#so I'm more talking about in general. It's just interesting to me that Tuvok is shown to be so very into Vulcan mysticism/philosophy
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Something something the Janeway/Chakotay/Tuvok dynamic when it comes to religion, mysticism, spirituality and science.
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What are characters calling each other - Voyager edition!
More info and links to other series can be found here.
The episodes I looked at were "State of Flux", "Deadlock" (so there is some Janeway talking to Janeway recorded; I considered characters on both Voyagers the same), "Remember", "The Killing Game" (so much of this is characters as holographic characters (I ignored anything said while their minds were hooked up to the computer), resulting in little data, and the previous episode also had little data, so I did a second season 4 episode), "Revulsion", "In the Flesh", "Riddles" (Tuvok calling characters things during his amnesia is recorded separately), and "Human Error" (excluding the hologram-Chakotay talking to Seven scenes).
Chakotay calls:
EMH "Doctor" (x2) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x12) when talking to her and "Captain" (x2) or "Captain Janeway" (x1) when talking about her.
Neelix "Neelix" (x1) when talking to him and "Neelix" (x3) when talking about him.
Kim "Ensign Kim" (x1) when talking to him.
Paris "Paris" (x2) when talking to him.
Seven "Seven" (x2) or "Seven of Nine" (x2) when talking to her and "Seven" (x1) or "Seven of Nine" (x1) when talking about her.
Torres "B'Elanna" (x4) when talking to her and "Lieutenant Torres" (x1) or "B'Elanna" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok "Lieutenant" (x1) or "Tuvok" (x3) when talking to him and "Chief Inspector Tuvok" (x1), "Tuvok" (x3), or "Mister Tuvok" (x1) when talking about him.
EMH calls:
Chakotay "Commander Chakotay" (x1) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x5) when talking to her and "Captain" (x2), "Captain Janeway" (x1), or "Janeway" (x1) when talking about her.
Kes "Kes" (x4) when talking to her.
Kim "Ensign" (x5) or "Ensign Kim" (x2) when talking to him and "Ensign Kim" (x1) when talking about him.
Neelix "Mister Neelix" (x7) when talking to him and "Neelix" (x1) when talking about him.
Paris "Mister Paris" (x2) when talking to him and "Mister Paris" (x2) or "Tom" (x1) when talking about him.
Seven "Seven" (x7) when talking to her and "Seven of Nine" (x1) when talking about her.
Torres "Lieutenant" (x4) or "B'Elanna" (x3) when talking to her and "Lieutenant" (x1), "Lieutenant Torres" (x1), or "B'Elanna" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok "Commander" (x1) or "Mister Tuvok" (x1) when talking to him and "Tuvok" (x2) when talking about him.
Janeway calls:
Chakotay "Commander" (x2) or "Chakotay" (x4) when talking to him and "Commander Chakotay" (x3) or "Chakotay" (x3) when talking about him.
EMH "Doctor" (x3) when talking to him and "Doctor" (x7) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x11) or "Kathryn" (x1) when talking to her.
Kes "Kes" (x2) when talking about her.
Kim "Mister Kim" (x4), "Ensign" (x3), "Ensign Kim" (x2), "Harry" (x2), or "Kim" (x1) when talking to him and "Harry Kim" (x1) when talking about him.
Neelix "Neelix" (x5) when talking to him and "Mister Neelix" (x1) when talking about him.
Paris "Lieutenant" (x1), "Mister Paris" (x4), or "Tom" (x4) when talking to him.
Seven "Seven" (x13) or "Seven of Nine" (x3) when talking to her and "Seven of Nine" (x2) or "Seven" (x1) when talking about her.
Torres "Lieutenant" (x4), "Torres" (x3), "B'Elanna" (x7), or "Lieutenant Torres" (x2) when talking to her and "B'Elanna" (x4) or "Lieutenant Torres" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok "Tuvok" (x10) or "Mister Tuvok" (x1) when talking to him and "Tuvok" (x6) when talking about him.
Kes calls:
EMH "Doctor" (x4) when talking to him.
Torres "B'Elanna" (x1) when talking to her.
Kim calls:
Chakotay "Commander" (x1) or "Chakotay" (x1) when taking to him.
EMH "Doc" (x2) when talking to him and "Doctor" (x1) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x14) when talking to her and "Captain" (x1) when talking about her.
Kes "Kes" (x1) when talking about her.
Neelix "Neelix" (x1) when talking to him.
Paris "Tom" (x1) when talking to him.
Seven "Seven" (x1) when talking to her and "Seven of Nine" (x2) or "Seven" (x1) when talking about her.
Torres "B'Elanna" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok "Tuvok" (x1) when talking about him.
Neelix calls:
Chakotay "Commander" (x1) or "Chakotay" (x1) when talking to him and "Commander Chakotay" (x1) when talking about him.
EMH "Doctor" (x3) when talking to him and "Doctor" (x3) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x5) when talking to her and "Captain" (x1) or "Captain Janeway" (x1) when talking about her.
Kim "Ensign Kim" (x2) or "Mister Kim" (x1) when talking about him.
Paris "Mister Paris" (x1) when talking about him.
Seven "Seven" (x1) when talking to her.
Torres "Lieutenant Torres" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok "Tuvok" (x16), "Commander" (x3), or "Mister Vulcan" (x1) when talking to him and "Commander" (x1) or "Tuvok" (x8) when talking about him.
Paris calls:
Chakotay "Chakotay" (x3) when talking about him.
EMH "Doc" (x1) when talking to him and "Doctor" (x1) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x9), "Captain Janeway" (x1), "Janeway" (x1), or "Ma'am" (x3) when talking to her and "Captain" when talking about her.
Kim "Harry" (x3) when talking about him.
Neelix "Neelix" (x1) when talking about him.
Seven "Seven" (x1) when talking to her.
Torres "B'Elanna" (x1) when talking to her.
Tuvok "Mister Tuvok" (x1) or "Tuvok" (x1) when talking to him and "Tuvok" (x2) when talking about him.
Seven calls:
Chakotay "Commander" (x3), "Sir" (x1), or "Chakotay" (x1) when talking to him and "Commander Chakotay" (x1) when talking about him.
EMH "Doctor" (x4) when talking to him and "Doctor" (x2) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x14) when talking to her and "Captain" (x1) when talking about her.
Kim "Ensign Kim" (x1) or "Ensign" (x2) when talking to him and "Ensign Kim" (x2) when talking about him.
Paris "Lieutenant Paris" (x1) when talking to him.
Tuvok "Commander Tuvok" (x1) when talking to him.
Torres calls:
EMH "Doctor" (x1) when talking to him "Doctor" (x2) when taking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x14) when talking to her.
Kes "Kes" (x1) when talking to her and "Kes" (x2) when talking about her.
Kim "Harry" (x4) when talking to him and "Ensign Kim" (x1) or "Harry" (x1) when talking about him.
Paris "Lieutenant" (x1) when talking to him and "Tom" (x2) when talking about him.
Seven "Seven of Nine" (x1) when talking about her.
Tuvok calls:
Chakotay "Commander" (x3) when talking to him.
EMH "Doctor" (x3) when talking about him. While amnesiac in "Riddles", he calls him "Doctor" (x3) when talking about him.
Janeway "Captain" (x19) or "Janeway" (x1) when talking to her and "Captain" (x1) when talking about her. While amnesiac in "Riddles", he calls her "Captain Janeway" (x1) and "Captain" (x1) when talking to her.
Kim "Ensign Kim" (x1) when talking about him.
Neelix "Mister Neelix" (x3) when talking to him and "Mister Neelix" (x1) when talking about him. While amnesiac in "Riddles", he calls him "Neelix" (x2) when talking to him and "Neelix" (x3) when taking about him.
While amnesiac in "Riddles", he calls Paris "Tom" (x1) when talking about him.
Torres "Lieutenant" (x1) when talking to her and "Lieutenant Torres" (x2) when talking about her.
The thing that stood out to me the most was how Janeway is almost always called "Captain" or some variation thereof. The only exceptions were the EMH, Paris, and Tuvok each calling her "Janeway" once, Paris calling her "Ma'am", and the one time she called herself "Kathryn" at the end of "Deadlock". A part of me can't help but wonder if this is related to the whole 'first female captain' thing and the knife's edge the writers were trying to walk as regarded her portrayal. Tuvok is very formal, basically always using a title when referring to someone (amnesiac state excused). Kes definitely got the short stick here, with the other part-time main cast member Seven faring much better because of how she kind of dominated the show once she came on. I'm not sure how much of this is my imagination, but it also seemed like characters were kind of 'segregated' into groups? I mean, everyone got to talk to Janeway a lot, but in general characters seems to have one or two other characters they refer to a lot, and then only once or twice (or none) for the rest of the cast. Undoubtedly part of this is just where characters are (i.e. characters who work on the bridge are all going to talk to each other more than to other characters). Informal terms of address were more frequent later on in the show, which makes sense. B'Elanna, Harry, and Tom tended to always refer to each other by first names, and Harry and Tom were the only ones to call the EMH something other than "Doctor"; referring to him instead as "Doc".
The data were also somewhat easier to collect than DS9; I believe this is due to more simple back-and-forth conversations and fewer minor characters/one episode characters. I'm actually finding all this surprisingly interesting, so expect more from other series relatively soon.
And if anyone is curious, I'm recording data like this, sorting by speaker, and counting:
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[Image description: Screenshot of a spreadsheet with columns labelled 'Speaker', 'About/to', 'Recipient', and 'Referral'. "State of Flux" is in the leftmost top cell, and underneath that the columns are filled out.]
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