#since he's been spamming them a bit to get Nina to learn how all the entrances connect
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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The answer to that is -- yes! Smiler chatted Coty up to Good Friends, then asked politely if they could have a sip, and Coty consented! As I have a mod that changes the animation of consenting drinks, Smiler hit them with their hypnotic powers and went in for the neck chomp --
And as they were drinking, I saw that they’d suddenly developed an angry moodlet. Baffled, I checked it out -- and they were angry because, apparently, werewolf plasma tastes that bad to vampires. Yeah, this is how I knew about the special moodlet mentioned in my Occults Refresh post, and it was a semi-pleasant surprise (semi because, well, I’d wanted Smiler to have a good meal). Fortunately Smiler’s naturally happy/confident moodlets drowned out the anger, and the plasma refilled their thirst regardless, but lesson learned -- while a werewolf CAN donate plasma, they probably SHOULDN’T.
That didn’t mean Smiler couldn’t still be friends with them, though! After leaving the growing crowd at the library with a nice Focused buff, Smiler flew over to the Wildfangs hideout to try their luck with the already-wolfed-out leader, Rory! She too happily accepted this shockingly friendly vampire, and they hung out for a while in the snow, chatting and doing some reading (Rory a werewolf book, Smiler their homework). Smiler was unable to get her to build a snowpal with them, though (game be glitchy, yo), so once she was done chatting, they moved onto a different adventure --
The underground tunnels! I wanted to know if anything different popped up for a vampire as opposed to a werewolf. They ended up navigating the debris to the wreckage of the Old Mill, where they attempted to lift the wheel with their Vampiric Brawn but instead nearly caused a junkslide; heard a lonely howl on their travels and attempted to howl back, only to be met with silence; found some baconite; and located the tunnel that led to the bunker exit! (Which -- also seemed to unlock the portal-potties fast-travel option, but I think that was a glitch.) Not the most fruitful trip through the underground, but at least they got something out of it!
And so ended their trip to Moonwood Mill, with them giving the welcome board a playful hiss before heading off to work. Next time, we stay in Britechester for some out-of-season holiday cheer -- time for Winterfest in July! See you then!
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Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#200-191)
#200: Alice Babs -- Lilla stjärna (Sweden 1958)
“Lilla stjärna i det höga, svara mig, svara mig, Kommer han som jag ska få så kär?”
“Little star up above, answer me, answer me, Is he coming, the man that I will love?”
And so we begin the top 200 with an innocent and sweet number, and which resembles the best of 1950s Eurovision. I'm not a fan of the decade, because most of the songs are a bit too old-fashioned for my taste (especially since we have the beginnings of rock-n-roll outside the contest), but Lilla stjarna is one of the better soundtrack-like songs.
Before Sweden became the superpower in Eurovision we all know and love (or love to hate), they debuted with this dainty, beautiful song that was selected internally. There's a sense of longing in the lyrics, with the narrator hoping that their loved one would return. It’s definitely a fairytale, with that classical instrumentation and Alice’s innocent voice.
Personal ranking: 2nd/10 Actual ranking: 4th/10 in Hilversum
#199: Domenico Modugno -- Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu (Italy 1958)
“Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più Mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu Poi d’improvviso venivo dal vento rapito E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito”
“I think such a dream will never come back I painted my hands and my face blue Then suddenly I was ravished by the wind And I started flying in the infinite sky”
The original classic from Eurovision, and the biggest hit of them all. It topped the Billboard charts in 1959, won two Grammys in the first-ever ceremony in 1959 (and still the only Italian-language song to do so), and is covered and over again to this day.
Considering the lack of attention most of the songs got in the first two contests, it's possible without Nel blu dipinto di blu's commercial success, we wouldn't have a Eurovision Song Contest to speak of. Or it would've been done for by 1960, haha.
Sometimes, I forget about this song when thinking about favorites, but when I listen to the intro, it starts bringing you into its little world, where I’m actually flying! The lyrics are quite cool and imaginative, adding to that feeling.
And of course, that "Volare..." is enough to keep people singing along!
Personal ranking: 1st/10 Actual ranking: 3rd/10 in Hilversum #Italywasrobbed
#198: Korni -- Moja Generacjia (Yugoslavia 1974)
“Mene majka moja rodi da sanjam o slobodi, U prvoj noći da čujem zveket, Da plačem sa rukom na usnama,”
“My mother gave me life to dream of freedom, The first night to hear gun sounds To cry with my hand on my lips”
World War II in Yugoslavia is not something I've learned about in depth. What I do know is that the Axis powers were able to take the whole country, and two major groups arose to collaborate with them. The Ustashas (Croatian nationalists) and Chetniks (Serbian nationalists) also both sought to destroy the other ethnic group and there was a bit of a mess all around.
(If you have any more information on this topic, let me know as I do want to learn)
Moja Generacija is a harrowing but powerful progressive rock song about those born during the Second World War, and their lives as a whole. I like the dark soundscape along with the instruments that accompanied it too. The orchestration at the chorus is especially noteworthy, because of the sweeping strings and the brass which highlight the times as a whole.
(And apparently, there's a seven-minute English-language cut, which makes it even more of a progressive rock song.)
Personal ranking: 3rd/17 Actual ranking: 12th/17 in Brighton
#197: Shiri Maimon -- HaSheket Shenishar (Israel 2005)
המבט אחר והקור חודר אתה מסתתר, את גופי שובר
“The glance is different and the cold is piercing You’re hiding, breaking my body”
Israel in the 2000s wasn't the best song-wise. I can only think of two songs that were really good in that period--of which this was one of them, which held Israel's best placing this century until Toy won three years ago. And it couldn't be anymore different from the song Israel would eventually win with.
Initially, I didn't get it, as it felt a bit derivative. Even now, it has offgrown me a bit because of pop ballad structure. But what I really liked was the smooth transition between Hebrew and English, along with how well Shiri sings it. She has a really sweet tone to her voice, which really helps in conveying the sorrow of being in love with a cheating partner and having to let go of it for her own happiness.
And that dress--it has to be one of my favorite performance outfits of all time!
Personal ranking: 4th/39 Actual ranking: 4th/24 GF in Kyiv
#196: Inga and Anush -- Jan Jan (Armenia 2009)
“Can't ya see, we aren't free?, Fixed like a tree to the holy ground, With my sound, gotta be always around, I wanna dance, don't ya stand, sister give your hand,”
"Sister, here we go!"
For a dance song, it's actually quite sedate--there isn't many moments of true boppiness, but there was something more "psychadelic" about the production and how it was put together. Either way, it works well all the same.
The sisters do a good job singing together, and I like the mix of ethno and dance music. Plus, their costumes are absolutely expensive and glamourous--I would like to wear them if I ever got the chance.
Also, for some reason, Azeris like to spam the comments on this song and claim that the Armenians "stole" their traditional clothing and music. Considering the two countries' proximity, I'm not so shocked about their similarities, but if Azeris would like to share a bit more of their ethnic music, it's always welcome!
Personal ranking: 8th/42 Actual ranking: 10th/25 GF in Moscow
#195: Sabina Babayeva -- When the Music Dies (Azerbaijan 2012)
“You, you are the best of me The reason that I believe, so don't leave me now...”
(Yes, Azerbaijan can send ethnic-influenced music. Hehe.)
Azerbaijan’s host entry when they brought the contest to Baku is a bit of a standard ballad, but with an ethnic twist. The use of balaban really highlights the melancholy of the song, and the mughum vocals pierces one's soul when performed.
I could feel how Sabina sings every word, pleading with her lover to stay with her despite it all. And that doesn’t begin to add with the beautiful LED dress, adding to the drama of the song as we see it in white, but it gets overlaid with sparks, shades of turquoise, and its final form with reds and oranges. That was a particularly beautiful moment.
A lot of fans believe this was the song that should've won it for Azerbaijan, and I can't disagree! This is a gem indeed.
Personal ranking: 6th/42 (a bit awkward here because I left out my runner-up of 2012 in this ranking, so amongst the songs here it's 5th/42) Actual ranking: 4th/26 GF in Baku
#194: Milestones -- Falter im Wind (Austria 1972)
“Tanz um die Lichter, Schmetterling, Deine Farben flammen auf, Tot ist die Nacht, in deinem Tanz, Ist das Leben hell wie Tag”,
“Dance around the lights, butterfly Your colours flame up The night is dead, in your dance Life is bright like the day”
My first forays on pre-1990s Eurovision was with the British blog, Lovelovepeacepeace. She would recap every year between 1968 and 2000, and 1972 was one of the years I went through the songs because of her. Coincidentally, I got to like Falter im Wind as much as she does.
It definitely fits with the hippy era, in terms of folk music and the general aesthetic. There's even a prominent (weird little) flute motif throughout. The lyrics talk about the life or a butterfly and how it shouldn't go to far into the sun. A bit strange, considering what most other songs are about, but it's a nice and gentle sentiment (with a message not unlike that of "Waterfalls", how strange).
Austria is not usually known for their highlights, but this is definitely one of their best (and a personal favorite of mine). Feel free to go an a road-trip playing this (though not with the studio cut--that's a bit slower)!
Personal ranking: 1st/18 Actual ranking: 5th/18 in Edinburgh
#193: Roger Bens -- Femme dans ses rêves aussi (France 1985)
“Mélodie, mélodrame, sourire et puis larmes Amoureuse ou sans âme, elle est d’abord femme...”
“Melody, melodrama, smile and then tears In love or without soul, first of all she’s woman”
ESC 1985 is notable not only because of a certain ripped-skirt incident, but also because they have a live album with the first eleven songs of the contest. Among these is the French entry, which has one of the best orchestrations of all-time, thanks to Michel Bernholc's arrangemnt.
(And because of that, it is my most-listened to song on Spotify)
The violins primarily make this song what it is—there are synths in the studio track, but don’t pack the same punch. The bass really provides some depth, and the brass at the bridge really sells the whole thing home.
The sense of drama in the song also includes the lyrics about being a woman and embracing her in all the ways. Despite the occasional eyebrow-raising and lip licking, Roger sings this with gusto.
To add to this, where is Roger Bens? This was the last known sighting of him and he is presumed to be dead.
Personal ranking: 3rd/19 Actual ranking: 10th/19 in Gothenburg
#192: Nina Zilli -- L'Amore È Femmina (Out Of Love) (Italy 2012)
“If you were my king, would I be your queen?, Stop breaking up my heart, you kill me – boom boom boom”
No, she's not Amy Winehouse resurrected for one night, but Nina Zilli! She also competed in Sanremo that year, and Emma (see #223) won it with the harsh but determined "Non è l'inferno".
Beyond the retro music and Nina's bouffant on the night, I didn't notice any similarities to Amy Winehouse. This doesn't mean "L'amore e femmina" have its own charms--it falls into the jazz theme that "Madness of Love" (#232) continues, but is the opposite in more than one way.
The English-Italian mix is a but clunky at times, especially in the choruses but it doesn’t take away from the attitude this song brings. I love the jazzy vibes and how Nina sings it with a sense of sassiness and charm. Her backing vocalists really help with conveying the mood, and don't do a bad job when the song goes back to Italian!
(As for the two Sanremo songs in question, I prefer Non è l'inferno to Per Sempre--the former is quite determined, and I really like the lyrics. Though I think the latter would have more appeal in terms of themes, even it's a bit more derivative musically)
Personal ranking: 5th/42 Actual ranking: 9th/26 GF in Baku
#191: Hovi Star -- Made of Stars (Israel 2016)
“Dance with me like we are made of stars...”
This is one of the first songs which got me into Eurovision. I would put this on repeat over and over again, because it's just so beautiful. (Or it was because it's Israeli, haha. Another country bias of mine will appear later.)
The first version of Made of Stars was a trashy and dull dance song, but the rework into a ballad makes it more magical. It’s serene yet touching, with a calming piano motif and a dramatic crescendo at the end.
The staging of Made of Stars also helps; while I'm still put off by the LED face when the backing vocalists sing "you hypontize me", everything else just works. The otherwise starry LEDs, the hoop dancers, and Hovi's glowing presence make this into a sweet, albeit overlooked package.
Personal ranking: 6th/42 Actual ranking: 14th/26 GF in Stockholm
0 notes
Since i don't want to spam you guys with oikawa, im gonna spam you guys with tendou instead, bcz ya know u luv him, satori senpai. Huehue~ tendou AND semi -salty mom- general hcs? (Im such a greedy writer, im writing a story about haikyuu again lmao)
I’ve decided to actually start working from the bottom of the inbox. I have no idea how long this has been here–it was here when I joined in December, so I’m sorry for the wait.
~~Admin Keiji
Satori is known to be a major troll. It’s canon that he’s told Semi he looks odd in casual clothes. But he doesn’t; Semi is quite a normal dresser–Satori just likes messing with him.
His favorite manga at the moment is Tokyo Ghoul re:. Something about reading stories on actual monsters makes him feel less monstrous himself. Despite being a bit twisted and being called The Guess Monster, and loving that alias, he does not like people thinking of him as an actual monster.
An early riser. He likes getting up with the sun and taking his time to get ready in the morning: breakfast, coffee, and doing his hair. The latter of the three takes him a surprisingly long amount of time since it has to be just right
Early to bed, too. Lives by the motto “Early to bed, early to wise, makes a Tendou healthy, wealthy, and wise.” And by the end of the day, he’s just so sick of people being, well, people, and just needs to sleep away all his frustrations. (wow, good job projecting here, Keiji)
He generally doesn’t find many girls he considers pretty–they’re typically too fake and he doesn’t like fake people. Also has a weird taste sometimes, thinking Sadako in The Ring is cute.
He goes after the girls with nice smiles. And the girls he sees doing things like water flowers or feeding a stray dog–girls who do selfless things for nothing in return.
One time, he saw one of the nerdy kids being harassed for money on his way to the convenience store. Instead of walking by, he put on his best intimidating face and scared away all the bullies. He’s now friends with the nerdy kid and they’re always texting about manga.
Once had a crush on Wakatoshi, and still kind of does. No one blames him, though. Everyone’s into Wakatoshi.
Give *clap* this *clap* boy *clap* sweets *clap* Especially chocolate, specifically chocolate ice cream–it’s his favorite food. He tries not to eat too many sweets, though, or else it’ll be harder for him to play volleyball well.
When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, he cried all night and the only one who knows about it was Wakatoshi, his best friend.
Eita’s casual dress used to be very normal, stylish even. Then Tendou made a comment on how he looks odd in normal clothes. Ever since then, his outfits have gotten increasingly weirder, all in attempts to make Tendou eat his words.
Has an affinity for cute foods. Tekka maki being his favorite food, he likes foods that are small, simple, and cute. Cuts his apples into little bunnies and makes pandas with his rice and nori when no one is around
Also secretly loves anime, but would never admit it, especially not to Tendou. His favorite he’s seen so far is Darker than Black. But he generally will watch anything. Actually cried during the Nina incident in FMA: Brotherhood
He pretends to not like Shirabu, considering the younger boy took his place as a regular, but he’s actually proud of his underclassman.
The Mom Friend™. Will double, triple-check everyone’s bags before they go to competitions or training camps, or anywhere, really.
He likes pretty girls. He likes girls who wear makeup and dress nice, but he doesn’t like snotty girls–girls who know they’re pretty and use that to get their way. 
If he meets a girl he likes, he’ll ask them for notes or for any little favor because he’s learned that people like you more after they do a favor for you. Their mind rationalizes that they wouldn’t have done that favor if they didn’t like him.
Also had a crush on Wakatoshi, though it wasn’t as big as Tendou’s. It did cause him to have a slight existential crisis before he realizes that Wakatoshi is just an anomaly that everyone will have a crush on.
Actually a klutz. If he’s not on the court, he’s bumping into things or tripping over nothing. He has given his roommate a near heart attack no less than seventeen times when he falls out of bed in the middle of the night.
When they lost to Karasuno, he secretly held contempt for Shirabu, thinking he could’ve led the team to victory. He later realized that Shirabu did his best and was proud of him.
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raining-v-coffee · 8 years
Clara/12th Doctor fic recs (One shots)
*Multichapter    ~my notes
Angel Of The Morning
The message on the psychic paper was short and to the point: I’m looking for the best doctor in the universe – dickwads and time wasters need not apply. Not their usual kind of thing, not that anything they really did counted as usual.
But a summons is a summons... although much to Clara and the Doctor's consternation, they discover that the red-suited sender is just as blunt and foul-mouthed in person.
Keep My Glass Full
Clara hadn't even wanted to attend the party, not really. But Nina had insisted, and so now here she is, determined to have a good time... even if all she can think about is a certain Scottish Time Lord. When things take a sour turn, she realises how much she needs him to take care of her.
Baby Please Come Home
The Doctor had brought them carefully back to London, right after they'd left - or so he'd said. In fact, they're in Glasgow... and he's made a slight temporal error regarding the date of arrival. Suddenly alone and uncertain of what to do, Clara turns to a policeman for help, only to learn that she's been reported as a missing person... and the bad news doesn't end there...
I See The Hope In Your Heart
At Coal Hill, Clara Oswald is not a five foot two saver of alien worlds, occasional Time-Lord-hand-holder and all-round genius. She is, instead, a five foot two English teacher with a fondness for the Regency Era and a full-time preoccupation with her students' welfare, occasional coffee-drinker, and general force to be reckoned with. But when one of her students begins to act strangely, Clara has to work out how best to handle the situation... and she ends up finding help from an unusual source.
~Trigger warning for mentions of self harm
O Christmas Tree
Alone with only the Michael Bublé Christmas Special for company, Clara had resigned herself to not getting into the Christmas spirit - unless that spirit was gin. So when the Doctor turns up with a real Christmas tree for her flat, she's touched by the gesture... until six hours later, when the tree starts to warble well-known seasonal songs at maximum volume.
The Christmas Spirit
When her phone rings in the middle of the night, Clara is surprised to find Osgood calling. She's even more surprised to discover that the world isn't ending, but instead she's needed to come and collect a drunk Doctor from the UNIT Christmas party.
The Teacher and the Visualizer
What would you do if you had access to a device that recorded everything that ever happened in time and space? If you're Clara, you look for the equivalent of funny cat videos and embarrassing old images of the Doctor.
Child of Mine
The Doctor said bringing a new human aboard the Tardis would be a distraction, he was right...
Composing a Symphony
Clara wakes to an unexpected serenade by an unexpected source.
The Last and Yet
Prompt: Write a twelveclara fanfic based in In The Forest Of The Night, in which the Doctor is wrong about the solar flares and the earth is destroyed, therefore Clara becomes the last one of her kind.
Like Stars
Twelve and Clara have a quiet evening of babysitting.
Effective Escape Plans
Trapped down an alley, with guards encroaching, the Doctor and Clara need to come up with a plan to paper over the petty theft, drunkenness, and bickering.
Occasionally the Doctor spams Clara's voicemail box. Going through them usually provides an entertaining way to decompress after class.
please, just see me
Please, just see me, she hears him beg, the memory of his voice hers and hers alone.
Because the man sitting before her could no longer see her.
After a relaxing trip to Peramus IV, Doctor gets a bit uncharacteristically handsy with Clara, and she's determined to figure out why.
Through His Eyes
Tumblr prompt: Bodyswap!
Clara comes to better understand some things about The Doctor, incuding why he shys away from her touch.
Tiny Human
The Doctor and Clara babysit for Rigsy. Fluff ensues.
Never Cross A Time Lord (or Those He Cares For)
Something's bothering Clara and she won't say what, which causes the Doctor to worry.
After a run-in with the Sisterhood of Karn, the Doctor comes over to Clara's looking a little different than normal. young!12 AU
It's All Been Done
Clara time travels in dreams but she thinks it’s just dreams and thinks nothing of it. She also keeps meeting a man named Doctor in her dreams, but she thinks he is just a figment of her imagination until one days she collides with him in real life. She thinks she has finally gone crazy.
Temples, Dreams, and A Nudge in the Right Direction
The Doctor and Clara travel to a planet and do a favor for a local, which prompts them to do something both had been holding back from.
Twist and Shout
Clara and the Doctor get separated during a Mardis Gras parade on New New Orleans, leading Clara to have to find him again. The Doctor causes shenanigans once they are reunited.
Carer & Caretaker
The Doctor and Clara take care of each other when they're ill. Post Last Christmas
A Duty of Care
“Please, don’t even argue,” he said, holding out his hand. Clara saw not only the fear in his eyes, but the hope that she would take his hand and they would run off, travelling happily ever after. She wanted to, she really did, and would have had it not been for one tiny detail. Leaning forward, she kissed him on the cheek; a kind, tender gesture.
“I… this isn’t an argument,” she replied.
~Babyfic, super cute
miles to go
“Clara, why would you want to go for a boring old run when we could just pop over to Galafaxorous, accidentally insult the king’s malodorous son, and then be chased by his brain-sucking guards?”
Sometimes Clara has nightmares, but she learns how to cope.
Hay and Elephants
The Doctor and an injured Clara seek shelter from a winter storm. Huddling for warmth ensues.
Green Blaze
The town is called Mistletoe. Clara objects, because those are tumbleweeds, not mistletoe, and she can tell the difference.
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over.
Things to remember, a partial list
He is not an idiot. He has a perfectly functioning mind, if not a perfectly functioning memory, and he knows the sound of an early-model TARDIS when he hears one.
Solar flares
Two sentient stellar beings, in close orbit around each other, exchanging plasma, in an epic romance that had taken millennia to consummate. One would envelope the other in a few million years, and then they would burst outward in a supernova, bringing their love to a spectacular end. Their light and their love would be ash, but not now, and not any time soon. Today, now, in the glory days of their love -- or so the Doctor described it -- their names swirled across their surfaces as sunspots, dots and whorls in the plasma. The written language of stars.
The Edge of the World
The Doctor remembers Clara, his memories return in a flood, and he makes some questionable choices. Luckily Clara is there to pick up the peices
For Better, For Worse, For You
Clara notices the Doctor changed in ways that are more "suited" for her between 11 and 12.
On Some Planets, You Realize, This Means We're Married
Post-Christmas reunion, the Doctor and Clara go for a little peaceful togetherness time. "Bonding ritual" is taken a bit too literally.
(Major Whouffaldi fluff, for which I would apologize if I was sorry.)
Feeling a bit rough
Sometimes things get to Clara.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Bubble beards, splashfights, hoodie sharing/stealing...
Of all the things that might potentially put a Timelord straight to sleep, it had to be something that Clara had good reason to avoid.
He's been chasing her since Christmas. She's finally too tired to keep pretending she's fine.
She's had enough of thinking she heard his voice, of waking up to everything looking the same when it's far from it. She's had it with mourning someone who is still alive. Post Hell Bent, whouffaldi reunion fic.
Prompt: Clara and the Doctor being domestic in the TARDIS, Doctor busy fixing something or writing maths on the black board, so Clara flys the TARDIS like its second nature.
Not a Bother at All
Prompt: Could you do a story where it's Twelve taking care of Clara instead of Eleven?
How do two different Doctors take the same news five years apart? (Clara, baby, fluffiness.)
Back Up Again
(Prompt) Clara is hurt from the radiation in Into the Dalek and she blacks out/ has hallucinations
(Prompt) Twelve reads to Clara? (A little off the prompt, more about telling stories, and sharing an adventure.)
That Subtle Knot
The Doctor tells his story, then reaches out to touch the waitress's hand. And freezes.
To Days To Come
The Twelfth Doctor and Clara accidentally meet a future incarnation of the Doctor. They both get a small nudge towards living life to the fullest. Set sometimes before Face the Raven.
Zero Hour
One final trip before Clara goes back to face the raven...
we're so delicate
Clara has to cope with multiple losses while still living in the present. Eventually, she discovers she isn’t alone.
Not Quite a Lullaby
Nearly being murdered inside a Dalek is more than mildly traumatizing. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara both emotionally vulnerable after the fact, especially as it relates to Clara's need for sleep.
The Memory of Sunrise
Twelve and Clara end up stuck on an island overnight and Clara takes the opportunity to explore just why the Doctor changed so much when he regenerated and what exactly happened on Trenzalore.
No Stranger to You
From a prompt on Tumblr: ""Get out of the way!" also 12/clara and if you dont like those then maybe "You look like you could use a hand." ? :))))". Angst and righteous, justified anger in regards to what Clara’s had to endure, and the little regard paid to that trauma. Alternate ending to Deep Breath.
~I really like this. A lot of people seem to dislike Clara, and I do think she can be a bit much sometimes. However, I really liked this season sue to the fact that she set herself very clear lines and tried her best to stay with them. The way the Doctor was written was inconsistent during this season, and I don’t think it was fair the way he treated her.
Christmas with the Oswalds
The Doctor ends up spending Christmas with the Oswalds, and Clara changes her feelings about that as the evening progresses.
Partly inspired by a prompt asking for a mistletoe kiss.
Five Little Sparks
The Doctor might like a bit of bossy, and it takes a few times for Clara to realize.
Cooking Clara
Twelve and Clara enjoy the figurative fruits of culinary labour, with absolutely absurd results. (from a Tumblr prompt asking for Clara to make omurice and for Twelve to find himself oddly addicted to it.)
Permission to Own a Cat
Clara gets a cat. The cat refuses to follow the Doctor's rules for life on the Tardis.
that talent for insatiability
or: The Doctor and Clara chalk it up to fate. au.
Clara Oswald & Her Bad Influence Friend
A dumb short AU where the TARDIS is a shitty car and Twelve is some shady dude Clara knows and everyone at Coal Hill is like "wtf who is this guy and how does Ms. Oswald know him." Absolute crack.
the carer & the caretaker [video]
It’s the oldest story in the universe: the carer and the caretaker fall in love, which travels across all of time and space. It’s a love story, of sorts.
Get behind the universe
Chin tucked, eyebrows lowered, eyes deep in their cadaverous sockets and full of small-scale, personal murder. The Doctor is furious at the ill treatment she has received.
don't see you for one week and the fellow suddenly decides he's in need of a proper secondary school education!"
The Souffle
Pure Whouffaldi Fluff as the Doctor tries to help Clara on her quest for the perfect soufflé.
Sky All Full of Stars
Clara Oswald thinks, You can love someone without liking them all the time. Twelve, Clara, and a surprise appearance by a surprise guest. Surprise! (No spoilers.)
From the Garden You Can See the Wild Wood
Twelve/Clara Red Riding Hood AU.
Under the Weather
Clara is sick. What on earth is the Doctor doing with her tea kettle?
The Strategist
Victorious Queen Clara's guards bring her a captive that suit her very specific tastes: gray-haired and lean. This one isn't what he appears to be, however.
The Deep and Lovely Dark
The Doctor is afraid to sleep and eventually it catches up with him.
Stars on his fingers
"I just want-- I want a night in. At home. With quiet company. While my ankle is all swollen like this. I want a pajama party."
The Doctor heard "quiet company" and knew he could provide that. And possible he'd take the opportunity to do something sneaky and helpful with her ankle. He clapped his hands together. "Right! A pajama party you shall have."
Sittin' in a Tree
The Doctor's jumper is full of holes, and Clara can't seem to help herself....
lay your armor down
A spot of completely non-sexual dom!Clara and sub!Twelve.
This is who he is now, what he's chosen to become.
make a dragon wanna retire, man
Clara walks into the console room on a Monday and announces, without preamble, “I think we should get a pet.”
if you're looking for heaven
It'll take some getting used to, but he does like it. Liked it the old way too. In fact, to an extent that might be worrying, he likes a lot of things Clara chooses to do or say or wear. (He doesn't want to use the word besotted when it comes to her but, well...)
Twelve and Clara. After Christmas they just keep running.
"Gallifrey is back, in some pocket somewhere it was never meant to be in, churning up the rest of the universe like meat in a grinder, and the Doctor is full of golden energy and regeneration chemicals that he hasn't had to handle for hundreds of years. He's full of memories, too; she knows that he's left some things unsaid, dreams of centuries of blood and fire that wake him with quiet gasps more often than he thinks she knows. She knows that there's more beyond that which he doesn't tell her. A time lord is not meant to cope with these things alone. " Or: A series of scenes from the start of their first winter together through the end of their first winter.
Do you know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
Bad Dreams
Clara Oswald has dreams. She doesn't always like them.
Set post-The Witch's Familiar and involves spoilers (like a fair amount), so if you haven't seen Series 9 Episodes 1 and 2, I'd hold off on reading this.
Returning Echoes
After the events of 'Listen', Clara starts to experience strange dreams, thoughts and feelings. The echoes of her shattered selves begin to catch up with her. Can the Doctor help?
Honesty Mature
Set immediately after "Last Christmas." Neither of them will admit they're addicted to each other, but they've both been through the withdrawal and the effects can't go unaddressed.
What I Mean To Say Is Mature
What happened between the Doctor finding Clara inside of the Dalek, and them making their great escape to the Tardis? We might never know, but I needed to explore a what-if...
Time Period: Four days in late September, roughly 3 months after Death in Heaven.
Repairs Mature
The Doctor rescues Clara in the nick of time, but that's not the end of it.
The Thief Mature
The Doctor just smashed up the TARDIS console, but he needs to get away from there. He shoves his fingers into the telepathic matrix and goes... somewhere. He doesn't care where. The TARDIS cares, however. This is what happened in between the visit to Gallifrey and the meeting in the cafe.
Writing to Reach You Mature
Clara's not been feeling herself lately, and it just keeps getting worse.
Or: Written based off rumours of who Missy is (sort of), and sort of based on trailers for Dark Water and the Finale.
Post Season 8, before Last Christmas. Earth is suffering the ravages of the worst storm in recorded history and Clara suspects an extra-terrestrial reason. But if it’s something alien what’s it got to do with the Doctor and can Clara come to terms with her own personal tempest of feelings when the Time Lord crashes back into her life?
Twisted Terrors Mature
"He has this incessant urge to get involved in other people’s business, this saviour complex that makes him think the lives of others are his responsibility, but it took Danny Pink dying to make her see the error in that assumption."
The Wedding Tree Mature
For once an encounter with an advanced civilization was not going to end in war, catastrophe, disaster, or even a pell-mell run toward something or away from something. It was just a lovely thank-you ceremony for the two of them, that's all, followed by a lovely night high up in a tree house. With one bed. Wait.
Conjunction Mature
All of time and space, out there in a blue box. Where do they go first, and what do they do? The Doctor shows Clara a wonder.
for you alone i will be weak Mature
The Doctor and Clara reunite and carry on.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
So let us melt Mature
The Doctor explains to Clara why he's alone, even when he's holding her. She does something about it.
The Seen & Unseen Life of a Carer & Her Time Lord Mature
Clara remembers the Doctor is very alien, but it doesn't really matter too much. Post-Last Christmas.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
tessellate Explicit
So. They're just people who live together and touch each other sometimes.
Control Explicit
Clara's immune system is reset and she and the Doctor must deal with the resulting plethora of illnesses that result all at once, including one that can't be immediately seen. Lots of gratuitous fluff, some plot, and more smut than I think I have the capacity to ever write again.
Boy From School Explicit
"How did the Skovox Blitzer end up in the school where I teach? Why there?" She looked up and shot him a dirty, knowing look. "The school has been there for years. No aliens, no strange happenings…I
Chocolate Powder (Slow Warmed Then Whisked) Explicit
Clara and the Doctor share a nightly ritual now she's full time on the TARDIS but its about to change. Whouffaldi. Smut angst fluff. E/M rating. Post Last Christmas. One shot.
~New addition. Edited 3/9/2017
Love Is
But it was what had brought them to this point: kneeling together on an ancient, dirt-caked circuit board, so close and yet – separated by the one thing that had always kept them apart. The one thing that might have made everything different if only they had the courage to *talk* to each other. Hell Bent missing scene.
To my Master Post of Doctor Who fic recs <3
I also have rec lists for Harry Potter and Naruto.
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