#since i didn't take many screenshots of ww when i was reading the manga. which i would consider a crime now but anyway skdjfhgs
khytal · 10 months
Not sure if got my previous anon but
I'm still in love with your wolfwood. he's so soft the way you draw him# and I don't mean in like cute baby girl way
I mean he genuinely makes my heart melt with joy it's such, such calming way you draw his eyes
All that keep rooted kindness he hides behind his sunglasses you've unearthed
You draw his eyes so kind
It's akin to the manga, you've captured it so well
As unhinged as he can get, you've immortalised that genuine good natured humanity he has
If Vash saw your wolfwood there's no way he wouldn't fall in love all over again. because that's how I feel when I see your art. I remember why I love wolfwood as a character, that's a really special thing you've somehow reignited.
Sometimes eyes really are windows to the soul.
waaaahhhHHHHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺🥹💕💕 I already said it but this is so so so sweet 😭 genuinely amazed that my wolfwoods could do that for you it’s. I can’t even put it into words
but yeah if I were vash and wolfwood looked at me like this I’d. h. hjshdjshdjs
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