#so here's kinda eh Loudspeaker skin
black-and-yellow · 1 year
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go silly hahaha
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followmetoyourdoom · 8 years
Prince Lodork
I doubt I’m ever going to actually use these so here, I present to you, Prince Dork-a-lot
Haggar: Prince Lotor! You’ve arrived we need your- Lotor: oh hey mom, can’t stay just popping in to pick up my *strikes a dramatic pose* SWORD OF DOOM doom doom doom doom doom *totally said every doom* Haggar: I told you not to call me mom!! We need you to lead the galra fleet Lotor: okay mom, what about dad? Dad can do that Haggar: your father has been… compromised Lotor: I hope he’s insured. Haggar: … that is not the point. You must lead Lotor: okay but. WE’RE GOING TO MAKE SOME SERIOUS CHANGES Haggar: that’s a great idea Prince Lot- Lotor: MORE SPIKES MORE LASER! EVERYWHERE Haggar: spikes… and lasers? Lotor: YES. That makes things more EEEEVIL. Trust me I’m a professional
Lotor: urgh this place is so drab. I NEED LIGHTS PEOPLE. I NEED CAMERAS AND GLITTER AND LASERS Haggar: My prince we are trying to take over the universe Lotor: and….? BRING ME THE GLITTER. NOW PEOPLE NOW. I NEED GLITTER, I NEED PETALS, I NEED DRAMA!! *strikes a pose* Haggar: please remove your foot from my face
Lotor: Haggar! Bring me a glass of ‘water’ if you please. Haggar: my prince?? Lotor: DO IT! Haggar: *does so* Lotor: *dramatically spills it on himself* ARE YOU READY TO GIVE UP NOW VOLTRON? Everyone: ?? Lotor: I just splashed myself with highly toxic h2o!! WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT Pidge: we drink it Lotor: wait what. *smashing glass on floor* WHY DID NO ONE INFORM ME OF THIS
Lotor: I WILL DEFEAT VOLTRON BETTER THAN MY- Soldier: *taps his shoulder* Lotor: YES WHAT Soldier: your slushie, my prince Lotor: oooooh raspberry and cherry, my favourite. *takes it eagerly* *has a sip* *ahem* DEFEAT VOLTRON BETTER THAN- *takes a sip* MY FATHER EVER COULD. YOU WON’T- *sips again* YOU WON’T STAND A CHANCE. Man is this slushie good. *frowns at the paladins* AND I WILL BUY ALL THE RASPBERRY AND CHERRY SLUSHIES IN THE UNIVERSE SO YOU CAN’T TRY FOR YOURSELVES HOW DELICIOUS THIS IS Lance: eh, I prefer lime Hunk: pineapple Pidge: don’t like slushies Shiro: same Keith: it can give you brain damage Coran: what’s a slushie? Allura: *shrugs*
Lotor: alright. it seems everything else has failed me. I resort to my ULTIMATE WEAPON weapon weapon weapon  wea- Haggar: please stop doing this Lotor: well excuse you *ahem* anYWAY. MY ULTIMATE WEAPON!! The paladins: *fierce ‘bring it’ faces* Lotor: THE SMOULDER!! *flynn rider face* is this- is this working? The paladins: *raising eyebrows* Lotor: OH C'MON can’t you at least admit I’m fabulous? Hunk: nope Pidge: nu-uh Lance: eh, kinda Keith: not at- wait what Shiro: not the time lance Allura: you two can discuss beauty tips later Coran: he does have a certain devilish charm to him Lotor: AH-HA YOU SEE, MY WAY IS WORKING Haggar: i don’t think that’s- Lotor: MY WAY WORKS
Haggar: Prince Lotor I just received word- Lotor: *getting pampered* YOU DARE DISTURB ME Haggar: *angrily* sorry my prince Lotor: you betcha sorry. now go ask Dave if he’s got my shipment of coconut oil Haggar: Dave? Coconut oil? Lotor: yes that Lance fellow told me coconut oil is wonderful for your skin and gave me the number of an coconut oil expert on planet earth Haggar: THAT LANCE FELLOW IS THE ENEMY and more to the point, how would this Dave person get here? Lotor: oh I kidnapped him Haggar: did you make sure he brought the coconut oil with him Lotor: … I thought he made it, like from his body Haggar: *facepalms*
*aggressive classic music coran style blasting through the ship* Haggar: WHAT ARE YOU DOING Lotor: *calmly* expressing myself Haggar: TURN IT DOWN THIS INSTANT Lotor: i cannot do that Haggar: *breaks the sound system* Lotor: HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!?!? DAD GAVE ME THAT FOR MY BIRTHDAY Haggar: OH BOO-HOO, NOW GO TAKE OVER THAT PLANET Lotor: FIIIIIIIIIIIINE BUT I WANT TACOS AFTERWARDS Haggar: TACOS WILL RUIN YOUR COMPLEXION Lotor: SO WILL DESTROYING MY SOUND SYSTEM Haggar: THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE Lotor: your face doesnt make any sense Haggar: touche
Lotor: YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ME MOM. I JUST WANT TO TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE IN MY OWN WAY!! Haggar: HOW IS ORDERING TEN THOUSAND BOTTLES OF HAIR LOTION GOING TO DO THAT? Lotor: *offended* um, so I can slay with style that’s how Haggar: so help me I will cuT OFF YOUR HAIR Lotor: *minion (from megamind) gasp* *whispers* you wouldn’t Haggar: JUST TRY ME, SON
Lotor: *singing ‘haven’t you noticed im a star’* Haggar: haven’t you noticed im going to end up killing you before voltron does
Haggar: *leaning over Zarkon’s deathbed/illness bed whatever* Zarkon, for the love of you, please wake up. Lotor is driving me insane he- Lotor: *drunk Lotor voice through ship loudspeakers* nOw I waNt EverYBOdy To tAKE thE daY OFf, nO… no fIGhting nO prePAraTiOn For deFeatINg VoLtrOn. LET’S JUST HAVE FUN WITH THIS, ALRIGHT? Haggar: *softly* help me Zarkon: *opens one eye* no *goes back to being half-dead*
Haggar: *snaps fingers* I’ve got the perfect plan to defeat voltron and its paladins Lotor: how? Haggar: *stares at* Lotor: what? Lotor: *ends up delivered to the castle of lions in a gift box with the note 'enjoy’* Lance: *opens the box* Lotor: *bursts out before he can properly* HELLO THERE *strikes a pose* I’M HERE TO DEFEAT- hey is that classical music playing? Lance: uh… yes? Lotor: NIIIICE I think I’ll like it here *walks off* Lance: ummm *into his intercom* gUYS
Allura: we need to keep him prisoner, that way we can- Lotor: BEHOLD, THE BEAUTY OF THE EMPIRE *strikes a pose* Allura: I thought you locked him up!?! Lance: he must have got out Allura: lock him back up, we need to keep him prisoner as bait Lotor: oh hey can I have a pair of those voltron slippers, they’re so snazzy Lance: *happy voice* they are, aren’t they? but no
*two days later*
Allura: *uses her magic to get to the front door of the main galra ship* here’s your prince back *hands him over* just take him please Haggar: *distraught voice* no that’s okay Lotor: *coy voice* hi moooom Haggar: … fine. just get inside Zarkon: *in his healing chamber* finALLY I AM HEALED ENOUGH TO- Lotor: I’M BACK BITCHES Zarkon: y'know what nvm, imma go back to sleep
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