#so i'm sort of parroting what they told me and generalizing it a bit as there's some things more specific to my industry;;;
shandian-go · 2 years
Hi! If you’re willing to share, I was just wondering what degree you have or if you could give a vague idea of what field you work in. I’m trying to figure out a new career path and I still don’t have a clue of what to do.
You’re so capable and smart at what you do in GOs so I was wondering if you have recs for stable career paths or if you have advise in being as good at management as you are. Sorry if this seems intrusive! (Please don’t feel like you have to answer if you can’t/don’t have time or if these feel intrusive. I totally understand. Otherwise, I am very appreciative of a tiny bit of advise or insight into a stable career path.)
ahh i can try to answer about my own experience but my knowledge of jobs outside my own industry is pretty limited so this may not make for the best advice just an fyi;;;
i majored in accounting in uni and worked a few years in public accounting firms. it's not exactly an experience i'd recommend to everyone bc public is pretty stressful and it's 60+ hr weeks during busy season, but i learned so much there so don't regret it. we mostly work with spreadsheets and numbers and the standards for accuracy and proper documentation are really high. so those skills def helped me set up this GO in a way that could let me track everything comfortably.
i personally chose accounting specifically for its stability and my job didn't really get impacted by the pandemic. there's def a misconception that you have to be amazing at math to go into accounting but as someone who's definitely not good at Real Math, imo you just need to know the basics and also not hate numbers n__n;;; and if you'd like to get your cpa, then it's more about case writing skills and reading through accounting standards/tax rules than actual math calculations (at least in canada).
i will say though that quite a few of my friends have left accounting to go into tech as developers/software engineers, which has much better pay and a lot more job opportunities overall. there's coding bootcamps online so you don't have to go back to school for a full degree. however i've heard that their interviews are more technical so requires more self-study. and depending on where you work, the hours can be pretty rough too;;;
i also have some friends who are acturaries that work for insurance companies, but from what i understand, it involves harder math and they had to pass for 6-8 certification exams (in contrast i only had to pass 1). i know of a few others who got their cfa designation and got finance/analyst-type roles at banks but i'm not as familiar with the process;;;
unfortunately i don't know much about 'stable' careers outside of business/tech so that's pretty much all i can touch on;;; since my experience is pretty limited and i kind of stumbled upon my own career path, i think my only general advice is that if you're not sure about what you want, you can start with figuring out what you dislike or what would be a difficult fit for your personality type.
for me, i knew in high school that i was bad at sciences so avoided all science programs when applying to uni. i'm also not a natural speaker so it was pretty stressful whenever i had to give presentations or interact face-to-face with clients. eventually i figured out that i was better at writing and also liked working with numbers, as well as researching/digging into details to solve problems on my own, and ended up where i am now ;u;
choosing a career is such a difficult decision and i hope that you have family/friends who have more insight on your situation and can give you better feedback/support than i can;;; hopefully some of this was helpful and i wish you the best of luck!
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plutomarigold · 1 year
Hi I'm gonna ramble about the LSsmp×TMA Au for a bit and nobody can stop me
Dualityduo was trying to make Zam the new Archivist because they didn't particularly trust Parrot at the time. Ro though he was gonna interfere with their plans because of his condition to Leo so wanted him out of the picture.
The institute was formally know as the L.I.F.E Institute and was passed down Parrot's family but after an "incident" the Leviathan Institute. Parrot was still the one in charge in the public eye but that was just for show.
Zam found out about Leviathan's plans only like 2 months after becoming and archive assistant and was on board with it. In reality they (Ro) were lying to him and after finding out he wanted out. But you know because the Eye shenanigans he could so you know what he did? THAT'S RIGHT! He shoved a box cutter in his eyes.
Zam decided he didn't wat taking any chance of beeing found out so he run and decided to live in an abandoned hotel far from town. Little did he know that was a hotel The Lonely so he basically just became part of it. He takes care if the hotel so more people find it appealing and willing go in it. So he is basically just feeding The Lonely.
Sopke found Bacon's book (the idiot left it in a library by accident) once and he thought it was funny so he made poopies and peepies. They now live under the Institute and everyone (except Spoke on occasions) is to afraid to do anything about them. (Cube got the book back and brought it to Mid, but she told him to give it back to Bacon cause he wasn't actually doing anything bad with it right?)
Bacon and Jaron were just waking around at night in a secluded are and they got swallowed by the moon and that's how they found Planet.
I said in my last post that Red was trying to get a thing of sorts for Ash (one of Mid's books). What I didn't mention is that he is also looking for an artefact known as The Egg and he believes Mid has it. So when Ash told him he needed one of her books he thought he would kill two birds with one stone so he agreed.
Subz created the Eclipse Federation as a way of fighting the eye because he thought they were pretending for a ritual. Needles to say he got way more that he bargained for.
At first Subz goes to Cube and Rek to get some answers but when they tell him the only possible ritual for the eye is nowhere near soon he gets Vitalasy and decide to go look for Zam, an archive assistant that went missing.
Clown and Branzy live in a small cottage very far from any towns or people in general. Clown used to be a known killer, killing anyone without any remorse. After killing Branzy the guy just,,, came back??? So Clown kills him again and again and again but he KEEPS COMEING BACK. After a bit Clown confronts him and they get,,, close,,, Blah blah blah character development blah blah. Clown swears to only kill out of necessity and agrees to move far away with Branzy. But ofcourse sometimes The Slaughter needs to be feed and how do you kill when you live in the middle of nowhere? Exactly, the guy that can come back to life. Let's just say Clown don't like those days.
That's all I have for now!
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Wait wait Grian is an African Grey in ruft au?? I must have forgot or didn’t realize because I would have been going insane about this sooner! African greys mean so much to me, my grandparents had one when I was growing up and I love them very much. Grian being one makes me so so very happy <3
Yeee!!!! The only thing. The ONLY thing I had planned from the start was that he was based on an african grey
So hilariously. I am. Terrified of birds. Genuinely so scared of them. [I am also terrified of dinosaurs. I wonder if these things are connected somehow.] And I have, coincidentally, a lot of friends who own or otherwise work with birds. Including a man here who helps take care of my local zoo's bird exhibit hall, of which one area consists of a room about the size of an acre [okay. that might be an exaggeration but it is at LEAST a half acre] full of trees native to the amazon and unsurprisingly, a lot of tropical birds. Yes I know the African Grey is not a bird from south america but I'm going somewhere with this.
So this room - I never wanted to go into it as a kid, I would burst into tears, because like. The birds are just free roaming. They're allowed to go anywhere in the room. They do feeding shows and many of the birds are used to humans so they'll get quite close to you regardless. There is a macaw in this room who is WELL acquainted with humans and likes to land on people's shoulders. He scared the SHIT out of me as a kid bc I mean - macaws are huge birds. And here one was, just sitting on my dad's shoulder.
So years later, I'm in college and well. As I'm sure people have noticed on here, I like to make friends and generally just like talking to people. So I make friends with bird guy and he gets me an after-hours tour of the bird hall - it's just me, him, and a few coworkers, one of whom is the primary caretaker of this giant bird room. And they have taken it upon themselves to help me get over my fear of birds.
It's a feeding time for the birdies so I am tasked with holding some birdseed out - the birds that eat the birdseed are generally the smaller species in the room and I have one or two takers, while most of the birds sort of peck at the ground - and then this Macaw shows up. And he lands on my arms and I get scared and drop all the seed in my hands. But he does not lead. In fact he scoots closer to me, and I nearly burst into tears. Now - they dont try to train the birds or anything to mimic human speech, but parrots who're comfortable w people, im told, 'do as they will', and so this parrot goes 'Sad? Sad?" whilest like, tilting his little head in my face. And I mean that is just simply so startling that I stopped crying and was like "Uhhhh. Yeah. I guess."
This is not a disney story, he didn't like magically know what to do with that or anything and one of his keepers took him from me because I was, you know, clearly in distress. But I think that experience is sort of what got me interested in birds ANYWAY and now I've got a lot of friends with birds and watch a lot of bird videos - and ONE of these friends has an african grey parrot that is genuinely one of the nicest animals, of any species, I have ever met. So I warmed up to her and she is like a beloved niece to me. I love going to like, a pet store and buying her a new toy for her room [Bc. she has. An entire room in my friend's apartment god bless.]
Anyway this story got out of hand but yeah, Grian's an african grey because I think I've got a bit of a bond with parrots in general now and. One little african grey has won my heart. love her.
[For those curious, the Zoo's Macaw is named 'Michael' bc he DELIGHTS in saying his name when people say the word 'macaw'. 'Michael Macaw Michael Macaw!' and my friend's parrot is named Seedie - Like Sadie but. Seed.]
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the-rat-house · 1 year
It became clear immediately why Peter had not wanted Galacta to meet Elias.
This man was a menace.
"I have to applaud you, Peter. You've actually managed to catch me off guard."
Peter rolls his eyes, Galacta fluffing up slightly. While Peter was used to those sharp eyes staring straight into his soul, Galacta was not. Being so seen, especially when he was just finally accustomed to being in the Lonely?
Of course it'd feel like some sort of vile intrusion.
"Elias." Peter says in disinterest. "This is the newest member of the Tundra's crew."
"Galacta." The knight says, trying to not let off just how uncomfortable he felt here. It wasn't just Elias - though the man definitely was a big part of it - but this place in general. Peter had warned him that they would be stepping directly into the Eye's territory, but it was not nearly enough to prepare him for just how bad it was.
It made Galacta realize quite quickly that what he missed wasn't attention, but genuine company.
"A pleasure to meet you, Galacta." Elias says. "Unless that was just some trick Peter taught you and you are just a glorified parrot."
"I am as sentient as either of you." Galacta snaps.
Elias raises his hands defensively. "My apologies."
Galacta huffs, but has no way to turn away from the man; finding a way to properly perch on Peter's shoulder had been a hassle already.
The conversation from there of course went on to asking Galacta questions. Where he came from, just what was he exactly, why he had stayed with Peter's crew... all questions that he had been prepared to answer.
But this was where he learned first hand about that ability Peter told him about. How Elias could ask questions and you just... had to answer. It was like he was reaching into your mind and plucking the words straight from it, whether you wanted to speak or not.
Being this seen felt bad. But having his mind supernaturally violated like that was sickening.
Galacta had to excuse himself from the conversation. While he obviously couldn't just roam around the Archives - the workers there were not in any way ready to meet him - he was allowed to look around Elias' office while the two humans chatted.
He wasn't particularly interested in anything they were talking about. It wasn't about him, and the decades of history these two didn't matter to him in the slightest. But the office wasn't all that interesting either. Oh sure, there were some books and little knick knacks that stuck out a bit and caught his attention for a moment or two! But overall...
It was just an office. Boring. Even though he knew the Tundra inside and out by now, the familiar old ship was still more interesting than this. There was probably some interesting secrets that were hidden away, but he had no intention of poking around and having Elias' attention on him again.
Of course, he wouldn't be so lucky. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Galacta removed his mask to rub away some smudges of dust from the visor. The next moment he could feel Eyes directed at him, and then a chuckle that was clearly meant to be a smothered laugh.
"You are absolutely adorable." Elias comments, the same way one would say to a young child, and Galacta grits his teeth. What the hell was it with humans and their blatant disrespect for 'cute' things?
"I'm also a grown man who is far older than either of you." Galacta glares at Elias as he speaks. "Don't talk to me like I'm a child."
The two humans both chuckle, and Galacta grumbles under his breath as he puts his mask back on. If only he knew more about the people and entities he was dealing with, he could put them both in their place. Instead he has to bite his tongue and just flex the irritated tension in his wings away.
"I'm going back to the Tundra." Galacta tells Peter before either human can make further comments. With a flap of his wings, mist surrounds him, and he has stepped off the chair onto the ground of his cabin on the ship.
Being able to leave areas that easily was nice, at least.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
9) series is supposed to be set in the near future. I mean, come on. They're not even a little bit prejudiced? Anyway. Another thing that I'm curious about is why people are 100% sure that Serena is infertile. After all, book!Serena (a menopausal woman) isn't tv!Serena. That bullet (pre-Gilead days) didn't hit Serena anywhere near her reproductive system and I'm pretty sure that the creators confirmed that they didn't imply anything of the sort. Maybe I missed something. Because I always assumed
10) assumed that Fred was the infertile one and that’s why their previous handmaid didn’t get pregnant. I mean, isn’t it just like Gilead to blame women for everything? Serena says that much to June and basically encourages her to have sex with Nick. Well, for her own personal gain of course. I’m gonna respond to your quotes in a little while. Tumblr won’t let me right now, bc SPAM.
I’m not sure why? I think many people haven’t read that interview with Miller, and weren’t really paying total attention about where the gunshot wound was. I think tbh, the showrunners are relying on that ambiguity. I know first I watched it, I wasn’t really paying attention and just assumed that was the whole deal, lol.
Maybe they also think that, “Well, Serena should have got pregnant pre-Gilead if she wasn’t infertile.” We saw Fred/Serena trying (once), and Serena confesses to June that they had tried so hard and lost hope. But none of that means it’s Serena’s infertility to blame. It’s just as likely to be Fred.
One argument I have seen online is that, “Well, why didn’t Serena just fuck Nick herself if she thinks it’s Fred.” Maybe a lot of people think that? I mean, there’s a lot wrong with logic on this show, and there’s no guarantee Nick isn’t sterile either but that is sort of ignored by Serena lol. (It’s not like he’s ever had kids.) 
It’s like fandom doesn’t realise that sex between Wives and Commanders is not allowed. I thought it was pretty clear by the separate bedrooms and all that shit when Serena tried to give Fred a blowjob, and then allegedly “brought lust back into his house” or whatever he said after he fucked her and then blamed her for him cheating on her with June. It seems obvious to me anyway that unless you’re in the Econo-class, you are not allowed to have sex with your spouse. Men must save their precious mojo for fertile Handmaids, not waste such glorious sperm on their barren Wives. If Serena somehow wound up pregnant, what a massive scandal that would be! She’s basically meant to abstinent and devoted entirely to her husband. It’s silly to think she could get pregnant with Nick and nobody would bat an eye.
Like you said, Gilead blames women’s sinfulness for EVERYTHING that’s gone wrong with babies. Men are just perfect godly beings. How dare anybody suggest men are the problem!!! Like, that’s exactly what the American guy says in 2x09 and tries to tell her, “Lady, you can have your own damn baby instead of stealing one.” (And ofc Serena is like, “HDU!!! MUST STEL BABBY!!!” for some stupid reason.)
Serena knows it’s Fred’s fault, totally. She also knows she’s not allowed to get pregnant or else she’ll be hanged/sent to Colonies/made a Handmaid so she’s stuck pretending. But there’s part that seems like occasionally Serena herself falls into the trap that it’s her that is barren, even if she knows the truth, when you’re told something constantly maybe you start to believe it? She sometimes acts like she believes it’s her failing. She certainly gives the idea plenty of stupid lip service. I dunno. Honestly, her devotion to Gilead at this point just doesn’t even make sense, cos she knows it’s the man’s fault generally, she knows men are awful, she knows the Ceremony fucking sucks, she hates having other women fuck her husband, she hates not reading/writing (hates knitting!), she basically hates her whole entire life… all for a baby… she could just have herself if she hadn’t agreed to coddle Fred’s pride… ??? She must have some other motivation, like to have power over other people, esp other women. Cos even her religious parroting falls flat 90% of the time. The only time she honestly seemed to believe the scripture she recited was in the sex flashback (don’t even get me started), and then at the end of 2x12 where she was basically saying “I hope this whole place burns to the ground cos they’re killing children and i’m scared for my baby.” And then in 2x13 about the reading thing. The rest of it just seems like reflex to convince herself of the bullshit she spews. (No doubt, again, she’s likely completely convinced herself of it–or was convinced at one point. She is a religious fanatic for sure. Womanly sacrifice blah blah blah whatever.)
She dumb.
And sometimes I don’t get it, so, me dumb too lol.
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