#she's from the same litter as roxas and FD
tittyinfinity · 5 months
My friends' cat's name Bingus fits her so much. if you pet her she starts getting up and falling over repeatedly lol
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
Getting cats was the best investment I ever made for my mental health, oh my god.
Alright now I gotta talk about how much I love them and I know this is gonna be long but I HAVE TO
I was only supposed to have one. My friend's cat was pregnant, and my brother and I planned to adopt one each.
A week before I got Roxas, Thronk showed up and adopted us. She was abandoned by her previous owner at the apartment complex. Every day, she'd run up to us to pet her. Then one day, she climbed up to my second story balcony and decided she was ours. Of course I kept her.
Then I got Roxas. Matt asked what color kitten I wanted and I said to surprise me. She brought me Roxas, a little white kitten who's identical to his mom.
About a week after that, my brother asked me if we could hold onto a kitten for him until he moved. He wanted an orange cat because he already had an orange cat named Pluto. He wanted to name his cat Friendly Demon after the main character in the book he's writing. I brought FD home with me. After a week or so, when me brother was ready to move, FD and Roxas had become inseparable. They were cuddling and playing all day every day. I couldn't give FD to my brother. So he grabbed a different orange cat from the same litter, Zeke. This was August or September of 2021.
Fast forward to November of 2022. My friend Matt needs us to babysit my cats' mom and siblings. She had 2 (or 3?) more litters since my babies were born.
(Pausing to type that I've been writing this for over an hour because my cats have been climbing over me this whole time and hate that I'm giving my phone attention. They keep pushing my phone away and meowing at me until I pet them)
Anyway. Babysitting their mom and siblings. The first time we babysat them, one of the cats was immediately attached to us. Her name was Sunny and she was so small that I thought she was one of the kittens. She was always begging for tummy rubs and purrs louder than a motorboat. I told Matt that I wanted her when I move out. Then comes December, and we're babysitting the cats again. This time, when they come to pick up Sunny, she absolutely REFUSES to get back in the carrier. I told her to just go ahead and leave her with me.
I renamed Sunny to Midna. I was wondering why she never got any bigger. I found out she's only 5 months younger than my boys and she'll be 2 next month. She's definitely the runt out of all her siblings.
Fast forward to now. I moved back in with my mom, who didn't want any cats at her house. Suddenly, Thronk started BLOSSOMING. She used to hide away from the other cats. But here, she didn't have to be around them as often. My mom ended up falling in love with her and decided that she's hers now. Thronk is now Skittles and my mom will snap if you call her Thronk. She's now allowed to roam the entire house freely while my cats stay in my room (and get to go out occasionally). Thronk (sigh. Skittles) is now happier than ever, and I have 3 cats to take care of instead of 4.
Having the 3 cat siblings is PERFRCT for me. They love each other SO MUCH. They're always cuddling with each other. They play together. They all beg me for my attention and I always have a cat to love on.
In moments that I feel sad, they come and cheer me up. I always get so happy and excited to see my cats. Before then, I was having negative thoughts all day. Eventually, it actually TRAINED MY BRAIN OUT OF THE DEEP DEPRESSION. When you have negative thoughts, it leads to more negative thoughts. I started having more positive thoughts around my cats. It brought more positive thoughts. THEY CHANGED MY LIFE.
Anyway, I love my babies so much
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
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kitty photo dump! these were pics i had saved on my laptop from when i lived at my last place
White cat: Roxas
Orange cat: Friendly Demon
Gray/black cat: Skittles, previously Thronk (she's my mom's cat now)
Roxas and FD are brothers from the same litter! These pictures are from before I got their younger sister Midna. Midna was born in the litter after them, 5 months later.
FD is currently laying on my arms making it very hard to type but he's purring so loud and i love him
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