#sniper in a uh dress? actually it's a sweater
trash-goblin1 · 11 months
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Due to an incident Sniper had to borrow some clothes from Spy. This was all he had (allegedly) .
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virisileia-blog · 7 years
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A pause from his routine for a moment, the cloth he was using to clean down his blade stopping just short of the hilt. It was… a firearm, yes? This was what a firearm was, not only a firearm, but one that seemed to be incredibly precise at that. His eyes, trained with ranged weaponry, could only imagine how deadly such a thing could be against other Masters.
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Of course. He would not be a summoned to a Master who was defenseless, for all of her talk about how much strong and amazing her sister was, Katey as always had glossed over herself. A woman who would praise everyone and yet down play herself… though she had mentioned in the past that she had served in the Navy for a period of time.
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“Katey… can ya tell me how that works?” Let her tell him for once, let Katey show Wallace what she was really worth.
✕     Once her rifle appeared to be in working order, Katey sat down on the narrow bed with her legs politely crossed at the ankles, smoothing out the skirt of her dress over her thighs before resting the firearm on her lap... and picking it up out of nervous habit and checking it one more time. She hadn’t realized that William was watching her, and gave a little start when he suddenly asked her a question. It was easy to see that Katey was one edge now that they had been here for a few days. Her hand rested over her heart to soothe it through the three layers of sweaters she was wearing.
“O-Oh...! My rifle?” she asked, turning her copper gaze back to her weapon. “Uh... It’s actually a lot simpler than ye may think... the way it works, anyway... Usin’ it’s a different story... It’s a bolt action sniper rifle. Lot o’ power, capable o’ firin’ a round about 2,000 meters, more or less dependin’ on conditions... My longest successful shot’s been... 2135 meters...” she said, blushing a little. 
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“So... for me to be usin’ it, I’ll need to have it steady on somethin’. The ground, a rooftop, a ledge... get somewhere high, ye know... ... ... an’... just... aim an’ fire...,” she said modestly... pushing some blonde hair behind her ear and looking back up at him, blushing from talking about it. She didn’t want to accidentally brag or seem prideful, after all.
There was a lot of physics and mathematics that went into it... ... ... but that would be so much more to explain. Katey also didn’t much like talking about it... Someone more familiar with firearms would immediately notice that Katey’s rifle did not have a telescopic sight on it --- which is incredibly... strange. 
Katey took a deep breath and turned to put her rifle back in its case, continuing, “... but I shouldn’t be needin’ it... I mean... I don’t even know why I brought it, ye know...”
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