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vulgaren · 1 year
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fuckthemforthis · 6 months
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Sladko se nasmej, nedolžno me poglej in...
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targarrus · 5 months
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sladko se nasmej
nedolžno me poglej
in tiho šepetej
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rosetta-j-stone · 5 months
Today's Slovenian Class: describing foods!
Teacher: <mentions the key words "okus" and "dišati">
My brain, Joker Out Sleeper Agent For Hire: "Sanje so tvojega okusa...jutro po tebi mi diši"
Also my brain: "A sem ti povedal kdaj, kako lepo dišiš mi?"
Teacher: <mentions the key words "kislo", "grenak", "slan", "sladko">
My brain: "UUU U UU..."
Me: "Don't you dare-"
Me: "...this isn't going to help me order food"
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dalsimoravskyblog · 2 months
Modus: V slepých uličkách
hudba: Miro Žbirka | text: Kamil Peteraj
Bratislavské rockové uskupení Modus vzniklo v roce 1967, stihlo se rozpadnout a několikrát změnit složení, ale poslední roky je stálicí slovenské hudby – v roce 1977 získala s písní Úsmev Bratislavskou lyru a v loňském roce se umístila na 6. místě v anketě Zlatý slavík. Zpívají Miro Žbirka (28 let) a Marika Gombitová (24 let).
Pod předělem najdete text písně. Všechny písně najdete zde.
Ako víno žiari chutí ako v ústach med Ak ju nosíš v tvári krajšej tváre niet Je taká zvláštna rozpovie ju kvet Je taká zvláštna rozpovie ju kvet
Ako dúšok vína ako nápoj omamný Sladko opojí ma na sto nocí na sto dní Ak budem šťastná nelám krásne sny Ak budem šťastný nelám krásne sny
No tak daj mi svoju lásku, na pomoc mi rýchlo leť No tak požičaj mi nádej, dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť No tak daj mi svoju lásku, na pomoc mi rýchlo leť No tak požičaj mi nádej, dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť
Som ten krásny blázon, čo má rád tvoj strach Predstavím ti šťastie v slepých uličkách To krásne šťastie v slepých uličkách To krásne šťastie v slepých uličkách
Som ten krásny blázon, ktorý kráča v oblakoch Túžim s tebou lietať aj túlať sa po vlakoch Predstav mi šťastie, zázrak pre mňa sprav Predstav mi šťastie, zázrak pre mňa sprav.
No tak daj mi svoju lásku, na pomoc mi rýchlo leť No tak požičaj mi nádej, dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť No tak daj mi svoju lásku na pomoc mi rýchlo leť No tak požičaj mi nádej, dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť
Daj mi svoju lásku na pomoc mi rýchlo leť Požičaj mi nádej dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť No tak daj mi svoju lásku na pomoc mi rýchlo leť Požičaj mi nádej dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť
No tak daj mi svoju lásku na pomoc mi rýchlo leť No tak požičaj mi nádej dvakrát ti ju vrátim späť
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Yellow Curtains - Chapter Four - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff's senior year at Novi Grad School is duly planned for her. She has good friends, good grades, and a good system to hide who she really is. Or, the one based on Evak from the Norway Skam series, where Wanda is queer and tries to survive the last year without anyone knowing about it.
Warnings: (+18), general warnings about language and violence, legal drug use, mentions of underage drinking, high school, internalized homophobia and discovery of sexuality, explicit mentions of mental disorders (bipolarity and depression), dysfunctional family, making out, and eventual smut.
Skamverse | Series | General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter Four - The Birthday
Četrtek 16:22 (Thursday 4:22 pm)
Wanda came to the conclusion that she was, undeniably, the worst person in the world. 
And while she tried not to be the worst person in the world, she attempted, at your request, to put her shit together.
You refused to stay any longer than necessary - that being, solely during history class - in her presence, and ignored all her attempts to start a casual conversation, and Wanda thinks you were right because you were expecting an apology that she had no idea how to provide. Of how to really mean it.
So she decided she wasn't going to deal with you. Or with Natasha asking why she was distant and cranky, or Pietro trying to appease things between her and her father. 
The only company Wanda was putting up with was her mother, and right now, as Natalya stroked her hair, Wanda took her attention off the sitcom on the television and ran her eyes down the screen of the laptop resting on her mother's knee near her head.
"Mama?" She called out, receiving a soft hum from the other. "Do you like your job?"
Natalya gave a soft chuckle. "Why the question?"
Wanda sighed. "Just curious."
Her mother smiled, changing the rhythm of the touching on the back of Wanda's head.
"Well, I like to write." She begins gently. "I've always liked it, ever since I was little. I like grammar, I like reading. But deadlines? Rules that shape my creativity? No, I don't like these." Wanda gets thoughtful, and Natalya takes the caress to her daughter's cheek. "I would be lying if I said I love the act of working. Waking up early, fulfilling an expedient, and answering to a boss. That is not comfortable. I wish I had been born with a great inheritance that allowed me to write just for the pleasure of writing, and the vast majority of people do too. But that's not how the world operates, sweetheart."
Wanda sighs, adjusting herself to sit beside her mother.
"What if...I wanted a job?"
Natalya is surprised but offers her a gentle smile. 
"And why is that?" She asks, and when Wanda looks down at her own lap, she reaches for her hand. "You just piqued my curiosity, dear. I have my financial limitations, but with your father's pension, we have enough so that you and Pietro can focus on your studies. I wouldn't want to think that you feel pressured-"
"It's not that." Wanda assures with a nervous laugh, shaking her head. She takes a deep breath, searching for the right words. "I love papa, I really do. But every day, we grow distant from each other's values. I don't want to live what he has planned for me. I don't want to owe or depend on his goodwill, or approval."
Natalya looks at her affectionately, bringing a hand to her face.
"Every day, you make me more proud, sladko dekle (sweet girl)." She says, and Wanda smiles shyly, leaning into her touch. She doesn't really believe it, it's not how she's been feeling, especially the last few days, but it's nice to hear.
Wanda settles into her mother's lap again, she whispers:
"Ljubim te, mama. (I love you, mama)"
Ponedeljek 18.12 (Monday 6:12 pm)
A touch on her back made Wanda jump slightly. She was distracted by the books in front of her but smiled at her mother, who was signaling for her to take off her headphones. Once Evanescence gave way to the sounds around her, Natalya spoke up:
"There's a boy downstairs." She announced gently. Wanda frowned. "Your friend, the one who skateboards."
Wanda sighed, "Oh, it's Clint." She spoke taking out her headset to put on the table. "Thanks, mama. Can you tell him I'll be right down?"
Natalya nodded, leaving the room. Wanda took one last look at the history books before looking for a sweatshirt to cover her thin pajama shirt.
Clint was sitting on the wall of her driveway, with a skateboard resting against the wall. He offered her a smile as he greeted her.
"Did something happen?" That was the first thing Wanda asked because she hadn't invited him. In fact, she hadn't invited anyone to her place since the fight she had with you weeks ago.
Clint laughs lightly. "št. (no)?"
She twitches her nose slightly at the cold air outside, hugging her own body. "I don't mean to be rude, but why are you here?"
He laughs again, half surprised. "Well, I've been your friend for 8 years now, and well, we always  planned something nice for Nat's birthday together..."
"Prekleto! (dammit)" Wanda interrupts giving herself a gentle slap on the forehead. "Yeah, Nat's birthday is coming up. Shit, what day is it today?" she quickly checks her cell phone and realizes that she barely has a week to plan something. 
Clint watches her reaction with curiosity. "Is everything okay with you, Maximoff?" He asks worriedly. "You just...man, I don't know, you’ve been acting different."
"I'm fine." She assures between teeth, moving closer to take the other side of the wall. "I just have a lot going on right now, okay? With my dad, and school."
Clint sniffles slightly because of the cold. He adjusts the cap he wears on his head and looks at Wanda.
"But that's not all, right?" he questions, and she feels her heart stop. 
Trying to play nice, she retorts, "What do you mean?"
He smiles in a corner. "Well, you've started dating, haven't you?" He says, and Wanda lets out a chuckle, practically relieved. Clint doesn't seem to notice. "I know, maybe you feel more comfortable talking to Natasha or Jennifer, since they're girls, about this but, I'm here too, okay? If Vision is being a jerk, or even if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."
Wanda smiles at him, and takes a chance:
"I think I screwed up." Wanda mutters. "And I don't know how to make things right again."
Clint frowns in curiosity, stepping away from the wall to approach her. "What happened?"
Wanda sighs, she's not ready to tell yet. All she does is shrug, and it's Clint's turn to sigh. 
"I have no way to help you without knowing what happened." He mumbles clumsily, and she gives a sad smile.
"I wasn't ready." She declares. "And now I feel like I've lost ... him."
Clint grimaces. "Vision pressured you to have sex with him? I'm going to kill-"
Wanda shakes her head, holding up her hands. "No! No! No way!" She clarifies nervously. "He was...very respectful. In fact, I was the one who initiated the whole thing. But then... I backed off and treated him badly. I think I fucked everything up."
Clint sighs, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Wanda, you didn't do anything wrong." He says seriously. "If you weren't ready, you weren't. Never feel guilty about something like that. Sex is kind of overrated anyway."
She frowns in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Clint shrugs. "It's just, the first time, it will always be messy. And awkward. It doesn't last long for the boys either." He comments with a laugh, turning his hands back to his pockets. "Vision has experience, maybe it will make it a little more fun for you, but it will likely be awkward. It's the first time, you know? It's meant to be that way." He comments. "You don't have to be so anxious about it. It's always weird for everyone. You just need to relax. When you feel ready, follow the moment, let it happen." He guides casually. "After all, you like him and he likes you, right?"
Wanda swallows dryly. "Yeah."
Clint smiles. "That's all that matters in the end." He says, taking a hand out of his pocket to pass his arm around her shoulders.
Wanda accepts the hug because she feels like she might start crying at any moment.
"Want to go to the skateboard track?" He invites still holding her. Wanda thinks about the lessons accumulated on her desk and nods in the affirmative.
Sreda 11:40 (Wednesday 11:40 am)
Wanda wasn't sure what had brought her there, but her feet practically moved by themselves. 
The college buildings were divided by subject, and classes, based on three main categories: Humanities, Science, and Technology. Other subcategories such as Mathematics, or Sports were in similar topics. 
All this meant that Wanda, who since freshman year had signed up for a curriculum focused on Medical School, had more classes in common with Natasha, and the other Med kids (as they called themselves) than with Pietro and the jocks, such as Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. The latter by coincidence had a very rich resume in Technology.
So when Wanda appeared in the Humanities building in a lab coat, half the surrounding students looked at her as if she were some kind of abnormality.
Wanda found a bathroom, put away her lab coat, and tried to stop shaking. She left the Advanced Biology class in the middle of the explanation of Human Fertilization, thinking she was going to throw up if anyone else made a sex joke next to her.
Natasha - and the teacher - believed she was having period cramps.
It did nothing to help the superficially controlled little panic attack for Wanda to realize where she was in school. Nor did it help to leave the bathroom for a hallway with a glass wall, where she could see a small outdoor antitheater, full of students practicing dances, rehearsing lines, or testing costumes.
Seeing you, dressed like a Montecchio in a plastic sword fight, giggling like a child didn't help to settle her stomach. Definitely not.
Since when did you do theater anyway?
The teacher on the stage says something to the class, and Wanda watches for who knows how long as you repeat the movements of the fake fight with your scene partner, rehearsing for what should be the end-of-the-year play.
The bell rings shortly after, and not only does the drama class scatter around, but the other rooms begin to empty out.
Still, you turn to put the swords away in a trunk, and it doesn't take you ten seconds to meet Wanda's gaze beyond the glass.
Your momentarily surprised expression becomes almost annoyed. You look away, dropping the swords and turning around, and Wanda swallows dryly, ignoring the way her heart races to advance through the crowd of students and into the glass room.
"Y/N." She calls out, but you keep putting things away, standing back. Wanda takes a deep breath to keep from crying. "Please. Can we talk? Please."
You pull the period vest out over your head, and Wanda looks away, blushing when her first thought is about the bit of skin she saw with the gesture. With an impatient sigh, you return the vest to the pile of costumes and turn to the coat hook, a few inches away from Wanda and the door.
She swallows dryly, ready to speak again when you look at her in such a cold way that she is startled.
"Stay away from me, Wanda."  You spit it out and Wanda stands static, feeling her chest tighten. She doesn't have to think about what to say, because you leave the room the next moment.
As if her day couldn't get any worse, her cell phone vibrates seconds later.
"I hear it's Romanoff's birthday on Saturday. Hope we can meet at the party, doll."- Vision.
Sobota 22:21 Saturday 10:21 pm
Excluding Wanda and Clint, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were Natasha's closest friends. And every year, without exception, they would fight over who would host her birthday party. 
Tony was the richer one - obviously - but this did not mean that he won every time. This year, for example, Wanda learned that the boys made a gambling bet and Steve won, which later meant Wanda and Pietro taking the subway across town to the university district.
Since Steve's family was American - as were the vast majority of the families of Wanda's friends, since student exchange programs in Sokovia were very common - he lived in an apartment with other boys, mostly students from the University of Sokovia a few streets away. And because it was a sorority, Steve's parties could go until morning - especially during vacation starting periods like now - with no neighbor to call the police.
Wanda was trying to be positive tonight. 
She dressed really nicely, and put a friendly smile on her face. She met Vision with ten minutes of celebration and didn't leave his side.
Everything was fine.
"I'm gonna get us something to drink." The words left her lips before she finished thinking them. Vision looked confused at the half-full glass he was holding, but Wanda didn't care.
You had just walked into the party with Peter Parker at your side, and she thinks that if she doesn't start drinking she will start crying.
The kitchen was empty because everyone was dancing and talking around the apartment. The loud music started giving her a headache for the first time since the night began, and Wanda considered staying inside the freezer, hiding from her troubles.
"Everything okay there Maximoff?" Nat's tone was a gentle tease, and by the sudden arrival, Wanda knocked her head lightly on the freezer with fright, cursing softly.
She pulled out a bottle of beer on her way out. "Yeah, just getting a drink."
Nat hums her own beer in hand. "You and Vision seem close tonight."
She forces a smile, looking around the kitchen for a can opener. "I think so." Natasha takes a sip of her beer. Wanda finds something to open her own and celebrates softly. "I guess...I finally had the time and opportunity to date." She jokes, busy opening the lid to notice Nat's forced giggle.
"You know what you could make time for, Wanda?" Nat asks, and Wanda, who is in the middle of sipping, raises her eyebrows at her in confusion. "To apologize to Y/N."
Wanda chokes, it was less graceful than she would like, but she manages to contain the damage with the back of her hand. She returns the beer to the counter and doesn't meet Nat's gaze.
"How do you...?"
"I date her sister, Wanda." Natasha recalls as if it were obvious, "Of course, I was going to find out about it eventually."
Wanda thinks she might throw up at any moment. She swallows dryly, holding the can opener a little tightly.
"W-what Y/N said?"
Natasha rolls her eyes, sighing impatiently. She steps closer, leaving her own beer on the counter.
"You offended her in the middle of a hallway, I didn't hear about it from her." Natasha clarifies. "Carol found out first and didn't know how to mention it to me because of our friendship. And Y/N said it was no big deal. But she seemed to have turned bad again this week, and I think this story has gone too far."
Wanda lets go of the opener because she felt the grip hurt. She hugs her own body, looking at Nat. "It was a stupid argument, I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." She sniffles softly. "I'm sorry."
"It's not me you have to apologize to, Maximoff." Natasha remonstrates seriously, and Wanda cringes. The redhead sighs. "Wanda, what's going on between you two, anyway? You've been acting so strange lately..."
Nat tries to touch her wrist, and Wanda jumps away, startling them both. "There's nothing. Nothing, going on between us. I'm not like that, okay?"
The redhead makes an indignant face as she understands the other's words. "Like what? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
Wanda realizes the shit she spoke in the same second, and opens her mouth to apologize, only to be interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind her.
"Sorry, am I interrupting? I wanted to congratulate the birthday girl." It was Yelena, Natasha's stepsister, looking very pretty in her leather jacket. The redhead's tense posture completely unraveled, and she cast one last angry glance at Wanda before turning away to hug Yelena, leading her out of the kitchen with animated conversation.
Wanda sobbed once alone. But before she lost control of her own emotions, she takes a deep breath. And for every tear, she wanted to shed she took a sip of beer.
Until the ground became less firm at her feet.
It didn't take long before she was drunk. Not tipsy, or cheerful.
Drunk. Hard, the kind that doesn't process things very well, like seeing you making out with a girl she's never seen against a wall in the corner of the party or the kind that makes questionable decisions like grabbing Vision's hand and dragging him into the first empty room she finds.
Wanda remembers the first time she kissed someone. She was 14, and it was not a boy. Natasha stretched out a flashlight under the blanket and whispered to her that she was scared of high school. Dating seemed scary. Wanda muttered that it was probably overrated and that no one seemed very interesting. Boys were rude, and girls were mean. Sometimes they were both. Natasha chuckled against her neck and said she was going to try something.
Wanda remembers that Natasha tasted like toothpaste, and her skin was really soft. She felt no fireworks or anything like that, although, for the next few years, she developed a great unrequited crush on her best friend. No one knew, and sometimes Wanda would even keep it from herself.
Kissing Vision was different from Natasha. He grabbed his way around her, her waist, her breasts. Hard, demanding, impatient. He wouldn't let her breathe, wouldn't let her escape. And Wanda really wanted to escape.
"Fuck, are you sure about that?" He questioned breathlessly, all over her. When had Wanda made it to bed? She couldn't remember. "You taste like booze. How many beers have you had?"
"Stop talking." She demanded, grabbing his face back. He took off his jacket, and then his shirt. His skin was boiling, and not soft to the touch. Not like Natasha's. Not like yours.
Vision adjusted himself on top of her, and Wanda felt a hardness rubbing in between her legs. Her brain immediately returned to the night of the pool, your face vibrating in her mind, clear as the water around you two. She remembered the feel of your hands around her, the strong pull below her stomach, your thigh finding her middle-
A sound ripped through her throat, and it wasn't the name of the boy trying to pull her pants off.
Vision froze before pulling away, looking at Wanda as if she had slapped him. She didn't understand what happened until he spoke:
"Who the fuck is Y/N, Wanda?" He demanded in horror, sitting on his legs. "Y/N as in Danvers, Carol's sister? What the fuck, are you a dyke or something?"
The entire contents of Wanda's stomach came out at once, right in Vision's lap the next second.
He screamed, jumping away from her, indignantly cursing things she didn't understand.
The door slammed as he left for the bathroom, and Wanda lay there on the bed, her clothes crumpled, completely static.
It seemed to take forever when the door opened again. Vision was wearing a loose shirt from Steve, and he didn't close the door behind him.
"Are you really going to stand there and not talk about it?" He demanded, and Wanda went back to counting the marks on the ceiling. He sighed impatiently. "You're fucking insane, Maximoff. I've had enough of your little games. Don't call me anymore."
Wanda sat up in bed when the door slammed again and resembled a robot as she searched for a bathroom, trying not to fall on the way. She couldn't find it and ended up outside the house.
Shit, she really was very drunk.
The party was still in full swing inside, but Wanda saw some groups leaving the place. Maybe she could find a ride with one of them.
Wanda left the entrance to the garage area, and around the corner, she began to hear a heated argument.
"[...] what the fuck are you insinuating now, Parker?" It was your voice if Wanda could recognize anything in that state.
The boy laughed. "You put on that little show for me. I'm just saying it was kind of mean of you, especially since Gwen and I have history."
You chuckle indignantly. "Are you fucking with me now, huh? Putting on a show for you? Screw you if you think that was for you! I have the right to make out to whoever I want, we're done! And unlike what you think, you narcissistic bastard, neither Gwen nor I give a shit about you!"
Peter huffs loudly, closing the door of the truck as you try to open it. "Y/N, please don't act like that!" He tries, still serious, but a little calmer. "We had a fight, as usual. It doesn't have to be the end, we could still-"
"I don't love you anymore, Peter." You cut him off simply, with a completely exhausted look on your face. "How many times am I going to have to say that?"
Peter sighs, and tries to hold you but you push him away. He takes a deep breath. "You said it before and regret it. Can't you ... convince yourself of that again?"
You look at him completely offended. "Excuse me?"
Peter stutters, trying to find the right words. "I just mean, I don't know, maybe you could try-"
You push him away from you, tears in your eyes that are more of anger than anything.
"That's the damn point, Parker! If I could choose or control it, I wouldn't be a fucking disorder!"
"Y/n, sorry I shouldn't-"
"Get the fuck out of here." You cut him off. "I'm not going back with you, Peter. Never."
He snorts indignantly, turning his back on you and dashing down the driveway back into the building.
Wanda backs up against the wall as her stomach starts to rumble again, and the uncomfortable grumble she lets out catches your attention.
You find her with her head down, one hand on her belly.
"Spying on other people's conversation now, Maximoff?" You accuse angrily, and Wanda gives you a weak laugh, feeling her head spin.
"I was looking for a ride." She replies with her eyes closed, trying not to throw up again.
You let out a tired laugh. "You were going to ask some stranger to drive you home? You must be really drunk."
"I'm fine." She assures you before she starts throwing up again. 
You stepped back to avoid being hit, looking up at the apartment above and seeing that the party was still in full swing.
Pulling your cell phone from your pocket, you called Pietro. About four times, but he probably wouldn't listen in that mess. 
"Hey, Pietro, your twin is totally drunk down here. Can you come to get her?" You try a voice message, and then a text underneath with the same question because you don't think he would listen either.
Wanda is sweating a little, and you mentally curse yourself for reaching over to hold her hair while she vomits. 
With ten minutes to wait, you text Natasha about Pietro. And she replies to you that the boy wasn't upstairs.
"Stay here Wands, I'll be right back." You tell the girl leaning on the wall, which doesn't look like it was going to make any mention of moving any time soon. You walk around the block, but of the small groups that left the party to smoke or leave, but you don't recognize Pietro in any of them.
As you walk back to where you left Wanda, she has disappeared.
"Fucking excellent." You mutter ironically, and before you can despair, you recognize the figure farther up the street, as if she had decided to go home alone. With a weary sigh, you turn back to your sister's pickup truck parked nearby, and drive the car down the street, until you are driving next to a sulky and completely inebriated Wanda Maximoff. "Please get in the car."
"I don't want to be kidnapped, thank you."
You chuckle, running a hand over your face. "I promise I won't kidnap you. Just tell me where you live, and I'll take you home."
To your surprise, Wanda sniffles. "I can't go home! It's the Sabbath and I'm drunk and Mama will be so disappointed! I can't-" She started to cry really hard, and you knew she must be really drunk.
"Hey, hey, let's not go to your house then." You try to calm her down from behind the wheel, without losing attention on both the girl and the road. "Let's go to my place. You really need a bath and sleep. And then, when the sabbath is over, you can go to your place, what do you think?"
Wanda agrees with a nod, and you try not to despair at her vulnerability that second. She would do anything anyone asked, by the gods who left her alone in this state?
You stop the car, and lean in to open the passenger door. "Can you get in by yourself, princess?"
Wanda murmurs in agreement, getting into the car. She adjusts herself in the seat and closes her eyes as you put the belt around her. "Please don't try to kidnap me." She whispers, managing a soft laugh from you.
"I promise." You whisper back, and the last thing she hears before falling asleep.
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yiiinyaangg · 2 years
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Rakiq I sladko ot boroviniiiiii
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Představy, které se nestanou..
Zvonek a klepání. Stojíš za dveřmi a já utíkám otevřít. Jedno otočení klíčku a stojíš přede mnou. Nevím, jestli tě obejmout a nebo pustit dál. Už se neobjímáme, asi ze strachu. A tak rukou pokynu a ty překročíš práh. Řekneme si tiché ahoj. Vyndáš z tašky knihy a podáš mi je. Já si je prohlížím, zatím co si zouváš boty. Jdeme do mého pokoje a ještě předtím ti natočím vodu. S lehkým úsměvem poděkuješ. Sednu si na podlahu a ty se mnou. Projíždím po deskách Megan, s nostalgickým úsměvem. Ty mě jen tiše pozoruješ a mně po tváři steče jedna slza dojetí. Odložím opatrně knihy stranou a s nadšením se ptám či chceš slyšet tu desku. S úsměvem přikývneš. A možná si ji tam budeš chtít položit sám, vyzkoušet si můj přehrávač. A já tě nechám. A při prvních zvuků poskočím radostí a zakopnu o ty knihy. Ale ty mě chytíš, tak jako vždycky. S rukou kolem mého pasu, držíš mě blízko, tak blízko, že cítím to příjemné teplo a tvou sladko-kořenitou vůni. Stalo se to již tolikrát, že je to naše přirozenost. A já vzhlédnu k tvým lesním očím a pak sklouznu na tvé obláčkové rty. Přemýšlím, jestli taky cítíš tu touhu po polibku. A přiblížím se blíž.
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pc7ooo · 1 month
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RAMZES666: «За питанием я слежу. Сладкое, чипсы и газировку не употребляю»
Профессиональный игрок в Dota 2 Роман RAMZES666 Кушнарёв поделился, насколько пристально следит за своим здоровьем. В интервью на канале COLIZEU...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/11/785-ramzes666-za-pitaniem-ya-slezhu-sladkoe-chipsy-i-gazirovku-ne-upotreblyayu-grss-331909596.html
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slovaksinadelaide · 7 months
Škola 9.3.2024
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V sobotu o 3pm sa začína škola a po vyučovaní o 6pm sa podáva ľahké občerstvenie:
Dukátové buchtičky na sladko alebo na slano
Prihláste sa do štvrtka 7.3.24 SMS mob 0405 716 071
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aroacemisha · 8 months
"Сделал гадко - спится сладко" (translit: sdelal gadko - spitsa sladko; eng: did nasty, sleep sweetly)
-- Me about my cat calmly going to sleep after he threw up.
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blogypreteba · 8 months
Ako sladko chutí nádej...
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med-skratki · 9 months
že dolgo nisem nič pisala sem, se sicer večkrat spomnem. sem hotla nekje zabeležit občutke glede mojega prvega trekinga septembra letos. sicer sem se bala, da bo to moja cela osebnost. na srečo lahk otri mesece kasneje zatrdim, da ni. kako me je ta teden spremenil. kako spočita sem kljub zjebanim kolenom in par kilami manj prišla nazaj. verjetno, ker se mi ni bilo treba ukvarjati z dolžnostjo bit vpet v navaden svet. oziroma, ne toliko dolžnostjo, kot pričakovanjem, pa tudi izbiro bit vpet. ima smisel? nič telefona, nič obvestil kaj se dogaja drugim. ko bi za it delat vstala s takim veseljem ob petih zjutraj, z neumitimi lasmi, v nosu z vonjem vlažnega šotora, ležeč nekje na trdi zemlji na boku nepremikajoč se celo noč, da ti je bilo kolikor toliko udobno. pa to, da nisem tako dvomila v svojo kondicijo, čeprav je večinoma mojega leta najvišjo raven aktivnosti predstavljala vožnja s kolesom na šiht ali faks ali pa občasno švicanje na joga podlagi v kuhinji. res sem se počutila kot žival, v najboljšem možnem smislu. nič in nihče mi nič ne morejo. to se me še vedno malo drži. c'mon, kako se me ne bo, vsak dan smo hodili po več kot osem ur z vso šaro, ki smo jo rabili za življenje tistih osem dni. tudi ta občutek nemoči, ki ga imam velikokrat, tako sladko ga je bilo premagati. pa kaj, če nas je po tamalem čisto premočilo? bomo našli rešitev, če ne pa gremo domov, to je najhuje. in smo jo našli. to reševanje težav in da vsak pripomore nekaj, vsak pomaga. in ta vesel občutek, ko te naprej vleče to, da je z vsakim korakom pogled še bolj neverjeten, odprt. seveda je bilo tudi težko, kakšno nemoč sem čutila, ko nas je nekdo opomnil glede nadaljevanja poti. ampak smo šli čez to. noro. oziroma, balanu. čutim, da me nobeno popotovanje ne bo več navdušilo. sicer res upam, da se motim.
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rosetta-j-stone · 9 months
Dispatches from 23rd Slovenian Class incoming : D
Doing 5th (locative) case and the fandom and I are being attacked straight out the gate:
Textbook: Govorimo o fantih
Me: Excuse you textbook.
Textbook: ...
Me: ...
Me: Govorimo o naših fantih.
Teacher: <introduces pronouns in 5th case>
My brain:
Igra sovraštva je za vas...hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas, NA NAS!
Also my brain:
Če zdej naju zadane še zvezde Bi plesale za naju ZA NAJU Če dih nama vzame še zvezde Bi plesale za naju Sladko se nasmej in ustavil se bo čas Za naju
Me (to brain):
Wait...are those examples of 5th case or 4th case (accusative)?
My brain:
<off in JokerOutLand, refuses to respond>
Me (internally):
This does not bode well for the exam
Later still:
Teacher: ...and "neznana" means "unknown"
My brain:
Uzemi me jaz se predam Hočem da odpelješ me NEZNANO KAM
I have learned the zelo uporaben izraz "Pogosto mislim o njem"... mislim, da vsi vemo, na koga mislim ; )
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twogentlemen · 11 months
Výborné těsto na poctivé palačinky, které vás dostanou Jak je to možné, že jsou palačinky tak oblíbené? A znáte recept na výborné těsto, které vám zaručí vynikající, poctivé palačinky, jako by byly od babičky? Máme pro vás skvělý základní recept a také nějaké tipy a inspiraci pro přípravu vynikajících palačinek. Palačinky jsou neskutečně oblíbené a není se čemu divit. Jsou velice jednoduché i rychlé na přípravu a zvládne je připravit klidně i dítě, samozřejmě pod vaším dohledem. Další předností je jejich variabilita – můžete připravit sladké i slané palačinky, a to v několika variantách. Níže přinášíme vynikající recept na palačinky a také inspiraci, s čím palačinky udělat. Recept na palačinky Jedná se o základní a vyzkoušený recept. Pokud budete chtít dělat palačinky na sladko, můžete přidat lžíci cukru, pokud naslano, tak můžete přidat lžičku soli, ale není to nutné, protože sladkou nebo slanou chuť dodá palačinkám právě náplň. Ingredience  500 ml mléko polotučné nebo plnotučné  220 g hladké mouky  1 lžíce cukru nebo lžička soli  2 velká vejce  1 špetka soli  Olej na smažení Postup 1. Smíchejte v míse suché ingredience: mouku, cukr, nebo sůl, pokud chcete těsto pro slané palačinky. 2. Ve druhé míse smíchejte mléko a vejce. 3. Přidejte směs mléka s vejcem do směsi suchých ingrediencí a míchejte, dokud nezískáte hladké těsto. Nemíchejte zbytečně dlouho. 4. Rozehřejte pánev vhodnou pro palačinky a přidejte trochu oleje, ideálně rozprašovačem. 5. Naběračkou dávejte těsto na pánev a rozprostřete po ní těsto pohybem pánve. Velikost palačinek můžete zvolit podle sebe. 6. Dělejte palačinky z obou stran, dokud nebudou dozlatova a nebudou na nich takové „puchýřky“. Obvykle to trvá tak 3 minuty z každé strany, ale hlídejte spíš palačinky než čas. 7. Hotové palačinky můžete dál použít pro přípravu nějaké sladké nebo slané varianty palačinek. Níže vám přinášíme pár tipů, které by se vám mohly hodit. Palačinky na sladko  Javorový sirup: Klasika nikdy nezklame. Podávejte palačinky s javorovým sirupem.  Ovoce: Použijte menší ovoce jako třeba maliny, borůvky, rybíz nebo nakrájejte na menší kousky například banány, broskve, nebo ananas. Můžete také využít nějaký dobrý kompot.  Marmeláda nebo džem: Palačinky s marmeládou nebo džemem jsou výborné a je to asi nejběžnější varianta. Můžete si vybrat různé druhy, jako je jahodová, malinová nebo meruňková, ideálně však nějaká domácí.  Čokoláda, Nutella: Na ještě rozehřáté palačinky nasypte nastrouhanou Můžete také přidat Nutellu nebo jinou oblíbenou „pomazánku“.  Ořechy: Nasekejte vlašské ořechy, lískové ořechy nebo mandle a posypejte je na palačinky. Ořechy můžete také lehce orestovat na pánvi. Můžete před posypáním ořechy natřít palačinky lehce medem.  Karamelizované banány: Na rozehřáté palačinky přidejte plátky karamelizovaných banánů, které připravíte jednoduše na pánvi s trochou másla a s cukrem.  Pudink: Palačinky přelijte například vanilkovým nebo čokoládovým pudinkem.  Kopečková zmrzlina: Palačinky s kopečkem kvalitní zmrzliny jsou naprostou peckou. Skvěle se hodí s vanilkovou, čokoládovou nebo nějakou ovocnou zmrzlinou podle vaší volby. Zdroj inspirace: https://www.xinfo.cz/palacinky - mnoho dalších receptů na sladké i slané palačinky.
Jak je to možné, že jsou palačinky tak oblíbené? A znáte recept na výborné těsto, které vám zaručí vynikající, poctivé palačinky, jako by byly od babičky? Máme pro vás skvělý základní recept a také nějaké tipy a inspiraci pro přípravu vynikajících palačinek. Palačinky jsou neskutečně oblíbené a není se čemu divit. Jsou velice jednoduché i rychlé na přípravu a zvládne je připravit klidně i dítě,…
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