#shes just like :person_standing:
steakbones · 3 years
would u guys still love me if i posted abt my favorite girl from a no longer popular and admittedly pretty problematic and shitty isekai anime
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bodycountgame · 3 years
On the same wavelength as the 'how do the characters kiss' ask, how do the characters hug?
adegoke: an excellent hugger, gives the sort of hug where you can just totally forget about everything else that’s going on, like time is just standing still. best for, like, a long intimate hug. he’s just pretty good at feeling the Vibes so he always gives a hug appropriate for the situation.
arthur: absolutely not a hugger, he kind of needs to be hugged into submission first. there’ll be a solid few seconds where he’s just standing there like person_standing before he eases into it. bit of a london bridge hugger (where his arms go in, but he keeps the rest of his body as distant as possible lmao). he’d probably get used to it over time.
atticus: very much depends on how well he knows the person and how much he likes them. generally just gives like a brief, polite, single-armed hug, but his favourite people get a full big bear hug – the kind that lifts your feet off the floor.
avery: quite a performative hugger, i guess. she’s used to hugging people because they need to be hug, not because she wants to hug them, if that makes sense? she says and does all the right things but you can kind of feel that her heart isn’t really in it (until, of course, it is, and then they can expect to be hugged at every opportunity, arms draped around their neck, kiss on their cheek).
charlie: firm and decisive, like every time he hugs someone it’ll be the only time he ever gets to, always still kind of holding on when the other person goes to pull back.
ellis: soft and loose, hand on the nape of their neck or in their hair, soothing and gentle.
florrie: just absolutely no acknowledgement of any personal space, if she’s hugging you then she is Hugging You, very prone to like a straddle or a spinny jumpy situation or just generally tackling someone onto any available surface.
griffin: squeezey tight, overenthusiastic, arms-around-waist hugger. griff would basically be in constant contact with the person he loves if he had his way, so he’s a real sitting-in-lap, arm-around-shoulder kinda guy.
imogen: buries her face in their chest/neck/hair, prone to gripping their clothes real tightly, very quiet.
nyra: generally a total ragdoll hugger, doesn’t really reciprocate any hugging, not her thing. you’d have to really work to earn a nyra hug – if she really liked someone and felt like they really needed it she can be quite supportive.
rowan: really leans into it, a full body hugger. generally instigates a hug like mid-conversation and keeps talking the whole way through – like as she’s saying hi/bye or whatever.
syd: brief but firm – kind of like a good handshake or the hugging equivalent of a fist bump. generally goes for arms around shoulders? like over waist but not fully around neck, that’d be a bit intimate.
vinh: one hand on the neck, the other around their waist, generally turns their face away and rests their head on the huggee’s shoulder. hugs with Feeling.
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anemchy · 3 years
every day we stray further from god’s light
anyway sucrose does like gentle things when it comes to intimacy but also !! getting rough doooooessssssss do it for her as well if not moreso, the only thing she can’t do is being yelled at (because shes sensitive ! :D) buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it’s very hard for her to express because people look at her and just wanna be soft which is okay but she doesn’t. know how to say. that it doesn’t have to just be that way. so she :person_standing:
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