#she's doing a new series but i still maintain she could split off into vito and massimo's stories lol
mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
I would probably, currently, rank the Kings of Italy series (all of which are basically 5/5 for me, with some negligible "maybe this is a 4.5-4.75" stuff due to quibbles) as follows:
Mafia Madman--an all time favorite for me. I just can't resist a villain romance, and I think that what makes this work for me a LOT is Gia really standing up as a heroine in a super strong, unafraid to be "problematic" way; which makes her a perfect match for Enzo, and makes Enzo a perfect match for her. What gets me with them is that you get the sense that they're both two of the smartest people in the room (even when they're dumb, which is usually about each other) and would be bored with anyone else. Also, the scene where she bites him hard enough to draw blood and he's like "THIS IS THE ONE" lmao.
Mafia Target--probably the most swoonily romantic of the series, I think. Giulio and Alessio just LIKING each other too much to murder one another is great to me. I love their little murder journey, the way they always have each other's backs, the REVEAL!!! THE PAIN OF THE REVEAL!!!! How tender they are despite knowing they shouldn't be because they're just in love, dude. Also, one of the best meet cutes of all time, still thinking about it.
Mafia Mistress & Mafia Darling--I think this duet is like, arguably the campiest love story in the series, which is why I love it. Fausto is so funny to me; his inner monologue is always "!!!!!" he doesn't understand emojis, he and Frankie do THE MOST over each other. I also really love the way she challenges him to be not only a better partner for her, but a better father to Giulio. Giulio and Frankie's relationship is amazing; Giulio and Fausto's relationship makes me teary lol, the place it ends up at is just... really heartrending lol.
Mafia Virgin--I just read this, so it may move up! And this is not at all a knock on the book, it's a 5/5 on GR for me (a 4.75 on Storygraph, only because of something that really has nothing to do with the romance that I am probably more sensitive about than the average reader; and there was one thing teased that I could've used followup on, maybe she'll add it in a newsletter scene lmao). And I love this one. Giacomo ends up being such a softie, and I really love his insecurities re: people thinking he's stupid, it's something we don't see enough of in romance heroes because it's truly REALLY vulnerable. I also loved Emma's curiosity, her resolve, and..... I loved.... what they were about..... It's a simpler plot with simpler emotional conflicts than the others, to me, but it's still so well-done and I don't want to take away from that. The series just sets a super high standard, and again, someone has to be at the bottom!
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