#so I'm gonna try to take a photo bc i'm rly proud of them
draculiza · 5 months
I'm going to hang out in the park with my bff today yippee
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 1 year
leave me or watch me die in your arms
This is the prototype of Good People, I'm quite proud of it so I will post it here.
//nsfw, pseudo incest (bc they 're not rly father/son)
Luciano drinks alone tonight. A regular thing since Martin had kicked him out, threw his clothes at his feet and slammed the door in his face. The blond had gotten tired of trying to save anything between them when Luciano wasn’t putting any work on it. It had been a month already and just yesterday he saw that he posted a photo of him with Manuel. The blond still ignores him. Oh well, at least he’s happy. It was his fourth glass and he was already tipsy. While not human, it didn’t mean the alcohol had no effect on beings like them. He wanted to get his mind empty for a moment and not struggle with all the confused feelings he had been dealing with.
“Easy there, you’re gonna drink the whole bar at this rate” Luciano is startled by a sudden hand gripping his shoulder, and goes wide-eyed when the culprit of his mental turmoil smiles at him. Afonso sits at his side and orders a drink, plus a glass of water that he slides at him “here, we don’t want you puking all over the place do we?” 
“I’m not gonna-” he slurs but the hiccup in his throat says otherwise. He’s embarrassed that he’s getting babied by his father in the worst moment ever. What the hell was he doing in Rio de Janeiro anyway?
“We have a meeting this week you airhead” Afonso's answer makes him realize he had said that out loud.
“Oh” He knew there was something to do with sugar exportation! 
“What happened? You don’t look like yourself”
“I’m fine…” now get out
“Okay…” Afonso doesn't push for an answer and takes a swing of his drink. Luciano knew this was another one of his tricks, pretending to be uninterested until he felt comfortable enough to start spilling the beans. He did that since Luciano was a kid and it was working again, damn it.
“Martin kicked me out…”
“Oh? When?” Afonso questions.
"Last month, I think."
“You guys looked fine! What happened?”
“I..don’t wanna talk about it right now.”
Afonso nods and doesn’t push. Luciano catches him pursing his lips.
C’mon, ask. I know you wanna ask if he knows.
But he doesn’t. Instead he changes the subject. Luciano sighs and just goes with it. The real subject they should be discussing is getting ignored. But after a few more shots he can let loose. They laugh together about some dumb thing that happened when Afonso went grocery shopping. And about Francis' new lover.
“Looks like he won’t stop until he has dicked down the whole Europe!” Luciano’s comment makes Afonso burst into laughter. After recovered Afonso curses
“Foda-se. Guess not everyone is lucky with love huh?”
Luciano agrees with half of a smile. Afonso realizes his mistake “Oh shoot! I’m sorry I didn't mean to…”
“It’s fine, it's fine.” Luciano snorts, with his elbow over the counter, his cheek rested on his hand,“Things were not working out anyway. It wasn’t…fun anymore.”
“Relationships aren’t always fiery and passionate, you kids gotta remember that. Hope you two can still make amends.”
“Maybe I want someone else” Luciano let it escape. Once again Afonso presses his lips together. All of Luciano’s mental brakes were gone thanks to the alcohol, He slid his hand closer to him, nudging his’.
“I guess… it would be easier if we were strangers to each other” Their eyes meet, and he wants to drown in the dark green of those eyes. "Don't you agree?"
Afonso’s fidgets with his glass. “You’re…” the older man begins “a good son for me Luciano. I wouldn’t want to forget about that”
Luciano 's expression turns sour. 
I’ve never agreed to that 
Luciano bumps into the counter when he gets up, wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. He places money for the barman, not caring for the change. Afonso, startled, doesn’t try to call for him. 
It’s your fault. Afonso 's brain accuses. It always was. His ugly heart caused him pain again. Stop moping, get up and go help him like a decent father would do! His mind ordered. It should have surprised him to find Luciano still outside struggling to open the car’s door, but it didn’t. Just like it didn’t surprise him to see the young man turn around and stare at him, his cheeks flushed by the alcohol.
“What are you doing here?” Luciano asked in the same panic as someone that was found embarrassing himself.
Afonso walked up to him, they were so close their chests were touching, he could feel Luciano’s breath on his neck. Damn kid was taller than him now. Afonso grabbed the keys pendant between his fingers and unlocked the car’s door. Luciano stayed behind him, immovable, his eyes scanning him. He goes and opens the back door for him.
“Give me your address-” Afonso was going to say he would drive him home. But is cut by Luciano, who pushes him into the back seat.
“Not now. Not tonight. Let me…” the young man clumsily manages to sit on his lap, his legs spread and his hands resting on the older man’s chest. “You owe me this…”
Luciano pins him, burying a hand under his shirt and lifting it, exposing the man’s stomach. Like a hungry man he leans and tastes the skin. Afonso had all the strength necessary to push him away. But his own body betrays him, he doesn’t move. Why can’t he move?
You know why
“Mine” Luciano groans as he nips the flesh. Causing Afonso to shiver. His breath hitches when the younger man applies more pressure into the bite. Luciano pushes up his shirt and Afonso catches himself helping him by lifting his body just enough so he could take it off. Luciano leans closer, he can see the drunk desire in his eyes. A reflection of his own. Luciano's kiss is messy, one he was holding up for a long time. Afonso can taste the alcohol in his breath but he couldn’t care less. He also doesn’t care for the weak voice of his conscience telling him to stop and how he was once again taking advantage of Luciano’s moment of weakness. The dragon inside his heart once again desired to take, the beast claws his son’s back, bringing him closer.  
In his desperation Luciano moves his hips against him. His guts burning in need. Afonso groans into his mouth when he feels the younger man’s erection against him. There was a sick pleasure watching the younger nation so desperate, enough to rut him like an animal. His hands travel downwards and he grabs his ass, pressing him closer.
“Ah fuck” Luciano gasps and speeds his thrusts. A wet spot already forming in the fabric of his shorts. He would love to fuck Afonso properly but in his state he would rather die than stop right now. The image of it fueling his fire. He imagines him pinning the older nation and fucking him while he sobbed his name. Luciano lifts him by his waist and positions him so both cocks are rubbing together. Afonso moans, his hands now are over his torso. He grabs his shirt and pulls.
“Faster…” He demands. And Luciano obeys. And when his thrusts lose rhythm he assumes he's already close. And without a warning Luciano abruptly stops. He moans while cumming under his shorts. Wanting his turn, Afonso keeps him in place while grinding against him, chasing his own release. But when Luciano leans abruptly he freezes. He can’t see what he’s looking at with the man towering over him, but Luciano bites his lips, shutting himself up and hiding after spotting a couple standing a few meters from the car they're in.
Damnit, he forgot they’re in public. 
By the shadows moving inside the car, the couple had left, with a good story to tell their friends, that was sure. Under him, Afonso groans annoyed. Already guessing what had happened. 
“Are they gone?” he asks.
Afonso tries to push him and Luciano promptly moves out of the way. He moves to the front seat, the other man stays on the back. Right, he was going to drive his drunk ass back home. When he stops at a red light the light of a pole illuminates inside. Afonso grimaces at his own pants, a wet spot painted his left side. From the rearview mirror he notices Luciano staring outside. Probably the high of his orgasm had runned out and now embarrassment was hitting. Afonso decides to keep quiet during the ride. Luciano only breaks the silence occasionally to give him directions to his house, one of the many the nation had, little particular museums some of their kind kept along their respectives territories. Afonso had a faint memory of this one, but it seems it was reformed recently. He opens the door for Luciano but it ends up not being necessary, he could walk just fine.
Luciano crashes on the couch. Afonso needs water so he makes himself at home and goes to his kitchen. He had forgotten to do the dishes, denounced by the pile of dirty plates and cups in the sink. Also forgot to buy groceries based on what he saw in his fridge. God, how did he survived during all these centuries? Afonso drinks his water in one go from a tea cup. He then splashes water in his face to calm down his own nerves. He hoped Luciano had already fallen asleep to avoid the awkwardness. When he goes to check he’s satisfied he was conceived at least one blessing today. Luciano had only time to take off his shoes before snoozing. Afonso smiles, his son looks so calm and serene. 
You ruined him. 
Luciano wakes up next morning with a faint memory of last night, a headache and a clean sink.
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