#so if you are a stansa and for some reason i don't have you blocked yet and you are seeing this please do yourself a favor and block me
pixiecactus · 3 months
i'll make this my pinned post:
so a dany hater followed this blog, sorry dude (in a non binary way) but i think this isn't the blog for you, daenerys targaryen is my absolute second favourite character after arya, i know that most of my posts are focusing in the starks, but that's because after arya and dany, jon and bran are my favourites too, but honestly that's it, the starks are not a monolith and i only like very few of them, i think that ned stark was a negletful father, i don't dislike catelyn but i have a problem with her treatment of jon and her treatment of arya, i honestly don't have an opinion on robb, i'll look foward to have more information on rickon on the books and i tend to dislike book!sansa but most of the time i don't really care about her at all but absolutely hate the show!sansa and fanon!sansa (they are almost one and the same) that stansas are trying to push onto everyone else in this fandom. that's why for my mental health i have most of the popular stansas's accounts blocked
so yeah, about the key five, i love arya, dany, jon and bran and i like tyrion, and about the others characters i'm always changing my mind on jaime, i want to protect brienne, samwell and shireen, if i'm being honest i don't really care about theon, i really like the tyrells (olenna, margaery and loras), i despise tywin lannister, robert and joffrey baratheon, how things came to be between stannis and renly makes me sad, i adore arianne martell, i want to know more about the daynes, i'm heavily invested in the young griff/jon connington plotpoint, cersei and melisandre are really intriguing to me, i want to know more about lyanna and rhaegar's relationship and gendry is best boy for me
i'm mostly a gendrya shipper, i don't have a problem with jonrya, i'm on board with a future jonerys ship, i like braime and renlyxloras (do they have a ship name?)
my posts will be always talking about the asoiaf! characters as i think that the show "game of thrones" is an awful abomination. i'm not a native english speaker or writer so my posts always will be full of grammatical errors
i read the books when i was still a teenage girl back in 2014, last year i spent my time rereading arya's chapters again as an adult man with better understanding about grrm's writing style and definitely i'll read all the books again when i have the time
to end this: i'm a aroace trans man so i'm part of the queer community, if you have a problem with any part of that sentence, please block me and lastly i wish i could follow back the people that follow this blog, but i want to maintain this sideblog with my mainblog completely separate, hope you undestand!
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Etherealdany is nothing more than a pathetic liar and a fucking coward.
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So I'm not even going to pretend to be polite here because I am just done.
You have a lot of audacity to come into my inbox with this fucking bullshit. I don't even allow anon messages, so you had to cowardly make a new account just to send me this junk. How pathetic. Let's make this crystal clear here, I don't give a rats ass what you think. I follow @etherealdany for fandom reasons, and I've only followed her for a couple of weeks, but you know what? I'd defend her against the likes of you any day of the fucking week, because we all know who you are. You are just another pathetic Stansa trying to cause discord among the Dany and Arya and the Key Five fans in this fandom. You all are just so freaking pressed that we don't worship your fave ginger that you are obsessively stalking us. You call etherealdany a coward, yet it's YOU who had to make a dummy account in order to send me this message. So who is the real coward in this situation? Why don't you message me with your real account? Is it because I've already blocked you? Or are you actually the real coward?
Some word of advice, mind your own business, stop stalking us like deranged lunatics, and go outside and touch a blade of grass.
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I used to be in the asoiaf fandom (btw, love ya and like this whole side of asoiaftumblr!) and I have to ask... what in R'hllor's name is a "neutral"?
Hi @hyacinthyne! Thanks for the ask! :D
A "neutral" is usually a Big Name Fan or a "fandom expert". They pretend that they are unbiased in their analysis and pretend that they love all the characters equally. Yet when they talk about the Key Five characters, especially Arya and Dany, their responses are usually riddled with lowkey inconsideration, actual thought and analysis, and bias. They are also very clearly Sansa Stans, but they try to hide it so they aren't associated with the side of fandom that is much hated. They know not as many people would listen to them if they were clear in their biased analysis. Which is clearly shown, when in their analysis they praise Sansa at the expense of the other characters, especially Arya, Dany and Jon. They describe Sansa as the "embodiment of hope for the future" yet can't support this fact with legitimate canon evidence or even possible evidence, and never actually praise the real progressive characters in the series as being the "embodiment of hope and change" in Westeros. And when you question some of their analysis (non rudely, just correcting things they obviously got wrong or are mistaken about, or even just participating in healthy debate) they block you.
Mostly these "neutrals" love to take the moral high ground. Yet when it's the Stansa's and Jonsa's who are being particularly nasty they stay mum and "mind their own business". However when we Arya and Dany and Jon stans finally defend ourselves with legitimate canon sources to back up our arguments, they are all over us. Disparaging us Arya and Dany fans for being anti-feminist or fighting over Jon's dick (which we are not doing as shipping is never part of the argument unless Jonsa's are trying to prove canon Jonsa foreshadowing by stealing from Arya's content and her canon close relationship with Jon) or making stupid hashtags like #letaryabeugly (even though the canon evidence contradicts this as she's maturing, several times contradicted).
So basically they police fandom and act holier-than-thou because they've usually been in fandom for awhile, and are "unbiased" literary analysts, which don't exist. They are clearly Stansa's, some of them even Jonsa's, but they pretend otherwise. I'm sure many of these "neutrals" are contributing to the harassment and bullying (and the increase in it since Dany month premiered in October and is just getting worse with Jon month and will likely be horrendous by Arya month) of Key Five fans in this fandom.
It honestly is ridiculous, no one can be unbiased when reading something, because of our life experiences and who we are as people and who we relate to or not. Not to mention, there is no way someone can analyze the entirety of these books and be an "expert" on every single character or plot, much less the smaller things like foreshadowing and symbolism and themes for each character. Which is why I don't pretend to understand characters I've never really focused much of my attention and analysis on, and why I will listen to those characters legitimate fans, even real Sansa fans, who accept Sansa, flaws and all, who actually understand her real character and arc.
But these "neutrals", these "experts" try to have the moral high ground and shame the rest of us for having preferences or relating to one character more than another character or just not liking a character. Like we don't need a reason not to like a character or not be as interested in a character as others. We don't need to write a dissertation explaining why someone who was bullied in childhood can't relate to Sansa, or why a person who has never felt insecure could relate to Arya. But they seem to think it's owed to them. No, scratch that, they seem to think we are "lesser" for it and deserve to be judged and bullied for it, because like I said, most of them are Stansa's, who are always brutally offended when someone doesn't like their whitewashed fanon Sansa or her toxic stans.
I hope that answered your question. :)
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Babe, puritanism is a form of religious extremism that got women and lgbt people severely abused or killed. It’s not some teenagers or CSA survivors on the internet telling you your weird ass ships are weird, you're an old hag, grow up, children in real life can't bully you 😂 You won't be forced to perform a walk of shame or be publicly whipped because you read Wattpad fanfics about a 14 yo boy being sexually attracted to his 9 yo sister or fantasize about a 11 yo little girl being a rehabilitation center for morally repugnant adult men and drunkard rapists (you hate Sansa, why ship her with “honorable” male characters that you worship and prioritize lmao ? Besides thinking she needs to be humbled and wanting to put her in her place of course). Go to therapy or go ship Lolita and Humbert Humbert (who knows, him wanting to eventually get Lolita pregnant so he can rape his daughter Lolita the Second, and rape his granddaughter Lolita the Third may be a proof of his everlasting love), Daenerys zealots victim complex is so far removed from reality it’s not even funny, stanning that awful and boring white girl destroyed your brains, y'all sound like Polanski/Woody Allen defenders (whose attraction to underage girls was immortalized in his film Manhattan oops) or reactionary white men who said the #MeToo movement has lead to the spread of "man-hating puritanism.” 😭
Y'all want racial, feminist and lgbt representation in media cause representation matters but then turn around and romanticize pedophilia and incest and say that fiction doesn’t affect reality and fiction is created in a vacuum ? Make up your damn minds, which one is it. 😂
So let me get this straight, an obviously white Stansa, is trying to school me about oppression? Did you not even read my bio? I'm a bisexual, bi-racial indigenous woman. You do know that the Puritans persecuted Native Americans right? That they helped perform cultural genocide against Native Americans? That they were part of the reason why Native children were torn away from their families, their tribes, and shipped to abusive boarding schools in order to "civilize" them? Or how about when they imprisoned hundreds of Native American's on an island only for many of them to die from disease and starvation? So you need to shut your racist ass mouth. How condescending do you have to be to talk over me and to try to "correct" me. I have to say that it's very typical of a white girl who thinks they hold the moral high ground when they don't.
This whole message was downright deranged, but I highly suggest you go outside, touch some grass, reevaluate your sanctimonious, condescending bullshit, and grow the fuck up you literal child. I also highly suggest that YOU go to therapy. Obviously you have a hard time separating fiction from reality if you think reading and engaging with something in fiction will overwrite an adults moral code. I also highly suggest reading some books that are more your own speed. Obviously GRRM's material is too mature for you.
Pro-tip: If you don't like something in fandom, blacklist the tags and block the people you don't agree with. That is the sane course of action, but obviously your not actually sane if you think it's perfectly acceptable to instigate drama, to harass others, over fiction. Seek help.
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