#sjbgdfg i'm sorry this got so long!!
damnation-if · 1 year
Congrats on the follower milestone!! Such a huge accomplishment, you and this amazing story deserve it! I knew you were one to follow after I saw the D&D rants. Just thought "yes, a fellow person obsessed with the outer planes. this is someone whos storytelling I can RESPECT!!" 😤 For the ask list, could we get a lil treat with #17?? Tell us more about how demons are as friends and lovers.
hahaha... thank you, i'm glad someone appreciates my D&D opinions. if i had the spare money to hire an artist i've always thought it would be funny to make a logo for the game that is a parody of the D&D logo with the dragon ampersand but D&B lmao... however somebody might talk me out of that at some point, i'm not sure XD
thank you for the ask!
17. What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
i'm not sure if there's like... a set group of archetypes that this is pulling from or if they're just trying to convey basic attitudes so i'll probably just do. basic attitudes. hope that's okay!
Arianis - Arianis' familial relationships are quite different from their romantic or platonic ones; it's not that they don't get along with their dad, but they do get sick of his company pretty easily because the two are very different. when it comes to other relationships they're a lot more laidback and don't mind arguments/cold patches so much as long as they don't get Personal, though they can be sort of fairweather in a way unless they really trust someone.
Heluur - Heluur is really very stable when it comes to relationships (as with everything else)... he has kind of a lot of practice being the mum friend in his group of pals just because he's naturally the most responsible and least chaotic. it stresses him out sometimes because it can be difficult to pull that off when you can't really travel, but most of his close friends have learned to come to him when they need to. he's never been in a romantic relationship before but it'd be similar in principle.
Lithiana - Lithiana is definitely the fantasy equivalent of a Fun Party friend; she's always planning little events and fun get-togethers for everybody. a lot of the people in her close circle of friends are more reticent than most so she often has to work really hard at it, but it's something she likes doing and she's not going to let them dissuade her lmao. she's the same in relationships... she always likes to have some upcoming Thing to be thinking about and preparing for, whether a date or a party or something.
Malkorath - Malkorath's experience with interpersonal relationships is unique and a bit. skewed in favour of ones that weren't very good, especially before the past few years. as a result they're often bad at navigating social situations and friendships and their perception of "closeness" swings back and forth between "i really like that guy, i said good morning to him thirteen weeks ago and it was my Best Ever social interaction" and "following someone around like a puppy dog". they're a bit clingy, but not because they don't respect other people's boundaries, just because they haven't yet worked out how to set any of their own. their adoptive mother is trying to teach them, but it's slow going as they have a lot of shit to sort through. like Heluur they've never had a romantic relationship before so there's not much to say on that front.
Suchebh - Suchebh is very attentive to the people who are important to them; even if it doesn't seem like it or they act petulant or snarky sometimes, they always try to keep in mind what's going on with everyone in their little circle of loved ones and whether or not there's anything that they can do to help at any given time. this includes Twilit... though Suchebh would never admit it lmao
Twilit - Twilit's attitude towards relationships is... complicated. They're definitely the kind of person that you can not talk to for two (hundred) years and yet they'll pick right back up where you left off as though there's no extra distance between the two of you. time doesn't really factor much into their perceptions of how things are going; if they like you then they like you. All of the people who manage to get really close to them basically change their entire outlook and set of priorities, as a function of needing a feeling of newness and curiosity to actually facilitate that closeness in the first place, and romance wouldn't be any different.
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