#she's my beloved cringefail pope
fayesdiary · 7 months
Rhea's quests during White Clouds are so fucking funny. She asks you to invite her to tea and then thanks you for inviting her afterwards. She sees some distressed students and has you give them weed to help them feel better.
You deliver her a love letter from a student who didn't even think you'd actually do it and now he wants to die from embarassment, meanwhile Rhea shows no reaction but you just know she spent the rest of the week anxiously wondering how to politely reject him without breaking his heart or have him cower in fear. I also refuse to believe this is the first love letter she received because of how long she's been around and also, bro have you seen her
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fayesdiary · 6 months
Rhea for the "send me a character" w/ the "first impression, impression now, etc." ask game!
Cringefail pope my beloved💚
First impression
The days of 3H pre-release are long gone, but from what I remember I didn't think much of her beside her being another Mikoto archetype which I didn't have any interest in. (especially because this was back when I was still on Reddit and by extension the Fates Bad™ circlejerk)
Then I think I remember seeing a screenshot of an official tweet that went something like "fight/destroy the Church of Seiros in Fire Emblem Three Houses" (nevermind it happens in only one of the four routes and the most villainous one at that) so I was something like "welp. guess she's the villain of another Evil Religion™, whatever."
Impression now
She's my favorite Fodlan character, something I never saw coming.
While I have my issues with how she's treated as a character (mainly being relegated to the red herring for Edelgard in Part 1 and the late Nabatean infodump only to then die in Part 2. You know, when she's not completely absent or treated as the scapedragon. In general she's treated with the "tell don't show" approach Fodlan writing loves) they are definitely mitigated by all the small details that make her so interesting. And while I find her lack of spotlight and moments where she shines at her best incredibly frustrating, I'll admit that digging beneath the surface and starting to see who she actually is as a person is quite fun in its own right.
She's a truly kindhearted, deeply flawed and quite cringe woman. Of course I love her.
Favorite moment
Funnily enough, her weed quest. Not just because the sheer concept of the pope indirectly giving weed to her students is hilarious, but because if you look closer you'll notice that every herb she gives seems to fit the specific students a bit too well to be a coincidence (for example Bernadetta's herb is said to give her the courage to strike a conversation, Marianne's gives her a more positive outlook on life and Ignatz's boosts his self-confidence).
This shows that while she feels unable to get close to the students on a deeper level, she's clearly paying enough attention to them to know the general things they struggle with and tries to secretly help them, and it's really sweet!
Idea for a story
I've been entertaining the idea of a Silver Snow rewrite (AKA a scenario where getting an A support with her changes the entire route instead of just the ending) where Rhea is rescued early and becomes the de-facto lord. Featuring character development where she finally starts to actually talk to the students and her loved ones, Dimitri in a secondary role because I think the dynamic between her and early-timeskip Dimitri, not to metion in a context where Edie's already dead, has some insane potential (also makes for a nice foil to CF).
Also changing from her requirement to survive from being A Rank with Byleth to being A rank with all of her support partners. AKA overcoming her fatal flaw allows her to not only survive, but live.
Basically her learning to stop compulsively keeping secrets, openly talk and get close to others again and rely on other people on a deeper level. You know, the good stuff!
Don't count on it ever actually getting written beyond a few posts though. I know my limits :(
Favorite relationship
Romantically with Catherine, platonically with Cyril!
Unpopular opinion
I mean, this is Rhea we're talking about.
Liking her to begin with and not treating her like she's responsible for everything wrong in Fodlan is already unpopular to begin with.
Also people severely overestimate the political power she actually has.
Favorite headcanon
As a joke headcanon: Rhea has been every single archbishop in the past as well, so to keep humanity from finding out she's a dragon she faked her death every few decades... in increasingly ridiculous ways.
It got to the point where the Seiros faithful believe the position of Archbishop is cursed, and whenever people act concerned about her because of it Rhea is grateful for it but at the same time is internally laughing her ass off.
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