dencyemily · 7 months
Record-Breaking Success: Shiba Inu's SHEboshi NFTs Clock Unprecedented Sales in a 3-Hour Spree
Shiba Inu (SHIB) has once again made waves in the crypto world, achieving a significant milestone with its SHEboshi NFT collection. Priced at an affordable 0.05 ETH, these NFTs quickly sold out in less than 3 hours, marking a remarkable achievement for the Shiba Inu community.
The SHEboshi NFT sale was strategically structured into three phases, ensuring fair access and benefits for different community members. The initial phase rewarded Shiboshi NFT owners with exclusive claiming rights at no cost, emphasizing the advantages of early and continued investment in the Shiba Inu ecosystem.
Following this, the second phase targeted Doge Killer (LEASH) holders, granting them a priority purchase period. The community's overwhelming response led to the rapid depletion of the remaining 20,000 SHEboshi NFTs, showcasing the eagerness and perceived value of the collection.
The affordability of the minting price, set at 0.05 ETH per NFT (excluding gas fees), contributed to heightened excitement and a surge in minting activity. This resulted in a quick sell-out, rendering the anticipated third phase for the wider public unnecessary as LEASH holders secured the entire stock within the allotted time frame.
For enthusiasts interested in the SHEboshi collection, trading is now open on platforms like OpenSea. The floor price has witnessed a substantial increase, providing early investors with added benefits and solidifying the collection's value in the broader NFT market.
Shiba Inu's track record in NFT sales, including successful collaborations such as Bugatti Group, underscores the strength and dedication of its community. This latest sell-out reinforces Shiba Inu's standing as a major player in the cryptocurrency and NFT landscapes. As SHIB maintains a stable trading price of $0.000009545, the community's active engagement remains a driving force behind Shiba Inu's continued success
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web3-defi-crypto · 2 years
These amazing Shibs come with various traits that make each very unique and collectible in essence.  For instance, Laser Eyes or Party Hat, are traits available in this incredible initial collection and will form part of our upcoming game release.
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yikes-kachowski · 3 months
A piggy back off your last ask! Your AU has me all excited. I'm curious about Zuko and Katara's tenure as monarchs? How did the people receive her as their fire lady?
Also your art is amazing!! Can't wait to see more 🥰❤️
This au is very detailed lol, so if you have questions feel free to ask. Just understand that @shalheretical and I have named lots of places in the atla world.
We’re going to break this into three parts: one on notable events in Zuko’s tenure as Fire Lord; one on Katara’s accomplishments that relate specifically to duties she performed in relation to being the Fire Lady (she did other things outside of it); and a final note on the reception of an outside minority woman as the Fire Lady.
Immediately after the complete and unconditional surrender of the Fire Nation, all military personnel who are not directly involved in civil administration are recalled back to the Fire Nation—though they must find suitable local replacements and return as soon as possible. The Gaoling Agreement of 101 AG saw the repatriation of 1.3m Fire Nation occupiers from everywhere in the Earth Kingdom but the northwestern Gansai region. Because of this, and a late Azulon policy of Development First, Industry Now, which had 75% of all Fire Nation agriculture halted in favor of industrial development and had most food being imported by way of colonial extraction, the sudden population growth and the fact that they had to move factories and warehouses to start farming again, saw that 53 percent of the Fire Nation was experiencing starvation, and that 16 percent was experiencing acute starvation—5 percent experienced famine. This would be at its worst for the first four years of Zuko’s reign—known as the Rice-Rations Years—but it would only truly stabilize in 110 AG.
A near-complete shutdown of the archipelago’s ports until 103 AG exacerbated this problem. However, this was to prevent, as much as possible, the 3.5m individuals identified as war criminals/accomplices to war crimes from escaping to “safe havens” such as Jinyala, the Si Wong, or Whale Tale Island. No one was allowed to leave the ports without a written order by the Fire Lord. The nascent Earth Kingdom Navy helped patrol Fire Nation waters; these sailors, along with some Kyoshi Warriors, also helped inspect ships leaving Fire Nation docks for potential stowaways. The Earth Navy would stay until 104 AG.
The Boiling Rock was used to hold Tier 1 and 2 war criminals until the Omashu Trials began. After this, the Boiling Rock would be shut down. Non-political Fire Nation prisoners would be moved to more humane prisons; non Fire Nationals would be extradited back to their home nations. Captives—such as Hama, Tyro or the Boulder—were repatriated from the work camps they were imprisoned in.
Shrine consolidation was a Sozin policy of putting all shrines under direct monarchical control and turned over for use of the state religion—Agniyo, the religion of the ethnic majority (Shiboshi) Fire Nationals. Zuko begins a policy of Great Reversal, where these shrines are returned to their traditional stewards. The Intranational Sovereign Rights policies is the parent policy of the Great Reversal. The Fire Nation is home to 98 ethnic minority/indigenous groups (including the Sun Warriors and the Bhanti), with 106 recognized languages and dialects apart from Hokugo (the state language). These are all put under Special Status, where extra government protections and provisions are made to protect traditional Fire Nation diversity. Specifically, local councils are approved to use state funds to protect Status minority religions, languages, ecology/land, food, dance, and arts. The Sun Warriors in particular are given greater autonomy and sovereignty over their ancestral lands.
In 107 AG Zuko made an official declaration to renounce the millenia-old belief that the Liufeng dynasty is in any way divine, or descended from Agni. In apology for these centuries of disrespect towards Mother Agni, a new shrine in the capital of Kazanshi is announced; it is officially completed in 125 AG, and dedicated in 126.
Zaibatsu, vertically integrated business conglomerates, are dissolved; the businesses are put under monarchical control, and their assets are partially used for reparations paid towards the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom. (Aang turned down reparations outside of help rebuilding Air Temples/shrines, and protections on sacred Air Nomad land, such as areas in Gansai and Whale Tale Island.) Land was seized from landlords and nobles, and sold to their serfs and tenets for extremely cheap prices. This is open to anyway once all serfs and tenant farmers have their share, which leads to some immigration from especially the southern Earth Kingdom.
Starting in 103, all war criminals are prosecuted under Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe officials at Omashu, which only ends in 119 AG, due to the thoroughness of the prosecution. Some critics from the Fire Nation claim that no Fire Nation representatives presented an unfair bias, and Why can’t it be held in the Royal High Courts? Zuko maintains that the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribe are a lot more merciful than he would be. Note: Iroh volunteered to be tried for the Siege of Ba Sing Se and his March on the Si Wong, even though King Kuei offered him immunity. He was given a postponed sentence of ten years; during this time, he would stay in his tea shop, and most of the money he made would go to helping Go Shi Wai, one of the worst-affected places of the war.
Gansai, later the United Republic, holds the largest number of Fire Nation settlers. This is due to an early Azulon resettlement policy, wherein ethnic minorities in the Fire Nation were resettled in Gansai and away from the imperial core, for Azulon’s All-Shiboshi Empire dream (the officials that ruled them were still Shiboshi, though). There are nearly 4m settlers living there; and since they’ve been outside of the Fire Nation for at least a generation, they are the least willing to move. Gansai was made independent in 115 AG through a referendum that went through every village, town, city, settlement in the region. Many Earth Kingdom citizens still consider this a humiliating capitulation to the Fire Nation, and resent King Kuei for allowing this.
Serfdom and slavery were abolished in the Fire Nation by 105 AG. Looted wealth is confiscated from the noble class, and repatriated to their home countries. The royal coffers do the same. Since the power of the noble class was severely weakened by these moves—and the removal of the zaibatsu system—many enraged nobles would attempt government takeovers—whether through the legals means of an Agni Kai, or through nine different assassination attempts from 105 AG to 127 AG. These, by the way, would only lead to legislation that weakened the noble class even more.
The Fire Nation educational system was technically reformed, though specifically. Zuko was looking to return the institution to its prewar systems, with some amendments. He took a lot of care for educational reforms, because he considered it ground zero for deradicalization policies. Teachers were screened and replaced when necessary; there was a national recall on textbooks, and Zuko commissioned a completely new curriculum. The military education of children from 11 to 16 stayed in place. The national examinations that gave people opportunities to work in government positions were opened up to the merchant and former self classes.
Protections and rights for same-sex couples are restored. Abortion is made legal. Funding goes back to the arts. Overall, Zuko’s policies mark a return to the cultural pursuits from before the war—especially in the arts, education and religion.
Once again: these are her activities that relate to her acting (somewhat) in capacity to traditional Fire Lady duties. However, a lot of her actions—even when acting as Fire Lady—are outside of traditional royal involvement, which is noteworthy. It should also be noted that she is not a part of the legislative body of the Fire Nation in any capacity, nor is she in any way given any sort of powers of making policies at an official capacity. To me, this doesn’t really matter, because I personally don’t think she’d be incredibly interested in dealing with Fire Nation legislative proceedings anyway, and it’s way more straight forward for her to just tell Zuko what she thinks would be a good idea since he can just enact it immediately. Not that she never influences policies through cooperation with Parliament, just that she normally chooses not to.
She specifically is known for her deep involvement with charity and patronages. She tends to focus on issues involving the homeless, youth, drug addictions, the elderly, environmental protections, illness and minority rights advocacy. It’s due to her nearly weekly visits to hospitals and health clinics across the Fire Nation (and sometimes abroad) that Katara gets very specifically interested in serious and terminal illnesses—the care of their patients, prevention and destigmatization. She’s especially famous for initiating physical contact towards patients with leprosy, to prove that leprosy could not be easily transmitted through casual touch—such as hugs and handholding.
She is president of the Taiyang-jie Childrens’ Clinic in the capital. She is a patroness of the Natural & Geologic Historical Society in Lopyang. She is president of the Royal Academies of Healthcare, Sociology & Philosophy, and Music & Theatre. She is president of the Gojiki Child Association, a charity to care for vulnerable tribal youth. She also works with the National Leprosy Trust, the Fire Nation Centre of Minority Dance and Theatre, and the Imperial Phoenix Hospital.
She was integral to the founding of Taqqittiavak, an international medical association, inspired by witnessing the calamity of war, and how there’s often not enough medics for the wounded, who are often left to suffer and die. She is a patron of the Three Nations’ Doctors League, a similar organization, though Taqqitiavak works in conflict zones, and 3ND in humanitarian crisis zones. She specifically works with them in an anti personnel landmine campaign. Her work directly leads to the signing of the Qiue Treaty to create an international ban on the use of landmines.
She makes regular lengthy visits to the Ruzuro-yeiji Hospital in Kemkami, where she specifically helps in the care and comfort for patients who are seriously or terminally ill—something royalty had never done before. She is a patronesses to the Imrani Cancer Fund, an international charity dedicated to cancer research.
She is the founder of Tunnganiq, an association dedicated to research and care for mental disabilities, especially those acquired in war or in accidents. She regularly supports efforts in the advancement of mental healthcare, institutional reform, and the stigmatization of all psychotic and neurotic disorders. She (and Toph) opened the Centre for Disability and the Arts in Republic City.
She is the patron of the Fire Nation branch of the Nutaraq Appeal, an international organization dedicated to helping pregnant women and new mothers in need around the world.
Katara (and Sokka) launch the International Child Bereavement charity, which seeks to support the children of: military families, children orphaned by war and conflict, children of suicide victims and children of the terminally ill. She and Sokka are also patrons of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center in Republic City.
She supports the Laiyi Fund, which is a parent fund to several smaller charity organizations that give accommodations and social assistance to the homeless, and campaigns to destigmatize homelessness worldwide. In general, Katara is very vocal and active in her support of homeless populations, and to end the conception of homelessness being a moral failing in the Fire Nation, especially by regularly working with the homeless directly, without any official means of protection. She supports the Just Homes Initiative in the United Republic, which seeks to “just house them” with no strings attached.
She was awarded the Freedom of Omashu Award, the highest honor in the Southern Earth Kingdom for her humanitarian efforts—as well as the Ba Sing Se Citizens’ Award and being awarded a gold medal in a healthcare conference in Piriyakheri.
To be honest, her marriage to Zuko really wasn’t a huge deal to most peasants in the Fire Nation—they were so far removed from royal life, that who the current Fire Lord is hardly mattered, let alone who the Fire Lady is. The middle class, especially in major cities like Kazanshi, Kenkami, Lopyang and Kimosaki, and the noble class (especially, much to her embarrassment, Mai’s family, the Keohsos—where the brides for the Fire Lord are traditionally found) were the most vocal in their disapproval of the idea of there being a foreign bride. What if the Fire Lord abandons them (a population that’s starving and struggling) for the South Pole? What if she roadblocks courtly promotions only to Water Tribe immigrants that will surely be used to replace the ethnic Fire Nation population? What if their heir is a waterbender, of all things? Most ire was reserved for Zuko, either way. The Fire Lady is hardly a consideration, at this point in time—the role is prestigious solely because she is the wife of the Fire Lord, who actually matters. Katara is who gives the position prestige and reverence beyond that, through her compassion, altruism and humanitarian efforts, which kind of gave the role of Fire Lady an entirely new role in greater Fire Nation society, outside of just running the household and being the head of the royal family, which doesn’t really affect regular citizens.
Besides, nobles who didn’t know better than to keep it to themselves were pretty readily dismissed from the court and removed from the Caldera—a hugely humiliating experience.
Their wedding is a big deal. Some agitators try to say that they’re wedding, in 106, is a flagrant extravagance when the whole nation is suffering—this is still more of an attack on Zuko, than Katara. The wedding, though a big royal wedding, is mostly used to help lighten the air for the population—it’s an excuse to be off of work for a week, to have fun celebrations, to be with family, to keep up with royal fashion, etc. It’s a reprivement.
Katara becomes somewhat of a fashion icon—not the biggest, by far, but especially her jewelry, accessories and hairstyles take the country by storm. It’s big enough that she’s able to auction off her old clothing and her own beadwork projects for thousands, which she would then donate to places she felt needed the most help. She alone is responsible for making smiling—especially smiling with your teeth—popular in the Fire Nation.
A lot of people really idealized her as a mother, with the way she was regularly seen walking her kids to and from school, and around the capital. She would participate in parent-student events in school, and was known to very rarely use nannies. Unlike other Fire Nation noblewomen, she never once used a nursemaid. She very regularly took her kids on holidays to the Southern Water Tribe. Non-racists in the Fire Nation really admire her dedication and loyalty to her origins and native land/practices. Racists thought she would teach her kids to look down on the Fire Nation and only care for the preservation of her homeland and culture.
A lot of people—especially older, more traditional folks—also thought she acted unbecomingly for a Fire Lady. She dresses casually in deels when not working in an official capacity, regularly goes off to do things without following royal protocol, smiles and waves to crowds and in photos. A lot of people criticize her speeches as being emotional and, occasionally, even hysterical. Her willingness to act outside of capacity and to do things that should be beneath her—in public—was especially condemned.
But overall, she’s been pretty popular from the beginning, and definitely went down as at least one of the most beloved Fire Ladies in history. If not the most.
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cryptosnewss · 2 months
Shiba Inu's Big Leap: Full Integration of Shiba Eternity with Shibarium Blockchain
On July 18, Lucie (@LucieSHIB), the marketing lead for Shiba Inu, announced a groundbreaking development for the Shiba Inu ecosystem. In a post on X, she revealed that Shiba Eternity, a game launched in October 2022, will soon be fully integrated with the Shibarium blockchain. “THIS IS BIG FOR Shibarium & BONE & SHIB. To play this game, you will need to own a Shiboshi, and later, Sheboshis will…
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samdrews · 3 months
The developers of the Shiba Eternity game have been consistently updating the card collection game with new developments each month since its launch. The latest update, shared by team member Mazrael on Twitter and Discord, introduces at least 14 key fixes to enhance the gaming experience and ensure key features function properly.
This marks the third major update since the game’s launch in October 2022, following significant updates in November and December 2022. The previous update addressed 10 critical issues to improve gameplay and reduce in-game wrongdoings.
Shiba Eternity, available on the Apple and Google app stores, has garnered over 100,000 downloads on the Google Play Store and holds a 4.8-star rating on both iOS and Android. To engage users, the Shiba Eternity team offers three feedback channels on Discord: "new card ideas" for suggesting new cards, bug reports, and general game feedback for shaping future updates.
Developers are also working on a blockchain version of Shiba Eternity, expected to launch after Shibarium, Shiba Inu's Layer 2 solution. Shytoshi Kusama, a lead developer, mentioned that Shiboshis NFT holders could lease their NFTs to blockchain game players for rewards, all running on Shibarium.
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drewssam · 5 months
The Shiboshi x Bugatti Group NFT collection made headlines by selling out within 110 seconds. Developed in collaboration with Nalikes Studio, these NFTs offer buyers eco-friendly physical items along with a substantial discount on future products. The minting process for these NFTs was paused temporarily, with a total of 299 NFTs created on the Ethereum chain, earning creators 5% per the OpenSea page.
The OpenSea page displays a total volume of 72.28 ETH, with a floor price of 0.5 ETH and the best offer price at 0.35 ETH. Currently, there are 153 owners of these NFTs, with 51% being unique owners. Owner Distribution reveals that 62% of owners hold 1 item, while 28% own 2 to 3 items, and 8% possess 4 to 10 items. Additionally, 2% own 11 to 25 items, according to OpenSea.
Among the Top 100 owners, ADCC57 holds the highest share at 5.69%, followed by alwaysfumblingthebag.eth with 4.35%. This remarkable performance underscores the growing enthusiasm and demand within the NFT space, as evidenced by the rapid sell-out and active trading on platforms like OpenSea.
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diawansrockpres1974 · 6 months
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Revitalize your crypto security by removing unnecessary permissions. Safeguard your SHIBOSHIS and other assets today. CryptoSecurity SHIBOSHIS WalletSafety : https://www.unrevoke.com/
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ucetnevi1989 · 6 months
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Revitalize your crypto security by removing unnecessary permissions. Safeguard your SHIBOSHIS and other assets today. CryptoSecurity SHIBOSHIS WalletSafety : https://www.unrevoke.com/
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cointahmin · 7 months
Shiba Inu (SHIB)’nun çığır açan gelişmeleri, baş geliştiricisi Shytoshi Kusama’nın değerli iştirakleri ve aktiflikleri duyurmasıyla Blockchain topluluğunda dalga yaratmaya devam ediyor. Shiba Inu, 13-17 Ağustos 2023 tarihleri ortasında Toronto, Kanada’da gerçekleşecek olan ve merakla beklenen Blockchain Futurist Konferansı’nın isim sponsoru olarak onaylandı. Ayrıyeten, Shiba Inu’nun resmi hackathonları ETHToronto ve ETHWomen da tıpkı periyotta düzenlenecek ve ekosistemin inovasyonu teşvik etme taahhüdünü daha da sağlamlaştıracak. İşte detaylar…Shiba Inu için değerli gelişmeler açıklandıShytoshi Kusama‘nın kendisinin de çığır açıcı bir görünüm sergileyeceği konferansta iştirakçileri heyecan verici haberler bekliyor. Gelişmiş yapay zeka teknolojisini kullanan Kusama, resmi bir blog yazısında açıklandığı üzere, SHIBprojesi için çok değerli bir dönüm noktası olan Shibarium’un çıkış tarihinde bir açılış konuşması yapacak. Aktifliğin ana vurgularından biri, ekosistemin vizyonunu ve gelecekteki gelişmelerini özetleyen Shiba Inu’nun Worldpaper’ının sergilenmesi olacak. Ayrıyeten, hem meraklıların hem de kesim profesyonellerinin ilgisini çekecek çeşitli SHIB markalı projeler de tanıtılacak. Açıklanacak projeler ortasında, merakla beklenen Treat token’ın detayları birinci sefer açıklanacak.Shiba Inu takımı, bu kıymetli platformu L2 Shibarium’un merakla beklenen lansmanını ele almak için kullanmayı planlıyor. Kusama, SHIB’in üçüncü yıldönümüne denk gelmesi ve Ethereum’un doğum yeri olarak sembolik bir ehemmiyete sahip olması nedeniyle bu değerli dönüm noktasından duyduğu heyecanı lisana getirdi. Konferansa ek olarak Shibarium, geliştiricilere ve yenilikçilere bu ihtilal niteliğindeki teknolojinin potansiyelini keşfetme fırsatı sunan, birkaç ay sürecek bir hackathon’a mesken sahipliği yapacak. İki özel stantta Shibarium ve Shib the Metaverse, Shibacals, Shiba Eternity, Shiboshis ve daha fazlasını içeren bir dizi SHIB temalı eser, platform ve hizmet sergilenecek.Diğer projeler de yer alacakEtkinlikte, Unification ve BadIdea.Ai de dahil olmak üzere Shibarium Tech ile inşa edilen değerli ortaklar ve projeler de yer alacak. Bu, Shiba Inu’yu çevreleyen büyüyen ekosistemin ve teknolojisinin genişleyen potansiyelinin bir ispatı olarak hizmet ediyor. Shiba Inu’nun son Worldpaper’da ana sınırlarıyla belirtildiği üzere eşsiz merkezi olmayan yapısı, binlerce merkezi olmayan Shib projesinin ve sadık ShibArmy’nin ortak uğraşlarıyla desteklenmektedir. Bu sağlam temel, Shiba Inu’yu Blockchain alanındaki öbür projelerden ayırmaktadır. Shiba Inu ekosistemi, Shibarium’un BONE token’ının teknolojiyi desteklemede hayati bir rol oynadığı Doggy DAO’nun idaresi altında faaliyet göstermektedir.Bir öteki temel token olan LEASH, topluluğun korunmasını ve ayrıcalıklı olmasını sağlarken, TREAT topluluk projelerini yönetir ve geliştirir. Eşit iştirak ve temsili sağlamak için yönetişim yapısı, SHIB ekosistemindeki her bir çekirdek token için bir tane olmak üzere dört kısma ayrılacaktır. Shiba Inu’nun konferansa iştirakinin ve sponsorluğunun duyurulması, yatırımcılardan anında bir reaksiyon aldı. SHIB token, 24 saatin en düşük düzeyinden yüzde 1’lik bir fiyat artışı yaşadı ve 0,00000757 dolara çıktı. Benzeri formda, Shibarium’un gas tokenı BONE, 1.06 dolara yükseldi.
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dencyemily · 7 months
DN404 Hybrid Tokens Take Center Stage as SHEboshis Launch Revolutionizes NFT Space
The SHEboshis collection pioneers the DN404 standard, merging ERC-20’s liquidity with ERC-721’s uniqueness in NFTs. Exclusive access and rewards await Shiboshi and $LEASH holders, enhancing community engagement and loyalty in the SHEboshis launch. SHEboshis’ integration into Ethereum and planned expansion to Shibarium highlight the project’s ambition for broader ecosystem connectivity. The Shib Army welcomes the arrival of SHEboshis, a new line of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that heralds a significant shift in the digital collectible landscape. These tokens embody a fusion of art, utility, and technological innovation, representing a leap forward in how the community perceives and interacts with digital assets. According to the official announcement, SHEboshis are not just an extension of the existing Shiboshi family; they are at the forefront of a movement towards more dynamic and inclusive forms of digital ownership.
SHEboshis stands out by adopting the DN404 standard, also referred to as ERC-404. This innovative approach combines the benefits of ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards, introducing liquidity and fractional ownership concepts to the NFT domain. The community behind this project emphasizes the experimental nature of SHEboshis, urging members to approach with understanding and caution. The initiative underlines the potential for new ownership models while acknowledging the risks inherent in pioneering technology.
For those holding Shiboshis, a simplified claim process has been outlined. A snapshot taken at block 19227900 determines eligibility, with each Shiboshi holder entitled to claim a corresponding SHEboshi within a 48-hour window, adjusted from the initial 72 hours due to a refined claim logic. This approach rewards the loyalty of Shiboshi enthusiasts, offering them a stake in this groundbreaking venture.
$LEASH token holders are not left behind in this exciting phase. Following the exclusive claim period for Shiboshi holders, those possessing any amount of $LEASH will gain privileged access to purchase the remaining SHEboshis for 24 hours. This phase precedes the public sale, where unclaimed SHEboshis become available to the broader audience, providing a unique opportunity for new participants to engage with the SHEboshi ecosystem.
The decision to mint SHEboshis on the Ethereum network underscores the project’s commitment to leveraging established platforms for optimal liquidity and accessibility. The SHEboshis will initially trade on Shibaswap and Uniswap, with plans to integrate into the Shibarium network, promising a more expansive and fluid trading environment.
Looking ahead, the SHEboshi initiative is poised to catalyze further innovations within the NFT space. Integrating Shiboshis and SHEboshis will unlock new possibilities, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where art, technology, and community converge.
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claudiaschiffersblog · 9 months
Кількість переказів у Shibarium перевищила 225 млн
Згідно з даними Shibariumscan, мережа Shibarium подолала чергову важливу віху. Загальна кількість транзакцій стрімко продовжує зростати. За останні кілька тижнів здійснювалося щонайменше 5 млн нових переказів щодня. Кілька днів тому сумарний показник перевищив позначку в 200 млн. Станом на вечір 30 грудня 2023 року, це значення подолало 225,99 млн. Сумарна кількість блоків у мережі досягла 2,39 млн. Кількість унікальних гаманців - 1,32 млн. За минулі 24 години користувачі здійснили 7,51 млн транзакцій. Також слід зазначити, що представник команди Shiba Inu під псевдонімом Lucie Shib зробила важливу заяву за останню добу. Керівник відділу маркетингу повідомила, що нова колекція NFT Shiboshi використовуватиметься в удосконаленій версії гри Shiba Eternity, яка вийде на Shibarium наступного року. Люсі натякнула, що P2E-продукт ("грай, щоб заробити") стане одним із головних проєктів наступного року. Наразі для користувачів запущена мобільна версія гри Shiba Eternity з цифровими картками колекціонування. Анонс означає, що буде випущена нова інтерпретація проєкту, в яку інтегрують колекцію NFT. Токени Shibashi будуть використовуватися як внутрішньоігрові активи, "додаючи персоналізований і колекційний аспект ігровому досвіду". Це також дасть змогу геймерам отримати доступ до певних функцій, рівнів і сценаріїв. Ці активи матимуть вирішальне значення для того, щоб дозволити заробляти TREAT - активи винагороди екосистеми Shiba Inu. Згідно з даними на 30 грудня 2023 року, вартість мем-криптовалюти SHIB становила $0,0000105. Ця цифрова валюта розташовувалася на 16-му рядку в рейтингу найкращих цифрових активів світу з показником $6,21 млрд ринкової капіталізації. За останню добу трейдери здійснили угоди на $97,87 млн. Read the full article
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cryptotalemedia · 11 months
Shibarium Announces Plans for Token Enhancement and New dApps
Shibarium aims to boost token utility, attracting more users and investors. The project focuses on user-friendly dApps to lead in decentralized innovation. Virtual realms Shiboshis and ShibtheMetaverse offer community-centric spaces for engagement and exploration. Lucie, a Shiba Inu development team member, recently revealed on X (formerly known as Twitter) that Shibarium, an L2 solution…
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Lucie, the official marketing specialist of the SHIB developer team, has taken to X app to address top Shiba Inu and Shibarium partner projects and invite them to organize a Christmas party and a SHIB giveaway together on Discord.Lucie tagged the partners that SHIB want to join them during the party – the Italian fast food chain Welly’s, Bad Idea AI project, Unification and Shibacals Collaboration Studio.Lucie pointed out that they need to send it a representative from each project who will bring “gifts” for the lucky winners from the SHIB community who will take part in the giveaway. Besides, Lucie mentioned that the following Shibarium projects’ reps will be present – BONE, LEASH, SHIB, Shiboshis and Shiba Inu Metaverse.Lucie exposes recent crypto impostorsAside from that X post about the upcoming Christmas party, earlier today, Lucie published a note about imposters who pretend to be members of the Shiba Inu team.Lucie called on crypto exchanges and portals to carefully check people who contact them, claiming they represent Shiba Inu.Dear Exchanges and Portals,I kindly urge you to exercise utmost caution when approached by individuals claiming to be part of the Shiba Team. Today, I received three DMs from impostors attempting to deceive.We meticulously scrutinize every contact, and personally, I take…— 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐄 | ✨Shibarium✨ (@LucieSHIB) October 6, 2023 She shared that just today she had received three direct messages from impostors who made an attempt to deceive her. No details of that were mentioned in the X post. Lucie immediately blocked them. She stated that SHIB team and herself deeply scrutinize every new contact and they “take immediate action to block anyone who fails to promptly provide information on how to verify their credentials.”SHIB admin’s account hacked for fake BONE giveaway promotionStaying alert is vitally important these days, she insists, especially after the recent case when Ragnar, one of the SHIB admins on Telegram, had his TG account compromised and the imposters then began to offer a fake BONE token giveaway on Telegram. Luckily, the admin quickly managed to recover control over his account, changed the device and the password to his Telegram profile.Lucie added that “these incidents are happening more frequently, highlighting the importance of being vigilant against potential scammers.”
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forexdigitalinfo · 1 year
Para os amantes de pets e traders de criptomoedas, 2021 tem sido particularmente empolgante com o surgimento das criptomoedas temáticas de cães. Shiba Inu (SHIB) foi uma das moedas ascendentes no mercado que viu um aumento significativo no preço. Apelidada de "assassina do Dogecoin", a moeda SHIB se tornou um sucesso nas redes sociais. Em novembro de 2021, o SHIB estava entre as principais criptomoedas em capitalização de mercado. Estava classificada em 11º lugar na CoinMarketCap, o que a coloca próxima de seu concorrente, DOGE. O que é Shiba Inu (SHIB)? Shiba Inu (SHIB) é uma criptomoeda meme baseada na blockchain Ethereum. Foi criada em agosto de 2020 por um desenvolvedor anônimo chamado Ryoshi, cuja identidade é tão misteriosa quanto a do criador do Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Como o nome sugere, SHIB foi inspirada na raça de cachorro japonesa Shiba Inu. O SHIB tinha um suprimento total de 1 quatrilhão. Quando foi lançado pela primeira vez, Ryoshi bloqueou 50% do suprimento total no Uniswap para fornecer liquidez. Uniswap é um protocolo de fabricante de mercado automatizado (AMM) na blockchain Ethereum e é um dos projetos de maior sucesso no espaço de finanças descentralizadas (DeFi). Os outros 500 trilhões de SHIB foram enviados para Vitalik Buterin, co-fundador da Ethereum, que decidiu queimar 90% e doar o restante para o fundo de ajuda à COVID-19 na Índia. O Ecossistema Shiba Inu Para acompanhar o tema dos cães, Shiba Inu usa termos caninos em seu ecossistema. De acordo com o "WoofPaper" (whitepaper), Shiba Inu é um projeto orientado pela comunidade focado na criação de uma criptomoeda descentralizada. O ecossistema SHIB consiste em uma exchange descentralizada chamada ShibaSwap. Você pode negociar SHIB e outras criptomoedas na ShibaSwap, "cavar" nas Piscinas de Filhotes para fornecer liquidez ou "enterrar" seus tokens em contratos inteligentes para ganhar juros com SHIB e outros dois tokens ERC-20, Doge Killer (LEASH) e Bone ShibaSwap (BONE). LEASH é o segundo token criado pelo Shiba Inu e também está na ShibaSwap. Com um fornecimento circulante de 107.646 tokens, o LEASH foi inicialmente usado como um token de rebase para rastrear o preço do Dogecoin. No entanto, os desenvolvedores do SHIB decidiram transformar o LEASH em um token ERC-20. Os detentores do LEASH podem apostar seus tokens na piscina de liquidez e ganhar xLEASH como recompensa. BONE é um token de governança. Tem um fornecimento de 250.000.000 de tokens. No futuro, permitirá que a ShibArmy (um apelido para sua comunidade) vote em propostas futuras na Doggy DAO. Shiba Inu também está propondo um incubador de arte de token não fungível (NFT) chamado Shiba Artist Incubator. Convida artistas inspirados em cães de todo o mundo a trazer seus Shiba Inus para o mercado de NFT, apresentando obras de arte como pintura, fotografia e renderização digital. Em outubro de 2021, a equipe do SHIB lançou 10.000 "Shiboshi" NFTs na blockchain Ethereum e anunciou um próximo jogo NFT chamado Shiboshi Game. O anúncio incluiu também um novo mecanismo de queima de tokens. Sempre que os detentores de Shiboshi desejam mudar o nome de seus NFTs, eles precisam pagar uma taxa de US$ 100 em SHIB. As taxas serão queimadas, ou seja, enviadas para a carteira de queima do SHIB. O que são moedas meme? Dogecoin e Shiba Inu, junto com centenas de outras criptomoedas meme, são conhecidos como moedas meme ou tokens meme. Por exemplo, Dogecoin e Shiba Inu foram inspirados em memes de um adorável cão Shiba Inu, enquanto PepeCoin (MEME) foi inspirado em Pepe the Frog, um popular meme de sapo antropomórfico. A maioria das moedas meme é criada com utilidade ou casos de uso limitados e tem uma vida mais curta do que as criptomoedas mainstream como bitcoin (BTC) e ether (ETH). Portanto, muitas moedas meme não podem ser negociadas em grandes plataformas de negociação. Além disso, o preço das moedas meme geralmente é baixo devido ao seu grande fornecimento. Mesmo as populares como SHIB e DOGE custam apenas uma fração de centavo.
As moedas meme têm ocupado um lugar secundário em relação às criptomoedas de maior capitalização de mercado, mas começaram a subir após a tendência das "ações meme" da GameStop (GME) e da AMC Entertainment (AMC) em 2021. Em janeiro de 2021, um grupo do Reddit chamado SatoshiStreetBets considerou o DOGE o equivalente criptográfico do GME e brincou sobre impulsionar seu preço. À medida que o preço do DOGE decolou, os traders voltaram sua atenção para Shiba Inu e outras moedas meme, em busca de ganhos com o rali. O preço do DOGE atingiu uma alta histórica de 73 centavos em maio de 2021, com um aumento de mais de 2.000% em apenas cinco dias. Ainda assim, é importante lembrar que a negociação e o investimento em criptomoedas envolvem alto risco financeiro. As moedas meme podem ser super voláteis, portanto, você deve sempre fazer sua própria pesquisa (DYOR) e nunca investir o que não pode perder. Por que o SHIB é tão popular? Durante a pandemia global em 2020, o mercado de criptomoedas caiu e depois explodiu, à medida que investidores individuais migraram para ativos digitais como bitcoin (BTC) e ether (ETH) para se proteger contra a inflação. Como mencionado, a saga do mercado de ações levou ao aumento das moedas meme. Alguns atribuem a popularidade do SHIB à influência das redes sociais, especialmente do CEO da Tesla, Elon Musk. Depois que ele brincou publicamente sobre o Dogecoin na TV em maio de 2021 e fez seu preço cair, SHIB e outras moedas meme aproveitaram a crescente popularidade dos tokens meme. Em novembro de 2021, o preço do SHIB aumentou mais de 60.000.000% desde janeiro. Uma das razões pelas quais o SHIB se destaca de suas moedas "irmãs" é a Shiboshi NFTs e o jogo Shiboshi iminente. Aproveitando a empolgação dos mercados de NFT, os 10.000 Shiboshis se esgotaram em menos de 35 minutos. Shiba Inu lançou seus próprios NFTs usando a plataforma ShibaSwap. À medida que os proprietários nomeiam seus Shiboshis e acionam a queima de tokens SHIB, juntamente com o desenvolvimento do jogo Shiboshi NFT, a popularidade do Shiba Inu pode continuar crescendo. Considerações Finais Shiba Inu viu ganhos significativos em 2021. Com o lançamento dos Shiboshi NFTs e o próximo Shiboshi Game, a utilidade do SHIB e seu ecossistema podem potencialmente superar seu concorrente, DOGE. No entanto, você deve ser cauteloso e fazer sua própria pesquisa antes de investir em criptomoedas, especialmente em moedas meme. Elas podem ser mais voláteis do que as criptomoedas de maior capitalização de mercado, já que grande parte de seu valor é baseada principalmente no sentimento das redes sociais.
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samdrews · 3 months
The Shiba Eternity game has seen consistent monthly updates since its launch, with the latest update now live. A developer named Mazrael recently shared the changelogs on Twitter, detailing 14 key fixes aimed at enhancing the gaming experience by ensuring key features function properly.
This marks the third major update since the game’s launch, following previous upgrades in November and December 2022, which focused on curbing in-game wrongdoings and improving user experience. Launched in October 2022 on the Apple and Google app stores, Shiba Eternity has over 100,000 downloads on Google Play and boasts a 4.8-star rating on both iOS and Android.
The Shiba Eternity team offers three feedback channels on Discord: "new card ideas" for user-suggested card concepts, a bug report channel, and a general feedback channel for shaping future updates. Additionally, developers are working on a blockchain version of the game, expected to launch after Shibarium, Shiba Inu’s Layer 2 solution.
Holders of Shiboshis NFTs will reportedly be able to lease their NFTs to blockchain game players for rewards. Lead developer Shytoshi Kusama has indicated that all these features will operate on Shibarium, further integrating Shiba Eternity into the Shiba Inu ecosystem.
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crynotifier · 1 year
Shiba Inu Developers Launch Shibarium, Ushering In New Era of Growth for SHIB Ecosystem
Shiba Inu Developers Launch Shibarium, Ushering In New Era of Growth for SHIB Ecosystem
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SHIB Token / Source: Adobe
Shiba Inu developers have launched their highly anticipated, purpose-built Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Shibarium, ushering in a new era of growth for one of the crypto industry’s largest decentralized communities.
The launch announcement was made at the Blockchain Futurist Conference/ETH Toronto.
As per a press release sent to Cryptonews.com from the Shiba Inu development team, the Shibarium mainnet “will serve as the technical bedrock underpinning the entire Shiba Inu State”.
“Having already resonated with a community of over 21 million user wallets during its beta testnet, the live Shibarium mainnet is now ready to on-board millions more who are interested in shaping a new future that honors the principles of decentralization, interoperability, and user-centric design for both blockchain and technology at large”.
Shibarium Starts With Community and Decentralization
“Many in the tech world, inside and outside blockchain, are promising ‘everything apps’ and full user interactivity in the world of ideas, goods, services, and other opportunities,” said Shiba Inu Lead Developer who goes by the pseudonym Shytoshi Kusama.
“However, any such promise absolutely must start at a place of both community and decentralization,” he continued.
“As part of one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the planet, Shibarium lives at the intersection of those two principles in a way that eludes most other technologies, even many other blockchains”.
Indeed, Shibarium’s highly decentralized and community-focused starting point is a key advantage that the blockchain has over some of its more established Ethereum layer-2 rivals.
“To compare what we have launched, in full, to other L2’s is a misnomer,” Kusama said.
“If you consider even the best L2’s to be a Ferrari engine, we just placed a Lamborghini engine into a Revuelto and handed the community the keys… The others are still in the shop with devs tweaking the cylinders”.
Fast Transaction Speeds, Minimal Gas Fees, Cost Effective Protocol Building
Shibarium facilitates fast transaction speeds with minimal gas fees, transforming the Shiba Inu ecosystem user experience.
SHIB and the broader Shiba Inu ecosystem has, up until now, had its home on the Ethereum blockchain.
While this has provided the ecosystem and community with security, reliability and access to the world’s most developed and liquid decentralized finance (DeFi) markets, Ethereum comes with the downsides of high gas fees and slow transaction times.
As per the press release sent to Cryptonews.com from Shiba Inu developers, “anyone can build cost-effective protocols on Shibarium, expanding the reach and potential of the ecosystem while enriching the overall user”.
Shibarium will support all parts of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, including the $SHIB, $LEACH and $BONE tokens, as well as Shiboshi NFTs, SHIB The Metaverse, the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) and the Shiba Eternity Game, as well as many thousands of major upcoming projects.
Focus on Decentralized Digital Identity
Besides providing a new home for the growth of the Shiba Inu web3 ecosystem, Shiba Inu is also focusing on empowering its users to fully control and secure their digital identities without the interference of third parties.
As per the press release sent to Cryptonews.com, Shiba Inu is prioritizing the integration of Self-Sovereign Identity, or SSI.
“SSI enables users’ self-custody of verified credentials including physical documents that confirm and secure identity, such as passports and driver’s licenses”.
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New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/shiba-inu-developers-launch-shibarium-ushering-new-era-of-growth-for-shib-ecosystem-htm/
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