#should i have written this in a more articulate manner so it'd be taken seriously??? probably
rxcusant · 6 years
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im thinkin about how soranort got saved during the war and while i dont have anything solid i have....ccccConcepts...? I guess? Nothing makes sense but
obvious kh3 spoilers inbound
the first thing i was worried about and wanted to square away was ventus. Hes a guardian of light and i dont know who they would recruit without him so. At the moment im thinking Riku and Mickey go to rescue aqua -> hooray shes rescued -> go to wake ven -> ven...leaves...soras heart. Listen i told u i was messy on the details i KNOW in kh3 sora used the power of waking to free him so [gestures vaguely] maybe he did that here. soras a sweet kid he probably said WELL YOU GOTTA GO HOME TO YOUR FRIENDS THANK YOU FOR KEEPING ME SAFE i dont know Point is ven’s awake and without him safe guarding soras light the fragment finally consumes sora. He really doesnt change all that much tho but i’ll have to think about actual norted sora another day. This all probably happens like 2 days before the war btw so sora held on for a REALLY long time. i guess. Everythings Still A Concept!
but then the war happens and things get even more concept-y. I’ve been imagining it playing out like terranort and xionort a bit?? And kinda like that comic i drew out yesterday shameless plug ohoho in any case Sora probably punches his friends around until he’s told to finish them off and thats when he hesitates and everything inside him is screaming “no theyre my friends!!!” but the fragment is screaming SUBMIT BITCH  and then xemnas kicks him like the bastard man he is and riku and kairi are like HEY NO DONT and one of them goes to punch xemnas while the other rushes to sora (LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE FOR KAIRI TO PUNCH XEMNAS) i dunno who yet but point is they yeet xemnas away and he disappears like in the game and kairi and riku are left with a probably KO’d sora? probably?? i dont?know???? Concepts! [sparkles]
from here i imagine riku probably suggests diving into soras heart and destroying the fragment there maybe i dunno and kairi’s like :/// YOURE NOT LEAVING ME BEHIND FOR THIS and rikus like PLS I WAS GONNA ASK YOU TO COME ALONG ANYWAY can two people dive into a heart??? fuck if i know but unlike kh3 im loving sorikai then it probably plays out like the end of KH3D where youre diving to soras station collecting pieces of him and avoiding the anti soras. They get to the bottom at his station of awakening, which is probably broken and cracked and veryvery dark and instead of nightmare ven’s armor riku and kairi find a PROBABLY P OP VANI REMNANT AND BEAT HIS ASS and once they do you see him break down into this like.... tiny little orb with his symbol over it and then that fades away somewhere. He’s not dead, Not In MY Canon, just basically going back to being dormant without any power. 
riku and kairi then probably do Something Sorta Like Sora & Riku’s Reality Shift?? With a kickass special keyblade and they do like sora in kh3 for ventus where they shoot some light at the station and everything gets restored. Sora’s station goes back to normal and then they go back to the graveyard and sora wakes up like uuuuuuuuuuh guys my head hurts and they sob and hug and i sob because i love sorikai so much and sora never lets them go ever again
and this is completely stupid and unnecessary but i love dumbass parallels but after their emotional reunion sora stands up like ALRIGHT LETS GO PUNCH XEHANORT and rikus like Sora You Gonna Take That Off?? and pints to sora still wearing the organization uniform. and sora goes Oh. and UNDERNEATH WAS HIS KH3 DESIGN HA CHA CHA this is literally so stupid and Not Canon To My AU but i already think that scene in kh2 is the funniest fucking thing 
anyway thats my ted talk everything is messy and nothings 100% and its all subject to change at Any moment but thats what im thinking right now Remember to like comment and subscribe for more soranort content
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