#she's prepared for anything and often has stuff like a first aid kit tools and snacks on her in case she encounters someone in need
ophionyx · 1 year
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Sketch that got a bit out of hand of Picea, a skydancer who controls will o’ the wisps and guards the Gloomy Hollow. I’ve tried to design her before but I like this scaly look for her. I think I want her to be a shingleback with feathers.
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shiroslefttesticle · 6 years
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All of these kids deserve so much appreciation, I was happy to do this one
It was like you were living in Satan’s ball sack
You were considering peeling off your skin
Shiro was laying next to you, equally as miserable
Yall weren’t actually cuddling though
It was beyond too hot for that
You just cuddled in spirit
Apparently, the a/c was broken
Part of you felt sympathy for poor Hunk and Pidge who were working hard to get it working again
The other part of you was growing irritable that it was taking so long
You grumbled another complaint and Shiro finally sat up
“I’m going to get some water, do you want some?”
You nodded numbly, wondering if you’d die from a heat stroke while he was gone
“A couple cubes of ice please,” you mumbled
He nodded and walked out of the room
After a couple minutes, he returned
You sat up and greedily accepted your glass of water
As you drank, you could hear Shiro giggle
Pausing, you peeked over your glass, staring at Shiro as he laughed into his hand
“Shiro?” you started, growing suspicious, “Did you do something?”
Shiro bit his lip but you could still hear him giggling
Finally, he was able to speak
“You asked for a couple ice cubes,” he interrupted himself with another giggle, “but I only gave you one.”
You glance down at your glass, seeing the one floating ice cube and a small grin forms on your face
Shiro is laughing so hard at this point
And you join in
What kind of fucking dork is your boyfriend?
And did he really just pull a prank from SpongeBob on you?
Soon you’re laughing so hard at just what a complete nerd Shiro is that you don’t even notice the a/c finally come back on
When you finally stop laughing, you have to wipe tears from your eyes and could hardly breathe
Shiro is grinning from ear to ear and you feel yourself melt a little
“I’m so lucky to have you”
Really, who else could make you laugh this hard when just a few minutes ago you felt like death?
Shiro smiles softly, his cheek a light pink and he returns your comment
He kisses you sweetly and you two spend the rest of the day finally cooling down while telling various stories and joke
Inspired by this
When Keith stepped out of his pod, you nearly tackled him to the floor
He had been gone for a month on a blade mission and you had missed him
He kind of chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you and stood you two back up
You two heard the doors open behind you as the rest of the team walked in to greet Keith
Reluctantly, you separated from each other
Keith was always a little reserved with pda, mostly because Lance and Pidge, and occasionally Hunk, would give him a hard time about it
Still, he kept his hand intertwined with yours, rubbing his thumb across it and lightly squeezing from time to time
Finally, you two were able to break away from everyone
You walked to your room, glad to have your boyfriend back
You two sit in your bed for a while
You catch Keith up on all that he’s missed while he was gone
And he fills you in on the details of his mission and all that happened
Soon you two fall quiet, just soaking in each other’s presence
The silence only breaks when you suddenly tell Keith how much you missed him
He kisses your cheek, saying that he missed you too
“I thought of you constantly,” he admits
Then, to prove his statement, he gets out of bed and walks to his bag that he left by the door
He rummages around for a second before finally finding what he was looking for
Hiding his hands behind his back, he smiles at you, a small blush on his cheeks
“You have to close your eyes.”
Your curiosity is almost overwhelming, but you comply, holding both your hands out
Keith places something down in them
It’s small, solid, and has rough, somewhat sharp, edges
Slowly, you open your eyes
In your hand is a rock, a little smaller than a 50 cent coin
At first, you think it’s just a shiny, black rock
Which is pretty and all, but a little underwhelming
But then you turn it over in your hands and it shimmers
It stuns you and you audibly gasp
Holy shit it’s gorgeous
Finally you look at Keith, who is now sitting next to you, still blushing
Without you even having to question him, he shrugs, a little embarrassed by his own sweet gesture
“I don’t know, I just saw it and thought of you and how you would probably like it.”
You feel yourself grin
Sure it was “just a rock” but it felt like more than that
It meant that Keith really did think of you while he was gone
“I’m so lucky to have you,” you smile
Keith grows even more red, quietly mumbling that he feels lucky to have you too
For the rest of the day, he keeps replaying your words, blushing every time and sometimes stuttering
You hadn’t been feeling too great recently
All the stress from recent events was getting to you
Lance was quick to pick up on this
Before you could even say anything, he practically demanded that you partake in one of his self-care days
This was actually something you two did together quite often
But this time Lance was determined to make it all about you
So here you were, sitting in a pile of stolen pillows on Lance’s floor
You were trying desperately not to kick your boyfriend out of reflex as he tried to give you a foot massage
Tried being the keyword because you were squirming so much
It tickles, ok??
As you bit your lip to muffle your laughter, Lance was relaying the hottest gossip the space mice shared with him
You thought the mice only talked with Allura about that, however, they seemed to like Lance
Their gossip was actually quite interesting, and you eventually abandoned your efforts to keep quiet
Bursting out into laughter, you threw Lance a look of disbelief
“Keith sings what in his lion??”
Lance shrugged, laughing with you as he finally let go of your feet
Next you two were doing facemasks
Lance always had a bunch of special ones that he had made himself
And they were all so good
You picked this green looking one for today, and Lance slathered it on your face liberally
As you and Lance sat next to each other, still laughing about random shit, you couldn’t help but really think about how nice this moment was
Apparently, you had fallen silent while daydreaming a bit
“Babe, you ok?” Lance asked, waving a hand in front of your face
“I’m so lucky to have you,” you answered, smiling
Lance was probably blushing under his face mask
He fell quiet for maybe two seconds before a huge grin spread on his face
It created funny looking cracks in his facemask, but you didn’t even get the chance to point it out
Lance practically lunged towards you, peppering your messy green face in small kisses
If a green face mask won’t stop Lance from kissing you, nothing will
When he finally releases you, it’s only so he can watch you laugh at his antics
His eyes are filled with complete adoration
I’m dying just thinking about it
He’s a bit quieter for the rest of the day
But his dorky grin doesn’t go away for about a week
You and Hunk were cooking together
He had some wild new recipe he wanted to try
You were skeptical, poking at what looked like a purple rotting avocado
It was supposed to look like that too
Space stuff is weird
Despite your reservations, Hunk insisted it would be ok
So you just went with it
I mean really, Hunk had yet to prepare a dish you didn’t like
Aside from the scaultrite cookies, of course
“Here, cut this for me” Hunk passed you something that might be a carrot
Trying your best to show off to your boyfriend, you began to cut the carrot(?) as quickly as you could
Too bad you’re not an expert chef
You yelp and clutch your hands to your chest, glaring at the knife as though it had sliced you on purpose, rather than you just being careless
Hunk immediately stops what he’s doing and practically flies over to your side
He looks at your finger
Thankfully it wasn’t a bad cut, but there was a surprising amount of blood
You’re basically ordered to wash the cut before applying pressure with a washcloth while Hunk goes rummaging for a first aid kit
When he finally comes back, you’re seated on one of the counters, internally exaggerating your injury and pain
You know like how when you get a paper cut and it feels like someone sliced off your hand?
Or when you accidentally stub your toe and you wonder what your life will be like with only one foot?
That’s basically what you’re doing
Hunk applies some of that alcohol stuff that stings like fucking hell and you hiss
He then puts a band-aid over it, a power rangers themed one
Pidge is lowkey one of the clumsiest ones on the ship due to all the shit in her room that she trips over so you bought them from that weird Earth store just for her, as a joke
Hunk glances up at you as you’re pouting at your failure
You’re about to hop off the counter but Hunk stops you, raising your hand to his face as he quickly kisses the top of your band-aid
“To make it feel better,” he quickly explains, smiling
You feel your cheeks heat up, he was just so fucking cute oh my god
“I’m so lucky to have you!”
You kind of just blurt it out on accident, taking both of you by surprise
Now Hunk is blushing with you, but he’s got this big dopey grin on his face
He kind of stutters as he returns your comment, but you know he’s sincere
He insists that you stay seated on the counter while he finishes cooking, despite your objections
He keeps getting distracted by you though, even when you’re not doing anything, he just keeps looking at you and blushing.
How to effectively fluster your boyfriend 101
Pidge had asked if you would help her with some upgrades
You were both sitting around her computer, various trinkets and gadgets surrounding you
Hours had passed since you first agreed to help and you were growing exhausted
At this point you were hardly helping, just fidgeting with various tools and sometimes mumbling answers to Pidge’s questions
You don’t know how Pidge can have so much energy
Sure she’s hyper-focused and all but still
Eventually your eyelids droop and you’re out like a light
You somehow manage to get into some awkwardly sprawled out position, all of the tools scattered around you
Pidge briefly thinks of carrying you to bed or at least somewhere more comfortable
However, she knows that’s probably a bad idea
Sure she’s stronger now that she trains for her paladin duties, but she still doesn’t feel confident trying to carry you all the way to your room
Plus, even if she could keep her grip on you, she’d probably accidentally smack your head into a door or wall
That was her thought process anyway
Quietly, knowing she should take a break to stretch and such anyway, she stands up and leaves the room
Half the crew has started scolding her for bad habits like not stretching and forgetting to eat when she’s busy
She finds a spare blanket and grabs her pillow, heading back to where she left you
You’re still out cold
For a second Pidge got paranoid that you died or something
She probably held a mirror up to your face just to make sure you were breathing
Once she confirms you’re alive, she throws the blanket on top of you and somehow manages to readjust you so your head is on the pillow
When you finally wake up, quite a while later, Pidge is just about finished with her upgrades
You notice the blanket you cocooned yourself in and the pillow that kept your neck from cramping.
There were some other things as well, like a thermos full of soup since you had accidentally slept through the last meal
Sitting up, you drop your head over Pidge’s shoulder, getting a lazy hum in acknowledgment
You press a chaste kiss to her cheek, seeing her lips twitch up in a smile despite her growing blush
“I’m so lucky to have you”
Pidge’s head immediately snaps around to look at you and her face is tomato red
She stutters for a few seconds, completely taken off guard by your sincerity
Congrats, you broke her
She’s got a blush on her face for the rest of the day
You growl as the training bot manages to knock you down again
You’ve been at this for what feels like an eternity
Allura was on the side of the room, shouting out tips
However, you still can’t seem to clear the level
The next time you get knocked down, you just stay laying on the floor
You were tired and sore and probably bruised
Allura shouted for the simulation to turn off and she knelt next to you
She’s checking you over for any visible harm
Aside from your bruises of course
“I’m dying,” you state blankly
Allura rolls her eyes at your melodramatics and stands up
She expects you to get up with her, but instead, you just make grabby hands towards her
You’re too tired to walk
Rolling her eyes yet again, though this time she only half meant it, she bent over picked you up
Bridal style :)
On her face is a small smile as she carries you to your room
Internally you’re swooning at how strong she is
Listen, loving Allura’s muscles is a kink
And you’ve got it bad
She drops you on your bed and you make an ‘oof’ noise
You try to sit up, but Allura just pushes you back down
Then she begins massaging your legs
You didn’t even know you needed a massage until she started
But now you’re like putty in her hands
While she works on you, she talks about your training
It is endless compliments the entire time
But not like she’s lying about your abilities or forcing herself to compliment you
She truly, genuinely means everything she says
You’re almost overwhelmed by her attention
When she’s done, you feel revitalized
You sit up, and flop yourself onto her, not caring that you’re a little sweaty still
Your voice is muffled from your face pressing into her neck, but she can still clearly hear you
“I’m so lucky to have you”
She has a pulse point on her neck
You can feel her heart rate pick up a little bit after what you said
But other than that she has no visible reaction of being flustered
She just smiles and kisses your forehead and says she’s lucky to have you too
She’s got a small smile on her face for the rest of the day
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