#side note: i'm also mad i'm too fat for my suit now
soairyo · 8 years
Life Update
Been a while, hasn’t it....kinda got sucked into a vortex of workworkscreamworksleepcrywork. Oh, and business school applications. Since my company knows, they’ve started shifting work from me (in a supportive way, not the you’re-leaving-us-kbye way...I hope). 
So it’s kinda weird to be with all this free time while I’m actively trying not to think if I’m good enough or if my application fee was just a nice donation to the school. 
In the meantime, I think I’m going to clean out my google doc folder of all my old writing. Maybe even write something that’s not about how my passion for business informs my growth as a leader and my whole life trajectory is aligned to XXX business school’s xxxx specialty.
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