#so it becomes a Voyager Thing to be like 'God I hope Ensign Xrathia taped this week's episode of The Haute and The Damned for me....'
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Voyager B Plot: B’Elanna Torres builds a television and it puts it in a common area (that couch section of the mess hall maybe) because too many people want to use the holodeck and are bored while waiting. Many people become invested in a certain soap opera, including her. When the main plot concludes the mysterious figure they’ve been helping pulls off her helmet, revealing that she’s actually the lead actress of that soap opera (there is appropriate soap opera camera work at this reveal)! Episode ends with her giving the crew of Voyager several autographs and tossing a rose to B’Elanna, her signature move.
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