#shoulda been morgwen. is what i'm gonna say
veliseraptor · 2 years
Favorite fictional sapphic relationship? 👀
are we talking favorite actual or favorite hypothetical because those are kind of two different things. also there are a lot more of the latter unfortunately. and while a part of me is like "it's gotta be Qiyan Agula/Nangong Jingnu, doesn't it, truly the f/f pairing that delivered all of my favorite things (betrayal! disguised identity! reluctantly falling in love with your hated enemy! incredible amounts of emotional dysfunction!)" I actually feel like I might have to give this one to Catra/Adora? for the emotional place it holds in my heart that I think is somewhat comparable to the way many people around my age feel about Korrasami.
I feel like while Korrasami is very important to me in the abstract, Catra/Adora was sort of...my Korrasami, in a sense, in that it was the pairing where when I was watching She Ra I was like "oh man this is so perfectly a dynamic that I love between these two characters, I love the arc this is taking and the messiness of this relationship" and the sheer...euphoria? of it actually happening, textually, on screen? like, I don't need something to be canon for me to care, obviously, I'd be shit outta luck in a lot of ways if that was my expectation. but the absolute SCREAM that came out of me when it became clear that OH WE'RE DOING THIS. it was really something. like, I guess the lesbian representation I really needed was the one that involved more murder attempts which really just figures.
as I wrote at the time:
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...maybe I should rewatch She-Ra.
my favorite "not hypothetical, absolutely subtextually present but not overt/on screen" sapphic relationship is definitely Lucille/Edith from Crimson Peak though. the more I think about it the more into it I am. also the less I find myself caring about Thomas and the more I'm just like. dang the movie where they fucked though. it would defeat the purpose of the sublimated sexuality that actually makes this better but also. hot.
also @veilchenjaeger got me singlehandedly attached to Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing as a concept because of all the ways it plays with all kinds of fun things that I feel like I don't usually get in f/f ships. like, it's not fucked up in the way that I'm usually after but it's got a lot of other interesting stuff going on and damn do I need to get back to that sex pollen fic
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