#so I hope you don't mind the sketch dump! xD
kokodrawings · 2 years
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👑 A king and his knight 🛡️
Finished version here!
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Ninten ninten ninten!!!
So this is my version of Ninten haha
God I literally cannot draw him 80% of the time so it's nice to actually have one turn out good (it's so hard to not accidentally make him look really stupid or really obnoxious ><)
He's pretty much entirely based off what I came up with in my head after playing the game and thinking about how I imagined the characters' personalities, so it's pretty different from the usual takes on him
Design details and a flood of headcanons below :D
So I wanted him to be very distinct from Ness!! There's similarities like the black hair and the clothing palettes, but otherwise nobody would look at my Ninten and Ness and confuse them for each other
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Personality-wise holy fudge do I have a ton of stuff on him
He does have a hat but I only sometimes draw him with it (unlike Ness who refuses to go anywhere without it :3)
His overall shape is wayyy different to Ness's, very scrawny and straight while Ness is all round and squishy
Shirt's blue with a yellow collar, a single yellow stripe on the middle, and yellow edges to the sleeves
He looks a lot like his great grandmother ;)
and also pee-wee herman but that's not as profound
Ninten is a bright and relentlessly optimistic young boy from rural Eagleland
You can call him Pollyanna, say he's crazy as a loon, but he believes in silver linings and that's why he believes in you :)
So my main thing with how I imagine Ninten is that he's, like, almost the sole source of light in the story. How I see the rest of the world is super drab and bleak, pretty much everyone just perpetually down in the dumps (i'll get into this more when I make posts about the other characters!!) And then this kid shows up, and he's full of hope and compassion, and he makes everyone he meets start to realize "maybe everything isn't so bad after all…?" No wonder the final boss is literally the ultimate case of repressed feelings and angst lol
He started showing psychic abilities from a pretty early age, making friends with animals and moving small objects with his mind
He mostly gets his love of baseball from his Dad, but because he's forced to work away from home almost all the time, Ninten's Mom practices with him and takes him to games instead
He has two much younger sisters, Minnie and Mimmie (half-baked headcanon that her name's actually Mimi and she just doesn't know how to pronounce it XD) who cares about a lot, and he often ends up looking after them whenever their Mom's out
He's a pretty great babysitter because of this, takes a lot of babysitting jobs around town, and he's a huge mom friend to the party
Of course he loves penguins too :3
Mostly listens to cheesy upbeat pop songs and rock music, but there's not really any music he actively dislikes
Favorite video games? Uhhh he's more outdoorsy and physically active but he'd like casual retro stuff like the first Mario
He's not super popular at school, because he's the weird buck-toothed dweeby kid who never shuts up about hope and optimism and penguins, but he's not unpopular at least. The bullies learned pretty quick not to mess with him, and DEFINITELY not to mess with anyone else when he's around!!
He's super friendly and prefers to solve things peacefully but he will absolutely not hesitate to clobber a jerk upside the head with his bat
He owns his own tuxedo that he likes to wear at "formal events" (birthday parties and school picture days)
yeah he's a real goober
He never lets up in his hope but god did the Mountain and everything that happened after take their toll on him
I don't have anything on him during the events of Earthbound haha, as far as I'm concerned he was taking a well-deserved nap and that adventure was all Ness's
I also don't connect him at all to Ness, the only bridge between the stories in my mind is Giygas
And here's the sketch I based the digital art off of ^^
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