#so i think knowing sapph she's just having bad luck with men again
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
<details> html tag is my bestest friend in html i love you <details> html tag i love putting long chatty asides under a cut the same way i love rambling in tags of posts like these
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totalfanfreak · 7 years
One of Three - Chapter 14
One of Three Chapter 14 – When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Sera was in the between of waking and letting herself drift back to sleep, but the sudden draft of cold against her side pushed her brain to open her eyes. Turning over she saw one of her bed warmers sitting up.
Her voice sounded like a dying frog and she cringed at it. Connor smiled over his shoulder at her, throwing on his socks and shirt. 
“Go back ta sleep, aingeal.”
She went to grab his arm. “I will if you lay back down, it’s cold without you.”
He leant down and kissed her. “Ye got ole Murph fer that. Get some rest.”
She tried not to but she sulked. “Where are you going this early? The sun hasn’t come up yet.”
“Gotta head ta work, love, thought best fer one of us ta stay here withcha after what happened.”
She was sitting up with him now, careful to not jostle Murphy. “But then you’ll be alone. It’s not safe for you two either right now.”
“I’ll be fine, got a gun on me. It’ll be okay. Believe me, I’ll be perceptive, but we can’t be goin’ and throwing all our routines out da window. Can’t let them win on that.”
She bit her lip. “You’re right. You shouldn’t have to stop your lives. I feel bad you’ve had to do that, and I’m sorry about yesterday –“
He raised his hand to silence her. “There’s nothing ta be apologizing fer. Those assholes needed ta be taught a lesson. Would do it again in a second if need be. Besides it should be me apologizin’. All that shit last night. ‘m sorry fer what I did, I’ll do what I can ta find yer brother so ye can talk to him again.”
She took his hand. “Connor there’s nothing for you to say sorry for in that either. You stood up for me when I couldn’t for myself. I don’t know what’s crawled up my brother’s ass - to stay gone that long and the first thing to pop out of his mouth is why I’m staying here…it’s not his business. I don’t like that you’re a part of this, but you are now, and whether Sapph likes it or not we’re going to have each others’ backs.”
“If da time comes, yer damn right we will.”
She wanted to say that the time would happen. But she stopped, not wanting to wake Murphy by causing a scene this early in the morning. Connor was right. They couldn’t drop everything because they were afraid. That would be surrendering. And she believed he could take care of himself if the situation arose.
“The very least I should be thanking you.”
His brows rose and her smile grew. “Fer what?”
“For defending me, of course. Rocco told me you’re the one to make him get us out of there. But…it’s more than that too. It’s for everything, Connor, you – the both of you…I know I bring it up a lot but you two could’ve walked away. As soon as I told you about me you could’ve thrown your hands up and said ‘fuck it’ but you didn’t. For some reason you let me stay and you both stay with me. Thank you for all that, for so much I can’t even list right now.”
He had closed his eyes while she spoke, opening them when she finished and went to stroke his stubbly cheek.
“Ye ain’t gotta thank either of us fer that, ár aingeal grámhara. Yer ours, we love ye, it’s what we are meant ta do fer ye.”
He ushered her back to the mattress, her body abiding from its disrupted sleep.
“Feel like I should thank someone…Maybe we could go to church or temple. I should thank Him, at least, right?”
Connor grinned. “Be a good idea, love, we enjoy it when ye go with us ta Mass.”
She hummed. “I like it too. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?”
“No need fer that. Know how ta make some toast, grab me a coffee on da way.
Go back ta sleep, Sera, yer body needs ta rest. We want ye well.”
She mumbled out an ‘I’m fine,’ before her body gave in, feeling Connor’s lips on her forehead before she went to sleep. When she roused again, her whole body had chilled, opening her eyes she was alone, Murphy and Shep gone, his sheets rumpled and cold telling her he left a good time ago.
Though the boys had ruined him, feeding him food off their plates and letting him all over the furniture, he remained wired that he sticks to her, knowing she needed him. Upon hearing his name Shep came darting from the stairway, and she felt bad having him used to that being his living area. He used to always be with her and with the intervals where she needed to be alone – well, she felt like he had been ignored. But if he had anything against her about it, it didn’t show, staying her sweet jovial dog.
“Where’s Murph, boy?”
His ears went like satellite dishes, going sideways and back at the name before giving a small bark as he went back out the door. Following he led her to the steps that went to the roof, making her hesitate. She hadn’t gone out there yet. To her it was their equivalent of a man cave since they had let her move in. With her things clamored everywhere, the roof was the only place she hadn’t went and touched. Shep kept nudging the door with his nose, whining.
“I know, good job boy. Don’t know if we should bother him.”
Maybe she could just peek out, make sure he was okay. Cracking the door she saw him near the edge, cigarette smoke mingling with the crisp air. He appeared alright, pensive, lost in his own world, but unharmed so she started to back up without him knowing Shep opposing that choice and winding past her legs to trot to him. She saw Murphy chuckle when the dog sat by his legs, reaching down to rub Shep’s head, turning he glanced to her from his spot his smile becoming larger, her smile back was sheepish.
“Morning there, lass.”
She gave a small wave. “Good morning, everyone was gone, thought I’d check on you.”
“All’s fine, love, be better if you’d come join me.”
“I don’t want to invade your space.”
Murphy grunted, piqued. “Don’t know what yer seein’ out here, but there ain’t nothin’ ta ‘invade.’”
She let herself look out the door, only seeing the chimney to the building as well as a few rusted lawn chairs, a few crates being used like makeshift table with beer cans littering the top, and several cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other soggy from the rain with circles drawn on it – like a bullseye.
She smiled, pointing to the stack. “Have you been practicing?”
Murph gave that smile that made him appear so young and impish. “Aye, not much different than a sling shot ta be honest. Much more kickback to it, but I been enjoying the bow. Quiet and helps me practice me aim.”
She grinned. “I’m glad it’s become useful for you…I’m going to go start breakfast for us and let you finish your cigarette.”
Sera gave a small squeak when he grabbed her to him. She glanced up shyly seeing him looking at her curious, head tilted while he chewed his lip.
“What’s got ye scramblin’ away today? Yer acting all anxious ‘round me. Is it cause of yesterday or something I did?”
The earnest way he said it had her nestling her face into his chest, smelling the tobacco and beer he must have spilt on himself the night before. It had nothing to do with him. She was the idiot here, and she knew it. She should’ve never gotten drunk last night. It was one of the numerous things she shouldn’t have done. But yesterday had to be the push to the dominoes, and soon they’d all be toppling down. Her drunken mind had made her weak, and as soon as trouble struck she had hid like a dog about to be scolded. Though she gave her inebriation some credit, if she had been sober the jolt of fear would’ve made the seizure worse.
Her dulled senses numbed the fear down making her brain turn the mess into a partial. Everyone with epilepsy had a trigger and her main one was fear. And that’s seems to be all she had going from here on. If the boys hadn’t been involved before they sure as hell were now. Those soldiers as they were known in their bratva would come back, especially when they got jeered at for getting whipped by two Irishmen. And if they had saw her…Connor and Murphy were in danger already, but if those men connected them together how would it be then?
Yeah, boss, I saw her with those two Irish fucks.
Yeah, I can tell you what they look like, and where they were hanging around.
That meant Doc could be in trouble now too. It got more unpleasant the deeper everything went. And, as always, this was going to be her fault.
“I’m not mad at you, Murph, at either of you. It’s me. I keep doing everything wrong and…I don’t think I can put it back in the right place.”
He bent down to her, rubbing his face in her hair. “Such a pessimistic girl, things will be alright, ye’ll see.”
How could he be that sure? “I’m bad luck, Murph. God, I should’ve been there to help yesterday – I didn’t even ask if either of you were okay. Are you? Did they hurt you?”
Damn, how awful was she? Not even thinking about them getting beaten up because of her. Struggling from the embrace she looked him over. Murphy throwing her a crooked smile when she lifted his shirt to check for bruises.
“We ain’t no worse fer wear, love. Me and Conn have been in worse scrapes when we were kids.”
He didn’t seem too bad off, he had a bruise on his jaw and a small cut above his eye but it was enough for her to be guilty. And then Connor, how hurt was he when he went to work?
She forced her chin down when he tried to tilt it up, she heard him sigh. “Told ye before we’re tougher than we look.”
“Yeah, and it would’ve been fine if it was some random bar fight, but this is my fault. They were looking for me, and now they fucking know what you look like, Murphy! They might not know I’m here, but they’re not letting this go. You hurt their pride, and to them that’s enough to kill over.”
His chest puffed out. “Got some pride, too, tellin’ ye we’ll be fine.”
“I wish I had listened to you both sooner.”
“Bout what?”
“About being more aware of things, it’s just been so nice to have this. To be so normal…happy, I let myself down last night. I can’t let it happen again. If something was to happen – you two are family to me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if it did.”
He cradled her face. “Not goin’ ta tell ye we won’t get hurt, good chance we might, but ye got ta let this go, Sera. All da worry and shit you’re holding onta, it’s not goin’ ta help. We need ta stick together through this and not be focusin’ on what could be or what’s happened. Know it hurts ye a great deal, but it may be time fer ye ta let the hurtin’ from the past go.”
She didn’t say anything for a while, and she knew it made him nervous, that he may have crossed a line.
“Murphy, do you believe in forgiveness?”
His stare was curious. “Course, that’s why we repent, to obtain forgiveness.”
“But – I mean, do you think everything should be forgivable? When the person is not sorry, should they be forgiven?”
He nodded, understanding starting to come in his eyes. “I do, faith aside, it’s not about freein’ them from anything, it’s fer you, love. Ye think they’re hurtin’ and grievin’ themselves over what they’ve done? Cause they aren’t. It’s you, if yer able ta forgive, then you can let them go. I’m not sayin’ forget what they’ve done, but you need ta forgive ‘em so it’ll help ye move on.”
She looked from him at the landscape of buildings and cars before them. “And so I can forgive myself.”
“That too.”
She wondered if that was possible, carrying the guilt with her for so long had become like a crutch to her. But she knew Murphy was right, Klem, all the ones who had come after her family, who betrayed them, they weren’t feeling remorse for what they’ve done. If things could’ve been done differently she would’ve taken that path, but it was over and done with. She had already forgiven her father, the anger zapped from her with the thought of him. And she could be angry at the rest, she knew it would be a long process to get over all of it, but it was time to get over her grief. And compared to where she was barely a year ago, she was on a good track.
“I guess Leviticus was onto something about that after all.”
Murphy chuckled. “It was - let those fuckers be the ones ta bear with da guilt, not you.”
She froze, a thought crossing her. “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.’ Does that mean I shouldn’t kill them then?”
His hand came to squeeze her shoulder, pulling her back to him. “If da need arises I think da Lord will understand protecting yerself. It’s them that needs ta worry about this, not you. Come on, let’s get inside before ye freeze.”
She turned to look out once more. “It’s warmer today.”
“Aye, it’ll be spring before ye know it, most likely there’ll be another blizzard in da works before that.”
Spring, a time of new beginnings, and if it meant enduring another snowfall to get a good one then she’d deal with it. Seeing Murph holding the door open she followed after him inside. Throwing off his coat he flopped on the unmade bed, Shep bounding up to join him while she went to the fridge.
“You and Connor worked out shifts with me, huh?”
Turning onto his stomach his eyes went to hers. “Better than fighting over ye, isn’t it?”
She snorted. “I don’t see much sense in that. Besides neither of you seem to fight much unless it’s over something trivial.”
He sat up. “Trivial? And what exactly is trivial that we fight about?”
“Let’s see – who gets the good stool at McGinty’s, whose robe is whose, which one gets the last piece of food, who’s the oldest –“
“That’s not a trivial thing! Ye can’t look me in the eyes and tell me ye never fought about it with yer own set!”
She laughed. “No, I haven’t. But we didn’t have a mother who withheld that tidbit from us. But it wasn’t something we ever got mad about, unless Sapph got too bossy.”
“So he’s da oldest fer the three of ya?”
“Yep, which means he’ll go senile first.”
“Not unless one of us drives ye ta madness first, aye?”
She laughed, closing the fridge. “That’s true. Ugh, we’re going to have go to the store, Murph. There’s nothing here to cook.”
Sad, the fridge looked as it did when she first got there – only condiments, and now a lonely lemon sitting inside. They had been busy and too mixed up in things to notice.
“May as well, got nothing ta do.”
“It’ll be nice to spend the day together. Maybe while we’re out we can do something for Shep, like go to the park. I haven’t doted on him as much as I used to, it’d be good for him to play somewhere. Take Connor some lunch if you’re okay with it.”
Murphy’s smile was close to indulgent. “Whatever ye want ta do, love, I’m up fer it.”
“Oh, really? Cause you’re still in bed.”
“Just waitin’ ta see if you’d make yer move or not.”
“I’ll wait til you’re least expecting it.”
He grinned, allowing her to slip to the other room to change. When she had started to gather her things, Murphy had shot off the bed, roaming over on the table that had the bag before coming to her.
“Got this fer ye last night too.”
The gift was covered with a handkerchief, and she noticed Murphy chewing on his nail, a tic she had come well to know, when she began to unwrap it. Her eyes went to him in bewilderment.
“Oh, you got me a –“
“Switchblade, yeah, Connor told me I was full of shit fer wantin’ it. But I’d feel better if ye had it on ye. It’s more concealable than a gun and everything.”
She couldn’t help the smile that came, it was thoughtful. Him giving her that independence while keeping her safe at the same time.
“I’ll take it with me wherever I go. You know I used to have one.”
His thumb fell from his mouth then. “Yeah?”
She nodded, her mind going to two different moments in time. “It was actually Sapph’s, you know, from Boy Scouts. But when he dropped out he didn’t want it. I carried that thing for years, I lost it not too long ago. They do come in handy on occasion. But really, thank you for thinking of me like that.”
He looked borderline proud and embarrassed. “Always, aingeal. Come on, let’s take doggo out.”
Murphy insisted on driving, remaining tense from her seizure from yesterday. She didn’t mind letting him, it allowed her time to think. Her elation of knowing her brother was okay calming her, sure he was pissed off, but he was alive. Yet, like her, Rocco and his circle had been able to pin him down. Even if she was sure Roc would never harm her or her family, she was very skeptical if the rest of his associates would be the same. She wanted to know what Sapph was up to, if he was with someone that would help him, aid him, be there for him. She wanted to know where he was, how far away, if she’d ever see him. Not having the ability to be there, to know for sure how he was physically and mentally hurt her. It hurt close to the same as when he left her in the first place. Telling her the severance without the goodbye would hurt her less.
It hadn’t, if anything it hurt her more, worse than that bullet going through her, and worse than if he had died. None of the ones she loved had that choice of goodbye, their end coming too sudden. But Sapph did, and he chose to just walk away from everything.
Choking down the bitterness, she tried to look to the good. If her brother hadn’t left it wouldn’t have pushed her to leave Florida. In that she wouldn’t have moved as far away as she could, not finding her passion in art again, as well as a hope in humanity and some semblance of normalcy that she wanted to maintain in the future. Among physical reasons, one seating right next to her, these two men giving her the strength she had lost to fight back again. She was terrified of something happening to them, but was grateful they had been sent to her regardless.
Murphy, feeling the attention, turned to smile at her. “I look that good, ye got ta stare?”
She smiled, shaking her head. “That, and I’m just happy, you make me happy.”
Taking in a breath of cool air she exhaled. “I’m strangely calm today; it’s just a good feeling.”
He took her hand, grinning. “’S’a sign that’s it’s gonna be a good day today.”
“I think so too.”
After driving for a while they found a few dog parks mingled in with the regular ones, and it was wonderful to let Shep from his leash. As soon as he saw her signal that it was fine he took off, racing through the grass to the light gravel area. Being with her around the clock he got to do quite a bit of walking, but it didn’t add up the same as this. Near one of the gazebos she had found a bin of tennis balls, letting him come back to her after he finished greeting all the other dogs before she went to throw it. It had been awhile, and she worried he wouldn’t want to. But when she let the green orb go he flicked out to search for it. The sheltie raised his rear in the air to chew on his find for a moment before bringing it back for another go. After a few tosses she held out the slightly slobbered ball out to Murphy.
“Want to give it a try?”
He had been propped up on the bench, watching them while he smoked. He glanced at the ball for a bit, contemplating, before he snubbed out his cigarette.
He rolled the ball in his hand, oblivious to the wetness. “Don’t matter where it goes then?”
She laughed, pushing her hair back from the wind. “As long as it isn’t in the road, it’s fine.”
He tossed it lightly, underhand, Shep leaping up and catching it easily.
“I used ta want a dog like Shep when I was a kid.”
“Did you have any pets?”
Murphy shook his head, the messy tufts of hair sticking up and the look on his face giving her a glimpse of that little boy. She understood from a parental perspective why they couldn’t, usually the responsibility fell to them and with her being a single mom and wrangling them, throwing a dog in may have been rough. But growing up and always having a dog with her, she knew what a joy it was and wished things could’ve been different for her boys.
She rubbed his arm. “You have one now. You know Shep loves you, probably more than me.”
She saw that small smile itching to release. “Not true, he’ll be true to ye.”
She took his hand, lifting it up to kiss the back of it. “He is for you too. He doesn’t come to someone unless he trusts them. If someone was to lash at you I know he’d attack them. And that true stuff goes for me as well.”
The grin was on full display now, him ducking away to grab the ball. Seating herself on the bench she put her knees to her chest to lean her head on. They always gave her small peeks of themselves, and with the opening there she wanted to know more.
“What were you like as a kid? How it was growing up?”
He raised a brow at her question, but seeing her curiosity lowered it. “I guess not much different than anybody’s comin’ down to it. Our Ma had ta work a lot when our Da left us, meanin’ we didn’t have too much supervision. We’d get inta plenty of tussles with the other kids in da neighborhood, one talkin’ shit about us or somethin’. Conn and me kept at each other’s side. We gave hell in school, I mean we liked it and all, loved ta learn and shit made good grades and everything. But it’d get boring sometimes and we’d put some excitement in da day. Our uncle took care of us a lot when Ma was workin’ so we hung out at da bar. Not too much ta brag about lass.”
Her smile widened, letting her hand reach out to try and flatten the hair on his forehead with no avail. “I know that’s not true. But I did enjoy how I asked about you and I heard ‘we’ throughout.”
Murphy’s cheeks reddened, scratching his neck. “Sorry, used ta includin’ Connor in everythin’.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Murph. I love that you both include each other in all that you do. Hell, I’d probably end up doing the same thing. But I like getting to know you guys individually too. Mostly I just observe but I like it more when you tell me things.”
He tilted his head, eyes remaining on the ground. “Yeah, and what yer observations been telling ye?”
“I already know that you’re favorite color’s blue, you tend to look up when the skies are clear. You prefer to sleep on your stomach and usually without a pillow. You love macaroni and cheese but only the boxed kind because you hate the flour taste when it’s homemade. You have a huge sweet tooth. But where Connor loves any type of cake or pastry you’ll eat anything as long as it’s chocolate.”
Murphy had started smile, though his focus remained on the ground letting her continue. “That you like it in America but miss Ireland. That you’re an amazing son that makes sure his mom is cared for. That you’re a gentleman, but like to have a good time, if sometimes a rambunctious one. I know that when you were younger you loved photography, but chose not to pursue a career in so you wouldn’t end up hating it. And I know that you’re the sensitive one between the two of you, which isn’t a bad thing. Where Conn sees things firsthand, you feel them. Am I warm at all?”
He lunged for her then, making her shriek in surprise, the sound making many of the dogs bark as their owners watched the couple in amusement or disgruntled. She hated making such a girly sound, but with her heart racing and heat coming up her body she couldn’t give it that much of a care. Clutched to him, Murphy kissed her eagerly, and she reciprocated sucking in his bottom lip as he did her top one. The gesture causing her to laugh, which gave him the chance to sneak his tongue inside letting the vibrations of her groan bounce to him. He pulled away, and she leaned into his side watching as his Adams apple bob when he swallowed.
“Starting ta think we got a problem makin’ out in public, love.”
Her mouth quirked, licking her lips to see that gleeful look in those blue eyes.
“That might be so, but I’m not complaining about it.”
Murphy chuckled. “Neither am I. But if you’re ready ta go, I’m starved.”
“Yeah, I’m getting kind of hungry. I’m sure Connor is too, being a liar this morning that he was going to cook something when there isn’t a crumb in it.”
“Don’t be worryin’ about me brother, he scrounged somethin’ up I’m sure.”
She smiled when he held his arm out for her, letting her loop hers with his. “That might be true, but I’ve taken it as my role to keep you both fed.” Opening the car door for her, he kissed her cheek. “And we’re both glad that ye do. Probably be bad fer you though, few years from now you’ll have two sacks of blubber on yer hands.”
She snickered, while he loaded Shep in. “Off to da market then?”
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
She always liked going to the market, it reminded her of the flea markets her mom and aunt took them to on the weekends, giving a wide array of vendors and tastes that took you across the world. After getting a cart they tried to make a path through the throng of people. Sera made sure to get plenty of canned foods and staples for the pantry so they wouldn’t have to worry about being cleaned out again. Situating those first they got to perishables, Murphy still showing contempt at the sight of the vegetables. It was fun having him juggle some lemons, causing several of the children to halt their parents to watch. He was up to seven when he lost pace, lemons falling onto the floor, but not losing stride he bowed picking up the fruit and tossing them in the cart as everyone clapped. It was turning out to be a good day. Nice, normal, it lulled her making her soul hum in contentment. Getting done, she paid the last vendor and was ready when Murphy grabbed her elbow, making her pause and see he was pointing to a wine vendor.
“Que dites-vous, ange? Peut-être que cela nous donnerait un goût authentique.” (What do you say, angel? Perhaps it'd give us an authentic taste.)
She hated that, and she suspected they knew it too. To be fair she didn’t completely hate it. But she did get angry at herself for not learning more than a few phrases of the languages the boys had acquired. But what got her, and what they probably used against her was the way the dialects affected her. As Murphy gave the slow annunciation of the words she felt herself gulp on reflex making a feline grin take over his face. She tried to smile, batting him away to push the cart, but he stopped her.
“Aww, allez, j'ai vu dans vos yeux que votre bouche s'écoule pour cela. Pourquoi ne pas lui donner un aller?” (Aww, come on, I saw it in your eyes that your mouth waters for it. Why not give it a go?)
Her knees were shaking now, her body supported by the cart. “As much as I enjoy hearing you talk French, you know I have no clue what you’re saying. Besides neither of you even like wine.”
Gripping the sides of the cart, he leaned over until he was close enough so she could smell him – that mix of smoke, sweat, and something heady and sweet she could never put a name to.
“Les deux d'entre nous n'ont jamais eu le vaisseau approprié pour l'un. Mais je crois que nous le faisons maintenant. Voulez-vous, amour? En ayant moi et mon frère dribbler du vin froid sur toi et le faire moucher? Je pense que vous le feriez.” (The two of us never had the proper vessel for one. But I believe we do now. Would you like that, love? Having me and my brother dribbling cold wine over you and lapping it up? I think you would.)
Her knuckles had turned white gripping the cart’s handle, she felt too much heat on her, in her, and it faltered her that something so simple was doing this. She closed her eyes trying to control her breathing, wanting the static that had leeched into her nerves to stop. Then she felt a feather light touch graze her neck, the warmth and wetness telling her it was a kiss.
“Je veux t'avoir une fille douce. Voulez-vous me laisser ici?” (I want to have you all to myself sweet girl. Will you let me have you here?)
The way the end tinted upwards told her it was a question, and without a thought she nodded. Whatever he wanted she’d give him. Murphy grinned, but instead of the smile of a cat he gave one that showed off his shyness. It was eager and almost unsure.
“Ye have any clue what ye said yes to?”
She tiptoed up to kiss his chin, liking the scratch from the hair there. “Doesn’t matter, I still say yes.”
He kept his eyes on her, gauging for a reaction, while his hands wandered to the hem of her shirt. The warm hand splayed out on her stomach making her shudder.
“Ye sure, love?”
She could feel the heat that was in her cheeks falling down to her neck. “Yeah, had an idea at what you were hinting at. I kind of already let it slip at what your French does to me.”
He grinned. “Aye, good ta have somethin’ at my advantage. Let’s see if there’s somethin’ more secluded in da back.”
She tucked her hair back, her heart racing. She’d never done anything like this before, hell, she hadn’t done nearly any of the things she had since meeting them but public sex. Her mother would tell her she wasn’t being respected if asked for that. Her brother would say she was being used. Her sister would shirk back at the whole idea. And her dad…her dad would never be allowed to find out. But she knew it wasn’t about any of that. Getting this far she knew otherwise, and she wasn’t that afraid – it wasn’t like they were going to rut with a crowd watching. But something else did bother her.
“Will Connor be mad at me if he finds out?”
Kisses and embraces were an anytime thing for all of them, but when it came to the full act of intimacy all three had been present. With many of this being new for her she had no idea what guidelines or boundaries could be crossed. Murphy stopped then.
“Why would he be mad?”
She was worried both their feelings would be hurt now. “I don’t know how this all works, Murphy. I don’t want anyone to feel left out or anything. I’m not sure if I’m saying this right –“
“Ye don’t want ta show favoritism?”
Her brows knitted. “Yes, but no. It’s not really about that. I can say I love you both equally, but there’s different things about you that I favor more in each of you…I don’t know, I don’t want either of you hurt.”
“No one’s gonna be hurtin’, aingeal. Only thing Conn will be mad about is that he didn’t get to ye first.”
She almost snickered at the truth in there, the two always competing.
She tugged his belt then. “We better be getting a move on then, I’ve been waiting to be filled up by something since this morning.”
Though she was comfortable in her skin, words weren’t her strong suit, better by doing than talking. Cupping Murphy through his jeans she hoped the growing bulge she felt conveyed what she wanted to be filled with. She was pleasantly stunned when Murphy pushed her with a tad more force, both stumbling in a small supply closet.
“What about Shep?”
There was no way she could grunt and groan with her dog watching. Without a pause Murphy looped the leash around the door’s knob, pushing their cart beside the door.
“Goin’ ta have ta be quicker than usual, love. But he’ll be fine out here, chase off any fucker stupid enough ta try and take our shit.”
She nodded, her face starting to burn again Sera stooped down to pet Shep, telling him to be good before she was pulled into the room. The light didn’t work inside, only shards of light coming in the cracks to help them. She was backed against something and when Murphy pressed against her and felt his way behind her back they realized it was a work table. He maneuvered her enough so he could wipe off the debris causing a small clanging when whatever occupied the area hit the ground.
She tittered, a laugh wanting to bubble. “I thought we were supposed to be quiet?” She didn’t need to see to know he was smirking. “I said quick, not quiet.” She nearly caught an elbow to the ribs when he took his coat off to put on the table for her. She tried to kiss him for that ending up with her pecking his nose instead. She heard Murphy’s throaty giggle and it made her laugh as well.
“Not as easy as I thought this would be. Books and movies make it look easy.”
Sera felt her jeans come undone. “Aye, but it’s mighty fun, ain’t it?”
She knew she didn’t have to but tilted her head to be coy. “Aye, but I may enjoy even more if you were to orchestrate this in French.”
“Oh, yeah? Juste attendre jusqu'à ce que je me coule les dents dans toi.” (Just wait until I sink my teeth into you.)
Her breath caught then, while her pants and underwear were pushed to her feet. Murphy tapped her thighs, taking her hand.
“Je dois sortir d'eux, mon amour.” (Got to step out of them, love.)
It took a few times with the motion but the third time he tapped her knee she realized she needed to kick off the garments.
“Thanks for letting me keep my shoes on…I know it’ll be impossible to get your pants off with those heavy boots on but if we get caught I want us to be somewhat even here.”
She pushed his shirt up, his arm grazing her ear when he tossed it off. Sera felt hands on her bare skin, guiding her up onto the table, Murphy’s hips coming in contact with her inner thighs. She inhaled deep when his skin touched hers.
“You are quick.”
His forehead fell on hers. “J'aimerais pouvoir prendre mon temps avec vous. Voulez-vous faire trembler votre corps et ressentir de la misère car le mienne est pour vous. Je ne peux tout simplement pas attendre.” (I wish I could take my time with you. Want to make your body squirm and tremble and feel needy as mine is for yours. I just can't wait though.)
She felt him then, the head slippery from want as it slid through her own dripping slit. She flexed her nails into his arm, sighing when she heard him his. She had no idea how many girls before her had been in this exact position with her boys, but she let herself believe she was the only one given such incredible consideration. She knew he needed this, felt that he needed this, and though Murphy was the one that jumped in headfirst without thought she knew that squeeze on her hip was his way of asking permission. It was her chance to back out, of him not wanting her to regret this or be upset with herself later on. Without sight she felt for his face with her hands bringing him down to kiss her before moving her hips to his so he could find his way in.
Letting them adjust she clasped him to her, stroking his hair the way he liked when they were going to slip. Her grip got tighter on it when he started to thrust. She wanted to say he was as bad as Connor when it came to teasing, letting himself pull slowly back out before ramming himself back in. But she knew why he was doing it. It was scary that they knew her body better than her – her nerve endings sparking to life from the hard thrusts only coming to a simmer when he withdrew. She knew she was done before she even peaked, Murphy’s incisors piercing her clavicle being her tipping point. The surprise of it had her gasping for air as if she had been smothered, Murphy’s hands lovingly caressing her but his pace picking up speed to finish with her.
Kissing her neck he put her arms around his neck as he gripped her thighs picking her up in a way that the backs of her knees were on the crooks of his arms. The angle made her quiver again, the winding inside her ready to spring. She raked her hands and nails at whatever skin she had, his and hers, the stance he had her unable to pull herself up enough to reach him. She could hear people walking around, talking, kids laughing, begging their parents for something sweet. This should make her feel guilty. She was on the verge of feeling something akin to dirty, but that wasn’t it. It was…wild. Freeing, like she had been purged from the sky only to hit ground. She had to grit her teeth to keep from howling, her legs gripping him as she finished before him again.
“God, Murphy.”
“Sssh, Lord’s name, les filles.” (Lass)
Catching his mouth she bit down on his tongue, making him jab hard into her feeling the hot stream of him thrash on her cervix. He panted, leaning on her and the table when his knees knocked together.
“Ever loving, Christ.”
“And you say that to me?”
Her voice was just as breathless, but she was able to laugh feeling his mouth twitch on her shoulder.
“It’s the only way ta express what ye do ta me, aingeal.”
There wouldn’t be much of a chance for afterglow, but she gave in to letting her hands wonder over him stroking down the unruly locks, and raking her nail softly down his neck while the other hand stroked his back then heading to the other side to go up his belly. She sighed when in return Murphy helped to bring her down too, tilting her head back to place soft kisses over her face and neck, letting his hands send tingles all down her back as they skimmed her thighs. Still buried inside her they could both feel the other’s climax. After a few minutes of indulgence she let her legs untangle dropping from him to dangle.
She scooted off the table falling towards his naked chest. “How are we going to find our clothes in here?”
She could hear the pangs of his zipper gliding up stepping away to open the door a crack.
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s stolen our stuff, should give us enough light ta see what’s what.”
They had a few heads turn their way when they exited, but instead of embarrassment it caused Sera to laugh, especially when she got to see her new marking in full light. Murphy smiled at her, running a finger over his lips, anxious, like he was expecting her to be disappointed in them both instead. Sera only shook her head at him, pulling the cart behind her, making him laugh in turn when she grabbed a few bottles of wine on their way out.
“You won’t try one bite?”
Murphy shook his head at her, sipping on the soda he got with his lunch. “Sorry aingeal, but I have no fuckin’ clue how ye eat that shit.”
She raised her eyebrows at him, making a show to toss a piece of cured fish in her mouth causing him to blanch. She pointed to the hot dog he had in his lap.
“And I seriously don’t know how you eat that.”
He smirked, chancing a glance at her before moving his eyes back to the road.
“What yer people got against pigs? Bet if ye tried it you’d love it.”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t taste good, and most Jews have no problem with pork. Sapph can eat a whole pack of bacon when he gets the urge to.”
She could tell he was baffled. “If yer brother eats it, how come ye don’t?”
She shrugged. “I have before, but when my mom found out she tried to sensitize us –“
“The hell’s that mean?”
“Basically it means she dragged us out of school to go to a slaughterhouse to see a pig be turned into hotdogs.”
Murphy laughed. “And that’s why ye can’t eat ‘em? Conn and me watched the slaughter all the time, where ye think all the meat comes from, love?”
She closed her eyes tight. “I know. I know before it’s in the stores the meat all meets the same end in a similar fashion, but to see the poor thing strung up and killed, that horrible smell when they burned his skin off, and that God awful squelching noise the machines have when they make that stuff – I don’t want it.”
“And all this time we thought it was because ye were a good lil Jew.”
“I am!”
He chuckled at her again, making her smile and glare at the same time.
“Ye could at least have some bacon once in a while.”
She gagged. “Uh-uh.”
“We’ll sneak it in on ye, need it fer a healthy diet.”
She blew her lips together to keep from laughing. It stopped when they got to the plant, and after recalling that wonderful day she wasn’t sure she wanted beef to be ruined for her too. Reading her thoughts Murphy called out behind her.
“We only cut it up and pack it, love. It’s dead by the time it gets ta us.”
That was a relief, grabbing the bag of food they got for Connor she followed Murph inside. It smelled as she thought it would, the raw meat that usually permeated the boys’ clothes staggering inside. It made her stomach roll but she was able to hide it. Shep on the other hand was going crazy, barely in the lobby and his snout was up in the air detecting the delicacies he wanted not too far away. She patted his side to calm him.
“We have to stay in here, buddy.”
Murphy gazed at her, deplored, eyebrow cocked. “No, ye don’t.”
She gestured to Shep, dumbfounded. “I believe his excess hair makes him a health hazard, Murph.”
He waved her off. “No one will give a shit, love, come on.”
He took her hand then, tugging her before she gave in with a huff. The smell was worse in the back and she had to hold a hand to her nose to let it adjust to the bloody scent. Then there was the heat, being brought in from the chill it should’ve been welcome, yet this was plain muggy heat – sticking to you and not letting go until you sweated it out.
“I thought ya took the day off, Murph.”
The voice came from an older, stocky man coming up to the two as he flipped through his clipboard.
“I am, but the lass wanted ta bring Connor some food. Worried he’s gonna starve.”
She rolled her eyes at him, muttering. “Don’t act like you’d want him to.” He grinned at her, steering her to face their new companion. “This here’s McGerkin, love, we let him think he’s in charge here.”
She reached out and shook the man’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, sir, I’m Sera. I want to thank you for giving the boys these hours off.”
She didn’t mean to sound so formal, but years of being taught to respect her elders and people in authority had kicked in at that moment. The introduction making McGerkin throw his head back and laugh.
“Oh, forgive me, child, it’s a pleasure for me ta meet ye. Never would’ve figured either of these two could get a girl like you though, ‘specially one that’s got some manners, but there’s no need fer any of that polite shite here. Will be up front and say they were right about ye being a looker though.”
She blushed. “Thank you. I’ll work on it, afraid it was beaten in me so it’s second nature now.”
Murphy pulled her into his side. “She keeps us in line that’s fer sure. So’s Conn been fuckin’ up without me?”
There was no need to respond Connor’s laughing echoing past the people surrounding him. Murphy took her past the railings to the assembly line, various people greeting her and petting Shep – that had her recoiling. When they approached Connor was still chuckling, but she stopped when she saw the humongous woman next to him. He shook his head eyes connecting towards them, he grinned, patting the giant on the arm who wrenched away with a sneer. Whatever Conn was laughing about she obviously did not like it. Coming up he kissed her cheek, and she saw the gleam in there when he went to put an arm around his brother’s shoulders.
“Hey Murph!” She noticed the raised volume of his voice, several others turning to face them.
Murphy, unsure, chewed at his lip. “Aye?”
“How many lesbians does it take ta screw in a lightbulb?”
Oh. This is why she’s mad, and this is why she looks like she’s going to murder him.
But Murphy seemed oblivious to it, grinning, wanting to know the answer. “How many?”
“Conn –“
He grinned at her, taking her shoulders with the other arm. “It takes two doesn’t it? One ta screw in da lightbulb, and one wee little lesbian ta suck me fuckin’ cock!”
Everyone laughed, used to this humor from the two, but that woman was striding over with one of the cleavers. Sera could see steam bellowing from her nose like a bull’s.
“I knew you were going to give me trouble! Giving me shit cause I’m a woman, well I’m not gonna take your male dominance bullshit here!”
Sera knew him and Murph may have old fashioned views on some things and, yeah, they sometimes went overboard with the jokes but they both respected women.
“He didn’t mean –“
The woman started to look her way and she gulped.
“Come now, Rozie, I just wanted a rise outta ye.”
Murphy stood in for him as well. “Yeah, he’s tryin’ ta break the ice with ye.”
She towered over him. “Does it look like I’m laughing, fuck face?”
Connor motioned for them to quiet down. “All right, ‘m sorry there, okay? So just relax.”
He went to touch her arm, the woman rearing back as he did and threw a punch hard enough to make Connor stagger; him grabbing onto the line to get his balance. Shep had barked at the assault, and Sera reeled him in before he could bite her. Connor started to look livid while he grabbed his nose.
“How about ye be saving that aggression for yer marches and protests and whatnot instead of –“
Sera could feel the kick like it was between her own legs and she went to help him when he went down as did a few other of the female workers. She almost went to rub it for him like a lunatic but opted to rub his back instead. Her brother had gotten injuries like this in similar fashion but she didn’t know how to help it. Pain pills and ice was all she could come up with. Seeing his face splotch purple and he kept gritting his teeth she wanted to get him home.
“You fucking slaves, kowtowing to the needs of men! C’mon, get the fuck up!”
She stood up then, already knowing she’d be eaten but not giving a shit. “So you can spout off about equal rights and misogyny like it’s nothing but when it comes to having a fair fight you cop out? You act high and moral but you don’t have the balls to back it up do you!”
Shep was growling when the woman snarled at them coming closer to her. You need to act before she does. Without thinking she hunched herself over and charged, hoping she’d hit the solar plexus. Happening in seconds a whoosh of air resounding but she didn’t go down, rather it gave her more fuel to grip at Sera’s arm before she could pull away before yanking her to the ground. It felt like her arm went out of its socket but she rotated it for a second, turning over to defend herself. But Murphy was quick enough to get in the way and strike, this time making her go down.
“Christ sake…Come on, Rocky, let’s get you and shit fer brains home.”
She was able to exhale, head lying on the floor. Lord’s name, Murph.
Forgot to add Tagger...Sorry! :(
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