#so i guess just imagine its called bun but in definitive form but dont think about 'the bun' because that sounds kind of weird
skenpiel · 2 years
i love my favorite teddy bear whose name i cant translate very well because english doesnt use definitive form in the same way as swedish does. but i love him anyway
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taezhu · 6 years
soccer player!jaehyun
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you meet jaehyun in your first year, but not until quite late on
hes the same year as you but you dont have any classes together, it's by chance you see each other actually
you're buying coffee and the university cafe and you're ahead of him in the queue, choosing what coffee to have
and somehow, which is 100% embarrassing, you forget your purse upstairs to pay for it, it was left with your friends
which is so annoying because the lady is giving you the most evil look ever since she just made this for you
and prince jung jaehyun comes swooping in to save you and says he'll pay for you too
since all he wanted was water anyway
and you're thankful but keep telling him you'll pay him back which he declines, telling you it's good for his karma etc etc
except you drag him up to your friends to give him back the money and realise that they dont have your purse either
yikes. double embarrassment
So you offer to take his number so you can organise a time to give him back the money some time later that week
“are you trying to get my number out of me this way? I expected more”
“but seriously, it's like £1.50, I'll live”
though he gives you his number anyway when you tell him you need to give it to him for your karma too
thus start the rumours from your friends about you and jaehyun since apparently hes pretty well known at uni
it's his face, and the fact hes the new striker of the university team who's won them the past four matches
but you keep telling them that there is nothing between you two because are they stupid?
Well. You think they are since you dont ever see jaehyun again after you give him the money back for the coffee the next day
that is until you're sat alone at a booth doing some work for your class later and youre so distracted by your music that you almost miss him
Jaehyun is standing at the entrance to the booth with a smile on his face and dimples just starting to show
“There's nowhere to sit, do you mind? I'm kinda shy about sitting with people I dont know”
Your work is forgotten and you end up talking to jaehyun for the two hours you're free until you have to leave
and he's a conversationalist, he loves to talk about the things he likes and what interests him
but he also loves to listen
He has this half smile on his lips whenever you're talking which grows whenever you meet his eyes
turns out you're both in some of the same societies you both just dont go, so you agree to go together
(though you think it's not actually going to happen)
when you tell him you have to go, he surprises you by saying he can wait until you're fine to walk you home
“If you want, I mean, I dont want to intrude. It's going to be dark soon though”
So you agree, knowing that it will be dark and that you would definitely want to walk with him more than taking the bus
and it was pretty much that day that you both became friends!
It's a friendship that it mostly based on jaehyun's unapologetic attempts to show his affection towards you
Though cliche, you dont really notice it and often find yourself blinded by the fact he's your friend
You're telling your friends that every time he walks you home and holds your things and invites you to have dinner with him its because hes such a good friend of yours
and this annoys him to be honest!
because he feels kind of hopeless in his attempt to show you that he sees you as more than a friend
At first he did just think of you as a friend but the more he got to know you the more he fell in love with you
Even more cliche actually, that is
It gets to the point that just at the end of your first year he has to sit you down and tell you straight up how he feels
hes nervous, but when you tell him he can tell you anything, he just blurts it out all at once
And you’ve never seen him like this before, so nervous and shy, but also really confident?
I feel as though he would tell you, get all shy and start blushing
but as soon as you start to talk it out he’s like, i knew you’d like me this whole time
Because it’s jaehyun.. Have you seen him?
Anyway, he keeps his position as your boyfriend and as the striker on the soccer team into the next year
He’d be the devoted boyfriend, one who gives you lots of love when you don’t expect it. He’s always there for you
And usually it comes in the form of him leaving you a smoothie with strawberries in at your house when he leaves in the morning
Or him making you some food from a recipe his mother gave him to impress you
Jaehyun...he isn’t the best cook but he tries and always calls in his friends to help him
Who love you by the way! They think you’re the best thing to happen to jaehyun since.. Yeah
Since he started university, he’s so happy now and he isn’t miserable in the mornings like before
He always invites you to his games and gets you to sit in the front row so that he can celebrate with you if he wants
Be weary, he’ll always keep an eye on you the entire game making sure that he can see what you’re doing and that no one’s being mean to you
Imagine one game where you’re kind of minding your own business, on instagram as you wait for the game to start
And jaehyun is warming up on the pitch as per usual, he’s occasionally looking over to you since he is infatuated with you - more on that later
And the people a few seats down are saying something about him which catches your attention
Something about him replacing their friend who was so much better that it required them to slate every part of jaehyun they could, including him personally
And it’s up to you whether you would get involved but.. If you do don’t expect jaehyun not to notice
The second you’re bringing up their words to the people, they’re defensive and it turns into a shouting match which is first noticed by johnny, the teams goalkeeper
jaehyun’s best friend, by the way
He runs over to make sure that nothing bad is going to happen and it won’t, but when jaehyun notices johnny coming to your aid
oh jaehyun isn’t too happy
He’ll immediately be at your defence, jumping over into the stands and pushing back one of the guys who takes a step forward and swears at you
It ends up being a lot worse than it needed to be.. Jaehyun getting a suspension from the team for the match, which he doesn’t care about
Mostly because he walks off with you and sits down with you on the outside of the stands, ignoring johnny who tells him he needs to speak to the coach
He’s literally infatuated with you and everything you do
So a one game suspension isn’t anything for him, as long as he knows you’re okay!!
Though you do tell him to not do it again, and he in return makes you promise you’ll sit with his and johnny’s friends from now on
Who are all tall, buff guys that won’t ever want to envoke the wrath of jung jaehyun so protect you like you’re fine china
It’s also cute at his matches
Like sometimes when he comes up to you before the game and asks for one kiss before he starts
“It’s good luck, do you want me to not score?”
And you’re sure he fixes it because every time he does it he gets an immediate hat trick that very game
sometimes he’ll come afterwards but you’ll tell him to shower first since he always seems to have dirt all over him and he’s sweaty
He’ll smother you anyway with a hug so good luck getting that out of your sweater ~
other than that, jaehyun will show you off to everyone
He’s so proud of you, even for the smallest things
Say you get a question right in your class, he’ll be sitting with lucas one day eating lunch and he’ll start talking about how smart you are
Lucas is just humming, ultimately not too interested because he’s heard this all a thousand times to be honest
“You don’t understand lucas, there’s something special here. They’re just so… special. Smart. Talented. What else could i ask for? I must have been really special in my past life”
“I know hyung, you tell me all the time”
“But you don’t understand”
Lucas will complain about it all the time to you and ask you to shut him up at some point
Even if you ask him if he talks about you like that he won’t deny it, because he knows its all true
jaehyun is just the best boyfriend of all time and it can’t be argued with
He’s the type who smiles when you’re kissing and can’t call you baby or say he loves you without his dimples showing
Its like those sickly sweet romances, except nothing about it is sickly to either of you and he would do anything for you
He did almost burn down his entire kitchen when he found out that you liked steamed buns and wanted to make you some
He just couldn’t work out the steamer and luckily johnny and his mom were around to save the day, thank god
All jaehyun wants in return is for you to love him back
and loving him is easy, have you seen him?
oh, he would also request that you spend at least two nights a week with him because he gets kind of lonely
and he also wants you as a study buddy since he can’t concentrate when he’s on his own
But when you tell him to get on with his work he’ll happily do it~
I guess the whole soccer player bit is an added extra, since who doesn’t like soccer players?
Moreover, who doesn’t like jung jaehyun?
a/n: thank you guys for putting up with my absence! I'm back now, though I still have a lot of work to do so I'm sorry if I'm not as active as I have been before. I missed you all! enjoy jaehyun as an apology, and the rest to come!
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aj0131 · 6 years
Rabbit holes...
im severely lost on my path of life right now. I feel like I dont have many options. It is going to be found out that I failed a ton of classes to the point where I cant graduate on time. And so im not sure that I will end up getting my degree here. Something that was once so important to me became something that was forced and I didnt have a choice in. I didnt want to go to class anymore, it became almost a form of torture. I dont feel like im even intelligent anymore. And i think to what the reasoning is and im not sure I have an exact answer. I just saw the world differently after my mom passed. I unfairly didnt get credit for a class that I deserved to get, and it was like all of that effort meant nothing. Just like it did for my family situation. And I just felt powerless. I think thats a recurring theme... I want to have control over the things that are happening in my life. My best friend is leaving school, and that means ill only really have one person left. And ive told myself for so long that i can be alone again like i have so many times before, but i just dont want to do that again. Im going to be so sad when she goes. She makes me feel good about myself, like I matter, like im loved. And she makes me love myself. Its such a hard situation because shes the one who introduced me to doing drugs all the time, but ive been so much happier since that i cant regret it. It makes me question why society puts such a negative view on them. Ive experienced so much in my life that on a daily basis I have no desire to function or do anything, and drugs change that for me. And the thing is is I dont think theres something wrong with me for not wanting to do anything. I think I needed a break a long time ago. I think I broke a long time ago. And who knows if ill ever be a functioning member of society or if ill just figure it out. It scares me. But I dont blame the drugs. If I know that theyll be there, some days it gives me more motivation to do what I need to. Theyre kind of like a warm hug to come home to. And with my best friend leaving, there goes my access. And im really scared for how thats going to feel. I think im going to be miserable. I think reality is miserable. I spent a few minutes crying in the bathroom the other day just praying that this isnt really reality... and I think that if just my mom was alive and not sick, that I would be okay. I know thats not how life works, but thats all I ever wanted and was my goal. But you cant stop someone else from doing their addiction. I learned that a long time ago. And now hes trying to do the same thing to me before I get too bad, but he doesnt understand my use doesnt have to do with him. I just want to be happy. And my way of handling myself is this way right now. I dont want to hurt myself or want to die everyday. Its just it doesnt feel unhealthy because im not on them ALL the time, i just... whenever I try to justify it, I feel like I sound like a drug addict. That oh, I can stop anytime, its not affecting everything else blahblahblah. I just go as far as to wish I had done them earlier. I would have gotten some relieve sooner. I mean im typing this when im on something now, and its allowing myself to safely access my thoughts. Im done justifying it to myself, because my only job is to live my life and thats what im doing, and no one can tell me how to live it. I just imagine how my life would be if I quit and got everything together, and what I see is me having this giant house on the beach with a chandelier when you walk in, and a winding staircase in a beautiful white room. Id have my hair done up in a low bun with my hair tucked in crystal pins in a beautiful white dress. I would entertain people all the time and go to these beautiful dances and balls. I would have everything together, a perfectly clean house, I would do things all the time like take classes at the gym or take the kids to their soccer practice. And I would be so loved by my husband that i wouldnt even know what to do with myself. Just unconditional support. Id work part time at the aquarium nearby and work for nonprofits. 
The thing is, I dont think any of that is real at all. People fight, things get fucked up, things are stressful, I have numerous mood disorders at this point... I never thought I could get over the loss of my family. The day she died, I lost every bit of hope that Id ever have a real family, and so I never knew if I could then have a real family of my own. [I guess what I should mean to say real is is a healthy one and all the primary members are still present.] 
I finally overcame the hurdle recently where I thought I would never feel things again. He did that for me. And love means so much to me, I thought it was the one thing if I could have, that one amazing love, that I could accept all the things that happened to me. I thought God and I made a deal when I was about 10 that I would take whatever he had to throw at me, I just asked for love, and I felt kind of a confirmation I thought. But I dont think God gives guarantees and I think I was wrong. Or maybe I already fucked it up when I was given the chance. I mean, im crazy in love with a boy right now, but hes never looked at me the same since he found out what Ive done. I believe he loves me so he stays. But thats even hard for him to swallow. And when I think about that life for me that I want, hes who I see it with. He feels like hes my family, and that hes not going anywhere, and I want to believe so badly that he sees past all the bad of me. I want him to know im not like everyone else. And I try to understand that maybe I was given the option to make those horrible choices so that I would understand that I just possibly lost the best thing that couldve happened to me because I wasnt acting like the person that the best could want. I think of it as a way to force myself to see my mistakes so that I understand not to make them again and not continue down that path. I understand that I am at a huge crossroads in my life right now and that I can choose to not really do anything with my life and let it fall apart or that I can pull it together and try to make it what I want it to be. Im not sure that I have it in me to do it when things look so bleak.
I dont want to move in with my dad. I left for a reason. I cant handle living with him, he is really bad for my anxiety. I dont really blame him for it anymore, I think he has an anxiety problem too and doesnt know how to not put that on other people. But it would feel like taking so many steps backward. And I know I would have to sacrifice a lot of myself to do it. He demands to be right and he demands for me to feel and think certain ways that i just dont, and I will never be the perfect person for him, nor for anyone else. I recognize that I am a really strong minded individual that just cant for the life of me be what someone else wants me to be, but i damn sure wish I could. A lot of times I just wish I wasnt me. I feel like everyone wants something different from me, and that im just not enough. Or that I have too many issues to be what they want. 
Sometimes I have the strength to say fuck that, Im proud of who I became because anyone that knows the full truth has told me that they would have killed themselves a long time ago. And I appreciated that they were truthful about it. But I still dont really get any slack from it. Life doesnt stop just because you need it to. 
My dad says hes about to take a job overseas and that he wants me to take over the family and bills and all of that... and it honestly feels like hes choosing my life for me and that Im about to end up stuck in my hometown living the same life he did just a different job. When I go home all I see is my past and how miserable I was before, and just all of these ghosts of past people and past happenings, and specifically my mom. I mean we still have a lot of her things and we still live in the same house we lived in. Its like my dad and sister dont feel it. But its like all of what happened in that house is still there, like a haunting. 
But anyways, Im getting offtrack. The thing is is that hes right when he says I could live rent free and I wont be able to really afford an apartment by myself at first. But honestly, I only see myself doing three options. Living with my dad, taking a job in a random place because I found security deposit money and I just go for it, or I live with him. And while my favorite options is living with him, we fight every other day, and I am constantly afraid of when hes going to leave. (yeah, i know, healthy). Its definitely not the time to talk about it. It just fucking sucks because there are so many times I look at him, and I am just overcome with how much I love him (hes called me out on a few occasions, much to my amusement) and its like I cant say it or I shouldnt let myself feel that way because he doesnt want to be with me. Its not like I dont understand why, I just dont want it to be like that. But i cant give up. Especially after all of this, like I did not put myself through this for no reason. I just want to stop feeling so sad about it, its like I cant be sad because then im not enjoying the time hes giving me, but I cant be too happy because at any time he could just decide hes never going to want to be with me again. It makes me insecure and into a person that im not. But its yet another thing that i dont have control over. Because i do everything that i know how to do, but im told its not being seen or that its not enough. And sometimes Im so down about it that I think he just deserves better than me. When were in a fight and hes describing how he sees me, it makes me see myself like that, and then i just dont understand why he loves me at all. It makes me think that he has to see past what he thinks he sees. Ive been beginning to be so hurt by what he says about me that im not sure i can look at myself the same way. If the person that ended up knowing and seeing all of my worst and best parts of me thinks so little of me, then what am i to think of myself? I cant blame him for thinking that im a liar and a fake but good God do I pray someday he will look at me and not see that. Im trying so hard to turn my life around and be someone hes worthy of being with, and I think thats why when im in one of my really bad states that on the inside im just screaming at the top of my lungs, I feel like im not being heard, I feel like im not even here and that he has to be talking about someone else. How did I become that person? I just know that that cant be me or who I became, because ive fought tooth and nail to get out, and I dont believe in not being able to change your life around. I just know that if I dont continue trying to be with him and to stop doing what he doesnt want me to do, that im never going to know if it could have worked. That maybe that was it. Everything in me has been telling me I should fight, and now is the time I have to. That im in this place for a reason right now and I have to work my hardest to get out of what ive done to myself. I just know that ive hardly been able to feel anything since my mom died, and since i met him I feel everything in life again, like I care again about what happens. Im fighting for myself because I feel like theres something there. I can look outside and feel happy about a flower that I found pretty growing. Im filled with hope, and I want to fight. I think thats what I have to do. Fight for the life that I want and not let anyone else decide it for me. I need to fight to make myself better. I need to fight to get what I want. And I think hes been trying to fight with me and help me to. And maybe thats part of his purpose in my life. I just dont feel like its over yet. Any of it. I just need to be okay with not making a decision of what to do right this second. Things need time to work through themselves as well. I cant control everything. I need to do one day at a time and stop letting others influence me so much, and to trust myself to do whats right for me. (Ha, trust someone on drugs, real funny...) 
I just know this is only a fraction of how my mom felt when she was trying to do better after all that shed done, which is a lot worse than me, and I pray that she has peace now knowing that I know she tried. Im just going to try to not make the same mistakes of letting other people control my life and tell me who I am or am not. I decide that. And I dont have to let my past travel on with me. I just need to fight.
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