#so i think sometimes we're also just drawn to certain things because they subconsciously remind us of each other's aesthetics
punk-pandame · 2 months
i love being a trans dude with a gnc cis husband. sometimes we go through our clothes and swap because i express myself much more masculinely now than i used to and my husband expresses himself much more femininely now than he used to- and we don't throw clothes away unless they're unusuable, so we end up keeping a lot of old clothes. today i gave him a long blue suede vest i bought eight years ago and wore, like, twice- and he hasn't taken it off in hours. i'm at this very moment wearing a tee shirt he gave me years ago, back when we were temporarily long distance, that barely has a graphic anymore because i've worn and washed it so many times- that he gave me to begin with because it'd just been sitting at the bottom of a drawer anyway. sometimes we receive well-intentioned gifts we know we won't wear and stash them away to deal with later- only to realize it's perfect for the other. sometimes we get the honor of repurposing a garment that made one of us feel uncomfortable to affirm the other. sometimes we get to tangibly see the overlap in our superficially different styles- and how our styles have changed together over time.
turns out sometimes the solution to “i love the way this looks but not on me” is to just give it your spouse! who knew! isn't queer love beautiful?
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