#sib when u read this i need you to make time for helping my project ok? mum can't go monopolizing your action points constantly
technoxenoholic · 2 years
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savemefrommyselfxv · 7 years
open silver’s version of blue ticking and ig double taps aha (ig double taps is another way to coverline/halus kata a cerrrtain shape eh hahaha) ok sorry i rlly gotta cut out this aspect aha and put on more honour and respect maybe. ok but
saaap hahhaha. kk. May As-Salam be with you :) anddddddd letter received and read. - fidget spinners aka tasbihs been helping me a lottttt ahaha much so I kinda wanted to idk go see and seek if there’s a black/white/pearly grey pearl beaded one that i might gift to you  as a friend/sister in islam at least aha. rlly kinesthetics helps muchhh in ways our minds may sometimes go mindless. but hahahah two thoughts: how will it reach you la. Mail? hahahah. And then I got this pretty cool idea slightly inspired by your blue book project hahah which HM issit someone said they gave up on it.  - aha but yeah its almosttttt likka blue book idea, but instead of just writes, it also includes like, wtv other elses. It’s likka box of trinklets or wtv else. think: a thumbdrive that acts likka mix tapes and tasbih little gift or like attar for reminder and gratitude of the idea of a perfumery companion. Aku rasa aku creative like that ah HAHAHA chey self puji but yeah either it could be a delayed gift box or it could be like a shared PO box hahahah idk.
when hopeless romantic meets hopeless romantic ahaha eee sorry gedik, but ya man ahahah thru my varied friendships from sec sch etc, I’ve been learning the love language of giftinggggg. Like my clique of girls would exchange sweets and notes during vday to each other or like we’d plan each others’ bday bashes and be there for grads etccccc. Gotta learn to love those we have first, before we learn to love the one we’d hope God gifts for us to learn love with. Learn ways to love our parents, our sibs, friends, community. Part gratitude but also part of spreading and practicing the virtue of rahmah and pardon and part silaturrahim and yeah ahah. Reflecting goodness of God.
Quick story time: between my mum and my late dad, hm I’ve always had more clashes with my mum. :”) but over the years with learning about waliwalidayna bil ihsan and allllll that - plus learning from friends about varied love languages (ahahaha I might as well list it here la)( you can google to find out more ok aha i think quite interesting)
Words of Affirmation
Acts of Service
Receiving Gifts.
Quality Time
Physical Touch
I think we first manifest to others what we hope for? idk maybe it’s the theory of projection. (I swear learning psych has shaped much of my thinking but then again maybeeee it’s um just greater awareness) - so yeah from tiffs and clashes with the mumsie growing up, (and a lot of pain that idk haha still healing from) slowly I started with making bday cards, and then gift gifting - usually from trips overseas - or I’d write short notes and letters to accompany the gift (aha sometimes its as simple as a printed photo. sometimes its just like snacks from overseas, sometimes telekung or baju butterfly), and then sometimes its the occasional buying of teh panas for her cuz she likes it and sometimes its being patient with daily calls of what would u like to buy for dinner and sometimes its swallowing the bitter pill to be denied the opportunity of qiyam when Id baaaadly need and have been looking forward to the spiritual uplifting and idk hahah ups and downs and yeah sometimes its dinnz outside at some nice place tgt and sometimes its solat tgt and giving her “air time” to make do’a in malay and sometimes its convos on the sofa after buka so ya lor hahahahah soz this became a me and ibu analysis hahah. fa is still heaaaaaling and learning love and the whole waliwalidayni bil ihsan. :”) masih jauh lagi. - but okiz yez hahahah dah macam off topic kejap.
I had brekkie with me sec sch clique at the airport in the mornzz and we catch uppp and allll (aha idk if you’ve heard of the traffic light(?) but yay hahaahhah I hate that I always ee but I hate to be gedik but hahahahah kk you were part of the updates la ok haha pahampaham kan but yeah hahahah they had their updates too and yeah 2 of them going on a tripppp and flying and then one of them gonz enlist in two weeks time (yup, girl onto NS hahahah stil rlly cool la) and wtv else of their uni updates and just good ole company and thennnn I went back home and hahahah napped (lol my sleep is still screwed Im sleeping at 3amz alhamdulillah for unmissed subuhs) but yeah medical later bcuz full time work is starting next week aha maybe ill write a bit more later (omy i realise writing helps me sort my thoughts and intents etc, ahah but I wouldn’t be as motivated to write, if not for opensilvers ahahah. thank u if u do read em all) and yeah lol hahahahah al kisah catharsis and updates dah jadi macam kindergarten the part where we excitedly spill any and everything just because we feel like sharing.
I actllyyyyy had more thoughts/writes aha from last night and varied convos but idk publish em later maybeeee. aha.
seeee there’s always so much I could write about but mostly I dont or yeah man maybe cuz my letter writes are too long and shnaz long winded. aha.
but thank u for your recent letter and your forever honesty (aha ok I have a write on that wew) but yeah hm idk so should I be checking in on you on days you may go radio silence just to make sure you dont devil days? aha its like yo assistance, i wanna be of benefit but i dont wanna overstep bcuz its not healthy to over-rely on another, and we each gotta learn to be self driven or disciplined or wtv else (aha wait I’ll post a screenshot on thissssss) but oki
what do you need from me / and in telling me bout all these parts of you, what do you hope to get across to me or yeah idkk. 
but yeah aights, while we’re figuring thisssssssssssssssssssssssssss,
may wtv radio silences only be beneficial ones. I’ll always look forward to your writes.
Sincerely, letter friend fa. from a weird strange ish friendship idek how aha
kk zuhr then outz for medikalzzzzzz.
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