#so i'm very excited but really nervous and kinda scared! also for exams and everything aha
astrxealis · 1 year
prompto argentum my beloved
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heliads · 2 years
sorry it took me this long, it's just that now my classes are back and i'm not sure if i told you this before but i'm from brazil and the way we get into college it's quite different, it's just one giant test and it's hard. i'm studying a lot but today i finally could come here and talk to you!
btw, i missed talking to you <3
so, since lately i've been basically doing two thing with my life and one of them is watch teen wolf, i'm already finishing the first half of season five and i am OBSESSED
first, I CRIED MY EYES OUT WHEN ALLISON DIED, I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DIE AND I WAS DEVASTED. she died in scott's arms and she saying she was glad she was in the arms of her first love it BROKE me
void stiles was also A MOMENT i coudn't breathe in those episodes, i'm even lacking adjectives right now, the only think i can think of is that i was SO and that's it lol
i'm also so sad isaac left, i love him so much i want him back! but the new characters are also my whole life, i could literally watch 5 seasons of malia being completely clueless about everything, i love her too. kira is a sweetheart and i just love all her fighting scenes, she and scott are really cute together. LIAM IS A BABY AND I WILL PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS. i love the dynamic between him, stiles and scott, it's so funny
btw, is scott's dad even mentioned again? he literally just vanished, no one talked about the man ever again lol
i have to say, i like stalia but i CAN'T WAIT for stydia to happen, it's taking so long. and lydia is kinda envolved with parrish and all i can think about is that she's in high school and he's in the POLICE, i just can't-
derek has also dissapeared this season and i miss him WHERE'S MY BIG BAD WOLF
i'm in the dread doctors season and i have to say, they scare me. i was talking with my friend the other day and i told her that everyday i'm thankful teen wolf's cgi is bad because if it weren't i would be too scared to watch the show!
lydia is still my favorite and the thing with her grandma and meredith (the deadpool was also incredible) was nice, but i still miss a better explanation about what a banshee is and what she can do, i mean, at this point we kinda know, but i wish they would focus on this eventually
oh, i almost forgot about theo. he's also in pretty little liars!!!!! he's aria's little brother mike, he showed up and i was like OH GOD MIKEEEEEEE. and he's suspicious, i don't trust him but can't say i don't like him either
well, that's it. there's probably o lot of things i forgot to mention but that's what i could remember right now! i hope i can come back sooner this time
i also wanted to tell you that i got my first requests and i'm really excited, i already started one of them and i'm really nervous about but also really happy :)
it's so good to hear from you!! i hope your entrance exam goes well! sending you best wishes, lots of water, and a good sleep schedule.
also, teen wolf! season five is one of my favorite seasons tbh, i loved the dread doctors. i think season 6a is my absolute favorite but 5 is a very close second. the vibe was off the charts! i am literally getting a laptop sticker of the dread doctors book from the show. it's a problem.
allison's death physically killed me. so poetic. so sad for isaac, who had to just stand there and watch as his girlfriend declared that scott was always her love and then died? love him and he did not deserve that. also i miss him so much.
malia and kira are my faves, they're so good. i love the girls in this show too much. theo, though >> i hate to say it, but he is just too fun. i'll let you see how this season pans out for him but theo is The Best. liam too. scott too! derek too even though he's gone! i just like all of them what can i say.
no yeah i don't know where scott's dad goes. the man simply shows up for plot convenience and then immediately disappears, the show isn't even that discreet about it. fascinating.
i'm so excited to hear about your request! if you feel comfortable, i would love to be tagged in it, but i totally understand if you want to maintain your anonymity. either way i'm sure it's absolutely fantastic.
please share more teen wolf thoughts when applicable! also study. good luck again!!
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