#so khao being the one behind him was a surprise for him lmao
tm-trx · 9 months
Only Friends.01
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I was on the fence about starting this one, but I decided for the sake of my blacklist to just go for it. Thoughts behind the cut:
A few stream-of-consciousness bullet point notes, taken as I was watching
"viewer discretion is advised" - is this as uncommon for a GMMTV BL as I think?
of course they're all still in college; I guess it was too much to hope for this show to be centered around working adults
does Mew actually want to lose his virginity or are his friends just being obnoxious? he doesn't seem too concerned about it, so I'm leaning towards obnoxious drunk friends (ugh)
Mew being the center of this show is a surprise, but I like it. I like him more and more as the episode goes on. (Or maybe the episodes will take turns focusing on different characters?)
oh good, no one took Ray's keys :/
so how did Mew stay a virgin this long if he’s so quick to invite a guy home? he's very self-assured
ah okay that answers that question - it’s likely he’s taken other guys home and not gone through with it with them either
First and Khao - when it's just the two of them I'm riveted; how are they so good?!
I love Mew - “I don’t want a one night stand because I’m sensitive and will want you as my boyfriend and heartbreak sucks” - self-assured AND forthright
however cuddling can have the same effect, Mew, careful there
smart friends: Top’s only been around a week - who knows what his intentions are
classic romance trope: Sand told Ray off and now Ray's interested
so Boston had one night with Top and clearly wants more but Top has become interested enough in Mew to want to date him - that's going to go well
lmao Sand’s face when Top asked for the mic
seriously Top, public declaration? am I gonna have to mute already?!
when he breaks Mew’s heart it’s gonna be bad - I can't wait
that end credits shot was gorgeous wow (see above)
Based on Top and Boston's conversation at the end, I'm going to go ahead and assume that Top is serious about pursuing Mew and it's not just to get another notch on his bedpost. But it's only been a week, and who knows what the "boyfriend" label entails as far as expectations. Hopefully, we'll see Mew ask, because I want to see how honest Top will be with him from the get go.
Weird stray thought: Is it me or do Mew's glasses scream "serial killer?" A hint of what's to come, when Top inevitably breaks his heart? [No, I don't actually think Mew will go on a murder spree. But he's clearly 'one of the quiet ones' to watch out for. At least I'm rooting for him to be. I watch soaps; I am here for that drama.]
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incarnateirony · 5 years
That sounds like a really cool RP! If you could ever one day make a post detailing the plot, I would really like to read it! It seems like you had some really cool storylines, some of wich I would actually like to see on the show. But until you decide to make a post detailing it (if you ever decide to, that is), can you at least explain to me just how the Winged!Dean (not Angel!Dean) worked? Did he kept the wings? Thanks in advance!
Did Dean keeps his wings in your RP? Did he stay human? Did he get any other kind of power? Did he fly? Did use he them to teleport? Did he had any bowel problems like he did when Cas teleported him in the show?  2/2
Oh nonnie, this is a pretty long answer, but I’ll pitch it behind a cut.
First of all this considers some context.
It was a storyline we started running late S11 to early S12, right around when we knew hiatus was coming up. We decided to poke the idea of the Empty and put a story around it essentially having a break in it that was unleashing all sorts of chaos starting in the lower levels of the underworld (as if reality was set like a stack of pancakes and purgatory and hell were getting the first bullshit before it reached earth) - it was more of a conceptual threat at that point. In canon, Billie had evoked the idea of the Empty and we just went with basic mythology to extend on ideas of it, like primordial khaos and tohu v’vohu.
We are lucky, really, when we pulled our plot off over the lapse of because if this had gone down after Billie was killed we would have had a major non-canon-compliant plot hole once she reset to Death in the show and Saw The Whole Picture, but-
Let’s actually try to tell this artistically rather than linearly, because the story function itself was not linear. It started Mar 14 2016 for that given episode and we took a few days playing on it with that launching point.
And so, a retelling I’ll try to keep from writing like full fanfic. SHORTHAND RETELLING AHOY.
We all know the place – some two-pump gas station in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but dull plains somewhere in midwestern America. Dean Winchester fills his gas tank at the car with dull noise from the Impala’s radio, waiting for Sam.
Wait, no, Sam wasn’t there. Right. He had decided to do a … thing. An important thing. Whatever. Dean could handle the case alone. Whatever. Cas was probably off doing angel things. He didn’t exactly keep a tracking chip on the angel. He was a strong independent celestial that didn’t need no man and was about as good as trying to herd an entire pack of cats when he got something in his head.
Inside – well – dude, you don’t even have pocket pies? What kind of bumfuck trash heap– and Abraham The Gas Station Clerk was about as friendly as anything else around. It wasn’t about to get any more thrilling ‘round there.
Dean was out alone on the mission. It was superfluous to consider renting out a hotel. The Impala served as a home well enough, even if it was strangely empty of company. It left him reflecting back at a memory – it couldn’t have been more than a few days ago, where Dean had learned a trick to prank-gift Castiel, ending with them sitting out under the stars on the impala after Sam had shaken his head, chuffed in quiet laughter, and moved on. Some chick that had all but married an angel had found a cantrip that let her bind angelic sigils to food and drink in a way they could actually appreciate it almost like a human, as if to live it by their hand – rather than just conceptually enjoy it. The result was one surprise!drunk Castiel that still managed to hold fairly insightful conversations with Dean.
The blessings of humanity, the want to stay with them through it all; and yet here Dean was, sleeping in the backseat of an Impala alone. No Cas. No Sam.
The radio squealed over its dull music and Dean sat up to completely twist off the keys in the ignition, since sleep wouldn’t happen to that noise. But maybe it was time to get back to his hunt.
Dean was pretty sure it had been about sixteen eternities since he found good food. Whatever day of the week or whatever had been met by wild resistance. Sam and Cas had been stupidly amused over pi day T-shirts on a day that DEAN COULDN’T EVEN FIND ANY PIE. That shit haunted him when he SLEPT. What the FUCK dudes. Honestly ever since the morning after of Castiel having his first angelic experience of a hangover – a conversation full of awkward that he felt like he had gone over about 1500 times in his head – he’d just been treading water. On case progress. On objectives. On getting a damn good beer. Just endless road which, in the past, might have felt liberating. Now it was some level of hell where he had a low animation budget in the background looping the same ten frames of grain on repeat and the occasional cow. Then again, that’s the midwest for you.
Crossing a bridge at night, Dean knew he was close to his objective. He just didn’t expect to find a young kid standing at the side of it with the classic “I’m going to jump” pose going on. At first he was convinced he was seeing a ghost but, once he pulled over and managed to talk the kid from the edge, he had been greeted by babbling of monsters in the dark and just wanting to go home. Kid got lost swimming but didn’t know how to get back and, looking about six, apparently had reached a point of crazy-desperation to consider just jumping back in.
But the kid – Isaac was his name – enforced they weren’t alone. That’s fine, that’s what Dean’s there for. He takes care of the bad guys. What he didn’t expect was, pulling the kid back to the car, seeing some lovecraftian abomination of dozens of eyes and strange wings and multiple heads cracking open in the horizon behind them. And it came out swinging.
In short summary, despite Dean’s valiant efforts, the kid fell into the water after slipping from his hand and, even trying to dive in after him (and to avoid the “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT”), he couldn’t find anything in the water or the dark, but managed to slip by, get back to the car and BOOK IT. Not before his radio cranked up over 9000 and screeched so loud a few of the windows broke out, babbling in bullshit he could only recall similar to angel radio in its unintelligibility, but the thing behind slowed and fell back.
Dean being Dean didn’t really let that… sit well with him. He cursed himself, he cursed the THING – whatever the fuck that was – and tried to even consider how to handle it. He tried calling Sam. No signal. Of course. Without Sam’s magic wifi hair in the middle of fuckall nowhere, Dean would have to figure this one out alone. So around when he threw a mini tantrum and tossed his phone to the side he realized there was some dude standing in front of his car. You know, about 0.5 seconds before he hit the grill. Break slam. THUMPTHUMP. Screech.
Dean gets out and finds… it’s this old black guy in like 1920s attire and… he apparently fell under the car just-right to not become road kill. Dude complements on the state of the dream ride like, lmao dude what happened. Name’s Jacob Turner. Considering you ran me down, can I take a ride? Where you going – anywhere away from this hot mess.
And they talked. They talked a lot. And Jacob got more and more… left field about what he was talking about. Abstract. Even for their situation. You been having a lot of repeat dreams on this road alone, haven’t you; you run into some strange folks, don’t you; Me? Yeah, I’m dead. Got drowned after making some sideways devil deals. Chill out, I’m not going to hurt you, no point.  Cuz… you’re dead too. You notice the planes are pretty bare? And how long since the sun come up?
That’s right.
Lucifer had been there. He could remember the face.
It was all blurry. Lucifer, about to look for a new vessel, had taken to hiding in some sort of distortion. Dean hadn’t understood the specifics, but it was similar to something the archangel had taught Gabriel before that they lived in the Mystery Spot. Or more, Sam lived and he got retellings. He didn’t exactly get the longhand explanation before, about 100 challenges of living his day ‘right’ later – which summarily boiled down to ‘stay out of my business and mind your own’ – Dean had rebelliously tried to slam down the archangel in what he could only call a timeless space they all lingered in.
The archangel had drawn out his blade and… quite simply run the man through. Less simply was the time spiral of evoking all of his old deaths in loop. They managed to banish Lucifer from the room, but by that point, the memory echo of the hellhound that had first dragged Dean to hell had gotten ahold of him, and how does one fight off a death that already happened?
Sam and Cas were there. He remembered that panic. Castiel tried to restore him but it was only prolonging the mauling that was already set in stone from times past. And with much grief and tears, and much yelling about DOING SOMETHING from Sam, they finally agreed to have to let him go. That alone was its own highly emotional RP experience that would require a full telling, to be honest – to really strike home what happened. 
Frankly it was the first time Castiel had to watch Dean die in front of him, too. This wasn’t just metatron telling him. So enjoy first round of angelic rage-grief. They actually had to hold him back from going berserker on a reaper only he could see because it was just making it all worse. Sam was just about catatonic.
Dean’s horrified realization was interrupted by another radio squeal. He heard his name. He heard a voice he knew. He heard Castiel.
Jacob started yelling at the damn radio to mind his own business and let the dead be dead, how the hell you even getting through here– there’s no coming back. Hell, Dean pretty much implored the same. Sam and Cas needed to leave well enough alone. If he wasn’t just imagining that to begin with.
How WAS he still… doing things? Oh, Jacob all too helpfully clarified. You kind of dream. The world started as its own dream anyway. Before gods and demons, there was just a big fat nothing until something had the audacity to start dreaming, I guess. Mostly angels and stuff like that went there – that’s what that big fucking monster in the distance was. Generally they been there long enough they don’t even dream anymore. But Dean had been dreaming so damn loudly it woke up a few other sleepers in his vicinity.
THAT was an angel? Well, yeah, they’re actually kind of terrifying looking when they’re not behind a pretty face.
So what now – I just… dream everything and make some weirdo world? Well, you can be stubborn like God and try to make your own but that generally don’t work out right and you’ll never really remake what you know, it won’t really be them. Or you can do what most of us do, get tired and take a deep sleep.
To hell with that. With ANY of that. 
Sam and Castiel had been turning over the books day in and day out for days. There was really nothing about it that had any merit. Sam buried himself in the library and Castiel buried himself in feelings of remorse over his inability to help. And frankly – the angel had prayed to the man. And a few days back, he swore he felt a spark. It was enough for him to not give up, to start planning, to have Sam and the others pull grace from him to keep in vials in case his ideas went wrong. To call Crowley. To do many things. And the second time he pled into the nothing again, that old profound bond of theirs that connected grace and soul had made a line, but he was met with confusion and hostility.
But Dean… well, still existed.
And Dean, fresh with that last call, woke up in Nothing, only to be met by – which we yelled and armflailed about a year later – a big black nothing blob taking his shape and pretty much counterpointing him into the need for sleep. Stop disturbing the issues there. But this thing– this thing was a bit different from how it later turned up in the show – and frankly, was getting under his skin to see if he COULD find some way out. It was trapped past the Tzimtzum, even if with all the cosmic law breaking that had worn thin recently.
Crowley was called. Sam very, very tentatively but carefully made a contract of his own to convince Crowley to agree to. It was more of a coin flip situation. Everyone involved in this – including supporting hunters and shamans they had called together – would actually surrender not just their souls but their hunting wares if this didn’t work. A winning gamble, premised only on Crowley’s utter assistance in the process. Try to backtrack and it would be considered moot. Run interference and it was moot. But instead, taking what was left of the shards of Cas’ human soul beneath weakened grace, while they held a vial of it for emergency, again, if shit went sideways, and pretty much serving as an anchor in hell to break through the weakened veil at its point and reach into the empty.
The long and short of it was that they Profound Bond contacted each other and Dean got tractored out once telling Dean to let him in amidst the nothing-dream, but in locking on that way, Cas’ tether to his own grace got traded off to Dean who woke up angel-mode while Cas struggled with a heavily overtaxed once-vessel-now-body and essentially… got healed.
Crowley would never admit it, but for a moment when he thought they failed at first, he was disappointed or even sad – and again, though he would never say it, relieved and accomplished once everyone walked away from this. Given, angel!Dean was a little more than he could handle. Toodles.
Anyway, it wasn’t the first time Cas had parted with his grace and he was far more experienced in just about everything this go around. And frankly, they didn’t know how to undo it early on. So here we go.
There was a lot of plucky fun in it, like Dean realizing how easy it was to become a weirdo creeper. Like - with him, wings were fresh and unbroken and he learned he could just LE POOF around and it was AWESOME. Until he realized he had to have beer bound like everybody else did. And food. Hell, he just realized “it’s been two weeks since I had the urge to jack off, what the hell.” “…Dude. No.”
But he’d try to tether onto someone to poof in and poofed into the strangest situations we had fun with. Like the opportunity for Cas to stop in the bathroom and turn around morning-cleanup, “Dean… …personal space.” Right.
Or Sam rolling awake and seeing Dean staring at him DUDE. “Sorry, I can’t sleep.”
Dean asking how to summon the angel blade from the armpit dimension. Etc.
But considering the last go-round with Cas being human and kicked out of the bunker, when they started addressing their other surrounding plot-issues, Dean was like HAHAHA NOPE NOPE NOPE you STAY and everyone was like dude, Dean, chill. TLDR Cas legit angel warded himself and took off with another hunter to handle an adjacent issue that he didn’t want Sam & Dean to sully their hands and conscience with.
This also requires some context. When I started running this game I inherited players from a previously established RP that was… a little less canon compliant? Like a girl from around the Amelia saga had essentially replaced Amelia but she was a nephilim and had a kid with Sam? Our Sam player wasn’t thrilled about it when she ported in but we tried to be inclusive and make it work. Problem is that girl was a walking bag of trouble that wanted to be the perfect mother but the perfect man of letters but a nephilim but flirting with Lucifer and then couldn’t understand why the other characters were eternally pissed at her, because unlike her previous game, nobody was woobifying TFW and everybody was like THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Either way, that whole Lucifer looking for a vessel had been trying to groom the little girl, lineaged from Sam and nephilim blooded, until she could be his. He was uncle Lucy! (gag me with a spoon) but yeah. Sam at least was trying to negotiate with the mother and ‘make amends’ – not really rekindle as much as be aware his kid was in HUGE FUCKING DANGER. But Cas had also seen something dangerous in Sam’s eyes that he knew Sam would regret. If that woman didn’t let them start taking care of that child, Sam could very well snap and kill this chick at this point for the sake of bringing the child to safety.
Either way, the girl had become SUCH a walking bag of trouble all around to them including running off with the kidlet that Castiel legit decided, time to kill this nephilim and VANISHED from Dean’s radar, went blackout mode, turned off devices. 
Went on some crazy journey with a shaman that taught him about native american lore, gave him an eagle fetish totem and explained the meaning of the messenger from the sky… went through Colorado. Cas realized eating an entire bag of candy bought in Colorado was a bad idea. Cas got stoned as fuck and shenanigans happened. He turned on his phone and sent a picture of a P-Bee-J the shaman had made him to Dean who was at this point LOSING HIS SHIT. Like… a hot dog bun with jelly stripes and PB filling and pretzel antenna. Best thing.
Either way, everybody caught up to where they were converging. Sam was out with dumbmama in Yellowstone, Cas and the shaman had caught up but not reconvened with the group. Dean angel-pinged into the Impala. Sam and Dean had a dustup over Dean acting like a lunatic about Cas being out with the shaman. Like, are you jealous for her? NO. …Soooo is it Cas? NO. I’ma call them. *ensue brother wrestling match in the car over the phone before life changing advent*
Either way, they weren’t the only ones hunting the nephilim. An old angelic badass that haunted the game dropped in and everything went sideways. Everybody kind of doorkicked in at the same time on the scene by pathway overlap, Dean and Cas had a kerfluffle they had to focus past, Sam and Cas got put on getting the kid safely to the angel warded car, the mom went down, Cas doubled back to find Dean getting ironically angel bulleted (again I lost it when angel killing bullets became a thing) and used the grace vial in protection long enough to get them out.
Cue reconciliation talk once everybody’s safe at the bunker. Keep in mind at this point the story has run into very-early S12 (started just before 11x14 but we don’t hiatus), so the irony in some of this modernly is hilarious.
Dean tells Cas he can’t go dark on them like that, he was worried, that wasn’t okay. Castiel apologizes, says he didn’t mean to worry them – you get where this is going, right? Only I’ll admit we didn’t prophecize a mixtape, Cas gave Dean a raven totem he found on his journeys with the shaman for him. They reconciled briefly. 
Powers aside they essentially came to understand Dean didn’t want the life, wings and burden given to him and started resolving how to fix it.
In the TLDR, yes, they essentially grace swapped back. The totems came up later. I mean past the whole “I gave him a fetish” joke that ran endlessly. “DUDE. STOP SAYING FETISH.” - Sam; but yeah, the eagle totem came back up at a later saga during what we called Casmodeus with the same shaman helping step in with Dean to get Cas back to his senses, which also showed later in that video. 
It all wrapped up in a related mytharc of Lucifer, his servant Judas the surviving late-created Knight of Hell Cain hadn’t known about, and all kinds of other stuff, including the death of the child during the Judas/Casmodeus saga – which again, also features briefly in that video. The entity from the empty would haunt them for a while afterwards too, but that took a while to really resurface and would have been in the next video if I had the chutzpah to try to sequence it. Abraham-Isaac-Jacob were just names Japeth took on as a conscious voice for The Empty, taking on the ancient titan concept of Iapetus and sealed in their proverbial Tartarus after the flood drowned out rebel angels and nephilim into The Empty, touched on a whole bit of lore about the Curse of Ham and needing all kinds of crazy components and special soils from ancient lands and so on.
TLDR perfect mama-hunter-MOL-nephilim-lucibanger got super mad at me lmaoooo
Either way.
Hope that… very long answer fills your curiosity?
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