#so i replaced it with 'slutman'
quarks-pussy · 1 year
Love it when there's a perfectly ordinary m/f couple and then comes along a horny little slutman and they just invite him into their marriage
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deadscottblog · 5 years
how to safe a life
continued from 
Scott  had no idea it was suppose to fucking rain tonight , he just put it on the list of everything else going horribly wrong in his life.   His father dating  .. Slutman..  Eric getting a mother, a father.. .The universe rewarding him for his sick joke.. After wishing hoping justice would get done by his own hands.. Cosmic justice  took hold and fucked him over.   Not to be an over dramatic crybaby but he was on the urge of just sobbing, fucking the world over or just..   letting it go. Letting it all go hense why he took the long dangerous climb up the ferris wheel, his mind yelling at him that this was a dumb idea.. Partly due to the RAIN that started halfway up the climb and second.. his friends.  Link/Rhett.  Boyett. Butters..  .. people who did care. .   But he didn’t care .. to think about that. .drowning em out, figuring it was better this way.. Besides  they’d get over it eventually. With a deep breath he managed to get all the way on top. .eyeing down below. . A very high.. very high jump.   .. He frowned,  sorrow slightly replaced by a strong sense of fear. . what if he did survive.  to end up  .. with so many broken bones. . while he hated to admit it at the end of the day.. he was a coward.     Sighing Scott  just slumped into the seat of the ride , .. “God .. I’m such a crybaby.”
A few minutes passed when he was greeted by A CHILD.. well a young teenage girl but close enough.. His green eyes threatening to spill out with tears just stared at her silently. .   Wait.  she was  ..  Kenneths sister.  oh yeah.. Kenny. Kenn probably wouldn’t be happy with him.. hell none of his friends would.     “..  I need a restart button.     hehehe. .you know.. its funny..  I forgot.. “ He started laughing , “ I invited you.. and your brother.. for dinner last night.. and here you are!   . .It’s a Christmas miracle! HAHAHAHAHA! “ “. . how the fuck did you get up here?”  
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