#so I don't really login unless I have something to post sorry about things I miss
creamecream · 1 year
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“No, I’m not a snack at all, look, baby, I’m a whole meal,
Honey, you ain’t being slick, don’t you dare try to cop a feel,
The juice ain’t worth a squeeze if the juice don’t look like this,
(Like this! like this!)
Hold up, baby please, don’t make me have to take your-
(How I roll)
If I’m shining, everybody gonna shine,
(Yeah, I’m goals)
I was born like this, don’t even gotta try,
(Now you know)
I’m like chardonnay, get better over time,
(So you know)
Heard you say I’m not the baddest chick, you lie,
It ain’t my fault that I’m out here, getting loose,
Gotta blame it on the goose,
Gotta blame it on my juice, baby,
It ain’t my fault that I’m out here making news,
I’m the pudding in the proof,
Gotta blame it on my juice,
(Ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee)
Blame it on my juice, blame it, blame it on my juice,
(Ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee, ya-ya-ee)
Blame it on my juice, blame it, blame it on my juice,”
Bonnie belongs to @abyssnighthawk
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First time posting, so I hope I did this right. Sorry Yoshi if I mess it up; Tumblr has always been a scary new unknown world for me. Didn't understand how it worked back when it was new, and still don't know how it works now xD; Probably want to put a TW because of the third point.. and also apologies this is a bit long.  Anywho, First off, as has been stated a few times already by the looks of it: No one has to be comfortable with everyone. So the anon is allowed to be suspicious of whom I am and how I act. It's just human nature to be suspicious of things at times even if they seem good. The statement "To good to be true" always comes to mind. And of course, if I upset someone to much, blocking is always free~  Second, odd once again that people enjoy digging that up, but the "facts" around it are always wrong. I won't get into details because A) I'm already going to be typing out to much I think, and B) no one cares usually beyond what things look like at the surface, and I know what it looks like on the surface. I don't personally try to hide those accounts as I feel like there's nothing I need to hide, but obviously I don't link anything within FV because it'd break the TOS with how it obviously looks. I thought, though, that everything I personally ever posted was marked appropriately... If it's not, I'll have to see if I remember my login, as I haven't been many places in quite a while. That I do apologize about if that's true. And if it'd make people more comfortable if I posted my age on my profile, I don't mind adding that in. I won't post my birth date, but I'll post the year at the least. Third, I think at least for myself the reason why people "rush to my defense" is because the last time I was featured on this place, it was, bluntly, life ending levels of accusations, and those that knew me knew that wasn't true and started posting their defense. Those that knew me and talked to me later about it knew that I took it almost exactly that hard, and still think about it to this day. (I do thank Yoshi for scrubbing most of that time, as I didn't want things escalating beyond what they already had. I believe at least you were still the mod at the time here...) So my best guess is that some that know me or knew me during that time are trying to stop something like it from happening again. Aka, the age old "good intentions" sort of thing... But this is the internet; People will take any idea or ideal and run with it in whatever direction they like. Any amount of reason or logical facts won't change it. I thank those defending me, but at this point if people want to dig up old accounts across the web and fabricate things about me, they're allowed to do so. It won't ever make it fact no matter how hard they try. After living with depression for about 23 of the 35 years I've been alive; it hasn't killed me yet, and I don't plan on letting it do so any time soon. All of this, of course, only applies to my situation. Not sure about others if that really seems to be the case about people always coming to the defense of other popular/well liked users.  As an aside that's slightly linked to that, I don't usually come here unless someone I know pokes me and says that I should. I don't like how this place... "feels". Whenever I did come here back when I first learned of it and started reading, most of what I read seemed to be easily solved "issues" that people wanted to be salty about because... they wanted to be salty? Not how I enjoy my day, but not my place to tell others how they should live based off of my own ideals. There's already enough of that kinda stuff going on in my life; I don't want to come online just to ingest more of it. I probably won't be making any other posts and will continue to not read things here unless someone brings it directly to my attention. I only came here and made this post as the last thing I want is another "war" over me just because someone was uncomfortable with my vibe. Leave them be, let them live their best life just as the rest of everyone else should. 
So... yeah... TL; DR; no one has to like me and is allowed to think what they want; doesn't make things true, no one needs to defend me so fiercely (but I do thank those that want to as I'm pretty sure I know at least some of whom you are because why else would random people do so?), and I probably won't be back unless someone tells me to come back and read again so... If people want to talk to me, my messages are always open anywhere that I frequent~  Have a wonderful rest of your day whomever all of you are~
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