#so now I guess it's just Weeks 1-4 of the Stan Twins Event combined.
not-quite-a-ghost · 4 years
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Those were the good times.
Soooo...let’s pretend it’s still June 15th, yeah? 
I imagine that these two rascals took their birthday cake outside as soon as their mother had her back turned, as they wanted to spend the rest of their birthday on the coolest ship ever (and they of course don’t think ahead about sand or their lack of forks or literally anything else...such as a rogue Shanklin figuring out that cake is probably delicious.)
Now, Stanley is maybe three seconds away from falling off as he tries to shoo his stab opossum away. Meanwhile, Stanford can’t decide if he wants to try to help his goofball brother with his futile plan to stop Shanklin, or if he should protect his own sliding slice so that they can share it when aforementioned plan falls apart. (Instead, he ends up with his hand awkwardly hanging in the air while his cake slides off anyway.)
I’m guessing this still counts for the Stan Twins Event put on by @thestanbros, maybe?
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