#she's sooo controlling and one of those 'this is MY house' parents but like. i'm literally 27. stop it. i'm not here by choice.
angelsdean · 1 year
mothers just have the innate abilitiy to find thee stupidest and most random things to criticize you over and start and meaningless fights abt.......
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lunealus · 2 years
Give us more Haru lore 👀
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GLADLY but I can't reveal too much bc of spoilers since my GF and I are working on a thing together about the foxxo and her dragon husband uwu we hope to release it very soon. For now I can tell you a bit of her background +  about her.
Haru is from the spirit realm and she comes from a very wealthy and highly respected family. She was born around the Heian Period , Kannin Era (year 1021). She was born as a small fox and couldn't shapeshift properly into a human-like form until she was about 7 years old as she wasn't able to control her abilities and powers let alone figure out how (she was just a child after all), thus making her a late bloomer (in her parent's eyes that is, they always put too much pressure on her and have high expectations).
Now having 9 tails, Haru has better control over her powers and has many abilities such as: Multiplying herself - At most she can make 9 clones of herself. She leaves one clone at home to keep watch over the house while she is working with her husband, Norio.
Fox familiars - Haru can hear and see everything through her fox familiars, wherever they are she will hear and see all. She is everywhere, yet nowhere. Her familiars are very useful in the type of work she does at night (assassin). During the day she assists her husband (who is a CEO) with work and often times he likes to steal one of her familiars cuz they are sooo cute and technically her. His wifey is just soooo cute and fluffy you know.
Shapeshifting / Transformation - She can turn into either a small fox, medium fox or an even larger size; larger than a house even. She can also transform into the opposite sex or a small child, usually to trick others. Haru often likes to transform as her husband just for fun. When she transforms as other people the only way you can tell she isn't legit is when you see a sakura birthmark on her forehead.
Illusion Manipulation / Dream Manipulation - Pretty much speaks for itself I think. Haru can make illusions seem so real and trap you within it that you might not ever come to reality. She revels in breaking others' mentality for fun or when one dares cross her. Foxes love to play tricks after all and she is very petty, she will not be the bigger person if someone messes with her. She is the epitome of r/pettyrevenge. Definitely don't do weed before encountering her.
And much more.
Haru may seem scary,,, but ,,well,,, she really is. She is mischievous, cryptic and loves to manipulate others for her own gain. To see one squirm underneath her gaze brings her delight but she is harmless if you show her respect and treat her kindly, she will treat you the same in return. Hell, maybe even give her offerings in food, like strawberry daifuku, fried tofu or even a hamburger and she might give you her protection. But absolutely do not betray her trust.
Around her husband she is just so affectionate and cheerful towards him. She even has a bit of a silly side such as pouncing into the snow when no one is looking and has a habit of snatching her hubby's belongings so she can be chased by him. Those fox instincts you know. Nyoom.
Thank you so much! I'm sorry this got long > < I just love my kon kon girl so much.
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theo-7-77 · 10 months
Rant and a small tiny problem under the cut. Don't know if anyone will see this at all but I'm probably gonna be in some serious trouble.
Alrighty. I have two phones; one is my actual, parental locked phone with timers and app locks and everything that I'd like to get rid of. My mom is super protective.
The second is one for just games. Random games I find, those crappy games I like to laugh at while I play, etc etc. Cookie run is namely the biggest game on my 2nd, secret phone with no parental locks at all.
I don't do weird, dumb shit I shouldn't do on my second phone. No mature apps, no mature Google history, etc. Nothing weird, just for jokes and laughs and no parental controls at all.
...the new Motorola (what my actual phone is) update broke Spotify. Literally whenever I play a song, it boots me to my lock screen. If I pause the song, lock screen. Skip, lock screen. Stay on the app too long, lock screen. Play a different playlist? Say it with me, lock screen. It is nice staring at David Tennant's face though, but still. It's annoying and dumb and I've tried to fix it, but nothing worked. And I've, like an idiot, openly complained about it to my mom. :/
I mentally cannot live without Spotify. It helps me fall asleep, and it helps me calm down. Sat through my mom yelling at me with Sugarcrash playing, it hit hard. I can't have yt or YT music because my mom is overprotective. Won't even let me on YouTube on my personal, private laptop.
So I can't use Spotify in public when I need it most (calming), or even at my own house in case I get caught. Very scared for myself because my mom can be a little abusive.
My mom suggested 'finding' my other phone (I told her it's lost) so I can have a better phone and therefore use Spotify. I don't want to get rid of my 2nd phone and factory reset it because that's all my data thrown in the trash.
Yeah, even the Google play data. Mom doesn't let me sign into any other Google account then the one they set up for me, and I don't even know the fucking password.
A little scared for myself, and a little scared what my mom would do if she found out, so it would be ideal to just factory reset it and transfer my data...but I have attachment issues. Even with games. I'm very traumatized.
I know I mentioned my mom being a bit abusive, but I can't call CPS if she does anything, she's the only thing keeping my family together. I'd most likely have to drop out of high school to help with my sisters, and I really want to get into a good college early.
So yeah. That's my situation, there's my problem and there's an easy fix except I'm an idiot who hates seeing valuable (200+ hours on Crk) work go down the trash, even though games are just games and I shouldn't get too angry.
Yeah. I'm conflicting with myself. I have really weird trauma 👍 but still, if anyone has any other ideas please let me know.
Was considering keeping the old phone and turning that one into my secret phone instead. Don't know how well that would work because I can't see into the future and I'm a bit scared.
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Shy/DOM Boyfriend Sunghoon × Kinky Fem Reader (ft Jungwon)
Pairing: Sunghoon x Reader (You)
Genre: smut, fluff, funny?
Warnings: smut 18+
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" Sunghoon! at seven come to my house, my parents and my younger brother aren't going to be here! " You said excitedly on your phone clutching it tightly.
" Jungwon won't be here? YESS! I'm glad if sees me alone with you he'll karate kick me on the stomach, hehe" Sunghoon chuckled at other side of the line. His big smile was so bright as he talked to you.
" He does taekwondo not karate" you responded to him feeling warm inside to hear him again after a whole month without him.
" Isn't the same thing?..... anyway....I'll be there in a hour, bye love" he ended the call. You squeaked in a mixture of shyness and excitement because he called you love.
" I'm seeing him again...." You sighed. Sunghoon and you started dating a month ago, but because school was over he went in vacations with his family so you couldn't see him for two weeks. But you missed him sooo much, his lips, his hands, his hair,his delicious smell of cologne, his everything.
You couldn't wait to do it again with Sunghoon. Yes Sunghoon and you already lost each others virginity together. Both of you very shy and embarrassed about every single thing. You two even watch a little bit of porn to educate yourself a little. At that time Sunghoon was not really into the idea of watching it since he isn't interested in that kind of stuff and finds it wrong to watch. However you convinced by telling him you two are not doing anything wrong besides learning! That it was for you two only and that'll it'll be the last time watching it.
Well......you two did it....and you were even shock because it didn't look or felt like it was his first time. He just did a great job, still feeling shy at first but as he was getting sexually aroused by you he became confident and turn the bedroom into a fair. You want that again for the third time.
Why are you even counting the times you two did it?
The last two times you did it with him were incredible, it was kind of a vanilla sex and rough vanilla sex all the way but you like it because you loved the after care from him. Now you felt spicy it up a little.....or more. There is so many things you wanna try with Hoonie but you're scared to tell him about your naughty fantasies. What if he thinks you're a sexual freak?
Sunghoon is a very conservative boy, that's how he grew up like with his family. He is a respectful, conservative,and a gentle young men who is quiet a romantic when he feels likes, and really isn't thinking about anything naughty to do.....unless if it's with his secret girlfriend; YOU.
You're going to try to ask him anyway.
You run to your closet and pull out a box that was hidden underneath piles of clothes. There, the black and red lingeries you bought from a friend laid nicely and pretty inside the box.
" Which one should I wear? The red or black" you mumbled to yourself as you check them with your eyes. " Sunghoon likes the color black a lot, and he looks good in black too......the black one wins!" You mumbled excitedly to yourself.
Quickly you exchange your normal undergarments to the black sexy lingering that'll be under your normal clothes. A grey tank top, with a lighter grey jacket kind of zipped up to the top but stops in the middle of your chest and dark grey very comfortable shorts that is quiet short for you. To night you had a plan to seduce him.
After changing you quickly went to the kitchen and prepare snacks to watch a movie with him.
" Pop corn, chips, Pocky sticks..." You said as you put them on the mini table in the middle of the living room.
" I need to stop thinking about Hoon I'm getting all hot and bother" you licked your bottom lip and chuckled quietly while flapping your hands against the air towards you.
*Knock knock knock*
" My man is here!" You jumped from the couch and open the door.
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" Baby!"
" Babe!"
You jumped to hug him tight, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso. You kissed him all over his handsome face. Oh how much you missed this smart idiot.
" Oh my, you really missed me a lot huh?" He asked as he try to push his face away from your kisses because he wants to look at you. He smack your butt lightly as he usually does when he sees you. You got down and hold one if his hands.
" You really look handsome today" you said as you check him out while bitting your bottom lip right in front of him. Sunghoon laughed quietly with blushing cheeks. He held your face and kiss your forehead then peck your lips. " I know babe...hehe....how about you?...you look too sexy today?" He raised an eyebrow to you while his eyes linger on your short shorts, but not in a lusty way but more like his questioning on his mind why are you wearing tooo short shorts? It's cold in your house?
You blush a little since you always felt s little nervous or intimidating by a certain look of expression he made when he looked at you and you always found it so attractive.
" I'm not looking sexy at all today, what are you talking about? Sunghoon ah! Come here with me, tell me about your field trip" you pull him down to sit with you on the couch and he followed you.
He sat next to you, his elbows against his almost separated knees, both of his hands clutch together in front of him. He had his torso lean down a little. This is how he usually sits, and once again you find it super attractive, because for you he was expressing his masculinity so much. Just everything about him was attractive and it was one of the reasons why you fell in love with him.
" It was pretty fun until....my step aunt had an accident and fell from the pole she was dancing on....she hurt herself badly" he said in a very serious yet sad tone as pressed both of his lips together and just stare out in space.
You suddenly let out a laugh and immediately covered your mouth. Sunghoon looked at you but then smile and his whole body was paying attention towards you. " Why are you laughing?" He quietly chuckled.
" I'm sorry babe but you just said your aunt fell because she was dancing...on a pole?"
" Yeah- i didn't explain the situation well, she was very drunk that night in the club, she got crazy or high and got up on stage and started dancing you know....sexy? In a sexy way? ....and well she missed a step and fell down...... that's what her boyfriend told us...." He said as he try to control his smile because he didn't want to laugh in such a accidental situation.
You no longer cared and just let it all out. " My prince i missed you so much!" You suddenly got up and freely fall on top of him perfectly. Because of your fall, Sunghoon's back leaned against the couch.
" I missed you too- princess-" he try to said but you kept kissing his lips and then on his neck. " So needy aren't you?" He laughed as he try to push you away from him. " Oh? What about the snacks? Are we going to watch a movie?" Sunghoon asked curiously as he notices the snacks there.
" There's a more delicious snack right in front of me" you said admiring his beauty and his precious smile. Sunghoon smiled as he caressed your cheek with his hand softly. "Princess, you're a delicious snack too....." He said with an embarrassing look. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. " What? Park Sunghoon is that you? You wouldn't say something like that to me?" You tease him. Sunghoon suddenly sat up , with you still on top of him straddling him. " What? You started it!! ' there's a more delicious snack right in front of me'" Sunghoon mimicked your voice making you laugh and lightly hit him on his chest. "Park Sunghoon!!" You shout.
" Yang Y/n!" He shout back, both of you laughing hard.  " Tell me what is that you want princess?...." He asked with a shy smile as his hands caressed up and down your sides to show affection but YOU couldn't control down there from not burning up, but it was getting harder as Sunghoon still gaze at you.
" Sunghoon.....can we make.....love?" You asked a little shy about it but still manage to look at him confidently.
Sunghoon raised both of his eyebrows and widen his eyes. " I don't know why I'm acting surprised, I kind of had the idea from you " he smirked with a grin.
You look back at him as your eyes stare at his quiet plump red lips. Sunghoon was like the male version of snow white: jet black hair, a pretty pale complexion of skin, dark beautiful eyes and natural red or pink plumpy lips. He lips look kissable and felt kissable.
" I'm so lucky to have you, not just because of your handsome appearance but just you, yourself is perfect!" You sincerely said as you rest your head against his shoulder.
Sunghoon smiled as he heard that. He hug you tightly and whispered in your ear. " You're perfect as well my princess.....this month we spend together you've been a really good girl.... should I reward you?" He asked. You widen your eyes as you hear those words from the shy Sunghoon you know.
While Sunghoon on the other side he was controlling his smile by pressing his lips together and closing his eyes tight looking away from you. 'oh my god! Sunghoon!! wasn't that too much!? You probably sounded soo cringe! What is Y/n going to think of you, loser!' Sunghoon thought.
You bit your bottom lip as turn to look at him. " Please reward me......I deserve it...." You said innocently. Sunghoon looked at you surprised probably not expecting you to say anything back. He sighed as he suddenly push you away from him against the couch. He straddle your hips, his hands clutching on your wrists to the sides.
" Let's go to your room.....are you sure your parents aren't coming?...." He asked as he hold you like a bride and made his way to your room.
'ok ok! My confidence is doing a good job again!' he thought.
Just for teasing he throw you on the bed. You immediately pull him by his neck. Lips touching starting a heated make out session. You run your hands everywhere, from his face to his body trying to feel him through his clothes. Sunghoon did the same as he caressed one of your thighs. With his veiny hands force your legs to spread apart so he can lean his hips against your core.
Sunghoon let's go of your lips and reach down to kiss your neck softly as he kept thrusting dryly against you creating a very arousal feeling between you two. You let out tiny whispery moans and Sunghoon let out tiny small moans and groans. " Mmm~...ahhh.....Hoon...."
His hips suddenly started to do circular motions against you to create more friction. You quietly laugh as you held onto his broad shoulders. He glanced at you and smirk. " You like that..." He said and suddenly hit you with his hips against you. You widen your eyes and yelled " ahhhhh! Sunghoon ah!!" Out of surprise.
He chuckled as his right hand that caressed your thigh before went up to rub your right breast and massage it  lightly. You bit your bottom lip as you felt in the clouds when he touch your breasts. You really like that a lot.
His red plumpy lips kissed your neck, shoulder, and in the middle of your clothe chest so passionately making you moan lightly even with your shirt and bra on.
Wow, who thought you can make love and still feel good with your clothes on?
" Take my shirt off...." You whispered to him as he didn't complain and did what you told him to do. He took that jacket and tank off. Soon he saw the black sexy lingering you're wearing.
" Mm? What's this?" He gave you a surprised questionable look. " It's for you love, I bought it for you.... Don't you like it?..."
" I love it, but......you had this planned didn't you?" He said giving you a shy teasing smile.
" Yes baby now laid in your back!" You pushed him off you towards the bed. You climbed on top of him straddling him. Quickly you took of your shorts which showed your nice see through underwear. You pulled Sunghoon against your neck and chest as you decided to ride him on his clothed lap.
As for Sunghoon, he was shock because of your surprising behaviors, this is not his old Y/n?....was she hiding this side of her? He decided to smack, grasp, and scratched your ass making you almost screamed.
" Ahh! Sunghoon!!!" You're not going to lie, you loved it to the point we're you cummed fast and good.
" Oh my god ....oh my god..... Hoon~" breath it out finishing off releasing everything on his pants. " Can I choke you?....." You suddenly said as you kiss and suck his Adam apple on his fine looking neck.
" Ahh~...." He said closing his eyes feeling good. "Choke me? Is that even a thing?.....no I'm scared..." He said smiling sheepishly. 'what an idiot now you sounded like a chicken! Man up Sunghoon! Be dominant!' he thought as he felt embarrassed again.
"Then you choke me.....don't worry i am informed on how to do it right...." You said as you took off his dark blue sweater. You lean down to kiss his chest down his stomach. You went back to lightly pinch his nipples and to suck on them. You gaze up to look at his expressions. He furrowed his thick eyebrows upwards, and you can tell he was controlling his moans by breathing heavily.
You know your boyfriend isn't very vocal at all, which you don't mind since his groaning is what turn you on the most. However I think it's time to hear him scream your pretty name.
After sucking his nipples, you kiss and lick down his chest down to his small abs, going even down to reaching the edge of his Calvin Klein underwear. You unzip his pants pulling them down. You saw the big bulge.
' I've missed you....' you sillily thought.
You looked up to see your blushing boyfriend. This will be the first time receiving a blow job from you. You grasp the bulge roughly but not too much just squeezing it as if it was some type of squeaky toy.
Sunghoon yelped of pleasure at the sudden contact of your hands attacking him.
As you were done teasing him you pull down his underwear and his length pop out freely. You not having experience with decided to pretend it's a popsicle you're sucking on. Your hands grabbing on the uncover parts of length rubbing there.
" Mmmm~..........ahhh...Y/n" he hissed your name, his eyebrows furrowing together and bitting down his bottom lip telling you his feeling really good. You know he is trying to control his moans but now his starting not help it.
You suck harder and bobbed your head repeatingly, his length almost touching the bottom of your throat. His length twitch in your mouth. Does that mean his close to cum?
" Fuck! Y/n~.…...ahhh!" He moan out loud grasping your messy long hair between his long thin fingers making you bobbed your head harder as he thrust his hips against your mouth trying to cum now.
As he did you swallow it all. Sunghoon relax there breathing heavily while closing his pretty eyes. You climbed on top of him and laid on top of his body. You  put an arm beside his pillow and the other hand caressed his face. You breathlessly watch him breath in and breath out.
" You liked that?......" You whispered as you kiss his earlobe. Sunghoon nodded and smiled sheepishly once again. " I loved it ..... So much .... How are you so good?.....I want that everyday before I go to practice..." He chuckled.
You laughed with him. " Sunghoon you make me wanna do so many bad things to you ...." You bit your bottom lip. It is true, you have sexy fantasies you want to make in reality with him, Sunghoon only.
Suddenly he pushed you down without warning you. He straddle you. He put his fingers around your throat and started pressing.
" Same princess.....i also want to do bad things to you baby girl...." He said darkly with a rougher voice. Ooo that really send you to the edge of getting wet.
" Press here...." You guided his thumbs in a certain area of your neck. Sunghoon obey and tighten his grip on your neck making you feel breathless and dizzy but in a good way.
He was making you feel in a certain way you can't explain.
Sunghoon suddenly let's go. His pretty veiny hands roam around your body caressing every inch. He wraps your left leg around his waist caressing your thigh softly. He kisses down your shoulder, down in the middle of your chest. He get close to your right breast, gives you tiny kisses around your hard nipple making you giggle and bit down on your bottom lip. You played with his jet black hair, pulling his locks softly.
He did the same to your other breast, kissing, pinching, sucking on your hard nipple making your core throb. " Ahh~ Sunghoon..... please fuck me already..... please....." You said grinding your hips against his hard length.
Sunghoon without warning slams his length inside you. He spread your legs more for more space for him to go deeper. You pull him down by his neck to kiss him more sensual and passionately. His kiss back with the same passion and sensuality as you making the whole make out session steamy. Everything was so heated, the kiss, him railing you, the sex sounds, moans, and groans coming from you two.
The whole room was like circus once again and you two were wilding crazily. " Fuck~ Hoon~ choke me daddy choke me~!" You said as you were reaching to your big orgasm. Sunghoon once again wrapped his hands around your throat and tighten his grip on you.
" AhhHH~ YEAH! YES! SUNhoOn~ mY......LOve...~" You felt the delicious feeling of your big orgasm and the good feeling of dizziness mixing together intoxicating you of pleasure.
"Ahh~.....I'm close baby.....I'm sooo-......mmm~fuck" he whispered and moan in your ear.
Both of you came together.
Sunghoon suddenly pulls away and laids next to you with heavy breaths. You also felt breathless after going through the rollercoaster of joy. Sunghoon reaches next to you to cuddle up with you. He kisses your forehead and pats your hair softly. He reaches to grab one of your hands and cross his fingers between yours.
You turn around so your naked chest is touching his chest. You took your time to admire his face. " Sunghoon.....I love you..." You sincerely said by heart.
Sunghoon shows his sweet dimples smile and hugs you tightly. " I love you too my pretty princess...."
You lean to kiss him again but stop when you heard the sound of a door closing and Jungwon screaming.  " IM HOME!.......mom can you make me my favorite curry?..."
" Yes son ..... where's your sister by the way?...." Your mother said.
You and Sunghoon looked at each other with horrifying expressions.
" Shit! They're here! Sunghoon hide under my bed now now!" You said not wasting any time. You dressed, fixed your bed, helped Sunghoon dressed and pushed him underneath the bed.
Looking naturally you came out of the room. " Y'all here already? I took a nap....." You said pretending you were slightly sleepy with your messy hair and mascara slightly running down your cheeks.
" Yeah....... Jungwon won the black belt!" Your father said excitedly suddenly giving a tight hug to Jungwon almost suffocating the poor adorable looking boy. Your mother did the same and after a second you did the same to go with flow although you do feel proud for your little brother.
" Ahhhh! I know I won, I shined! Now let me go-" Jungwon said annoyed wiggling himself from them.
" Congrats little bro, you deserve it for being so good at it " you winked at him. Jungwon grins at you and then gives you a pat on your shoulder.
"..…... cologne?....." He suddenly stop patting you as he got close to smell your neck. He widen his eyes unbelievably. " Sunghoon?.... ain't it? Was he here?" He asked you quietly still giving you a " are you serious" kind of look.
" He did.....he came by to give me the homework i made him do for me" you chuckled to yourself. " Then I thanked by giving him a hug.......hey by the way how do you know it's his?..." You asked now trying to mind of change the subject.
" You forgot he is also my friend? .....gosh Y/n when are you going to wake up! " Jungwon whined as he went to his own room.
You saw your parents where no longer in the kitchen or living room. You immediately run to your room.
" Sunghoon! Baby!" You whispered as you crouched down to help him pull up from the bed. "They're all out of sight! Leave now!" Sunghoon nodded, after getting out, he gives you a slow passionate kiss making you melt from it and just wrapped your arms around his neck.
Sunghoon pull away with a smirking grin. " You're sooo in love with me" he said before kissing your forehead. Quickly you check again.
"Come now!" You whispered and held his hand pulling him towards the entry door. " Goodnight love!" You said.
" Good night my lovely princess......gosh this feel like Romeo and Juliet...." Sunghoon shook his head before walking away. You closed the door and leaned against it.
" Oh Sunghoon...." You breath it out while touching your heart.
"Why does the couch smell....like Cologne?....and why are you standing there looking dumbly? And why is there food on the table?" Jungwon pass by and stare at you. You widen your eyes open. You forgot to put all the food away!
" and why don't you stop asking questions! The door was for me, I did have a movie marathon before taking a nap, oh and I let my friend Sunghoon sit with me and eat some food-"
" But the food looks untouched!" Jungwon said examining a popcorn curiously and trying it after it.
" oh my god Yang Jungwon just shut up! What do you want to hear from me? That I slept with him or something?..." You acted annoyed. Hopefully he believes in you cuz baby Jungwon can be quiet an observer and a doubter.
" So you did slept with him?" Suddenly gives you his signature Lenny Face. " MOM-" he screamed.
" JUNGWON! JUNGWON! what's wrong with you! I'm not like that! Gross! Me inviting some boy to sleep with in my own house is just simply disgusting and disrespectful......kid what do you even know you're just a child just go play Pokemon with Sunoo and Riki...." You pushed him away and sat on the couch grabbing some chips.
After a minute.
" Y/n! Your room smells like Sunghoon! I'm finally telling mom and dad!" You widen your eyes and jump from the couch. " Listen here you Jaden Smith wannabe! I didn't do shit you know Sunghoon can be very mischievous! That boy started messing around my house!"
" I know.....but his cologne is all over you as well THE couch and YOUR BEDROOM!......but not in any other area...... coincidence? " Jungwon smiled feeling proud in bothering you.
" Yang Jungwon go to hell....." You said getting into your room leaving a smirking Jungwon, leaning against the frame of his door with his arms crossed over his chest, feeling so proud in making you mad. Now he really pissed you off....but why though?.... You're not sure if he really believes you did anything naughty with your Sunghoon but you still gotta convince him you don't have anything to do with your secretly boyfriend.
×Text Messages×
Hey princess did anything weird happen today?
Besides me and you had a great time together today... 🤔 Actually yes! Jungwon is already suspecting about us! But don't worry daddy imma convince him there is nothing btw us 😉😏🙈🙊💦👅😋
Umm...ok babe....you really good at convincing! Like the way you convince me to do your hw....and to do you....🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥-
Park Sunghoon......you better stop~~~🥵🥵🙊🥵🥵🙊
Hewhew you started it princess 😉😏
Anyway goodnight tomorrow i got dance practices so gotta sleep early.....have nice dreams about me😘😘
You mean wet-skskskskss ok my baby my prince goodnight and have hot dreams about me😏😘😉🔥
Ok why are we so dirty!? 🤔🙈 anyway
I Love You ♥️
Idk love were meant to be like this together 💖
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter 6
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep, and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language, Warped thoughts, Violence.
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' perspectives throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 6
(Jaymie's POV)
The next day, a memorial service was held to honor Charlene- Jeremiah's goddaughter. She was the pilot of the helicopter that Jake, Alicia, Luciana, and Travis were on. She survived the crash, but the dead got her on the way back to the ranch.
To be honest, I didn't like Charlie. She was such a bitch to me. It was because her dad had an affair with my mom, and her parents split up. So she took her anger out on me.
One particular day she was talking shit; telling our mutuals I'd end up a whore just like my mother. That was stupid of her, mostly because Troy happened to be walking by. He turned and made a beeline straight to Charlene and decked her; no questions asked. I laughed my ass off when I found out. Wish I could have seen it first hand.
Naturally, Troy got in sooo much trouble. Mainly because he hit a girl. Pretty hypocritical of Jeremiah, but he was a "Do as I say, not as I do," type of parent. So, Troy was grounded for a month. That didn't stop me from sneaking in to the Otto's house every single night though. I'd take him desert and we'd stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning playing cards and board games.
Anyway, after Charlie's service, it was lunch time. I worked the line with my friend Gretchen, scooping globs of mac and cheese onto everyones' trays. Madison and Alicia were approaching, and I heard a community resident giving them a hard time. I felt bad for them, until Alicia said that people should be harassing Troy instead of them. Madison responded, 'I think they would be if they knew what he had done.' I know what Troy did was fucked up. That won't stop me from defending him though. Nothing will. I guess that makes me fucked up too; and I'm fine with that.
Both Madison and Alicia stopped abruptly, making eye contact with me. They realized I was serving, and that I most likely heard what they said. I tried not to let it show that it bothered me, but I know my eyes looked sad.
Gretchen broke the awkward silence with her subtle humor and kind words. Then she invited Alicia to attend one of her "Bible studies" (which was actually just a handful of our friends getting together to drink and smoke pot). There was no hiding Alicia's reluctance, but Madison practically made the decision for her to go. I'm grateful for it, because I need to figure Alicia out. Is she trustworthy? Could I see myself becoming friends with her?
About 2 hours later...
(Jake's POV)
How am I going to convince Troy that he needs to stay away from the Clarks? Ever since T.E. began he's been harder to control. I need Jaymie's help on this. She's the only person who has more influence on him than I do.
I find the two of them working together on mending one of the crops' fences. Both their faces are plastered with smiles. They kneel, preparing to wrap extra barbed wire around the bottom of a post. I can't make out what they're saying, but Jaymie throws her head back with a vivacious laugh. She nudges Troy with her shoulder, and he retaliates with a playful shove, causing her to topple over. She counterattacks by throwing a handful of dirt at him. They're honestly adorable.
It's a heartwarming sight to watch my brother in normal-human-being mode; and genuinely happy. Jaymie's good for him. Except on occasion she tends to enable his psychotic side. Though I'll admit that many times his semi-sociopathic behavior has been in her defense. He saw nothing wrong with it when he ki- ...never mind. I don't want to think about that. Anyway, the pros still outweigh the cons by a long shot, and they really are a good match. I kind of thought they'd have gotten together by now.
Troy offers Jaymie a hand and pulls her back to a kneeling position. She tries to wipe the dirt off that she threw at him, but she's actually making it worse since her hands are covered in soil. They're still laughing when I reach them.
Troy notices my presence and his smile falters slightly. "The boar's back. Keeps digging up the fence posts to get to the cabbage. Could use an extra pair of hands tracking it tonight."
May as well cut to the chase. "Stay away from Madison and her family."
"They're my friends."
"They came here under my invite. They trust me."
"They came here not to get eaten. I wouldn't flatter yourself."
Jaymie snickers at Troy's response, then looks at me with a grin she tries to suppress.
"Yeah, but they're staying cause I said I'd protect them- from you.
"And how are you going to do that?"
I knew this would be difficult. "Please don't do this, Troy. Please. I'm the one who still believes in you."
"Well I don't need you to anymore."
"Yeah, you do. If the ranch knew what you really are-"
"And what am I Jake?"
I look to Jaymie for an assist, but she's clearly upset with me. She stands and stalks toward me, grabbing my arm to pull me away from the scene. "What the hell would you say that for?!" She scolds me quietly.
"You know he broke in to Madison's cabin and threatened Nick?"
"And you're dumb enough to believe she's not over exaggerating?"
"Do you have any idea what he was doing at the depot? Do you?" Her expression is unreadable. "He was murdering people, Jaymie; timing how long it took them to change."
She sighs. "Yeah, yeah I know."
"Then why are you standing here upset with me?" I don't understand. She's acting like it was no big deal.
There's venom in her response. "Because of what you said to him back there, about what he is. You act like he's some kind of monster, Jake. He's your brother! Why would you say that?!"
I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now. So much for getting Jaymie on my side. I walk passed her and reapproach Troy. "Do you really think you were helping those people out at the depot?"
"I think I was helping all of us."
Alright. This is going nowhere. Let's try a different angle: "Troy, when Dad's gone, this is all on us. We have to take care of this place. We have to lead."
"Together." His tone sounds incredulous.
"Yeah. But I need you to do something for me. I need you to stay away from the Clarks. Do you hear me?"
"Yep. I hear you."
"Do you mean it?"
"I always mean it, Jake."
There's nothing more I can say. I turn to leave, and as I pass Jaymie, I beg her in a commanding tone, "Please help me with this. I need you on my side. Troy needs you on my side. He just doesn't realize it." She narrows her eyes at me with annoyed inquisitivity. "Just, think about it, alright?"
(Troy's POV)
Jaymie's so pissed off at Jake. She's always got my back. It doesn't matter who it is or what it's about. I know she doesn't agree with everything I've done. She does try and steer me in a different direction sometimes. I don't listen to her as much as I probably should, but whatever I end up doing, she never ever judges me. She's the only one. God, I love that girl... Wait, what?
"You alright?"
"Huh?" I didn't even notice she was by my side again.
"Forget what Jake said."
"Wasn't even thinking about it."
"Good." She gets back to helping me with the barbed wires, in silence, until, "Maybe we should both avoid Nick and Madison. Just for now?"
"Nah, I'm gonna have Nick help out with the boar tonight." I feel her looking at me. "It'll be fine, Jayms."
She considers my words for a moment then nods. "Alright. Well, I gotta get ready for Gretchen's Bible study. I'm gonna try and get to know Alicia; see what I think of her."
I give her a half-hearted smirk. "Have fun with that." I'm just bummed out she's leaving.
"I'll see you later?"
"Yeah. Later, Jayms." I watch her walk away, lost in the thought I had just a minute ago.
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