#so much money is being left on the table because we're in a weird purity culture times when it comes to sexuality on film
sleepynegress · 9 months
So, this discourse is the main character moment of twitter right now...
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And I have thoughts. First of all, the rise of anti-sex discourse in media is firmly based in white supremacist puritanical bullshit. The Hays Code was all about enforcing heteronormative lily-white "wholesome". LGBTQ folk and people of color, and women's pleasure(!) ALWAYS were disproportionately struck with harsher ratings. Second, film/tv/streaming has actually trended towards less sexuality recently? To the detriment of the quality of media that does center it, IMO (or why 50 Shades & 365 were oddly popular, despite being trash)....
Third, and thankfully, even more recently, I'm seeing the turn back towards sexuality in narratives but handled more thoughtfully than in the days of white male directors putting their kinks and fetishes on film (or why Bridgerton and it's spin-off is popular). Thanks to Intimacy coordinators and a broader gaze steering the proceedings. I really think a revolution is coming and all it will take is one big mainstream hit that is thoroughly sexy and undeniably good to critics and audiences. Preferrably *not* with het white leads.
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