#shut up asero
cursemcrked · 4 years
what's your opinion of an AU where Hidan is a jinchuuriki and his bijuu is Jashin? Or it doesn't even have to be an AU, it could be a canon-divergent idea or something, but what are your thoughts?
Not gonna lie, I actually had a whole AU verse outlined for something like that, but I didn’t think anyone would be interested and I scrapped it, so needless to say I LOVE the idea!  My major issue was working it into a solid plot somehow, and messing around with canon and all that nonsense to get it to work without completely skewering other bits....I dunno.  What I do remember about it is:
The seal was placed upon him in his home village, obviously, when he was young, and is reminiscent of the pendant he wears around his neck (with a little added flair).
His ability to link himself to an opponent, along with his immortality, are the abilities granted to him by his bijuu, naturally.  Jashin’s chakra reserves are offered to him freely; no need to take by force.
Guess who’s still devoted as hell to his hellish bijuu. Yep, that’s right.  This guy here.
And finally, we come to another issue I had, and that was equating Jashin to some type of animal for His appearance.  Alas, given the nature of the “beast”, there really is no match that fits completely.  There aren’t too many animals in the world that destroy for the sake of destruction, so...it’s hard to pin one down.  What I would equate him to, though, would be a demon, which would allow for some creative liberties regarding the appearance, tails, and so forth.  What I ended up thinking was Jashin’s full manifestation looks something like THIS, with a few...additions, so to speak.
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jcohang · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @shapetrickster TAGGING: whoever sees this and wants to, you’re tagged!
NAME : amy NICKNAME : asero FACECLAIM : uh...?? PRONOUNS : She/her. HEIGHT : 170cm BIRTHDAY :  march 18th AESTHETIC : this LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO : ohne dich by eisbrecher FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : dante from the dmc reboot, hidan from naruto, this dude, malik al-sayf & il lupo from assassin’s creed, illidan stormrage from world of warcraft, and two of my ocs.
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : replaying the games, honestly.  i’ve loved hwoarang since i first picked up the game (gravitated towards him because of TKD, which is one of my great loves, and i was hooked the first time i played him), and playing through everything again just kind of rekindled that love.  now here we are.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : hot-headed muses are my jam.  plus the shared interests thing is pretty nice, too.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : music, super enthusiastic partners
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : tbh i haven’t found a type that i don’t like??
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : my entire rp’ing career is a struggle and this guy isn’t an exception in that.
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blackshadcw · 8 years
the rules are simple ! post ten characters you’d like to role play as , have role played as , and might bring back . then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters , just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ) . aside from that , please repost instead of reblogging !
This Guy // World of Warcraft
Zanan’jo // World of Warcraft
Nori // The Hobbit
Thorin Oakenshield // The Hobbit (inactive, but he’s still around)
An OC // Pacific Rim based
Felix Alexius // Dragon Age: Inquisition
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad // Assassin’s Creed
Kanen'tó:kon // Assassin’s Creed
Bifur // The Hobbit
Seth Gecko // From Dusk ‘Till Dawn (the series, not the movie)
I’ve played so many, I don’t even remember 95% of them now, so...
TAGGED BY  :  @atahthi TAGGING  : @shxmanisms, @wrath-gar , @ whoever sees this and would like to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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cursemcrked · 4 years
How did you come up with the ooc name asero?
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Eh, it’s not an overly-exciting story.  I play World of Warcraft faithfully, and when I first started out, I was stumped on a character name/handle that I’d want to go by.  For those who don’t know, there is a ‘randomize’ button for names, so I said I’d hit it three times and whatever came up, that’s what I was going to use.  Third time said Asero, and I’ve just gone by that ever since.
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cursemcrked · 5 years
// Hidan is just a gorgeous piece of ass
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cursemcrked · 5 years
[A few more from the con, bc I’m in a sharing mood today]
I am Hidan and Abirama.
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My cousin’s an ass.
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cursemcrked · 5 years
[ #Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome! / (( 🌟💗 )) ]
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you stop that laskjdflksdja
this is so sweet, thank you, omg
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cursemcrked · 5 years
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I’m tired, I’m sick, and I kinda wanna lay on the floor and die for a while, but I’m here.  Gonna get to the stuff in my inbox/drafts, but in the meantime, hit the heart for this dude in your inbox.  Could be a meme you reblogged, or a meme I found, could be a random Hidan thought, hard to say.  Just...yeah.  Y’know.  Hit it. <3
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cursemcrked · 6 years
What is your least liked Hidan portrayal/headcanon, whether they're popular or not?
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Surprisingly, there is no one specific portrayal that really rubs me the wrong way.  What really gets me–or, rather, I should say what I like least in a lot of portrayals, popular and otherwise, are the fact that people fixate on one trait and reduce a character to that one single trait.  With Hidan, that one trait is one of three things:  foul-mouthed, aggressive, or obnoxious.  All of these things he is, don’t get me wrong–but that’s just it.  He’s all of them, not just one, and there’s more to him than that.  Granted, what we see is mainly that, but, like….there’s more, if one really looks.  Two examples:  the first being that moment when Kakuzu gave Hidan his headband back.  The way he was ribbing Kakuzu showed a more light-hearted, playful side to him.  No swearing, no aggression, and yeah, to Kakuzu he was probably a little annoying, but he wasn’t that in your face sort of obnoxious that folks seem to love making him. 
ANOTHER EXAMPLE would be the start of the second confrontation with Shikamaru, specifically this moment.  Listen to Hidan’s voice.  There is genuine alarm and concern in his tone, which heavily imply that he has some kind of a bond with Kakuzu (might be one-sided, but it’s there) and he gives a damn if the man lives or dies.  Or even gets hurt; during the start of that same encounter, when one of Shikamaru’s paper bombs exploded, Hidan has a momentary freak-out worrying about Kakuzu and is eased only when the latter says something along the lines of, “It’s okay, I hardened my arm”.    That right there shows that he’s capable of legitimately caring about another living soul (even if it isn’t returned), and lots of people neglect or overlook that. 
So, that’s the kind of thing that irks me in portrayals, not one specific portrayal, but more so aspects of different ones I’ve stumbled upon over time.  Not saying they’re bad or anything.  Absolutely not, everyone has the freedom to portray a muse how they wish.  But they’re just…not my cup of tea.
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cursemcrked · 6 years
(My make-up is screwing up in 100000000 different ways and getting all over everything, but as promised: my Hidan.)
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cursemcrked · 6 years
For mun, why is Hidan your favorite character? Double because I just thought of this: what're your modern!Hidan headcanons? For some reason, mine tend to go from meth-addicted Hidan (Jashin is a meth-psychosis induced hallucination) to just a normal, if foul-mouthed and too passionate, theology student that is just trying to get people into studying Jashinism. Can you tell I've thought about this a lot? Tbh, the meth-addicted Hidan headcanon is too depressing for me :(
I wish I had an answer for the why he’s my favorite, honestly.  
Truth be told, if Hidan were a real person, one that I knew more specifically, he’d be somebody that I despise; someone with a degree of disregard for human life, who is a religious nut out to push his faith on others (and kill/sacrifice them if they don’t agree with his ideals/to convert).  He’s combative, foul-mouthed, and…well, he’s just an asshole all around, so the exact reason why I adore him so much, I really can’t say.  It was one of those situations where I saw him in the manga and was oddly fascinated by him, which then led to me wanting to learn everything I could about him.  I started to pay attention to his mannerisms and various behavior throughout his unfortunately-brief appearance, and from that spawned different observations and headcanons that, in my mind, added a little more depth to him.  Next thing I knew, I was like “yep, that crazy, screeching mofo is my favorite”.  
Plus, the whole immortality thing?  When it’s done and used right, it can be a hell of a power to play around with and would have made Hidan a damn good villain, if he’d gotten more of a chance to…do anything, really; he and Kakuzu had such a short run, it’s kind of depressing, but whatever.  Both of them had potential to be awesome villains, awesome characters (they already are, don’t get me wrong, but there was plenty of room to let them really shine you know?)–the whole nine yards.  Alas…
But, uh…as far as modern headcanons go, I have a few different ones that will one day lead to different verses on this blog (whenever I get my ass in gear and write them up, jfc).  Definitely loving yours, even though it’s breaking my heart, and actually, one of mine is kind of…similar, in that Jashin was merely just a figment created by his imagination, mostly to justify some of the crap he does (murder, mostly, but you know~).  His parents noticed some of the signs that something was…off, in their boy, when he was still fairly young and, seeking to curb all that nasty stuff before bad went to worse, found him a therapist.   From there, I have two different directions to go with it:  one being that the doctor was part of a small cult and sought impressionable people to draw into the fold, and the other being that the doctor they found (who is not corrupt, in this version)  tried some kind of hypnosis in an attempt to root out the problem, put some ideas into Hidan’s head…and Hidan ran with them.  By the end of their sessions, Hidan had taken every image, every scenario–everything the doctor had unwittingly given him and turned it into this all-powerful deity in his own mind.    And, just as he is in every other verse, he’s entirely convinced that said deity is real and with him at all times.
Admittedly, I usually default on the first one.  One day, I will write up full, in-depth headcanons/outlines for both of them, though.
One day.
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cursemcrked · 6 years
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Sorry for the quiet here, y’all (especially to anon(s) in my inbox, omg) but it’s con season.  The one I’m heading to is two weeks away, meaning what little free time I have has been sucked up by cosplay--will post pictures once I put the last bit of it together--and getting crap in order before my friends and I head out for the weekend.  Hopefully I’ll have everything finished and sorted out this week so I can just chill and do a little writing here.  To my inbox anon, thank you for all the headcanon questions, sorry for the massive delay in answering, and I promise I will get to them ASAP!
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cursemcrked · 7 years
Hidan: *just takes a bunch of random wounds without a sound*; also Hidan: oww fuck those stitches hurt do you mind
There’s also:
don’t pull my hair, that fucking hurt, 
why the fuck are you looking at my severed neck, it doesn’t compare
are you deaf i saiD QUIT PULLING IT 
kakuzu punched a hole through my chest?  “….ouch.”
*sits up with a pike through his sternum*  ow ow ow ow owwhEY WAIT FOR ME!?!
fuck stairs.
casually walks away with a pike through his heart
stabs hand > yelps in pain >  O face
seriously why the hell are there so many stairs
“when i get out of this hole i’ll bite your fucking throat out”
Hidan is a gem.  A bizarre, creepy, bloody gem, and I love him.
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cursemcrked · 5 years
hidan's outfit before akatsuki... hot af
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The Akatsuki did a massive disservice to the world when they made him change.  One of many offenses, really, but y’know…
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cursemcrked · 7 years
tag dump
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