#she's nevrer believed in him like Mobius has she just gives him a certain clarity on his own actions
sunflowerdigs · 7 months
The thing to me is, if you don't think that Mobius is a good love interest for Loki, then I'm really stumped as to who would be a better candidate for that role in his life.
Mobius studied Loki's entire life, saw every single bad thing that Loki had ever done, and he didn't see a villain despite the amount of death and destruction that Loki has caused. He saw a very lonely person with incredible potential/power struggling to find his place and his purpose. He liked the Loki that attacked New York, he felt like he had range. Like...what else could any potential love interest for Loki do that would top seeing and understanding him so profoundly?
To me, it's just like...if not Mobius, who? Sylvie is nowhere near as invested in a relationship with Loki as Mobius is. No one else both genuinely cares about Loki in the way that Mobius does or is able to communicate and work with him as well. So, I guess I just wonder...what else does there need to be in a love interest? What part of the role does Mobius not fulfill, what is he missing? And who would fulfill the role better than he would? Who is understanding and caring for Loki better than he is? Who would make Loki happier? I've literally never seen Loki smile as often or as bright as he does with Mobius so...what else is there?
Like, you're not going to get a better love story for Loki specifically. Heck, I question whether a better love story exists for most characters. I love their friendship, obviously, and if it were to remain a friendship it wouldn't hurt the canon in any way. It just seems to me like if Loki is going to have a love interest ever (which he seems to want)...why create someone new when Mobius is right there performing basically every function that you could ask for in a love interest for Loki? At this point in his story, whose relationship with him could be more profound? It wouldn't be right for him to fall in love with someone else while his relationship with Mobius remained his most important, which I think it inevitably would.
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