#so now the hair reveal is just in a random fansign
h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 ☁︎
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Mark loves hugging Talia for some reason, something about her aura makes her seem so lovable
He likes her sitting next to him so he can hold her hand and play with her hair since its really soft
Another things is he likes to sleepover and cuddle her to sleep over at her room since it smells nice
When they hangout in his room when she is over at the 127 dorm he likes to have her laying on his lap in silence
When hes nervous he plays with her fingers or rings and lays her head on his shoulder and lays his head on hers
He whines when she leaves the hug to do work, especially in the winter since it cold
When he says he doesn't want to hug anymore she leaves to do something else, he captures her right back
"Im hot I dont wanna cuddle anymore." "Okay" *gets up to leave* "wait nevermimd COMEBACK PLEASE."
Pats her head a lot when she does a good job
When he backhugs her, he grabs her hips and shakes her back and forth it, amuses him
During fansigns he likes to sit next to her having an arm around her or holding her hand when they are not with fans, and claims her for a good couple minutes not before other members fight him
"Ya Mark hyung stop hogging her." "Am not" "ARE TOO" "AM NOT" *fight ensues*
Or in the waiting room, waiting to start a performance you can see Mark having a hand around her waist with his head on her shoulder looking at videos.
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Hugs her a lot on and off camera
When he grew more comfortable with her he likes to kiss her cheeks since they are squishy and when he is feeling mischievous he lightly bites them
"Squishy" *kisses them* *Tali thinks nothing of it* *not satisfied* *bites* "Ah NO-"
Likes it cling on to her when she wears cute things since he finds her adorable.
When she tries to hug him he playfully denies but when she doesn't continue (because she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable) she goes to another member then he grabs her and hugs her saying he wants them now.
Has a limb around her at most times unless the other members beat him to it.
Then if she is wearing something revealing he likes to hide her by a big hug when he doesnt have a jacket.
When she's nervous she caresses his birthmark on his hand and lays her head on his shoulder
Gives her piggy back rides when she is tired and honestly worried that he is able to since she is really light and wants her to gain weight
During dream promotions they nap together in the car, lounge etc.
Likes to braid her hair or do her makeup and he does it pretty well
Sometimes gets jealous of other members when they hug her first or too long
"AY You hugged her enough come here Tali." "NO DONT LISTEN TO HIM" "HAECHAN LET GO OF HER" "NEVER-"
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Likes to pick her up a lot since she is smaller than him
*looks down at Tali* *Tali minding her own business* *picks her up* "ah wait-" *spins* "NO-"
Likes to squish her cheeks a lot when she pouts
When they are sitting he likes to either have her on his lap or between his legs so be can backhug her
Then he likes to kiss her head for when she is feeling down, or when they are in a peaceful place.
Likes to hold her hand a lot as her hands are smaller compared to his and he finds it adorble
*holds hand* "hm?" *( ◜‿◝ )* "cute"
When he has trouble sleeping he likes to go to her side/room and sleep with her as she cuddles him to sleep or sings.
And in airports he likes to engulf her in a bear hug so fans won't pull her away/she wont get lost/ just to keep her safe.
She likes to squish his cheeks when he smiles.
When she cant reach something she says up up and he picks her up by the waist so she can grab it
Then when ever she is bored she would poke Jeno's mole which makes them both smile
Then he has his hand on her back guiding her during award ceremonies
Lots of piggy back rides between these two.
One of her pillows
Nap in the lounge all the times together if not with Jeno then she goes to Renjun
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Has a limb on her at all times, or just a member away from her.
Loves to kiss her cheeks and vice versa, she find his skin so pretty she finds it hard not to kiss it
Hugs her all the time front/backhug/side etc
Always kissing her hand aswell, holds it with Jeno fighting for it when she is working and using her other hand to write or type something
My girl is just unbothered
He likes to specifically kiss her pinky for some reason
Has this thing for her legs, likes to lay on them, message them, when hes protective as a hand on her thigh and glares at the guy
Always jealous when a member has her for "too long"
Tali gives him a lot of head pats which he enjoys since he feels accomplish
Then when Tali tries to leave their cuddles session to go to a schedule not with him he whines
"Haechanie I have to go-" "Nooo" "Yes I have to go-" "NooooOOOO COMEBACK PWEASSE-"
Then he gets so dramatic when she leaves for a tour for Blackpink since he won't see her a couple months or weeks.
During tours she rooms with Haechan or he whines so much to the members dislike and if he doesnt room with his noona he will break in and take her.
During Mv shoots she usually goes up to Haechan and huddles up to him when its cold, he takes advantage of that time.
In the waiting room you can see if Tali is not sleeping Haechan will be sleeping on top of her, while she is softly scratching his scalp relaxing him to make him fall asleep
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Let me tell you....this man is clingy to her.
Like he treats her like a princess and knows how to treat a girl, but he cant hold back
Like Haechan, he likes to kiss her cheeks and etc and thats how he shows his love to her
This man got them in a scandal on how he treats her but some people can't blame them its precious
He likes to tackle her with hugs, for example the level of aggressiveness he tackles her in different situations
One level is when she is back from a tour without them he tackles her to the ground another is when she leaves without a word then its when she loses balance now thats a 50% chance she will fall
He likes to use her as his personal pillow in the dorm/ in the louge when he takes a nap/ in the car etc
Will be one of the people to be right next to her when going somewhere to protect her
When he feels clingy he goes to her because he KNOWS she doesn't have the heart to deny him but knows she has a limit and doesn't cross it
This boy is possessive with her and cuddles, so he always fights Haechan or...all members
"Haechan let go, give her-" "No" "I- LET GO" "NO." *Haechan gets tackled*
When she wears revealing clothes he is always behind her either hugging her/covering her and sometimes tugs down the clothes
Or goes infront of her and button ups the clothes because if she does it she will get scolded
Then for fan service or to amuse him since he sometimes does it in the dorm he grabs a piece of hair and kisses it then smirks at her while she gives him either a blank or a flustered face
Likes to tickle her to her death doesn't stop until she says yes to her eating dessert with him when she is on diets.
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Was very very clingy towards her during trainee and debut years but got less but still clingy
A lot of hand holding an Chenle putting his head on her lap or shoulder
Fights anyone who tries to steal her away from him like Jaemin, Haechan ...well everyone
"Jaemin Hyung, no shes mine!" "No" "No?" "No" *silence* *fight breaks out*
When she gets quiet its not like she's never not he would always go next to her and accompany her while the chaos ensues
When she is over at his house he is always had a limb on her as he wants to spend as much time with her before the members come in
Always admires her eyes, so when she makes eye contact its hold for 5 minutes until she gets embarrassed which makes him hug her and say sorry
*makes eye contact* *gets embarrassed* "Oh IM SORRY, your eyes are so pretty...cute."
When he takes naps its usually with him on her
Will literally drag her out of bed so she can go out with him
Likes to mess with her hair and put ping tails which he finds adorble
When they are out together, they either have pinkys intertwined or hands, and if in a more crowded place has his arm around her shoulder or waist
Will cling on to her during hard times to feel reassurance that shes there
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He LOVES head pats from her
Its usually goes Tali laying on her bed and her hand is in the air fiddling with her rings
Then Jisung comes in and outs his head under her hand which makes her look at an adorble jisung wanting her attention which she starts petting his hair
Then he climbs on the bed and has trapped her in his limbs, unlikes Haechan she cant escape from his hugs
*put his head under her hand* *tali pets his hair* *traps her in his limbs* "i feel like this was a trap" *cutely nods*
Random ik but she made a baggett for him once when he asked Jaemin she just offered since she was making bread anyway and was waiting for the dough to rise
Likes to backhug her a lot since she smaller compared to him in height factor and honestly just wants to protect her like she protected him
Backhugs are the main part of this relationship, when she cooks for him its like a thank you
Likes to kiss her head since its more subtle then kissing her cheek
Tali loves squishing his cheeks and he lets her, since it makes her happy it also makes Jaemin jealous
"Squish squish" *smiles down at her* *Jaemin sulking in the back*
They fix each other hair, but mostly him fix her hair and him feeling accomplished afterwards
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rousseure · 5 years
☺ from hana~~~
HANA — FIRST L.A. FANSIGN reads the huge banner sprawled over the venue’s multiple locked doors, impressive queues already formed behind them. and as soon as she spots it, think stranded girl spotting a mirage, anna draws her vip pass from her tiny purse, which starts bouncing against her hip as she starts gamboling towards the entrance check, brandishing her golden ticket for two whole minutes of hana’s undivided attention. wait for me ~ wait for me ~ she feels her heart sing, feet hitting the ground hard like a puma’s thick paws, hair flowing back like a lion’s mane. the malfunction —the fall — isn’t as majestic though. it’s a special occasion, meeting a girl, her girl, it’s only natural she wore the highest heels she owned, but just as natural she trip flat on her face and palms, only to hear the guardian standing at the door chuckle at the distinct splat sound. 
she gets up, but she gets up pissed. considering the delicacy of her position, of her status here as a fangirl, probably looking lunatic already, she simply snatches the number the asshole laughing at the door hands her. a simple, plain, and boring ‘fuck you, man’ could cost her her first meeting with hana, so she keeps it in, turns the tiny scrap of paper to reveal her seat. ‘ oh, fuck me. number one? ’
everyone knows number one is the worst. you set the pace for the whole fanmeeting, everyone is so excited, listening and staring because it’s only been five minutes, plus you don’t even get to sit in the crowd and watch hana mess around and pose for the camera afterwards. now her palms are really starting to sting but, no time - oh god, oh no, she’s here. she’s on stage! the cheers rumble all the way from the back, a good balance of girls and guys, judging from the tone and the sheer power of their reply to the ‘hi!’, and ‘everyone, how are you?’ she gleefully throws to the crowd like a bouquet. even if her voice gets drowned out, anna’s just so happy to be so close to her for once. she’s shorter than she thought, but that’s it. if anything that makes her want to jump up on there and squeeze her even more. 
sadly, physical contact isn’t allowed. that’s fine, she came prepared with cool topics and a gold chain she probably shouldn’t have saved up for but if she can see her wear it even once it’ll be worth it. she feels the burn inside her hands again as she awkwardly walks to the single chair facing hana at the table, fingers stretching in and out to help blood flow. she slides her cd towards hana but not too much that it seems too intense, the way she’s sliding it, it’s just casual, it’s all casual. she retracts her arms, which settle on her lap. ‘ hi, what’s your name? ’ hana asks lightly. she has pretty slender hands and her fingers hold the big sharpie pen so daintily, too, not that she didn’t know, it’s just hard to concentrate on other things right now. ‘ i’m also anna, ’ she confesses proudly, ‘ a - n - n - a. ’ while she’s talking, hana starts autographing the page she’d stuck with a post-it and adds a smaller ‘to anna’ underneath in one fluid motion. she’s even good at calligraphy… ‘ thanks, ’ anna says while exhaling, reaching to get back the cd and also, finally daring to make eye contact. 
people call it the hana effect, when you finally look into her eyes. she’s ready for it. hana’s expression goes from smiley to frowny as soon as she raises her chin, and anna’s eyes lower to follow the motion going out of focus as it reaches her face. ‘ oh no, anna, your chin! ’
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‘ do we have a first aid kit close? ’ hana adds, looking back at a random manager. anna wants to say she’s fine, it’s just a scratch, that she really doesn’t have to give her a band-aid or anything like that but that’s when she gets it. it’s the hana effect: her fingertips gently angling anna’s head so she can look better at the wound - if you can even call it that - she turns to stone, to mush, to ice, to anything un-moving and unresponsive. the manager comes back swiftly with a small white container, hana’s hand leaves her skin for a minute while she picks up a medical wet-nap, or whatever they’re called. hana swipes the area thoroughly, then picks a q-tip and applies some ointment, and the final touch, she does her best to stick the band-aid level. jokes on her though, anna’s face is anything but symmetrical, at least compared to her. by that time fans have already started cheering and calling her cool. ‘ all done, ’ hana chuckles. 
anna stands up, then jolts a little, remembering the gold chain she meant to give her. knowing she’s running out of time, she just slides it over the table again, a quiet offering. this is nothing compared to the experience hana just gave her. nothing. ‘ it’s not weird if i keep the band-aid, right? ’ almost on cue, a manager yells NEXT! after which, hana simply, prettily waves goodbye at her. 
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thekidultlife · 7 years
Jihoon | We Got Married AU | Ep 1
Ep 1 | Ep 2 |
Genre: Fluff, Comedy???? (i’m srsly not a funny person)
(A/N: So wtf is this? It’s a fic based on the show We Got Married and god it was so hard to replicate variety shows.I’m not sure if this is still how the show goes since the last I watched was from 2009 and I just started recently on Season 4 sooo....I’m not used to this kind of writing but it calls for it. I’m not even sure if you guys would like this but oh well here ya go) lmao the fluff version of oppaya hahahaha
Tell us if you like us to add another episode or if you like it!
MC01: Ah, who’s going to be the new couple?
MC02: They haven’t actually revealed anything to us! I hope one or both of them are idols.
MC03: (laughs) You just like idols! I’m sure you’d want to see NCT Dream’s Jaemin!
MC01: Yah! Jaemin-ssi is still too young to get married!
MC04: Just watch the video! It’s starting!
(cue to a clip SEVENTEEN performing Clap and Thank You)
MC02: Omo! It’s Seventeen! One of them is going to join?
MC03: Oh! Seventeen! Who is it? Who’s going to get married?
02011 VLIVE
(the camera is focused on Woozi in his work studio, in his usual black hoodie)
WOOZI: Ah, good! Everyone’s here. Hello! (smiles a bit as he runs his fingers through his hair) Why did I suddenly wanted to do a VLive? (grins and giggles a bit; his dimples showing) Well, I have big news and I want our Carats to know first (pauses a bit) I’m not sure if Carats would like it but…(smirks) I do hope you’ll support me.
acctuser01: omo tell us tell us
acctuser02: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i’m scared
acctuser03: ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ
acctuser04: oppa~ we’ll still support you! <3
WOOZI: (finishes reading the comments and laughs) alright, alright. Everyone calm down (clears throat) Well you see, I’m extending my invitations to everyone since I just got married.
MC02: Ah, it’s Woozi-ssi! Woozi-ssi!
WOOZI: Hello, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi. I’m 27 years old, and an idol and a music producer. I um… I never experienced any sort of relationship before (smiles embarrassingly). I never even had close female friends…so that’s why I thought I should try gaining some experience through this.
MC03: Really? I guess he’s the shy type of guy.
MC02: I’ve actually met him once and yeah, he’s really a shy person!
(A new clip plays with your girl group performing on stage)
MC04: Oh! It’s y/gg!
MC02: I’m betting on Y/N.
MC01: I agree with you! I heard they’re great friends.
MC04: Really? Well, maybe because they’re both producers
(At the backstage of Show Champion, as your girl group waits for your cue to start pre-recording)
Y/N: Ah, I almost forgot to tell you. I’m going to get married.
(everyone stops and stares at you)
Leanne: Wait, seriously? (looks panicked) Why did you only tell us now? Does the CEO know? Who is it?
Y/N: (grins) Don’t worry, they already know.
Hazel: (raises brows) Aigoo…don’t listen to her! She’s just tricking us!
Leanne: If this is all a joke, I swear!
Christel: I’m the flower girl! My dress is ready!
Y/N: (laughs) This isn’t a joke, ok? (laughs more) I’m not tricking you!
Hanna: Did you tell your parents already? (sighs exasperatedly) Y/N, don’t stress me like this!
Y/N: (can’t stop laughing and crouches on the floor) Wait, this is so funny! But I swear this is all true!
Leanne: Ah! You’re just playing with us!
Hazel: Yeah! You just told me the other day that you didn’t want a boyfriend!
Y/N: No, no! I’m serious! I’m getting married!
Hanna: AH! I get it! You’re going to enter that show, right?
Leanne: OMO You’re right!!
Hazel: Ah! Good point Hanna!
Y/N: (starts laughing again)
MC03: She’s the type of girl who kind of ends up alone, huh?
MC01: She’s the independent type. You know, like those scary girls in dramas (everyone laughs)
MC02: The “I don’t need a man” type! She strikes me as that girl!
MC04: But it’s funny how her members won’t believe her!
Y/N: Anyway, I want to ask you guys for some tips how—
Hanna: Take a peek while he’s dressing!
Christel: Take a peek while he’s taking a shower!
Hazel: Tell us if he has abs!
Y/N: (gives an annoyed look as you look at your three members) Get out.
MC03: ‘Take a peek while he’s showering’! (laughs)
Y/N: Alright, I’m serious here. Help me for a bit, ok? (everyone nods)
Leanne: Marriage is a big commitment. You have to take care of him well. I hope for all the best and that you’ll be happy with him. I’m sure our fans will still support us even after your marry him.
Y/N: (sighs) Leanne, I told you. I’m going to enter that show. This is just a virtual marriage.
Leanne: (laughs loudly) AH! I’m so slow! Wait! (laughs more) I’m sorry! I can’t believe this!
Y/N: Moving on…
Hanna: (shrugs) I dunno. You’re pretty set in becoming a good wife. You can cook, you can clean…somehow…(voice became hesitant) Don’t worry, you’re good to go!
Hazel: (gives you a thumbs up) Yes, we believe in you! Good luck, Y/N!
Y/N: I’m starting to feel afraid.
Y/N: Hi, I’m Y/N from Y/GG and I’m 25 years old. I’m an idol but I also produce songs. I wanted to join because I was beginning to get concerned with my future (laughs). You see, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really think about marriage and dating a lot, and I tend to be very career-focused. So there is a huge possibility that I might end up alone (laughs again) so before I get to that, I want to experience what it’s like to have a family and see if I can handle married life.
MC01: Ohhh! She’s such a hard working person!
MC03: Yeah…! It’s rare to see girls like her nowadays!
MC04: You’re right. My daughter at home keeps on doodling her crush’s name on her notebook! Aigoo! Younghee be like Y/N-unnie! (laughs)
09:14 PM
MBC Building
Kiss the Radio Recording
It was late in the evening when your group had finished the radio broadcast scheduled for tonight. It was a long day—starting from a show recording in the morning, a fansigning in the afternoon and a radio guesting in the evening—it had worn you out but not to the extent of days where you had five to six events scheduled. Yet unlike your other members, you were not going home yet.
As soon as you went out from the recording booth, a staff member had given you a pretty silver envelope where the logo of the show you just joined was printed. The other members—Leanne, Hanna, Hazel and Christel—all gathered behind you to take a peek on what was inside.
Mission #1
Meet your husband at the MBC Lobby at 10PM
Your heartbeat immediately raced. You had completely forgotten about it as the day went on and now that it was time to meet the person who you were going to be married to, you suddenly felt your knees weaken. Beginning to question your decisions, you wanted to runaway but you knew you couldn’t.
“I think it’s from Monsta X,” Hanna remarked with a very assured tone as she followed all of you towards the waiting room.
“Monsta X? I dunno…the show can be very random sometimes,” you said skeptically as you played with the envelope.
“It might be Seventeen!” Leanne squealed but you simply sighed.
“I’d rather not get my hopes up. I already told the staff everything they needed to know,” you replied to them; setting the envelope on the dresser and looked at yourself on the mirror. “But I hope I look presentable though.”
9:26 PM
Pledis Building
The cold air hit his cheeks immediately as Woozi walked out of the building’s back door and to the company van. He was used to climbing into the car with twelve other people but right now, he was only with Seventeen’s leader S.Coups, and members Hoshi, Seungkwan and Mingyu ( and two other managers as well) who were insistent enough for Woozi to let them come.
“Who are you guys betting on?” S.Coups asked once the van started moving, being the leader of not only Seventeen, but also of mischief, though Woozi had to snort in annoyance.
“My bet is either on Twice or Y/GG or Red Velvet!” Mingyu announced yet everyone immediately voiced out their disapproval.
“Our Woozi can’t marry any of those girls! They’re too pretty!” Hoshi remarked and was about to add more when Woozi hit his arm forcefully.
“No, no. But Mingyu is right on Y/GG! It may be Y/GG or Pristin! It’s easier for the company too!” Seungkwan said and most of them actually acknowledged his thoughts.
“Oh just be quiet!” Woozi spat at them with a scathing glare and with that everyone became quiet; feeling the nervousness Woozi was emanating inside the car.
As soon as the van pulled out in front of the MBC Building, Woozi in a navy blue button up shirt and skinny jeans, went out and walked towards the lobby in a fast pace, without even waiting for the others. His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of who his wife was going to be and was beginning to pray to the gods that it was someone he knew so he wouldn’t feel too awkward.
With your members, you strode out of the elevator while talking but before all of you walked into the main part of the lobby, you stopped them.
“Alright,” you sighed your apprehension out and continued. “I’m going there alone. So please don’t follow me,” you instructed them.
Though there were several whines of protests from Christel and Hazel, they immediately went off somewhere (probably to the café) while you, on the other hand, trotted into the main lobby confidently; hiding your nervousness expertly.
As soon as you saw the lobby with its large silver columns, marbled tiles, dim lighting and the few scattered modern armchairs, your eyes searched for someone who might remotely be your husband. Glancing from left to right and to several spots which you suspected he might be, you failed to find anyone.
You checked your watch to be sure that it was already ten in the evening and you were right—it was fifteen minutes past ten and there was still no sign for the person you were going to meet. Your eyes darted to the several red boxy armchairs near the glass walls to find a perfect spot to wait yet instead, what you spotted was a familiar figure.
Walking towards the area, you tapped a shoulder and greeted.
“Woozi-oppa, it’s nice to see you here!”
Woozi was looking at you with wide eyes and an ajar mouth that you immediately got confused.
“Is…is there something wrong?” You asked him as you sat on the chair beside him. Your presence next to him seemed to have snapped him out from his shock and shook his head as an answer.
“No, I’m fine! I’m just waiting for someone. You?” he asked as you looked down on your watch.
“Actually, I’m waiting for someone too and he’s awfully late,” you remarked with a slight annoyance in your voice.
“I feel you. I’ve been waiting here for a while too!” Woozi replied as he sank back down to his armchair. “By the way, how’s the album going?”
You sighed tiredly as you thought of what to answer. “Same old, same old. The progress is slow and I’m getting irritated by the day.”
Woozi chuckled as he felt irony of the situation. “It’s that feeling you get when you just want to smash the piano on the computer screen.”
“You don’t know how much I wanted to do that yesterday! God!” You groaned and continued, “By the way oppa, I have a question concerning the bass lines.”
“Yeah? Do you need help in placing them correctly?”
The two of you then continued to talk about music theory and composition that you two had forgotten that you were actually being filmed.
MC04: (laughing so hard, clutching his stomach) These two forgot about the mission! They forgot the mission! This can’t be real!
MC02: (laughing too) Someone better stop those two now!
“Ok, so like the syncopation is—”
“Excuse me.”
Woozi, slightly irked by the disruption, was just beginning to teach you how to place proper syncopation on songs when a staff member had walked towards you and tapped both of your shoulders.
“Sorry to interrupt but the show is…”
The voice of the PD was drowned out by your sudden realization that you were in the middle of shooting a show.
Shit. I forgot.
But of course, you can’t say that in front of the cameras.
“But my wife still hasn’t arrived and it’s almost eleven!” Woozi was complaining to the staff member when you finally paid attention and there it had hit you.
“Your wife is Y/N.”
Fuck. This isn’t a joke right?
Wait. Wait. Wait. Ok.
Woozi is my husband? Lee Jihoon is my husband?
Both you and Woozi stared at each other in astonishment until one of you had burst in hollering laughter. You stood from your seat and paced back and forth as you laughed your embarrassment out as he hit the armrest of the chair repeatedly, laughing as well.
“Seriously! I can’t believe this!” Woozi exclaimed as he buried his face on the armrest as he winced at how breathless he became; though giggles still kept on coming. “Everything’s…ruined!”
You on the other hand was crouching on the ground, hiding your face away from everyone as you whined. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!”
Hiding behind the receptionist’s desk were S.Coups, Mingyu, Seungkwan and Hoshi together with your group members Leanne and Hanna. They were laughing so hard that they were all sitting on the ground, covering their mouths—trying to hide the fact that they were eavesdropping on your conversation.
“This is fucking gold!” S.Coups exclaimed as he tried to steady himself by holding on the desk. “I swear…!”
“I wish the others were here!” Seungkwan said as he clutched on his stomach. “God…I can’t believe this…Woozi-hyung is…”
“Y/N is so embarrassing. Oh my god, I don’t want to watch anymore!” Hanna remarked yet instead of leaving like she said, she stayed behind the desk with the others as they tried to settle their laughter.
“They look like lost children,” Mingyu grinned sheepishly at them.
MC02: They look like they’re peeping at their wedding night (laughs)
MC01: This is seriously funny, you know!
MC03: I like those two already! (laughs)
MC01: I’ve never seen anyone forget they were in a show!
MC02: But you can already see that they’re a good match. They’re not awkward while talking at all!
MC04: And they’re very comfortable with one another!
MC02: That’s right! Naturally, it would be hard for new couples because they still don’t know anything about the other!
MC03: That’s because they’re already friends before they got married, so it isn’t awkward at all!
After a few minutes of rest, both you and Woozi finally recovered from the previous situation and stood face to face with a bashful expressions. You could see that his ears were still tainted pink as an amused smirk was plastered on face.
“Omo this is weird…let’s do it again, okay?” Woozi started as a chuckle escaped his lips. “Hi, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi or you can call me Jihoon, if you want. I’ll be your husband, so please take care of me.”
He held out his hand for you to shake, yet instead of taking it normally, you just couldn’t help but laugh as you shook his hand.
“I’m so sorry...I wanted this to be proper but this is really funny,” you remarked; thinking of how he didn’t really need to introduce himself since you already knew who he was. “Alright, I guess it’s my turn. I’m Y/GG’s Y/N. I’ll be your wife from now on, oppa so…I guess…let’s live happily?”
“Why do you sound unsure? Don’t you want us to live happily?” Woozi teased you and laughed more when you suddenly looked panicked.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to say!” You defended yet began giggling yourself; completely infected by your husband’s contagious laughter. “Omo I don’t know anymore!”
WOOZI: (begins chuckling as he remembered what happened) I don’t know, I don’t know. (shakes head) When Y/N came up to me, I assumed that she was going to be my wife so I was really surprised that it was her (doing those weird hand gestures he usually does while talking). But when she began talking about producing songs, I thought ‘Nah, I guess she isn’t’, so I quickly dismissed the idea. So when PD-nim came to tell us about it, I just couldn’t help but laugh. I guess I was right in the end (grins).
Y/N: (serious) I wish I could just bury myself twenty feet deep underground (sighs and laughs wryly). God, that was so embarrassing (shakes head) It never really crossed my mind that Woozi-oppa would be my husband so I didn’t assume that he will be when I talked to him. I was just planning to kill time while waiting…gosh, can I just forget what happened? (you hid your face with your hands)
“So…um…what do we do?” You asked Woozi who seemed as lost as you and sighed in hopelessness.
“We’re the worst people to be in this show,” he remarked and you agreed immediately. You both were never the most romantic people out there and to be in a show about romance was one of the worst position you both could be.
You scratched the back of your head as an idea popped into your head. “How about we go to that café you always go to and we can discuss things there?”
Woozi tossed the idea to and fro in his head and finally agreed to go; understanding that there really is a need for discussion.
“Let’s go then,” he said as he held out an arm for you to hold in which you gladly reciprocated.
MC01: I think it’s important to talk about what both wants in this stage, right?
Q: So far, what did you feel when you learned that Seventeen’s Woozi was going to be your husband?
Y/N: (grins) Surprised. (leans head to the side) I didn’t really want to expect anything and then become disappointed in the end, so I didn’t think of oppa would be my husband. If I do and then someone else would turn up, then I’ll be disappointed and that’s not fair.
Q: So you’re happy that he did turn up as your husband?
Y/N: (smiles mysteriously and shrugs)
Q: So, what do you think of your new wife?
WOOZI: (smiles giddily) I’m happy. (runs a hand through his hair) Well, that’s…that’s because we’ve known each other before and I’m not too pressured to break the awkwardness. (thinks for a while) She’s…Y/N’s…someone who I think matches well with me…I don’t think it would be hard for us to get along. In fact, we get along quiet well. I don’t mind if she’s going to be my wife.
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