk covered waist, pulling you to him. He won't say anything unpleasant or nasty, the boi has decorum but he will make sure this man knows you're his
"Who's this MC?" Victor asks, his cold stare not moving away from the other man. He will hold his free hand out for him to shake while he introduces himself, not giving a damn about the mans name. He wont be around you two for much longer
"Victor Li. I'm with MC" and with that, the poor other man knows you're not available
His chit chat is far less flirtatious now that LFG's bossy bitch is standing with you anchored to him
After the event, when you two are driving back, feel free to give him a small rant on how the other man was just being friendly and that he shouldn't have scared him shitless. He may not take it seriously and argue that he was flirting with you and that he will not let someone else lure away his woman
A long night of jealousy/make up sex will follow as soon as you get back to his place. He will dirty talk you sometimes if you make him jealous. Things like "do you like my cock? Only I can make you feel this way" He'll take you all night and make sure that you have forgotten all about the other man
Tbh, I find it really hard to imagine Kiro getting really jealous. He is always so bright and cheerful that it would be hard to see his green eyed monster. So forgive me if this is a little wishy washy
You and the backstage team are preparing for an episode of your show which Kiro will guest star in. He is getting prepped to be in front of the cameras when he sees you talking to one of his crew. It's pretty normal stuff. Communication between your team and his team is key to make this run smoothly so he doesn't pay that much mind. He just watches Miss Chips pull the concentrated face you make (also, it's been pointed out to me by another Tumblr writer that MC is an acronym for Miss Chips) because it's cute to see you get passionate about your work
That is something they all really appreciate about you
His attention is turned away from you and back to his makeup artist who is nearly done and just needs him to close his eyes for some setting spray but when he opens them again, the stagehand is much closer and leaning in for a kiss.
Miss Chips is leaning back away because she is already in a relationship with Kiro but the boy just keeps closing in.
Not on his watch *SPOILER: He has to stop himself from having a full on Helios moment with the guy*
"Hey, Miss Chips. I'm ready do you need me anywhere?" You hear the chipper voice of your star and boyfriend call out as he walks up to you, planting a kiss on your forehead. Stage boy backs up a little, seeing Kiro place his metaphorical stake on you.
He won't scream or shout or threaten violence on the boy. No, his way of expressing this jealousy is much more passive aggressive way. His smile will still be bright and his voice as happy as ever but after MC explains that she was just telling the guy that she needs the lights checked or something, he adds "so please do that now" in the most delightful tone he could muster
He might as well have said fuck off to the guy
He wont wait until they have privacy, he will make out with his MC as the backstage crew busy themselves around they, pinning the rest of you to the wall *SPOILERS kind of like that Kiro Kiss date* May earn some raised eyebrows from Kiki and Willow and a huff from the make up artist as his lip balm gets all over you.
One word is needed to explain how BirdCop will get jealous on this. That word is Shaw
The guy is the embodiment of sexual energy, probably most teenage girls fantasy. Sk8ter boi with a nonchalant outlook on rules and authority with enough big dick energy to power New York. Now, MC isn't a teen anymore but it doesn't mean that you're not immune to his flirtatious charms
He was reluctant to let you meet his brother. In fact, for a long period of time he was completely opposed to it. Then, you two ran into eachother on the bus. Ooops
Ever since, whenever you two interact, Gavin feels the need to be around in some way. Weather it be with her, tuning into the Wind FM to feel that is happening or flying around wherever they are. It could be thought of as stalkerish but it comes from a good place..I think
Irrational things would be flying around his head. I mean, it's his brother. Jesus! "He's not even that much taller than me! And younger than me! How could he even attract her?"
Shaw being Shaw is sure to make some kind of comment that is bound to set Gavin off. It probably would turn into a fight. Like, not even a civilised wrestling round, like a proper bitch fight brawl. He'd tackle his brother's ass to the ground and start punching, maybe hair pulling so he can keep punching. Shaw would be putting up one hell of a fight just to bruise Gavin. Poor MC has to try and break up this shit
Later, once the fight has stopped and MC has managed to get Gavin away, she has to ice him down and try to patch up some of the scrapes that he had gotten.
Mother duck MC comes out in spectacular fashion to scold him, telling him not to do that again. Gavin will probably explain why he felt jealous of his brother but will do so with the biggest blush ever. Poor thing is a bit insecure about you and his brother but you'll find a way to try and ease it for him
Lucien slight NSFW
The man has a cool calm demeanor and a confidence that seems unshakable. Damn he looks hot while giving his lectures at Loveland Uni
Being the hot as hell POA that you are, you turn the heads of some of the university boys there. I mean, really. What's there not to love about you. You're fucking cute
He may not show his jealousy but it is there, building like a shaken coke bottle. Watching a guy sneak small whispers to you during his lecture? Not going to go unpunished.
Has the manners not to call you two out in front of the entire class but after his lecture ends, you best believe that this man is going to make the two of you stay behind.
Once all the other students have filed out of the lecture hall, he will begin. In his low, unwavering voice he will say to both of you (but mainly the guy since he did most of the talking) "I don't appreciate being talked over in my own lecture hall. If you don't have the courtesy to let other students learn, then I urge you to leave." He says, all serious. The small smile he usually gives you will not be there. It's more than just a light scolding.
Once he dismisses the other student, who leaves a little scared of how the professor talked to him, he will give you your scolding by going to the seat behind a desk and patting his knee. He takes off his glasses and gives you one of those piercing stares that let you know that he is deadly serious
Even if you protest that he was the one who started talking to you, he will not even say a word. His eyes will never leave you as you try convince him. This man is a bad jealous (not bad bad but pretty bad at handling it)
After you finally bend over his knee, he will pull down your trousers or skirt and tug down your panties, letting them pool at your bent knees. "You know that I don't like to share you MC" he will say in his deep voice
You'd best believe that he is making you count each one and thank the professor. You can feel his fingers occasionally dip down to tease you a little before returning to your now pink ass
20 spanks and a whole round of orgasm denial later, he will send you on your way but tells you to come over to his place later where you will continue...
I hope you enjoyed that. I am sorry if Lucien was a little short. I'll try to do better next time. If you have any scenes you want in particular, feel free to leave me a message and I'll do my best to complete it
Thank you
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totallytubulargirl · 6 years
Aversion (Donatello X Reader)
Rating: R for rusty crusty and dusty (lmao also for the sex)
Universe: 2016
Who: Donatello x Reader (oneshot)
Age of the TMNT: 19
Authors note: Hi! I have lots of stuff done but have been feeling really insecure about my writing so I haven’t posted any of it, sorry ! This was steamy to write also thanks to everyone in the discord chat for taking a look at the rough draft :P You can DM me for an invite link! Also I’m messing with the text to see if it adds to the reading experience, let me know (:
Summary: You seek refuge from the heat above ground but find the same heat between you and Donatello underground. He’s afraid to hurt you but wants to make love to you so badly, how will you relieve the tension?
It was a hot summer day, the ground was sticky and the earth seemed to be radiating heat from the skies and beneath the dirt. The city was the meat in between, compressed into a heat sandwich. [Y/N] hated to be out and about in the concrete jungle that was New York City with this kind of weather but she was seeking refuge, where she knew it might be cooler. She walked into an almost empty alley, skirt still against her thighs as sweat beaded down her neck onto her chest. She panted heavily as she removed the heavy metal plate that lay on top of the manholes. An old man stood at the back door of his small apartment watching the girl climb into the sewers, but it was too hot for him to care and too bizarre a sight for him to even know if it was real, or just an illusion that came and went with the heat. She climbed down the damp steel ladder, and almost immediately felt better. There was a light next to her, but the rest of the sewer was cold and dark. A good sign; usually lights meant sewer maintenance people with questions. She ignored the awful smell and stood a moment to catch her breath. Her lungs filled with the cool air and she felt better. She stood on a platform, looking around, just above the running stream of gross things. God I hate the dark, she thought.
“Boo!” Yelled Michelangelo, pouncing on her from the shadows. She screamed, punching his chest in self-defense, before she knew what she was doing.
“Ow!” She yelped. His plastron felt like rock and her small knuckles were no match.
“Are you ok!?” He covered his mouth with both hands, a little out of shock but mostly so he wouldn’t laugh out loud at her misery. She rubbed her knuckles and whimpered, although her ego was more bruised then her hand.
“Mikey!” She scolded, “what are you doing here?” He giggled a little before composing himself.
“I was riding my skateboard down here when I saw someone coming down,” he explained. “Sorry.” She smacked his arm lightly and he lost his composure, breaking into laughter once again,
“Oh whatever, you are not sorry,” another whimper escaped her thin lips. Michelangelo was still stifling laughter.
“Let me walk you to our place to make up for it,” he grinned. She intertwined her arm with his,
“Well it would only be fair,” she looked at him content in making him suffer by taking the long walk back. He slid his skateboard onto his shell, clicking on a light attached to his side, so they could see where they were going.
“So is it getting hot up there?” He casually asked.
“Unbearable,” she gasped, grateful to be underground where the air didn’t seem as thick.
“I’ve heard things are getting pretty hot down here too,” Mikey teased and she rolled her eyes. She knew he was referring to her and Donatello. She was glad for the darkness lest Mikey see her cheeks giving away her embarrassment.
“I mean hot enough,” she bit her lip nervously. It wasn’t that there wasn’t anything going on. “I know we’ve been dating forever,” she sighed, unable to explain it to Mikey. “But it’s really not like that.”
“Why not?” Mikey asked, kicking rocks at his feet as they walked, not really paying attention. She took a deep breath in preparation of the emotionally exhausting mess she was about to dump on Michelangelo.
“It’s not like we haven’t done stuff,” she looked down at her flip flops scraping against the damp cement in the dim light of the sewer. “We do lots of stuff,” she sighed hesitantly. “Just not it.”
“Oh, I know,” Mikey giggled, focusing on his rocks. “Donatello talks about it all the time,” he glanced at her for a second before losing focus again. “Trust me, he really wants to do it,” he said bluntly. Michelangelo was never one to keep secrets. She blushed but needed to know more. [Y/N] could hear her own heart pulsating loudly in her ears, she wondered if Mikey could hear it.
“I’m the one who keeps-“ she cut herself off before looking around, hoping no one else even had the chance of hearing her. “I’m basically begging him to sleep with me at this point,” she whispered. Mikey burst out laughing. “You’re rude!” She let go of his arm and smacked it.
“No,” he stopped, bending over to laugh. “I just-“ he wiped a tear from his eye. “You beg Donnie for sex?” He questioned her. She felt so embarrassed, hating to repeat it,
“Yeah so?”
“The thought of you begging anyone is ridiculous,” he couldn’t help it. “But especially Donnie?” He wiped a tear from his eye. “He’s such a dork!” He exclaimed, “I would betray my brother and have sex with you right now,” he chuckled, “and I still think it would be worth it.” She laughed, knowing that he was just trying to cheer her up.
“He’s just afraid of hurting me,” she said as politely as she could. Donatello was afraid that he would be too eager too soon, that she would never be able to handle a being of his size, and he would never be able to control himself. Mikey laughed some more,
“You should see Raphael!” She laughed, knowing that Mikey was just trying to get her to smile, or was he? She shook the thought from her head as they finally approached the entrance of the lair. “Listen,” he said, with steady eyes. “I know Donnie can be weird but you should remember,” Mikey crouched down and finally picked up the rocks he had been kicking down the sewer the whole way home. He suddenly took on Master Splinter's accent, “In matters of style, swim with the current,” he let a couple of stones go with the stream that ran at her feet. “But in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” He placed the heaviest rock in the water and she watched the stream run over it, but it sat, unwavering.
“Damn, Michelangelo!” She exclaimed, impressed with the wisdom he was able to convey. He laughed, suddenly himself again.
”Wait, what just happened?” He pointed to the inside of their home before she could say anything else, “pizza?”
“Actually,” she walked in, seeing Raphael and Leonardo sitting at the table right away. “Hi guys, I’m just going to go see Donatello.” She waved to the three boys and walked towards his lab, where she assumed he would be. She could feel her heartbeat speeding up and her toes instinctively curl in her shoes and she stopped in her tracks. What would she even say to him? She wanted him, she wanted him so bad she could practically jump out of the clothes she was standing in. She took a deep breath in order to slow her heartbeat down. She didn’t know what she would do or say when she saw him, all she was sure of was what she wanted from him. She forced open the rusted door that seperated Donatello from the world, the one that always kept him in his lab for so long. [Y/N] could hear soft muffles coming from somewhere in the darkened room. She stepped in as Donatello fumbled off of his chair, things crashing onto the floor around him, “Donnie!” She reached for him but he stood up, his shell turned to her. The door shut behind her and a table lamp lit the room poorly.
“Uh- I didn’t-” she could see him buttoning up his pants up and looked to his screen only to see a picture she had sent him of her in the bath earlier in the week.
“Donatello!” She exclaimed when she realized what he was doing. “This is crazy!” She approached him. He turned towards her, unable to make eye contact. “I’m here for you,” she blushed. “I can be what you want me to be.” She could feel tears burning behind her eyes but she refused to cry in front of him, especially because of this. She crossed her arms. Michelangelo was right, she shouldn’t have to beg anyone for anything.
“You’re everything i’ve ever wanted,” he said softly, still staring at the ground. “That’s the problem.” She took a step towards him.
“But Donnie,” she cooed. He knew what that voice mean as it had led to so many things before. He stepped back and fell onto his chair. She reluctantly sat on top of him, reaching into his already unbuttoned pants, gripping him at the base of his cock, and running her palms along his shaft. Her hands were damp but it came in handy. “I want you so bad.” He could feel the heat in her breath against his mouth. Donnie was afraid but he wanted her too,
“I want you too but-“ Donatello could almost fall for the hypnotizing way her hair swirled up and around his shoulder. He shook his head but even that wouldn’t clear away his thoughts, “I can’t,” he gasped as the tip of his cock poked through her hands again and again. “We can’t,” he balled his fists and his toes curled. “It’s a physical-” his head spun. “It’s a physical-“ She went for his neck dragging her tongue up his jawline as her hands went faster and faster,
“Please Donnie.” She whimpered and his heart swelled with need. She just wanted to try; he leaned back allowing her to spread her legs wide over his lap. Her pink skirt gave way against her thighs but her panties were stuck around her knees.
“Here let me just-” Donnie fidgeted with her panties before deciding it was ruining the mood and just ripped them off, “there.”
“Fuck.” She tried to hold back but she couldn’t help it.
“Sorry,” he feigned but could see the thrill in her eyes as she giggled slightly. Donatello softly took a hold of her chin, looking her in the eyes. “You’re sexy.” He smirked, driving her crazy all over again. She kissed him, slowly dropping herself onto his cock. She could feel his width at her opening and she could already tell he was way bigger than anyone she’d ever had before. With a slight buck of his hips, he broke her threshold.
“Oh fuck!” She couldn’t help it. She dug her nails into his firm biceps, grateful for the scaly armor that kept him from bleeding. His girth pulsed inside of her, pushing her to her limits, but it felt oh so good. She could feel his liquid against her walls, paving the way, melting like warm butter between them. She got halfway down his dick before she lifted herself up and down a few times for relief. She could feel Donnie tighten his grip around her,
“Am I hurting you?” He groaned, genuinely concerned but unable to put many coherent thoughts together. She bit her lip,
“No it feels-,” she let out a moan. “It feels really good.” She said, her face flush with desire. Donatello’s heart swelled with courage and he dared to push a little deeper into her, she slowed her hips down again and rolled into him, taking in all of him. She could feel a slight twang of pain but every other nerve in her body sang of ecstasy, “Don I think I’m gonna-” she raised her hips up and down again making him curse softly. “I’m going to orgasm Donnie.” She whined, trying to keep the rhythm of her hips slow but failing. He wrapped his large hands around her plump ass, grabbing a handful and helping her lift up and down faster and faster, “oh fuck.” She moaned, getting louder. Donatello could feel a warmth balling at the center of his body, “Shit!” She yelled as sweat melded the two into one, bodies entwined with each other and arms wrapped around one another. The heat she had been so desperate to escape manifested itself in her body. Donnie felt an explosion coming from within, as [Y/N] screamed her orgasm into the night. “OAH FUCK DONNNIIIIEE!”
He groaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, cum springing from him like a fountain into her warm pussy. He slipped out of her and she slumped against him, panting. She sat with, wrapped in his arms until their breathing matched in rhythm. [Y/N] closed her eyes, laying her head against his plastron as he played with her hair. She felt warm and safe in his arms,
“I love you Donnie.” She said quietly.
“I love you too, darling.”
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