#so i'm posting good night jimin tomorrow when i wake up!
jikookuntold · 1 year
Hi! I appreciate your takes a lot, please can you share your opinion about this situation. Hope you saw Jungkook last Wlive which he did between Friday-Saturday night, at 2-3 am. Jungkook said there “I don’t have nothing to do to tomorrow. I will just work out tomorrow” then we know that JK spend Friday night before this Wlive at musicals with Tae and Wooga, and later on Saturday night he spent bowling with Tae. Two nights in a row he chose to spend with Tae. Ok. Whatever. Maybe Jimin was busy, right? But no, today Jimin said this: “ it would have been great if all the members could go together, but because we all busy with our individual work. But I'm still in the middle of preparations so I had time (other translation says *spare days*) in those few days after various film shoots and it happened to be on a weekend and Hoseokie-hyung also had a day off, so we went together.” So I have many questions here and confusion. Their stories contradict themselves, JK said he was totally free on Saturday, while JM said other members were so busy they couldn’t join even if he wished. I think JiHope visited Jin in the early afternoon, while JK fall asleep early in the morning (he woke up at 8 again, said he was tired and would want to sleep some more, it’s unknown if JK slept more). Soooo there’s several questions, and to be honest they don’t advantage jikook much. Just from following the situation: Jimin isn’t updated to JK’s life and didn’t know he was free that day? Or Jimin just didn’t contact JK and didn’t invite him for some reason? Or he lied that all other members had working schedule that day so others would look good in public eyes that they didn’t join? On the other hand. Did Jungkook just declined to go to JIn because he had something more important that day (bowling with Tae and and before spending morning on Wlive just chilling and doing nothing)? Or JK was just not invited by Jimin? And then again I don’t think JK lied that he was free on Saturday, he or Tae decided to spend lovely night bowling together. He was definitely free I think. So the following question is the most important one that bothers me: Why would a couple chose to spend their precious day off completely separately with different people? And that happened when finally their schedule would align (after one partner was busy with job), they what didn’t miss each other…plus while one of them doesn’t know the other one was free, and the other one was spending two days in a row with the same person, prioritizing that friend over his allegedly lover…how does it make sense? Maybe I missed something and didn’t understand it and drew some incorrect conclusions, and you would be kind enough to say where my logic lacks because honestly …it is confusing
ps sorry if i double posted, I didn’t understand if it was sent or the site dropped
Your confusion and the essay you made out of it comes from a little mistake in calculations. You forgot that waking hours for a normal grown up human being is at least 16 hours per day, and they can do multiple activities at the same day, like having schedules (not necessarily Hybe-related things), working out or going to musicals, or bowling or eating outside, and still having spare time left. And the bowling didn't happen last Saturday, the photos are from November.
Also you forgot that boot camps don't accept visitors at night, so what if Jimin wasn't lying or covering for anything and JK actually had important business during the day? Or JK just had things to do but didn't want to spoil and just said he will work out?
You see? There is no need for overanalysing or writing essays or calling anyone liar or calling a resurfaced friendly hang out from four months ago "lovely". Just chill ❤️
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crystalsnow95z · 10 months
Request: On the way to dance practice, Jimin gets violently stopped by a hater. The members notice that he is gone but doesn't think much of it since he's always late (lol). Soon, they go drive around and look for him since they get worried and find him beat up. They help him heal physically and mentally <3
I knew requests like this would come after I posted my car accident story, but don't worry! I will gladly fulfill requests like this as well!
I actually had my real life friend help come up with the hater scene because I found it difficult to talk badly about our angel.
My psychological stories always end up with super long beginnings. Sorry^^,
Let's get to the story ~
Trigger warning: mental and physical abuse(obviously) please avoid in between the green lines if you aren't okay with violence
I couldn't fall asleep at all last night, I can't believe I'm this nervous when the award show isn't even until tomorrow.. I probably only got an hour of sleep..
Jimin sighs, yawning behind the face mask he adored to cover up most of his fsce. He told staff that he would walk to work today, thinking the fresh air would help wake him up, and he could stop by the nearby cafe to buy for drinks for him and his members.
Along with his face mask, he wore a black snap back that kept his face in the shadows, talking to the barista in a lower tone than his usual one. "I'd like 6 large iced Americanos and one hot chocolate, please, large for that one as well."
Despite all his efforts to keep his identity a secret, he felt like he was being watched. He looks around, trying to see who it is, jumping when he hears the barista speak again.
"That'll be 40.45, please."
"Oh, yes. I'm sorry." He bows, quickly swiping his card. I'm just being paranoid.. I gotta calm down. Jimin takes a deep breath, going to the side to wait, going on his phone to try to ignore the feeling.
Jimin successfully gets his order, carefully holding the bag to try not to spill his precious cargo. They've been practicing for several hours a day for the past two weeks in preparation for an upcoming concert, and he knew his gift would cheer everyone up.
He checks the time surprised to see that even with his stop, he'd get there with a little time to spare. I'm actually going to make it. Namjoonie-hyung can't tease me today.
His smile quickly dropped when he felt someone walking uncomfortably close behind him. He stepped to the side in case they were just in a hurry and wanted to pass him, but when he stepped, so did they.
Did they follow me from the cafe?
Jimin felt his heart accelerate at the thought, picking up the pace. When he started walking faster, so did the man. There's no doubt they're following me..
Jimin looked around to see if there was anyone to ask for help, but with it being this early on a weekday, there was no one. He takes out his phone to try to call for help, but as soon as he unlocks it, he only presses one number before the man grabs his wrist pressing hard on his veins.
Jimin drops his belongings, the coffee he was trying so hard not to spill covering the pavement. "Th..that hurts, please let me go.." Jimin's eyes widen with fear, his voice coming an octave higher as he tries to use his other hand to pry the man from his other wrist. "What do you want from me...?"
"What I want? What I want is for you to quit BTS. Jin and Taehyung would get more parts if you weren't in the picture. Jin's voice is much better than yours, but he's too kind to ask for more lines, and Taehyung's dancing is overlooked just because you had prior experience. He's just as good as you, but you still make him live in your shadow, and he does it with a smile because you're his so-called friend." The man speaks in a soft tone, so no one but Jimin hears him, dragging him into an even more secluded area, Jimin unable to break free from the larger man's grip.
"What's going on?" A passerby asks.
"Oh, nothing. We train under the same company and he decided to try to skip out of practice! I was told to get get him. We're running late so I'm sorry we must go." The man lied naturally, pulling Jimin faster.
"Wait, no! I don't - " Jimin tries to speak, but the man digs his nails into Jimins's wrist, his pleas for rescue turning into a yelp.
"Now.. where were we?" The man continued when he gets them out of the prying eyes. "Oh yes, your lines hogging and you stealing the center far too often, you greedy little sh*t."
"Th..that isn't true! We make sure everyone gets what suits the song best, I don't decide what parts I get.. we agree as a team!" Jimin's words are meant with a punch directly to his eye.
"You're a fu*kin' liar! You could easily turn down a part, but you don't because you're a greedy bastard! You might have everyone else fooled with that goody goody act, but I see right through it!"
Jimin stumbles to the ground, covering his already swelling eye with his hand slowly rising to his feet."I'm not acting.. I'm just being mys-"
Jimin's voice gets cut off when his attacker kicks him in the chest, keeping his foot firmly on top of him, the vocalist letting out a breathy moan as he struggles to breathe with the weight on his chest.
"I said to stop lying, you little piece of filth." The man glares down at him. "You're holding everyone back. You're just a leech piggy backing off the others' career."
Tears streamed down Jimin's cheeks, trying to relieve the foot from his body, but think man was much larger than him, his efforts in vein. "Hyung.. please.. help me.." he tried to scream but fear made his vocal cords too tight, his voice coming our as a whimper.
The man bends down, grabbing Jimin by the jaw, pulling him to his feet. "You can't do anything on your own. Come on. Hit me." The man taunts him, turning his head to the side for Jimin to punch, but Jimin opts to try to escape instead.
"Don't you try to run. I'm not done with you!" The man grabs him by the hair. "You didn't agree to quit!"
"I..I won't.. we're sev..aghm..." Jimin's whimpers as the man pulls harder.
"Plenty of groups do fine with 4 members. You aren't needed. Quit fooling yourself. They don't actually need you." The man throws him back to the ground, stepping on Jimin's wrist to pin him down. "If you won't quit, I'll just ruin that pretty face of yours. Then those fans you gush about so much won't want you."
Please.. someone.. save me...
"Where's Jiminie? It's already been fifteen minutes. He's never this late without calling first." Taehyung asks, finishing up his warm-up stretches quickly getting his phone to look for any messages.
"I don't know.. I'll call him. He probably stopped somewhere on the way. He told staff he would find his own way here." J-hope takes out his phone, waiting for an answer. "Huh? He didn't pick up.."
"What? That's not like him." Taehyung tried calling himself, frowning when he gets the same result. "I'm going to go see if he's nearby. Maybe his hands are too full to get his phone from his pocket."
"I'll go with you." Yoongi quickly offers, digging in his bag for a beanie and face mask. "Cover up Taehyungie, we don't want to draw too much attention."
"Okay Hyung." Taehyung gets his red baseball cap and his face mask, pulling his hood over it.
"Let me go too." Jungkook goes to get ready to go, but Namjoon stopped him.
"We don't know if he's missing or not. If they don't find him, then we'll all look okay? Let them handle it. They'll call if they need help."
Jungkook bites his tongue, wanting to argue, having too much respect for his leader to disobey him.
"Let's practice without them for now. Jungkookie, you wanted me to help you with the hook part in the new song anyway, right? I'll have the time to teach you one on one." J-hope distracts Jungkook while the two deagu boys leave the practice room.
"You don't really think he's just not answering because his hands are full do you?" Yoongi asks, trying to keep up with Taehyung's quick strides as he rushes out of the building.
"I just have a bad feeling, that's all.. let's walk towards his place.." Taehyung follows the path he knew Jimin would take, keeping his eyes open for the pink haired Busan boy.
Yoongi agrees, following beside him as they walk, freezing when he notices the toppled over paper bag from the coffee shop Jimin frequents after practice. "No.."
Taehyung follows the olders' gaze, but instead of the purple phone case. The one he just picked out with Jimin last week. Taehyung runs over, confirming his suspicions when he sees the lock screen. "Jimin-ah was here.."
"I'll call the others." Yoongi pulls Taehyung as he walks, dialing Jin's number.
"Did you find him?" Jin skips greetings.
"We found his phone.. someone had to have grabbed him.." Yoongi tries his best to speak clearly, but his heart thumps painfully in his chest with anxiety.
"I'll call the police. You get back to the studio." Jin motions for the others to come here.
"No, we're fine. We'll stay together. I need to look for him. I'm sorry, hyung." Yoongi hangs up before Jin can forbid it. He couldn't wait for the police. Since he's an adult, they could easily chalk it up as just him losing his phone and us being paranoid idols..
Yoongi went into the nearest shop, bowing to the woman at the counter. "Excuse me miss, but did you hear any commotion outside your shop?"
"I'm sorry, no. Is something wrong?" The shop keep answers, but Yoongi didn't have time to explain.
"I'm sorry I'm looking for someone I don't have time to explain." Yoongi pulls Taehyung along with him, asking anyone who gives him the time of day if they saw anything out of the ordinary.
"Please, sir.. did you see him..please just look this picture." Taehyung shows them a photo he took of him and Jimin yesterday, their face covered by the masks.
"The pink haired boy? Yeah, I saw him with another guy, probably his manager or security guard. You missed them about twenty minutes ago." The man tells them. "He should be back by now, don't worry."
"Which way did they go? What did that man look like?" Yoongi demands, coming out more harsh than he intended.
The man points towards the river. "They went that way. He was mostly covered and looked pretty average. A broad shouldered man with black hair and brown eyes."
"Thank you so much, sir." Taehyung bows before Yoongi pulls him. We need to find him.. I know Yoongi-hyung. I'm going as fast as I can.
Yoongi dragged Taehyung through the city, both of them stumbling over cracks in the sidewalk, quickly texting the others on the latest update. They had no idea where they were going. Their only thought was to find their missing member.
He was spotted with a man going towards the river. Heading there now. it's the only lead we got..
Yoongi texts quickly.
We'll meet you there. Let's meet at the bridge. I'll update the police.
Jin texts back.
Jimin was discarded underneath the bridge, unable to lift his head without pain. "Hyungie.." Jimin calls hoarsely to the open air, but his voice is drowned out by the sound of the wind and the river.
They probably won't bother looking for you
The man's voice rang in his ears, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. The cold breeze of the river chilled him to the bone, Jimin hardly making it out of the water, laying soaking wet on the shore.
"Jimin-ah!" Taehyung's voice comes out hoarsely as he screams. They've been looking nonstop for the past hour. The police were no help, saying they lost them on camera, so the only lead they had was the river.
"Jiminie-hyung!" Jungkook yells after him.
The boys split up into two separate groups, going in different directions. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in a group together. One body guard went with both groups.
Namjoon was walking ahead of them at a brisk pace, freeezing in place when he sees the bright pink hair of Jimin in his current favorite oversized white sweater. "Taetae, Jungkookie.. I see him!"
Jimin could hear the voices of the others running towards him, feeling Namjoon pull him into his lap. "Hyungie..I'm..I'm cold.." Jimin could hardly see him, his eyes mostly swollen shut, but he could recognize the voices of his members anywhere.
"It's okay, it's okay. I got you. Let's try to get you warmed up some.. okay? " Namjoon takes off his jacket. "Jungkook, help me get his shirt off."
"They really hurt him." Jungkook felt his stomach drop when he saw all the bruises covering Jimin's face, his nose crusted over with dry blood, his lip swollen with a split down the left side. "We need to call an ambulance to be sure nothing is broken.."
Namjoon and Jungkook help Jimin get his shirt off, eyes widening when he sees the bruising continuing across Jimin's body. Anger flashed in Namjoon's eyes.
How could anyone do this to him? He's nothing but kind to everyone he meets..
Namjoon helps lead Jimin's arms into the jacket, Jimin inhaling sharply when his fingers bend.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just want to try to get you into something dry.." Namjoon gently takes Jimin's wrists, only now noticing his swollen fingers. Shit.. i gotta keep focused... I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment."He has at least a few broken fingers.."
"Help is on the way." The security guard, Jeong, called an ambulance while the members were busy with Jimin, taking off his jacket and throwing over Namjoon's shoulders.
"Jiminie..." Taehyung dries his tears with the back of his thumbs, voice coming out as a sob. He had never seen Jimin in such a rough state, the most he's ever seen was a wrapped up leg from dancing too hard
"D..don't cry
"Deep breaths, Taehyung.. we found him, and he's alive.. that's all that matters. You too Jungkook.." Namjoon tries to calm the younger boys, despite his emotions running high.
"You came.." Jimin croaked, his eyes watering again, shivering violently as he clings to his leader.
"What? Of course we came. We came looking the moment you didn't answer your phone. Why would you think that?" Namjoon rubs his hands across Jimin's arms. "Oh.. the others! Jungkook call seokjinnie-hyung."
"I meant. You found me.." Jimin quickly changes his words when he hears the pain in his leader's voice clearly hurt by his words. "Sorry..."
"Huh? Oh.. yeah.. right." Jungkook was still in shock on Jimin's condition. Following hyung's request, Jungkook looked away from Jimin, feeling sick to his stomach.
Could this have been any of the others? Namjoonie hyung rides his bike to work a lot of the time..
"Hy..Hyungie, we found..but but.. they really hurt him. We called for..for.." Jungkook spoke quickly, stammering out the words, his mind reeling with dark thoughts.
"Jungkook-ah breathe. I can't understand you. Did you find him?" Jin gently orders him.
Jungkook passes the phone to Taehyung, unable to calm his nerves, who takes it, wrapping his body around the Mankae.
"We find him, but it..it looks like he got jumped.." Taehyung did better to keep his voice under control, but Jungkook could feel his heart beating wildly against his back, clearly having the same thoughts.
"What? How bad is he?" Jin asks, voice filled with worry.
"He..he..ah..b..broke so..some fi..fingers.." Taehyung struggled to explain it to Jin, a hard lump forming his throat, when he tries to speak, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.
"Hey..hey, it's okay, you don't have to talk about it okay? I'll just see for myself. Don't cry Vuu.." Jin speaks in a soothing tone, hearing Taehyung holding back a sob. "It's okay to be scared.."
Jungkook places his hands on top of Taehyung’s squeezing him. "You're gonna make me cry Hyung.."
"I'm sorry, Koo.." Taehyung takes a deep breath, burying his face in the youngers shoulder. The boys hear the ambulance in the distance.
There's no doubt they love me, but is it really okay for me to be one of the leads in both the dance line and the vocal line when Jin and Taehyung are more talented than I am..
Jimin felt guilt eat away at him, the words of his attacker ringing in his head.
"It's okay Jiminie, help is coming.." Namjoon wipes Jimin's tears, unaware of the mental trauma that was plaguing the pink haired vocalist.
"The police are here.." Jeong says entering the room. "They want to talk to Jimin-sii about what happened..'"
Jin looks at the sleeping vocalist, clenching his jaw. He didn't want to wake him, and the police offered little help, not even lending them a search party to find the missing boy. "Give us a minute."
Jeong nods, relaying the message.
"He needs to talk to them so they can help track him down.." Namjoon gently wakes Jimin. "Jimin-ah, you need to talk to the police for us okay?"
Jimin blinks sleepily, the pain medicine leaving him groggy. "Hm..?"
"Do you think you could tell the police what happened, Minnie?" J-hope asks gently.
Jimin felt his skin crawl with anxiety at the thought of explaining it in front of the other members. They're already upset enough..
"I'll tell them on my own..please?" Jimin asks softly.
"Whatever you want, Jiminie. We'll go outside for a bit, here..take my phone and call me when you finished.." Yoongi gives him his phone, cracked from hitting the pavement. "It still works, just be careful.."
"Alright.. Thanks Hyungie.." Jimin puts it on the side of the bed watching the others leave the room and two officers come in.
"Hello, I'm officer Kim and this is my partner officer Lee." He bows slightly, the other officer doing the same."
"Hello.." Jimin greets them, doing his best to bow respectfully, wincing at his sore rib cage.
"How are you feeling, Park?" Officer Kim asks, looking at Jimin sympathetically.
"Are you able to explain what happened?" Officer Lee joined in the conversation.
"I hurt all over, but I'll be okay.." jimin replies, wishing they would just her to the point and skip formalities.
"Could you explain to me what happened then?" Officer Kim asks, getting out a notepad to write with.
"I went to the Cafe to get drinks on my way to the hybd building where I work, but while I was in there, I felt like I was being watched. I thought nothing of it at first, just a fan too shy to approach me, but I was wrong..." Jimin's eyes grow wide in fear as the memory of the larger man looming over him as he leaves the Cafe, grabbing him roughly. His breath picked up his throat, coughing as his throat tightened as tears threatening to form.
"Park-sii, Park-sii it's okay.." Officer Lee touched his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Take your time.."
"Ah...I'm..I'm sorry.. I just need a minute..th..thank you.." Jimin stammers out the words, Officer Lee giving him a tissue trying to clean up his tearstained face.
"It's okay. You had a traumatic experience. Take your time." Officer Kim gave Jimin a kind smile.
Jimin takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself to continue the story, telling the officers about how he lied saying they knew each other, how he took him away from the others and threatened him to leave his group and beat him for refusing. Jimin was in tears as he spoke, using the tissue to dab under his nose that dripped with snot.
"He..he..just..hated me..that I was..was rui..ruining the band.." jimin finishes his story, wincing when he rubs his sore nose. He couldn't go into detail about what the man said, leaving that part vague, but the officers didn't press him to delve further.
"We'll find him." Officer Lee promises, but Jimin doubts his words. His face was covered and disappeared from sight on the cameras after dumping him.
"Thank you for talking with us. I hope you recover quickly." Officer Kim leaves with his partner.
Jimin sat in silence in the hospital bed staring up at the ceiling, trying to calm his nerves before calling Yoongi. "Hyung.. come back please?"
"Of course. I'll be right up." Yoongi could tell Jimin was crying by his congested tone. "Stay on the phone, okay? I want to tell you about my visit home." Yoongi wanted to get his mind off the situation.
"Oh right.. you visited home to visit for a birthday.." Jimin couldn't remember if it was his mother's or his brother's birthday he went to celebrate, those little details slipping his mind. He was usually better at these sorts of things.
"Yeah, I did.. and My mom taught Holly a new trick. You know how I tried to teach him how to roll over but he wouldn't completely roll?" Yoongi pauses for Jimin to respond.
"Oh right, he'd go on his back or flop to his side but he wouldn't fully roll." Jimin felt a soft smile creep up across his lips to hear Namjoon gush about his precious pet.
Yoongi enters the room with Taehyung and Jungkook following behind.
"Where's Hobi-hyung and Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asks when he notices the two missing.
"They're in a company meeting deciding on what we're gonna do about our schedule. I stayed behind to watch these two." Yoongi motions towards Taehyung and Jungkook.
"I'm a grown man now Hyung, I don't need a babysitter." Jungkook argues. "He just wanted to stay with you too because he's worried."
Yoongi hides his face to hide his blushing cheeks, feeling embarrassed. "Everyone's worried.." I'm more worried on your mental state after this.. you've been crying again..
"How are you feeling, Jiminie?" Taehyung asks, saving Yoongi from his embarrassment.
"I'll be okay.. I'm actually set to go home later today. There's not much the hospital can do for me here.." Jimin tells him. I'm glad I don't have to stay overnight. I don't want to sleep in an unfamiliar place.. i don't even want to sleep alone tonight..
"Are you sure it's not too early?" Jungkook asks with concern in his big doe eyes.
"Yeah, all they can do is give me medicine for the pain, and I can take that at home. Someone else needs this bed more than I do." Jimin fakes a smile. "Don't worry. I'll be fine with some rest."
All three boys could tell Jimin's smile wasn't genuine, but nobody said a word about it to Jimin, just silently agreed to keep a close eye on him.
"Steady, steady.." Jungkook slowly moves with Taehyung to put Jimin in his bed.
"I'm being steady." Taehyung huffs, getting Jimin laying down on the bed. "We need pillows to prop his ankle now!"
"I don't have any extra pillows. You and Jinnie-hyung have the most.." Jungkook points out.
"It's only a little sprained, I'll be okay." Jimin tries to get them to stop fretting over him.
"Nonsense. You can use some of mine." Taehyung rushes to his room, bringing all his pillows.
"Taehyungie what will you sleep with if you bring all your pillows in here?" Jimin gives a small chuckle seeing Taehyung dropping the pillows, wincing from his sore ribcage. "Ah.. that hurts.."
"Sorry Jiminah.." Taehyung uses two pillows to get Jimin's ankle elevated, then another one underneath Jimin's head. "Does that help? You can hold this pillow to your chest." He puts it in Jimins
"It's okay.. don't worry about it. That actually feels better. Thank you, Tae.." Jimin yawns with squeak at the end. "Mn.."
"You should try to get some rest, Jiminie-hyung. It'll help you heal faster." Jungkook frowns when he sees Jimin's eyes close tightly in pain.
"Jungkookie, remember Jin is making dinner. He can't sleep just yet.. he hasn't eaten.." Taehyung reminds him.
Jimin's stomach churned at the idea of food, wrapping his arm around it.. He could only manage to eat a few bites of food at the hospital before he felt sick to his stomach, telling the others he just didn't like it. I can't use that excuse again..
"What's wrong, Jiminie?" Taehyung asks, eyes round with concern. "Are you that hungry? I could ask seokjinnie-hyung to get you a snack."
"No,I'm okay.. just some pain from the brusing.." Jimin felt the twinge of guilt worsen his pain. He hated hiding things from his members, but he didn't want them worrying more than they already were.
"My poor Minnie.. I'll get you a heat compress." Taehyung leaves the room, coming back with a few ice packs and the heat compress. "Here, one for your ankle so the swelling can go down, one for your eyes to help with the puffy and heat to help with your tummy."
Jungkook takes one of the ice packs from Taehyung, placing it on Jimin's swollen ankle. "I'll help too."
"Thanks, Koo." Taehyung smiles, putting the heat on Jimin's abdomen, watching him visibly relax.
Jungkook's stomach, growls making him blush in embarrassment.
"I think someone else needs a before dinner snack.." Taehyung giggles. "Go on, I'll stay with him. I bet you can get a snack out of hyung. You hardly had anything to eat either, just that bag of vending machine cookies, and you gave half of them away."
"You should go. I'm fine. Eat." Jimin tried to keep his voice steady. Everyone must've been too worried to eat because of me. I am just making things harder on everyone..
Jungkook leaves the room, Taehyung taking a seat on the bed next to Jimin, wearing a serious look on his face.
"Jimin, you aren't a burden, so stop thinking you are." Taehyung says, grabbing Jimin's good hand.
"Taetae.. I didn't say anything like that.." Jimin couldn't look Taehyung in the eyes, afraid that those large puppy dog eyes would see right through his mask.
"You don't have to.. that's the same look that Hyungie gives when he feels like he's not learning the routine quick enough or when he can't sing because he's sick. You don't need to pretend in front of me, Jiminie, and I don't want you to." Taehyung speaks slowly, gathering his thoughts together. "Scream, cry... do something. Just please stop giving everyone that fake smile.. it's hurting my heart.."
Jimin felt the tears swelling up again, burying his face in Taehyung's shoulder. "I wa..wa..waas so sc..sc..scared, Tae.. I cou..couldn't do any..anything..bu..but h..hi..his words hurt ev..even more.."
Taehyung strokes Jimin's hair. "It's all over now, Jiminie.. We won't let him touch you. We got extra security.." his mind burned with curiosity to know what this man said that upset his soulmate so much, but he didn't dare ask. Not when Jimin was already suffering enough. He didn't want to bring up those bad memories.
"T..T..Taehyun...m..ma..maybe you guy..guys sh..should pe..perfo..form withou..without me.." Jimin whispers.
"We might have to for a short while, until you recover more, but you'll be able to sit and perform once your bruises on your ribs and..."
"N..no..not..not ju..just f..for a..a lit..little wh..while..I mea..mean..y..you can b..be a..a..lead..w..with j..Jungk..kookie ins..stead of..me.." Jimin mumbles into Taehyung’s shoulder, the man's words ringing in his head again.
"What? No. No. No, Jiminie. It's seven or nothing. Don't let him mess with your head. You're so important.. we wouldn't be BTS without you.." Taehyung forces Jimin to look up at him, tears already streaming. "Don't say that..okay...?"
"Taehyungie.." Jimin wipes the tears from Taehyung's cheek. "I..I'm sorry.. Don't cry.."
Jimin felt awful, his heart tightening. How could he tell Taehyung that? Taehyung was the one who stuck up for him as rookies, saying he wanted me to debut with him..
"Everyone will say the same.. You're a part of our team. You'll always be wanted, okay?" Taehyung hugs Jimin lightly.
"Dinner is fini- What happened?" Jin rushes to the bed when he saw the two puffy eyed 95liners.
"I was just..telling Taehyungie about what happened to get it off my chest.." Jimin wipes his eyes, hoping he wouldn't see through his lie.
"Jiminie is also worried about all the time he has to take off to recover.. he's feeling guilty." Taehyung hides the part about Jimin thinking about quitting.
"Jiminie, don't you worry about that. We'll work around it. You need to just focus on healing." Jin places a tray with Kimchi Jjigae in front of him. "Even if we need to carry you around everywhere we go."
"Okay.." Jimin tries to pick up the chopsticks, but his three tapped fingers made it impossible to pick anything up.
"Here, let Hyung do it." Jin takes the chopsticks from him, holding a bite out to Jimin.
You'd have more parts if it weren't for me though.. your high notes are much better than mine..
Jimin felt sick with guilt as he forced himself to take the bite, knowing if he didn't eat, he'd only worry everyone.
"Are you okay, Jiminie? You look pale.." Jin reaches to touch Jimin's forehead, feeling him burning with fever. "Oh my baby, you're getting sick.."
"Sick...? No.. no, I can't be getting sick.." Jimin speaks softly. "I'm just dehydrated from crying so much." Jimin opens his mouth for another bite.
"If you think you can...alright.." Jin feeds the injured vocalist as Taehyung rushes to get water. Jimin eats about half of it before he feels uncomfortably full, Jin cutting him off. "Don't force yourself baby, I don't want you getting sick."
"Here, wash it down with some water." Taehyung opens the bottle, tipping it by Jimin's lips, him taking eager swallows. "Not too fast, Jiminie.."
"Did you eat?" J-hopes voice came from the doorway with Jungkook and Namjoon right behind him, clearly wondering the same thing.
"Yeah, I ate a little.. I'm just really tired, so I'm not that hungry.." Jimin knew that wasn't the only reason, but it wasn't a full lie.
"Then let's go so you can sleep." Jin kisses Jimin on the forehead. "Rest up kiddo." He rounds up the worried members.
"But I want to stay with him.." Taehyung argues. "Please Hyung? I'll leave when I'm tired.. I promise."
Jin looks at Jimin, whose eyes set on Taehyung with relief across his face. He probably wants someone to stay with him until he falls asleep..
"Alright, alright. You'll leave as soon as you're tired, but you need to sleep at a reasonable time for practice tomorrow."
Taehyung pouts. "What? We're going back to work already?"
"I know it sucks Tete, but we can't push back the award show like if it was one of our concerts. Staff will stay here with Jimin tomorrow. Two people have already volunteered." Namjoon gives him a sympathic look, wishing he could just call off work for a bit to stay with Jimin, but his request was denied.
"Okay.." Taehyung sighs. "I'll leave by midnight." He gets comfortable next to Jimin, pressing his side against Jimin. "I'll at least keep you company for now, Minnie. You try to rest, okay?"
Jimin nods, feeling comfort by Taehyung’s warmth exhaustion, hitting him hard.
"Goodnight, Jimin. I love you.." Taehyung whispers, stroking his hair until his breathing becomes slow.
"Lo..ve...you.." Jimin murmurs out slowly, already in a deep sleep.
(Oo, this is getting really long. If you want a part two, I'll continue it)
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sickiebabytae · 1 year
If your requests are still open and if you have time, can I request a scenerio where a member eats something way too late at night (like ramen or something) and wakes up in the morning really nauseous? My brain is screaming either Jungkook or Namjoon but I’ll leave the sickie up to you! ❤️ thanks in advance!! I love your writing
thank you so much for the request, anon!! I'm so so sorry it's taken me literally forever to get to this, and that I kind of derailed a bit when it came to the original plot 😭😭 I hope this is still to your liking!
sickie: jungkook
caretaker: namjoon
word count: 2125
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jungkook knows this will be a bad idea the moment he sets out the (six) ramen cups neatly on the table, but rational thinking isn't really in his ballpark right now. he's been feeling stressed out from their tour lately, and feels as if he hasn't been performing as well as he should be, so he thinks he needs a good stress-eating session to get his mind off of things. 
but as jungkook takes a step back and looks at the ramen cups laid out, he can't help but laugh to himself. "this is so stupid." he murmurs, pulling out his phone. this is something he thinks army might enjoy. plus, he's been trying to be more active on Twitter recently. he captions the photo with something funny and his hashtag before setting his phone down and beginning.
just as he finishes getting through the first cup and a half, lips already zinging with spice, he feels his phone vibrate against the table. he picks it up and sees it's a message from namjoon.
rapmon hyung: jungkook what the hell are you doing
rapmon hyung: I saw your post -_-
jungkook feels a sheepish smile spread across his face.
jungkook: … I'm eating my emotions
jungkook: :D
rapmon hyung: good god jungkook
rapmon hyung: this screams bad idea, you know
rapmon hyung: your stomach is going to hate you tomorrow :/
jungkook: ill be fine hyung dw
jungkook: we've got a off day tomorrow anyways, it'll be fine
rapmon hyung: you know jimin wants to go sightseeing tomorrow
jungkook: yeah, I know, I'll be okay for it :)
jungkook: please don't worry hyung, it cant turn out THAT bad
jungkook can practically hear namjoon sighing from his hotel room a few doors down
rapmon hyung: okay fine
rapmon hyung: I trust you
rapmon hyung: but don't say i didn't warn you
jungkook: ay ay captain
with that, jungkook returns to his food.
this was definitely a bad idea, jungkook thinks to himself when he's all done. well, mostly done. by the last two he couldn't bring himself to finish off the soup at the bottom. his stomach is already bloated and full beyond belief.
he decides to make light of the situation and posts an update to twitter with one photo of the (nearly) empty ramen cups and one selfie of him looking, very rightly, in pain. his lips feel swollen and his nose won't stop running and itching from the spice, eyes watery too. he throws all the cups away and shuffles into the bathroom, washing his face down and stifling a burp into his hand. he shudders and sighs. "you idiot, jungkook," the singer whispers to himself, voice thick. he pushes himself back out to his room and gets into bed. maybe lying down will help him digest, he thinks, all lessons he's ever learned in his entire life failing to come to him as his eyes start drooping closed. he feels like he's going to be sick already and he doesn't like it. maybe he'll just… rest his eyes for a moment. let the world fall silent around him. yeah, yeah that's what he'll do. 
against his will, jungkook begins to fall asleep, and he drifts off before he's even able to stop himself.
jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night, sweaty and stomach cramping. he winces and sits up instantly. "oh god- fuck-" he swings his legs over the side of the bed, but that alone forces stomach acid up that burns his throat as he burps. he places a hand over his mouth and cringes, swallowing. "shit-" he freezes in place with no idea what to do. how did this happen? he feels so much worse than when he did when he-
he fell asleep. a groan leaves his lips. he just had to have fallen asleep. his stomach is killing him, bubbling and churning. he thinks he's going to throw up. 
moving slowly, he shuffles to the table and grabs his phone. more stomach acid burns up his throat, swallowing again. he goes to text namjoon since he seemed to be the only one who was caught up with his shenanigans the night before and sees that he missed a message right before he fell asleep.
rapmon hyung: jungkook you look terrible-
rapmon hyung: did you really eat all of that??
jungkook sighs before reluctantly sending a text of his own, deciding to ignore namjoon's. he only hopes that namjoon is either still awake or won't wake up from the message notification. he just wants someone to know what's happening
jungkook: I feel sick
jungkook: really sick
jungkook: I'm really sorry :( 
jungkook shuffles back to bed and sits down, not wanting to lay back in case it makes whatever acid reflux is going on worse. he jolts with a hiccup and grimaces, untucking his shirt from the jeans he'd forgotten to change out of that keep digging into his stomach. he slips his hand in between the hemline and his abdomen to give it some leeway, sighing when it provides the slightest bit of relief. he knows he should get up and change, but he doesn't want to risk it. he feels like the tiniest movement will set his stomach off.
his phone vibrates in his other hand to jungkook's surprise and he lifts it to look at the screen to see namjoon having responded to his message.
rapmon hyung: god kid I told u
rapmon hyung: hold on
rapmon hyung: I'm coming over
jungkook's eyes widen, mortified already. namjoon cant come, he knows he looks a mess.
jungkook: no no no-
jungkook: hyung it's fine really
jungkook: I just felt like someone should know
jungkook: hyung-
as jungkook types out his next text, he hears knocking at the door followed by a hushed, "jungkook? are you in there?"
jungkook suppresses a groan and slowly pushes himself to stand, stifling a low whimper when his stomach churns in protest. he makes his way to the door, unable to straighten properly from just how full and in pain he is, and opens it with cheeks flushed with both shame and the beginnings of what might be a fever. jungkook doesn't know at this point. "hey, hyung." he murmurs. he can't bring himself to meet namjoon's eyes.
he hears the leader sigh and make his way in, warm hands coming to rest by jungkook's sides. "you idiot, come on. let's go back to bed. I'll grab you some clothes."
jungkook manages a few short nods, trudging his way back to bed and laying down in a curled up position, fighting back a grimace and laying his hand back over his stomach. he can vaguely make out namjoon shuffling around the room, grumbling under his breath. probably something to do with jungkook's clothing organization. or lack thereof; jungkook has always had a bit of an unorthodox way of storing his clothes while on tour. it's just how his brain works, okay?
still keeping his gaze averted, jungkook feels the bed dip next to him. he allows himself the smallest of glances and notices the clothes on namjoon's lap. jungkook can't help but smile; those are some of his favorite pyjamas to wear on hard days. he didn't know that namjoon had picked up on it.
"arms up." namjoon orders gently. jungkook reluctantly complies. he can't help but blush when namjoon pulls his soiled, sweaty shirt off, feeling embarrassed that namjoon has to deal with this. to top it off, jungkook shivers when the air conditioning hitting him, realizing belatedly that his bloated stomach is now on display and painfully obvious. jungkook finds himself wrapping his arms around it as quickly as possible and curling in on himself. 
namjoon sighs. "jungkook-ah, look at me please." 
jungkook shakes his head stubbornly. but before he knows it, namjoon's hand comes up to his cheek and tilts his head up, their eyes meeting. jungkook finally clocks just how welled up with tears his are, and he can see it when namjoon clocks it, too. "jungkook, are you crying??"
at that, jungkook feels his bottom lip quiver. a sob bubbles up out of him, unexpectedly. "fuck, I'm sorry-" he tries to look away again, but namjoon doesn't let up. 
"hey hey, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like such a big deal I just-" namjoon sighs again. "you're feeling really sick, huh?"
jungkook manages a pathetic nod. another sob. 
namjoon gives a nod back. "okay, that's okay." he says; it sounds like he's talking more to himself than jungkook, but the maknae is too caught up in his self pity to notice it all that much. "we can get through this, not the first time one of us has gotten knocked down."
"but… the sightseeing… the others-"
"will understand if you can't make it tomorrow." namjoon promises with a gentle smile. "now let's finish getting you changed so you don't get more sick from the cold hitting you." 
it's been an hour and jungkook has yet to fall asleep. namjoon lays next to him, having already drifted off a while ago, snoring away without a care in the world. jungkook is extremely jealous. his stomach is still gurgling and churning and it doesn't seem to want to provide him with any relief any time soon.
slowly, carefully, jungkook pushes himself up into a sitting position, afraid that he might choke on the productive burps that keep crawling up his throat. he worries at his fingers. his breathing feels short and heavy and jungkook swears under his breath. he hates this. he hates being sick. arguably more than anything in the world. he hates feeling so gross and out of control and-
great, he's crying again. jungkook shoves his head into his hands and tries not to make too much sound. this is all his fault, and he knows it, and that makes the whole situation so much worse somehow; this disaster is a product of his own making.
jungkook's head continues to swim and swirl with thoughts, and before he knows it, something heavy rushes up his throat. his mouth waters dangerously, a sour feeling coating the back of his tongue and weighing it down. he's definitely going to throw up. he feels it coming on, and fast.
throwing the sheets off himself as quickly as he can, jungkook hurries to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him, hand clamped over his mouth. he crouches in front of the toilet with a few heavy pants, white-knuckling the sides of the bowl. the first wave of vomit comes out of him with a guttural gag before jungkook can even fully process that it's happened. and then another wave comes out. and then another. and then he's rolling; more specifically, his stomach is rolling. agonizingly so. 
jungkook tries his hardest to be quiet. he really, really does. but it's difficult to do so when each round of puke rips his breath from his chest and burns the way up his throat, eliciting involuntarily whimpers and groans and pants.
he feels a warm hand on his back before he registers the fact that someone has joined him in the bathroom; namjoon. jungkook can't help but give a choked sob. "i-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I-"
"shh," namjoon hushes. "it's okay. just get everything up, it'll help you feel better."
namjoon's calm, deep voice helps some of the tension leave jungkook's muscles, but they quickly seize up again when he has to throw up once more.
after another five minutes or so go by, the last few filled with nothing but weak, unproductive gags and pants as jungkook tries to regain his breath, namjoon decides to make the executive decision that jungkook is done. the leader reaches over to flush the toilet and helps jungkook to his feet. "come on, let's wash out your mouth and go to bed."
jungkook gives a weak moan but lets himself be dragged to the sink, pliable. now that his stomach is left with nothing more than a dull ache, and waves of relief continually washing over him from the nausea finally being gone, jungkook is tired. so, so tired. he barely feels it as namjoon guides him through washing out his mouth and leading him back to bed, helping jungkook sit on the edge as namjoon shuffles off to grab a new shirt, jungkook having soiled the one he'd changed into from sweat. 
the boy is practically already out cold by the time he's been changed and tucked in. the last thing he registers is a gentle touch brushing back his hair and the familiar voice of his leader whispering for him to "sleep well, jungkookie."
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btsjimln · 7 years
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