#should always b saved 4 a REASON also theres 1 person in this house tht bleeds n it's fucking ME n yet here i am! padless! n bleeding!
yumenosakiacademy · 3 years
UGH fuck my STUPID mom why does she get 2 use everything why do i always get the short end of the FUCKING stick  [period talk under the cut if u read under the cut 4 some reason n in case tht makes u squeamish. im only posting this 4 memory’s sake also more receipts 4 future!me abt how much my mom is so BLEH]
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the other day i was like where the fuck did all the pads go? dad got some not Too long ago?? but concluded tht somehow my mom had used them all?? despite the fact she doesnt even HAVE periods anymore n we had some pantyliners Meant For Her Use but i digress, we had one (1) pad left but it was on the sinkcounter which usually means mom would use it soon so i put it in 1 of the pockets on the back of the bathroom door (idk what 2 call it. it holds stuff) so she Wouldnt use it bc i knew when i got my period in like, idk a week or smth, i’d need 2 use it then dad would go get some new 1s.
but anyway, flashforward 2 2day n i was like oh i got my period. dad’s going 2 the store hopefully later tonight (t’s like 5 am so quite a bit of time,,,) bc im running low on things 2 eat so this is p good timing i guess. so i pushed the door n looked 4 the pad n. It Wasnt Fucking There. so i poked my head in2 my mom’s room (...MY room but it’s the bitch’s now.) n i was like “did u use the last pad i put behind the door?!” n she said yea n i was like “well now im on my period! what am i supposed 2 do!!” n she’s like “use toilet paper” “how abt You go n get some. u should get ur own anyway.” despite the fact tht 1. the toilet paper thing is super uncomfortable bc ive done tht b4 albeit not in these extreme of cicumstances bc i wasnt rly bleeding also it can Easily bleed thru bc on the 1st day u bleed the heaviest after it starts out a bit slow 4 the 1st few hrs. 2. i dont like driving also id hav 2 take nanas car n i dont feel comfortable w tht also i never shop bc i dont hav a source of income unlike, u kno, Dad. all i hav is fucking birthday money. 3. tht’s such an insensitive thing 2 say? she used the last pad of some1 who ACTUALLY bleeds unlike her n she’s just like ‘oh well boo hoo tht i used the resources meant 4 u’ like!!
so now i either hav 2 walk 2 a nearby convenience store n buy pads (which prob isnt the best bc theyre prob cheaper at some place like costco or walmart) at some time 2day n either use my own money, which i dont like using except for yearly con stuff or ask my dad for a few bucks 4 this b4 he goes 2 work OR try 2 keep using toilet paper n constantly changing it out n deal w the hurting feeling of the toilet paper thing for abt 18 hrs until dad comes home tonight n i come back home from my walk (bc he arrives home when im out). this is fucking ridiculous mom uses Everything of mine im sick of this im tired of this dumb bitch.
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