#so if joe being a cat doesnt entice you then i'm sorry
queensdivas · 5 years
A Damned Soul Chapter 3 (A Gwil Vamp Fic)
I know these updates are coming in left and right. If it’s one thing I love doing is that postponing all my work because I wanna write. If you’re reading this for the first time I hope you all enjoy! If you would like to be added to the taglist let me know! Request are open if you guys wanna request something! Hope you all enjoy and hope to see you in the next chapter!
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Flipping the sign then unlocking the front door to the shop to see a few teenage girls were waiting outside. Stepping away from the door to let them into the shop. Looking around, giggling a little then head over to the home made candles. 
“Is there a specific candle you would like?” Asking them as they began sniffing through almost all of them. Breathing in the ones that cast out...and the ones that bring in bad spirits. Yes this is what happens when you don’t read the signs that clearly say don’t smell the candles…
“So which one will make my ex boyfriend suffer for cheating on me?” One of them asked as I pointed to the light pink one. 
“Light about four of those, then if you happen to have some sort of clothing belonging to him. You will burn each piece of clothing with the candle. For the incantation. Tsk tsk..” Walking over to the middle shelf to climb up the ladder. F...F...F… Falkers! Sliding down as I walked them over to the table for them to crowd around me. Skimming through the chapters of the book trying to remember where exactly it was in the book. Bingo!! 
Flipping through then seeing the spell written in Latin. The girls were upset for a moment till I started translating from Latin to English for them. Then the steps that go along with the entire spell. 
“Now follow these steps in this exact order so it’ll work. When it comes to the incarnation you have to say it slowly and clearly. Also make sure that it’s only you in the room and possibly the entire house since this is a dark spell. When it comes to dark spells there’s a possibility for a negative feedback to you and in the house. Figured I’d let you know before we finalize this.” 
“What sort of negative feedback? I’m still doing this no matter what.” Walking over to the tablet to see her digging into her purse for money. 
“Possibly a bad spirit that you conjured to go after him could appear for a few minutes, a nasty headache, and even some sort of weird rash on your neck. Nothing too extreme.” She slapped her money on the table as the rest of the girls were in shock that she was going through it. Taking the candles and the incantation to leave the store. 
If it’s one thing Madame Rouge taught us is that everyone has the right to try to wield magic and practice spells. If they want to then let them try. But guide them so they don’t screw up the spell to cause some kind of trouble. So if she accidentally summons a demon because she wanted to cause trouble on her ex. All on her. 
The door opened again as our main delivery man Charlies came into the store with his metal clipboard in hand. Charlie has been our main delivery man for almost everything under the sun. And we got in our supplies of something new I’ve been wanting to try for a while! 
“Morning Charlie!” He took off his baseball cap as I began signing all the paperwork he had for me. Our hands just barely grazing against each other as some sort of film real appeared in my vision. 
The drums were roaring deep as a tigers growl as the dancers flew around the large bonfire. Their chants louder than the drums playing themselves. The shadows of the dancers were telling some sort of story that I must see..
“Morning Nieve! How’s the new store coming along?” Blinking a few times as Charlie was beginning to talk to Nieve who was bringing down some blueberry buns. I finished singing the paperwork then handing the clipboard to Nieve so she could sign as well. That was kind of strange. 
Usually Nieve handles the inventory of the store except this time I...I wanted to try something new. I’ve been working on some remedies from ancient remedies used by the Aztecs. According to certain texts that I’ve acquired by some freak miracle..they would use cocoa beans and frangipani to create some sort of ecstasy smoke to bring out the romance. Not exactly what I would recommend but since these readings and evidence say it works..it’s supposed to work. 
“How many cocoa beans did you buy Robin?” Four crates came rolling into the store as Nieve was reading through the list of what we all bought. My eyes following the box then beginning to count on my fingers. 
“Just enough to see if this little trick will work.” I shouldn’t be proud but I am because it’s my money as well. 
“Five wooden crates full of cocoa beans!? Not to mention four crates full of frangipani...two full of Cinchona pubescens, and three of them being dumb cane.” Might have gotten wine drunk a few weeks ago when we were planning to move up here.
“Robin! Did you get wine drunk again!?” Charlie put the crates down in front of the counter then went back out to his truck to grab the rest of the crates. 
“We need this stuff anyhow Nieve..” Now it’s like I’m being scolded..
“Since when do we need three crates of dumb cane anyhow!? Shit this is why no wine in the house! Just like you don’t let me drink vodka and lemonade because I accidentally made the village priest in the previous..previous town do a line dance. Now let me sort this out while you go down to the pier to fetch us some dinner. I’m really craving some sort of fish dinner.” Reaching my hand out for my purse to come from behind the counter then my green army jacket flew from the coat rack onto my shoulders. 
“Any particular side dish you want?” Asking her as I put my arms through the sleeves of the jacket as she opened the first crate full of cocoa beans. 
“Potatoes?” Nodding as I walked out of the shop then down the street towards the docks if I remember correctly. 
To think Nieve have come this far in our lives still blows my mind. Figured we’d eventually find a place to finally settle down like how I want to eventually. But knowing Nieve who takes Madame Rouges post living instructions to the last period. Not saying it’s wrong or anything..but I would kind of like to stay in one place for more than two or three years..heck staying in Highbridge was almost less than two years. It might just be me being absolutely selfish..but just..not sure at the moment. Should be focusing on literally everything else at the moment instead of how I feel about this.
Making it to the docks to see the vast amount of fisherman coming into the docks with their catches of the day. Looks good from a distance I think. Not much of a fish person and never understand how people say “it taste like chicken.” Since when does fish taste like ch THERE'S SOMETHING SNIFFING MY BUTT! Looking down to see a mop sniffing my butt? It’s a dog… kneeling down to see that she was covered head to toe with beautiful white dreads with mud all over herself. Looking around her neck for some sort of collar. 
“Well hello..exactly what kind of dog are you?” She sat down as I began digging my fingers through her hair then beginning to scratch behind her ears. So far no one has come running after to fetch her.
“Do you have a name?” No response. Hmmmm. Gitta is a pretty name for her. 
“I dub the Gitta. Just have to figure out what kind of dog you are. Come then Gitta.” Barking as I got back up for us to start walking towards the docks. She walked a little ahead of me as I began walking past some of the stalls. 
A vast amount of different fish were all over and it took me a little by surprise. I had no idea the North Sea was just filled with these fish. Gitta stopped in front of the stall that had large Atlantic Cod’s hanging and sitting in ice. Cod should just do the trick for tonight! 
“Are ya new to Balmedie?” The fisherman asked as I was beginning to dig through my purse for my money. 
“Yes. Just moved here from Highbridge.” C’mon! Don’t tell me I left my money at home! Damn damn damn! Plopping my bag down to the table as I continued to dig through my bag.  
“You own the new shop don’t ya? The one that used to be the old library?” Nodding as I found the pounds at the bottom of my purse. Quickly counting through how much I have. The exact amount hopefully!
“How much for those two?” Pointing at the large but not too large cods. 
“Eight pounds each. But for a pretty lass that you are, I’ll charge ya only five per one.” Wow..weird..but nice I guess. Pulling out my pounds as I handed it to them with his eyes diverting down to Gitta. Smiling at her as she was beginning to wag her tail at him.  
“She finally found herself an owner.” Chuckling as he grabbed the fish I picked out to put them in a box that had some ice in it to keep them cool. My nails began scratching the top of Gitta���s head. Her tail smacking against the ground as she entered complete ecstasy. 
“So she doesn't belong to anyone? I was so worried that if I took her home with me today, some angry dog owner was going to come after me.” Handing me the box as I held out my hand for him to give me my change. 
“Nope. Has been wandering here since she was a pup with her old owner. A good guy who decided to go fishing when a storm was about to abrupt. Never seen or returned here again. She comes around all the time during this hour of the day just waiting for him to role in. Many have tried to take her home but she wouldn’t walk away with anyone.” Aww..so sad. Poor baby! He handed her a piece of his jerky as she chomped it down quickly. 
“Well..hopefully she’ll like my home. If not then she’ll be back here again. Thank you for the fish.” 
“Will I be seeing you around more?” My throat went dry as he had a large smile on his face. 
“I’ll be back for more fish definitely Mr…” 
“Call me Lewis. I’m here every day other than Tuesdays.” Tuesdays? He’s kind of cute I guess. Not your typical fisherman since he didn’t appear all scruffy, angry, or even covered head to toe in blood. Or it was the fact he wanted to look decent when selling fish. 
“Robin. I’ll definitely need to stop by then on Tuesdays.” Shaking his hand when in an instant a film reel rapidly played again like before with Charles..
Gowns flowing around the dance floor as two palms were lightly touching each other. Their gazes never meeting as her eyes began focusing on a man in the crowd..
“You alright there?” Stinging as the box slipped from my hands., black spots began appearing in my eyes as I nodded to his question. Yup. That was just..spooky. Picking up the box from the ground as Gitta and I began walking to the other stalls. We need potatoes, carrots, and maybe some sort of dessert? I don’t feel like cooking all that so fish, potatoes, and carrots it is! 
Rounding the corner of the church to see the shop only two more blocks away. A priest came out of the church with a group of people walking down the steps. Gitta moved closer to me as the crowd created a pathway for me to walk through. A brush of someone’s skin hit my as the reel began playing again.. 
“Burn her! Burn her!” They screamed as the flames began to engulf my feet. 
Black dots began appearing in my eyesight with my brain feeling like it was going to pop out of my noggin! Ow ow ow ow! Stopping in my tracks so I wouldn’t possibly pass out or drop dinner. It has to be just from not drinking enough water or something. Dehydration is never fun! 
Making it back to the shop to see Nieve working on the window display. Waving to her as she got out of the display to then opened the front door for me. Letting me walk in as Gitta stayed outside in the doorway. 
“A dog? Since when are you into dogs?” Snapping my fingers for her to not come in the shop. 
“Since she came up to me. C’mon girl.” Snapping one last time but she wouldn’t budge one budge. Nieve then clapped her hands for her to then run in and crawl right next to the empty fireplace. God this day keeps getting more and more strange..
“Hey Nieve..mind if I touch you?” That sentence made me cringe so badly. 
“Let me take a step. Okat so whenever I’ve come into contact with someone whether it be a brush of a hand or even giving someone a handshake. It’s like a quick snippet of either a past memory..recent activity..can’t make heads or tails of it.” She grabbed the box of fish and potatoes for her to stop dead in her tracks. 
“Speaking of seeing things. There’s a customer in the room wanting some sort of reading and figured I’d make dinner if you’d do his reading. He said he heard of you when we were in Highbridge but didn’t get the chance to come and do a reading.” Highbridge? A stranger drove like ten hours away all the way up here for some reading? 
Walking into the room where he sat in his chair...taken aback by this man who was graced with such handsomeness? Yes. Handsomeness. Just don’t blush or be stupid with his reading. Wait..wait what kind of reading did he want? 
“Good evening sir..ummm. May I ask what kind of reading you were wanting today?” His eyes were blue and gray yet sparkling as if the sun was rising onto the North Sea. 
“No real preference.” No real preference..how lovely..how so lovely. 
“Figured I’d try to something a little different and do some Capnomancy ..sound okay?” He nodded with his thumbs moving in small circles. 
“So I heard that you came all the way from Highbridge to see little old me?” I began wrapping the cedar twigs together. 
“Umm yes.” 
“You’re totally blowing it.” Someone spoke out then a slap came out of nowhere. But he was acting calm when I turned. What the bloody hell is going? 
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