#slaps down my ideas for g/undam oc's in the dead of night
iobairti · 7 years
“I will not leave my daughter!”
Her husbands hands push and pull at her arms as she shouts. He makes a desperate attempt to rip the baby from her grip and flee while they’ve still got the chance, but she fights as he innocent child shrieks and wiggles in confusion and fear.
“Forget her! If we make it out of here alive, we can have another!”
Her eyes well with tears and she grits her teeth in disgust. The baby nearly slips from her hands as the front door of their home is kicked in. The Z/eon are everywhere now, purging all who are left behind Z/eon Z/um D/eikun’s sudden death. If she’s to die with the rest, she’d rather die standing her ground and protecting her daughter ‘til her last moments. Only a coward would leave their loved ones behind in fear.
The Z/eon soldier loses in and she catches the gleam of a gun in the corner of her eye. Thinking quickly, she tries jabbing her knee into her husbands stomach while the soldier charges to subdue him before making an escape, but he thinks the same and shoves her away, baby and all. Her footing slips and she begins to fall, vulnerable now. The soldier still sprints forward and she shuts her eyes tight, curling her baby close to her chest and shielding it with her arms as it continues to wail.
“Please don’t hurt my baby!” she screams, the sound of a gunshot ringing at about the same time. She awaits the impact, but nothing happens. Before she can open her eyes, she feels someones hands on her shoulders holding her steady just above ground. Right in front of her lies the lifeless body of her husband--a bullet hole in the side of his head. It’s unsightly, and for a moment she winces, but in the end she feels secretly relieved. He’d always been awful, mistreating her for years. Reality strikes and she realizes who’s behind her, jerking away with her baby still tightly held in her grasp. She stands firm and gets ready to fight off the soldier if they make an attempt, but when she looks them in the face, she’s surprised--it’s a woman.
“I won’t harm a mother and her child,” says the soldier, tucking her gun away. The woman still holds her child close in defense despite the soldiers friendliness. She knew she couldn’t trust her even if she lowered her guard. They stand in silence for a moment before the soldier walks toward the body of the woman’s husband, her expression slightly grim. “I could hear him from outside. I wouldn’t leave my daughter, either.”
“..You have a daughter?”Her question comes out before she even thinks about how foolish small talk with an enemy soldier would be, but she won’t deny herself the fact that she was curious in the moment. She turns to see the soldier and waits for a response, still standing cautiously. 
“No,” she replies, “but I’ve wished for one.” Another moment of silent ensues before the soldier turns her head. “There are ships leaving soon with those would like to leave. I can escort you and your child.” The mother takes a small step back. “How can I trust you?” 
“There is no reason for me to kill a mother simply trying to protect her child. You’ll most likely end up like your husband if you stay here.” The Z/eon woman turns to her again and tries to persuade her into following. Though skeptic, the mother decides to go. The soldier was right--if she wanted to protect her daughter, she needed to go somewhere more safe and start anew. She quietly nods and the soldier pulls her gun out once again, quickly directing the woman to follow behind her closely. They sneak through alleyways and make their way to the space port without being detected. Before they part ways, the soldier speaks up again.
“You’re a F/eddie, aren’t you? What’s your name?”
“..Alma --- Alma Barnes. What about you?”
“Sylvia Norcross.”
The woman’s baby begins to cry again and she gently rocks her in hopes that she’ll quiet down and soon fall asleep.
“And your daughter?” she asks, looking down at the child. 
“Her name is Sazia.”
“Sazia --- I’m sure she’ll be as breathtaking as you someday.”
The comment almost makes her gasp. The soldier woman smiles briefly before looking the other woman in the eyes sternly. “We’ll be enemies if we meet again. All of this will disappear if we end up in battle against each other.”
“---Then let’s hope we don’t meet in battle,” she jests, a tiny smile forming on her lips. The other woman almost seems shocked, but slightly pleased all the same. It was strange and dangerous, but she felt relieved that the other woman had practically saved her despite their differences. She was glad they’d met, but she knew they would always be enemies in the midst of momentary pleasantries and kind deeds. A shame, really. She almost wanted to get to know her more, wanted to trust her and put everything aside. In the end, they’d never be able to truly find a middle ground, but she honestly wished they could in that small moment. Just this once.
“..Yes. Let’s.”
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