#shortgirlfics drabble
shortgirlfics · 2 years
(not so) temporary tattoos
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listen to: new romantics by taylor swift, cool (your rainbow) by nmixx, and afterglow by taylor swift
genre: oneshot, drabble, fluff, romance
author’s note: 
hey! so i’m back...i got the inspiration for this story during class today, me and my friends were ‘working’ (not really lol) outside, and they all decided to draw a full sleeve of sharpie tattoos on my arm. it was super sunny and i thought...wait i could write about this. anyways, enjoy! (also, felix was a reccomended name by my friend...not the skz member, but he might be a little bit based off him...non stays, ignore this and move on, stays, let your imagination do what it wants, loves!)
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the scent of sharpie and the soft tingle of a pen tip on her skin woke halie from her gentle slumber. 
the sun had been overwhelmingly comforting, like a warm, golden sheet of love and light, and despite several minutes trying to force herself to stay awake to talk, she had found herself gently nodding off. it didn’t help that the ridiculously cute boy with her had been drawing all up her arm. the gentle strokes of the pen on her lightly suntanned skin had been all too much for her drowsy body, and after she’d told him that he could draw whatever he wanted, she’d fallen fast asleep. 
until now.
“i got kind of carried away, sorry…” felix smiled, putting the finishing touches on his drawing. halie shook her head and mumbled a tired “it’s fine.” before rolling onto her back, brushing her hair out of her eyes. she felt him continue, the pen pressing a little harder into one of the veins on her arm, sending a shiver down her spine.
“i’m done,” felix chuckled, placing the pen on the ground beside halie and gently tapping her on the cheek.
halie removed her other arm from where it had been shielding her face from the sun and sat up, rubbing her eyes. then she gasped.
she’d known he was a good artist; she’d realised that when their teacher had asked them to work in pairs to make an art project together. that had been in the beginning. before they’d really known each other. but this…this was something else.
he’d only used the black sharpie, but the swirls of pen looked dreamlike, floating up her arm and all the way down her wrist until they paused at her ring finger. vines, roses and flowers were entwined, joined by butterflies, dragonflies and bees, hovering around the blooms that encircled her wrist.
halie realised that while she’d fallen asleep in the afternoon sun to the gentle rhythm of the felt tip pressing into her skin, he’d been creating magic.
while halie examined her arm, felix’s eyes didn’t move from her face. on his lips sat the biggest smile, and the sun danced through his dark hair, creating shadows on his lightly sunburnt cheeks.
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“halie! oh my god, it’s been ages.” felix ran up to the girl, enveloping her in the tightest of hugs that reminded her painfully of days spent in the sun and warm, half-melted brownies.
“i know, i’m sorry lix, i’ve missed you so much.”
“don’t be sorry. you should be happy you got into art school! i just sometimes wish it was a little closer. like, maybe a little less than twenty-four hours would be nice.” he chuckled, gently stroking her hair from where she remained, head buried in his soft grey hoodie, breathing in his scent of musk sticks and shoyu ramen.
halie looked up at him, and he pressed a kiss onto the small freckle that sat just under her eye. “i wish you’d have come with me too, lix. you got into forest end art school, you could have come with me.”
“sometimes i wish i had too, but I’m happy where i am. i didn’t really want to leave here.” he paused, tucking his head on top of halie’s, “there were too many incomplete memories.”
“then i’ll come back.” halie released herself from his hug. “u can’t stay there, Felix, it doesn’t make me happy, even though i know it should. and i miss you too much. i can’t just leave you here and pretend that i’m fine.”
“you can’t do something that will impact your entire life just for me, halie.”
“yes i can. i already have.” halie replied stubbornly, and with a gentle tug, she pulled up the sleeve of her sage-green cardigan, revealing a sea of entwined vines, dotted with roses, bees, butterflies and leaves, with her forever like the memory of that afternoon.
and no more words needed to be said.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
cinnamon sugar cookie
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listen to: cookie by newjeans, everythingoes by rm & cool (your rainbow) by nmixx
genre: fluff, soft, cute
author’s note: 
hey! this is a short drabble, oneshot sorta piece! i’m not used to writing short pieces so let me know if you like it! lowercase intended. i just think it fits the theme of my books since they’re usually drabbles or more casual little snippets. also, it’s kind of cringe and very sickly sweet, sorry about that hehe! enjoy cinnamon sugar cookie!
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“cinnamon sugar cookies?”
lea spun around, staring up into the boy’s sparkling brown eyes. he wasn’t looking at her. he was intently reading the content of the notebook sitting in front of her.
“oh god,” lea mumbled, burying her face in her hands as he leaned a little closer, chuckling softly to himself. it was moments like this she wished she had a little more awareness; maybe she could have quickly shut the notebook before he’d approached. if she hadn’t been so lost in her own world, as she always was. but here he was, his eyebrows furrowing in the cutest way, taking in every word, every little heart and star sketch she’d done around the title. lea had never seen someone so focused on her work.
“did you make this? the recipe, i mean.” the boy asked, looking up from the book and directly at lea. there was a pause, lea lost in the fact that the boy’s eyes seemed to have the same colour and silkiness of melted chocolate. she snapped back, staring back up at him.
“yeah. i like to bake.” she mumbled, looking down. she was sure that if he smiled one more time, the little dimple in his cheek creasing, that she would well and truly die.
what he did was worse. he chuckled. lea felt her cheeks flush and she stared at her shoes, trying to avoid his gaze.
“i can’t bake for shit.”
lea suddenly looked back up. “you work in a cafe!” she blurted, with a newfound confidence she’d never realised she possessed.
“i’m a waiter. i never really needed to know how to cook.” he paused, running his hand through his fringe. “i’d like to learn, though.”
lea never did anything spontaneous. so when she started ripping at the page from her notebook, the very one that contained the cinnamon sugar cookie recipe, she surprised herself. she was even more shocked with herself when she found herself handing it to him. “here, you take it. you can learn how to bake.”
the boy smiled again, and lea noticed his dimple. god, how she wanted to die in that dimple. “thanks. but i’d probably still mess it up. why don’t you teach me?”
and that was the moment lea’s carefully planned world came undone. she found herself saying “sure, when do you want to?”
“whenever you want, cookie.”
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
cry for me, die for me (song lyric series)
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based off: cry for me by camila cabello 
“did you forget? you said that in this lifetime you can never get over me. are you over me?”
genre: psychopath, angst, breakup (tw: blood, emotional turmoil, psychopathy but amazingly no murder)
author’s note: 
hey! so this is the start of my song lyric series, idk how long it will go, there’s a lot of songs i want to write about!
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“cause you haunt me when I'm dreaming, and it's time you know the feeling.”
leo pulled her fist away from the mirror, blood slowly starting to drip down her knuckles, the colour of a half-dead rose, one that had just started to wilt.
she was the half-dead rose.
with a careless flick of her long, manicured fingertips, she smeared the blood across her hand, turning her attention to the mirror. 
well, it wasn’t really a mirror anymore, was it?
there were shards of glass everywhere, and there was a massive shatter down the centre of the mirror. leo could see about seven different versions of herself scattered around the different cracks in the glass. 
since when had she ruined herself for him?
her dark, silky hair was pushed back messily, half of it hiding her face. her tanned skin had an uneasy tinge to it, making her look almost unhuman, a symptom of the illness she could only describe as heartbreak. her eyeliner had smudged all down her cheek and mascara tears dripped like black raindrops down her face where they got lost under her jawline. red lipstick, the exact colour of the blood on her knuckles, was smeared not just across her lips but on her cheek as well.
she needed to make him regret leaving her.
leo staggered up, chuckling to herself as she hastily shoved her platform boots on, twisting an ankle one step, almost tripping the next, but she didn’t care. she probably could have faceplanted and knocked herself out then and there, but wouldn’t have cared.
she only cared about him.
leo pulled a baseball bat, the very one he had given her after they’d gone to the game together, out of her closet, and from her drawer, a box of matches.
it was gone 3am, but leo still clambered into her car, pulling out her favourite red lipstick.
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max woke up to the sound of sirens outside his apartment window. he jumped up, staring out the window as a haze of grey smoke clouded what had once been a city view. policemen were standing around a car, or at least, what had once been a car.
max took a closer look. that was his car.
he sped down the stairs and ran out the front door, staring at the smoking, ash-covered wreck of metal in the carpark.
then, on the windscreen, the only part that hadn’t quite been damaged, he saw six words, written in red lipstick. her red lipstick.
cry for me, die for me.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
a thousand and one texts
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listen to: gorgeous by taylor swift, left and right by charlie puth and jungkook, daydream by the aces
genre: angst (tw: mentions of panic attacks and anxiety), romance
author’s note:
hey! trying something a little different this time. again, the character isn’t technically associated with son chaeyoung from twice, but onces, feel free to use your imagination here! also, (as stated above but doubly checking!) there are mentions of anxiety and panic attacks, so if that triggers you, i suggest read one of my other stories or just take extra care. enjoy xx
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airi knew chaeyoung couldn’t possibly be awake at this time.
she knew that chaeyoung would probably wake up to the thousand and one texts she’d sent her, immediately call her, and everything would be fine. 
except it wasn’t all fine.
she needed chaeyoung now.
the panic attack had lasted ten minutes. ten minutes of crying, struggling to breathe and fidgeting with her hands until they went numb. ten minutes of sheer need for her girlfriend, who lived what seemed like universes away. and much, much more than ten minutes of her usual insomnia, keeping her wide awake into the depths of the night, even when she knew she was exhausted and bound to collapse any minute.
airi rolled over, switching on her phone for what seemed like the millionth time that night. the bright light lit up the little corner of her bedroom, casting an eerie, moonlight-like glow across airi’s face, eyes puffy from crying.
chaeyoung was all the way across the city. at least three hours away. and airi just had to wait.
but she really couldn’t.
reaching for her phone, she pressed the ‘call’ button before she could stop herself. the phone rang for what seemed like hours. then finally…
“hi.” airi replied, rubbing at her eyes. “i’m sorry chae, it’s three a.m., no, oh god, it’s half past three and i-”
“i’m on my way.”
“chae, it’s like, three hours! you can’t drive that late.” airi sighed, lying back down and nestling into the pillows. just hearing the girl’s voice seemed to settle her mind, and she felt her eyes almost flutter closed.
“you better not be falling asleep, airi.”
airi sat up in surprise. the girl in front of her looked so dreamlike, she wondered if she really was hallucinating. even though she was clearly exhausted, chaeyoung’s chocolate brown eyes, as warm and comforting as hot coffee in a cosy cafe, somehow kept their sparkle, and her soft, dusty-rose dyed hair, pulled back in a messy bun, brought airi an overwhelming amount of memories.
“you’re here.” airi breathed, kicking off the duvet and diving into the girl’s arms.
“i’m here.” chaeyoung whispered, pressing kisses along airi’s forehead.
“why are you here, though?” airi asked, looking up at chaeyoung, eyes like wet pools of ink.
chaeyoung smiled sleepily. “i missed you, and the second you texted me, like, four hours ago, i knew what was coming. and when i was in the car and heard my phone notifications go off like, every second, i knew i’d made the right decision coming to see you.”
“you didn’t need to, chae.”
“yeah, i did. and i know you’re too tired to argue. let’s just go to bed, okay, and we can talk in the morning.” chaeyoung replied, pulling airi onto her chest as they collapsed onto the soft mattress. 
and that night, airi slept without a single thought spiralling through her head.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
types of partners - ep 1
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listen to: mirror by itzy, polaroid love by enhypen, mikrokosmos by bts
genre: imagine, fluff, romance
author’s note:
hey! so i haven’t done reactions or imagines yet, so i thought i’d write out (what i think) different partners would be like! it will be gender neutral too!
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episode 1: the one you’ll marry
met when you were in your early 20s, right after you’d had about a year of being single
immediatley noticed how much they cared for you
always texted to make sure you were okay, would call you if you didn’t see each other for a little while
would cook for you <3
and gives the warmest hugs™  
dates with them are either all out, taking you to a cute restaurant on the rooftop of a building watching the sunset, or staying at home and snuggling on the couch and binge watching your favourite show or a movie with popcorn and lots of lil kisses
holds you tight when you sleep
genuinely feels down when you feel down and will do anything to bring you back up
loves you more than life itself and makes sure to remind you of that everyday
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
the rose garden - ep 5 [final]
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listen to: here always by seungmin, home by seventeen and make it right by bts
genre: fluff, romance, slight angst
author’s note:
hey! here we are with the final episode of the rose garden! i now have realised this series doesn’t really have much about rose gardens, but that’s fine, whatever, oh well, ahaha. anyway, this episode was super sweet and almost made me cry, but we don’t talk about that. it feels weirdly sentimental to see aeri and kai’s story come to an end, but it had to finish somewhere, and this felt the best. enjoy the final episode of the rose garden!
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“im sorry i made you wait.”
princess aeri rolled over to look at kai, from where they had been lying on a picnic rug in the rose garden watching the sunset. 
“i’m sorry i made you feel like you had to wait, kai.” aeri replied, moving closer and resting her head on his chest. she could hear his heartbeat clearly, and it made her feel safe. 
he wrapped his arms around her tightly. most people described falling in love as a one time thing, but for aeri and kai, it was a lifestyle. every time they looked at each other, they were reminded of the tiny things that they loved about the other. it was something they’d never get sick of. 
they looked up at the sky. the first signs of the sunset were beginning to show, as the sky washed over with beautiful shades of lilac and peach. it was like a watercolour painting, and aeri couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment.
with him.
“do you ever mind that you didn’t get to inherit the throne after all?” kai asked, locking eyes with aeri.
“for you, never.” aeri replied instantly. “and i’m certain that jacob is more than happy running the kingdom.”
she relaxed her body against his, eyes fluttering closed. he gently tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly on the forehead.
so this is what he’d been waiting for.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
the rose garden - episode 4
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listen to: trust fund baby by txt, mixtape oh by stray kids and stay by blackpink
genre: fluff, romance, slight angst
author’s note: 
hey! not me telling myself it might take a week to finish this series then completing it in a day...oh well! here’s episode 4 of the rose garden, i’ll do one or two more episodes i think! one will be a timeskip. but no spoilers for now hehe. enjoy!
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“are you sure this will work?”
“of course i’m sure.” jacob replied, linking his fingers with aeri’s as the pair walked down the hallway to the foyer, where aeri knew, based on kai’s schedule, he should be standing, keeping an eye on the pair before she sent jacob off.
they begun their practiced light conversation, discussing the weather, the delicious peach tea that the cook had provided them with for their picnic, and the type of roses that were currently in bloom. jacob made sure to gaze lovingly into aeri’s eyes, and aeri made sure to flutter her eyelashes flirtatiously at him as they entered the foyer.
and there, as expected, was kai, the same icy expression on his face as always. aeri’s smile faltered, but she continued chatting animatedly, trying to ignore the twisted feeling in her gut.
then, it was time for the moment they’d prepared for.
as princess aeri murmured a “it’s such a shame you have to leave, dear jacob,” jacob slipped his hands around her neck and kissed her.
it was a light kiss, gentle and sweet, but, as jacob had predicted, it was enough to set kai off. and before aeri even pulled away from jacob’s lips, she felt herself being dragged off by the waist.
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“why would you do this to me?” kai hissed as he continued pulling her down the marble floored hallways until they reached the front room in her wing of the palace. “why, aeri, when you know it can’t happen?”
aeri looked down guiltily. she hadn’t expected this kind of a reaction.
tears were rolling down kai’s cheeks as he stared into her eyes. he looked so lost, every inch of his coldness towards her melting by the moment.
she looked up, regaining her confidence. “why would you do this to me? you were so sweet and kind and caring, we were so close, everything was perfect, so why would you go and ruin it all? what did i do? if i did something wrong, can you please just tell me instead of ignoring me all the time!”
he was in shock. aeri’s cheeks had flushed pink, tears streaming down her face and her moss-coloured eyes glistening. he took a deep breath, feeling bitter again.
“you don’t understand. you never will. you’re a princess, aeri, i’m your guard. you don’t have a care in the world, your life is planned out for you, you get whatever you want. you might not see a difference between us, but i certainly do, and it’s something we can’t risk. imagine how disappointed your father would be-”
“do you think i give a shit?”
kai looked startled, staring at the seemingly perfect, always kept-together princess he knew. had she just cursed? and at her father, the king?
“do you seriously think that i’m just going to go along with whatever my father says? marry prince jacob just because he’s a royal? live my life stuck in a palace with seventeen children, one of which will be the heir to the kingdom? kai, i don’t want any of that.” aeri blurted, still crying.
“jacob doesn’t even love me. i never even loved him. he’s been helping me, kai, helping me through the pain you put me through.” she took a deep breath. “but i love you, kai, so if you’d just stop stressing an-”
kai couldn’t listen to it anymore. he reached his hand around her waist, the way he had done many days ago, except this time, he pulled her closer.
and kissed her.
and it was all aeri had ever dreamed of.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
the rose garden - ep 3
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listen to: tfw (that feeling when) by enhypen, blue and grey by bts, gone by rosé
genre: fluff, romance, slight angst
author’s note:
hey! so yeah, i am more than slightly obsessed. i think that’s obvious. also, if you have requests/ideas for writing, please let me know! also, in the message, add if you want credit. i’ll do a post on more in-depth details about requests for writing soon. anyways, enjoy episode 3 of the rose garden!
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“so when did you fall in love with him?”
aeri shrugged. she didn’t really know how to respond to jacob’s question. since forever was probably the correct response, but she thought that sounded far too fanciful. besides, she wasn’t even sure. it wasn’t like one day she looked at him and went, you know what, you’re my soulmate. it was the sort of thing that just grew over time. 
and the second she realised she was in love with him, she knew she’d never fall out of it.
“i’m not really sure.”
“well that’s helpful, isn’t it.” jacob scoffed. the pair were catching up for the fourth time, and aeri was beginning to love jacob’s sarcastic attitude and sassy quips. he claimed that him being there was a core part in their mission to “make that boy realise what he’s wanted was in front of him all along.”
aeri laid down on the picnic rug that had been set up earlier. she stared up at the rosy red apples and the patches of blue sky she could see between the glossy leaves. she had no idea what she was going to do.
“i’ve seen the way that boy looks at you, aeri.” jacob said out of the blue, laying down beside aeri. he always referred to kai as that boy, and aeri found it hysterical. “i’m sure he loves you back. and i’ve seen many a boy in love.”
“i think he used to love me. but he’s so cold and silent all the time. ever since he was promoted to guard, he’s stopped talking to me all together.” aeri replied, sighing. she brushed a strand of her cocoa coloured hair out of her eyes and continued staring up at the sky. 
“you could make him jealous.”
“what?!” aeri sat up with a start, looking at jacob, puzzled. he chuckled at her expression, ignoring her shock.
“all he needs is a little push, aeri. and moping around, not doing anything about your feelings isn’t going to change anything.” jacob said in a very worldly wise manner. aeri felt almost a little upset that she hadn’t thought of anything like this earlier.
maybe jake was right.
maybe all kai needed was the right motivation.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
the rose garden - ep 2
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listen to: ex by stray kids, psycho by red velvet, and eight (ft suga) by iu
genre: fluff, romance, slight angst
author’s note:
hey! i’m backkkk with another episode of the rose garden! i’m actually ever so slightly very obsessed with writing this series, i think i’ve decided it’ll be a three or four part collection. i’m not quite sure yet. depends how this episode goes, i guess! to find episode one, just search ‘the rose garden - ep 1′ in the searchbar at the top of my tumblr. enjoy episode 2 of the rose garden! 
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“before we discuss anything, let me make something perfectly straight.”
aeri turned to face the prince in surprise. they had only just left the palace and were strolling down towards the rose gardens. the very rose gardens she had first kissed kai, she remembered, but tried to ignore the very familiar butterflies that were beginning to frolic in her stomach.
“of course, whatever might that be, prince jacob?” princess aeri asked, cocking her head to the side.
“firstly, please, just call me jacob. secondly, i have no interest in marriage. i’m sure you’re perfectly lovely, princess aeri, but i don’t feel inclined to try and make you fall in love with me if i know i’m completely sure that i could never love you back. it’s not worth breaking each others hearts, i believe.” prince jacob replied, looking up at the fluffy white clouds in the sky then back at aeri. 
aeri nodded. “i must say, though my father would be terribly disappointed, i agree. he’s desperate for me to find a soulmate, you see, he just doesn’t understand that i’m already longing after someone. someone who has seemingly lost all love for me, if he ever had any in the first place.”
prince jacob smiled in response, stretching his arms. “well, as it seems we’re in a very platonic situation, would you care to enlighten me on your situation, aeri?”
“why, of course, jacob.”
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kai could not believe he had been so foolish as to let his impulsive thoughts get the better of him. he remembered the way he had so carelessly slipped his hand around her waist, claiming it was to fix her ribbon, but really, he just missed her so desperately. 
but he couldn’t possibly risk letting his feelings get in the way of aeri’s future. it had been so perfectly arranged; a marriage, the handing over of the kingdom, then the creation of royal offsprings to hand down the crown to. he tried to ignore the fact that he couldn’t deal with the idea of aeri marrying anyone else but him, but as he glanced out the window, he spotted jacob and aeri walking, now hand in hand, down the mossy cobblestone path towards the rose garden.
the rose garden.
the place where he had first kissed aeri.
he felt his heart sink a little deeper, and after taking a deep breath, let the single tear roll down his cheek.
it was at that moment that he was sure of one thing.
he’d lost her.
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shortgirlfics · 2 years
the rose garden - ep 1
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listen to: don’t wanna cry by seventeen, spring day by bts and hurt by newjeans
genre: fluff, romance, slight angst
author’s note:
hey! so last time i wrote cinnamon sugar cookie, which was a oneshot/drabble. but i wanted to try something new, and write a few-part series, so here’s part one of the rose garden! it’s a royal sort of piece, to live all your princesscore dreams and inspired by @chocolvte​‘s chan royal au oneshot. you can read it on their account! it’s adorable. again, lowercase intended. i think it’s cute. enjoy!
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he was so perfect.
princess aeri had spent the past five minutes simply staring at her guard, kai. he had dark eyes, the colour of that very last bit of hot chocolate you tip your cup upwards to sip. his glossy brown waves, that had the colour and softness of coffee, seemed to sit perfectly all the time, and with that one dimple on his left cheek, the one aeri rarely saw anymore, he was complete. he was perfect. he had always been.
he just didn’t really care anymore.
aeri had known kai since they were young. he was the son of the head guard at her palace, and only a year older. they’d grown up running through the palace grounds during the summer, having spring picnics in the apple orchard, hosting secret gatherings with the squirrels under the orange-tipped trees during autumn, and sipping hot tea in front of the furnace after snowball fights during winter. they’d experienced almost everything together, and, while they were young, it had seemed that there was no difference between the two. aeri ignored the fact that she was a princess, and kai seemingly forgot that he was a guard’s son. they were simply the best of friends.
but once he’d been promoted to guard when he turned sixteen, he’d started to grow cold, taking his job of protecting the princess of the north very seriously. their late night chats, discreet hugs and escapades to the lake all of a sudden stopped. and princess aeri found herself very, very lonely.
her father, the king, knew that when his daughter turned eighteen, she would marry a suitable prince and take over the kingdom when he and his wife stepped down. he had decided that, upon noticing her loneliness, inviting an assortment of different princes, one per afternoon, would be an appropriate decision. He hoped that one, just one, would become the love of aeri’s life, and help fill the empty void that kai had left.
“your highness, i believe a prince jacob has come calling, courtesy of his majesty.” kai had informed her bluntly, seemingly showing no emotions of the matter. aeri felt her heart sink a little; she knew her father was trying to do the right thing, but she wasn’t sure she could fall for anyone. not after him.
she thought of all the things she could say in that very moment. no, i don’t want to meet him, i just want to be with you, and i would be if you hadn’t changed so. why have you changed? what happened? what happened to what we had, kai?
“thank you, kai,” she replied instead, attempting to ignore the thoughts spiraling through her head. aeri took a deep breath, holding each edge of her dress as to not have it drag on the floor, and was about to leave when a hand slipped around her waist.
“oh-” she paused, equally shocked and thrilled by kai’s actions. but he simply fixed the ribbon tied around the cinched waist of her dress then let go, gesturing towards the door.
aeri felt tears well in her eyes as she left the room. kai felt the same, though of course, she would never know. she never did know. 
“hello, princess aeri, i’m jacob, the prince of the south.” the handsome boy reached for aeri’s extended hand, kissing her fingers lightly. he stood back up and smiled at her.
and all of a sudden, aeri knew what she was going to do.
“prince jacob, would you mind taking a stroll in the rose gardens with me? i have something i’d like to discuss.”
“why of course, princess aeri.”
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