#so pretty soon imma be turning off reblogs for that one post i made. the 'reblog for an ask' post
cherry-bomb-ships · 2 years
(Oh shoot! My anniversary with Arthur is tomorrow! 🥺💖💖💖 I know I'm already way behind with asks but maybe I'll reblog one of those fantastic F/ovember ask games y'all have been making so he can answer some stuff :3 💖💖💖)
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b4ts1e · 7 months
So- I as relistening to BitterSweet from YuuriVoice and had a few ideas on some one-shots from it. Imma write those when I can, but I figured I should update ya'll on a few things first. (No BitterSweet did not have anything to do with what I'm gonna talk about, just reminded me to update for you all.)
Warning- this may get a tad bit personal and may trigger people who have had similar experiences. (This is why there will be no tags on this post, also- reblogs have been turned off for this post.)
To make a long story short- my mental health was in the shithole for a little bit and I was severely stressed out. I've made a few changes to my routine to better not only my mental health, but my physical health too. Things like: changing my diet, sort of fixing my sleep schedule, becoming more physically active, and basically rewriting my whole schedule.
Before hand I was falling asleep at 7am and waking up at 4pm only to take care of my basic needs before going to work and coming home and pushing myself to write or taking a day to relax and play a game. However- after a while of that I fell ill, twice. My body forced me to properly rest and when I was starting to get better, finally, someone important to me talked to me about what was going on and helped me identify it properly.
I was in a sort of out of body mode, falling into some pretty bad habits that I used to do awhile ago. The person said it was most likely a mix of a bipolar depression episode and a derealization experience. I have experienced this kind of situation before, but it lasted much longer the last time- luckily they were able to help me break out of it and assist me into taking the right steps to avoid it happening again.
Currently I am doing much better, and said person has been looking into hiring a proper therapist for me. Maybe even a psychologist if it's deemed necessary. As soon as I'm doing a tad bit better I swear I'll get back into writing publicly again- however I cannot guarantee it will be frequently. Maybe proper writing posts between 2-4 times a month, but that'll be something that starts after I become far more used to the new schedule.
Thank you all so much for your continued enjoyment of my writings, it brings a smile to my face everytime someone likes a post if mine. And thank you for your patience.
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nowimyurdaisy · 1 year
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I posted 2,212 times in 2022
176 posts created (8%)
2,036 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,635 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#q - 351 posts
#stranger things - 125 posts
#taylor swift - 115 posts
#i love queue 3000 - 88 posts
#jeremiah fisher - 79 posts
#emrambles - 77 posts
#em's fic recs - 73 posts
#tsitp - 70 posts
#the summer i turned pretty - 67 posts
#jeremiah fisher x reader - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
babes, jeremiah fisher is my man, my love
231 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Hi can I please have a request for Jeremiah x reader, thank you so much 🥰 your writing is great!!! And Amazing!!! Where you and Jeremiah swim in the pool in the day time where everyone can see. Your dating but no one really can tell. You two flirting and giggling, just having fun but then the girl, Gigi. I think her name is? She try’s to flirt with him, he declines saying he’s got a girlfriend not really paying attention to their reaction, instead just focusing on you. She looks over to you jealous, as Jeremiah brings you into a kiss. Just that the girls are jealous that Jeremiah is only looking at you. Thank you so much 🥰😍
warnings: language? make out sesh
a/n: sorry this took so long, i've been really busy painting my sister's room. enjoy this jere 🧸  fic. Also I tweaked it a little... Sorry 💛
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Visiting Jeremiah at his job at the Club was one of your favorite things. Sure it was annoying seeing all those girls drooling over him, but it made you smile when he declined their flirtatious attempts, because you knew he was yours.
Today was one of those days. As soon as Jere saw you approaching the pool, he waved, and jumped down from his post, and ran over to you. "eager to see me? " you asked, wiggling your eyebrows. He chuckled lifting you in the air & spinning you around. You were wearing these big mirror sunglasses, and a dress covering your bikini.
"Hey, i'm still on my shift but when it's over, you and I are gonna have some fun" he said, poking you in the side, earning a giggle from you.
"Okay, ill be waiting " you said poking him right back in the side. "imma chat with steven at the snack bar" you said beginning to walk off.
When he responds, "you mean bug him at the snack bar?" and walks back to his post. You roll your eyes and head for Steven.
"if it isnt little mis y/n" Steven asks when you aproach.
"ha ha" you laugh half heartedly, "lemonade, Steven" you demqan more than ask.
"what's the magic word?" he asks, smiling, knowing that it bugs you.
"please" you sigh, steven raises an eyebrow, giving you 'and what else' look. "pretty please with a cherry on top" you say giving him your prettiest fake smile. And while the two of you were teasingly bickering with each other, Gigi was making her way over to your man in the pool.
"Hey, Jeremiah" Gigi swims over to Jeremiah.
"Hey Gigi" Jeremiah returns the smile.
"I didn't know you were working here this summer" Gigi starts flirting.
Jere ignores her statement, and blows his whistle "Billy no choking! all right?" you know he must have been talking to billy & carter, he complained about them on a daily basis.
"Jeremiah, aren't you gonna save me?" Gigi tries flirting again, capturing Jere's attention. At the sound of this you turn you head their direction, Jere surely knew she was flirting with him, right?
He gave her a smile, like he was contemplating her offer, with made your stomach swirl with jealousy. Steven notices your attention on the two, "She has been flirting with him ALL summer, surprised he hasn't gone for it yet, he's been ignoring her like she's a bag of fleas or somethin'" Steven chuckles. That comment didn't ease your stomach as well as you had hoped, you started walking back over to the pool, since Steven was being called away.
Neither of them saw you walking over, "so you got a girlfriend or something, Jere Bear? " Gigi asks Jeremiah, and god how you hated that she was calling him that.
"I do, actually" Jeremiah responded smiling at the thought of you, making him look over at you, noticing you were approaching.
"Oh what a shame" Gigi fake pouts, "we could have so SO much fun together." she smirks, biting her lip, looking up at him.
You swore your face turned red, angry & jealousy swirling in your stomach, gosh why is Gigi such a bitch you thought.
Jeremiah chuckled uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah." Jeremiah looked in your direction, seeing you walk over, he flashes a smile.
"well-" Gigi starts again, to flirt again.
At this point you were sick of it, "Hey Jeremiah" you exclaimed. You took Jeremiah by his lanyard, pulled him down and kissed him. You kissed him passionately, your jealousy fueling your passion. Your other hand is wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, as you slipped your tongue slipped past his lips, down his throat. Jere slipped off his chair and wrapped his hand around your waist. The shock on his face was wearing off. You only broke apart for air. Gig coughed "ahem"
Your head swiveled around, your arm sliding down from his neck, to rest on his bicep. "Oh, I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" You asked with fake sympathy failing to withhold a smirk.
"i- I uh, so your the girlfriend huh?" Gigi chuckles nervously.
"Yes I am" you smile proudly. Planting a kiss on Jere's lips then one on his neck then his bicep. Leaving your boyfriend a blushing mess. Making sure she knew, actually everyone knew Jeremiah Fisher was yours, your man, your love.
Taglist: @bigassnocash @http.ily @http.ilysm @buckys2thicc @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @a-ndys-stuff @almostcontentcreator
289 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Is That My Sweatshirt?!
Robby Keene Headcanon:
pairing: robby keene x reader
warnings: implied sex, smug robby 
a/n: okkk sooo, i kinda got carried away, i mean it was supposed to be just really soft and fluffy, but damn I must be horny cause, like i had to dial down the heat... Also robby and reader are both over 18!!
- He'd be so smug about it
- As soon as he walked through the door and sees you dancing around your shared apartment kitchen in just his sweatshirt and so slip on slippers
- He'd slowly smile and lean against the doorway
- Letting you do your adorable little dance while singing “you broke me firsssstt” 
- “I see somoenes having fun”, robby chuckled walking over 
- You jumped startled at his voice, “ummm” you say slowly turning around an innocent smile on you face, spatula in hand "hi” you squeaked out
- “I see you made”, robbby walked closer, “brownies, yumm”
- You would be hoping he didnt notice you were in his sweater 
- And hed be like, “oh and if i recall correctly, that's my sweatshirt” he smirked.
- “Uhhh, ye’pppp’ I got cold” you pretend shiver.
- “Well it looks way better on you than me” 
- "Thanks” 
- Then he'd dip his finger in the brownie batter "Heyy!” youd exclaim
- “What?” robby asked guilily. 
- “You cna't do that!” 
- “Yes I can” he smirked, dipping his finger in again, “mmmm”
- “HEY no double dipping, you know-” you begin, as robby cuts you off with a kiss
- “Hmmmm, you taste good” his hands resting on your waist
- “You should wear my sweaters more” his hot breath on your ear. 
- “Oh really?” you smirk, giggling, “i think it would look better on the bedroom floor” 
- Robby flustered. Kisses you hungrily, picking you up, causing a squeal from you!
Taglist: @sapphireplums @samz31 @rafecameronswhore @jasontoddthezombie 
Join here
438 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Backseat Rider
pairings: jeremiah fisher x reader, jeremiah fisher x belly conklin
warnings: sad, angst, 
summary: based on Sara Kays' amazing song Backseat Rider
a/n: first jeremiah fisher fic, this might be terrible i have no idea. Luv you all!! also go listen to sara kays!!
part 1 part 2
You lived down the block
We met for the first time at the bus stop
We sat side by side
Third seat from the back, we talked the whole ride
You met a few summers back, at the bus stop. The two of you became best friends with a snap of his fingers. His family loved you!
Six years later you bought your first car
And you told me to wait outside
Then you pulled up and somebody else
Was sitting in the passenger's side
And then you met the Conklins, Belly was your age, you two actually clicked. You couldn’t wait to go driving, you couldn’t wait to “sail” down the beachfront in his red jeep. But when that red jeep, the one that you 2 had talked about getting together, pulled up to your driveway. You smiled and waved, and then your smile dropped a little when you saw her in the passenger side. “Hey y/n/n '' Jere said as you got in the car.
“Hi Jere,” you smiled softly.
Then Belly turned up the radio and started chatting with Jeremiah, even though you were best friends, no one paid attention to you. You rested your chin on your arm and started staring off into space.
So I sat in the backseat, it didn't bother me
But after five weeks of sitting in silence behind her
While you talked of movies I've never seen
I realized that's how we used to be
But now my best friend is the driver
And I'm the backseat rider
The first few weeks were fine, you were okay with some peace and quiet. It was hard though when you were so in love with him. You loved him, but after 5 weeks of watching Belly and Jere gush over each other, you could tell he loved Belly. And it hurts.
Maybe it's my fault
Spent summer break away and forgot to call
Or maybe you forgot
Around this time last summer, we sat in the parking lot
See the full post
513 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Jealous Much?
pairing: Robby Keene x reader
warnings: mmm like one swear word? Spelling errors
summary: Robby gets a 'little' jealous
a/n: thissss is my first Robby fic. So please be gentle on me, I hope y'all like it 🤩😍
It was like any other day, the two of you had just finished up at the dojo, you were gathering up your stuff when hawk walked over to you. “Hey baby” he started off, “you looked really good out there”. You rolled your eyes, god, hawk is such a flirt. “You can kick me with one of those roundhouse kicks any day,” you chuckled at his words. You and hawk had been close friends, before he was hawk, when he was Eli. You never minded the flirtatious banter between the two of you. 
Robby watched from across the room. Jaw, and fists clenched, seeing hawk place his hand on your waist and then you laughed at whatever hawk was saying. Just angering robby even more, no robby doesn't try to be the jealous type, but he is your boyfriend, hawk is not your boyfriend. Robby angrily grabbed his bag, pushed through his fellow students, making his way over to where you were standing with Hawk by the exit. 
“Hey love” robby said, coming up behind you wrapping his arm around you. Hawk retracted his hand, placing it 'nervously’ by his side. “Ready to head out?”
“Um, sure” you said nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. "See you later Eli” you smiled, waving to him as robby swung the door open.
Finally exiting the dojo, robby turned to you. "What the hell was that back there?!” 
"What was what?” you asked, confusion laced in your voice. 
"That! With hawk!! He was all over you!” robby cried with anger, waving his hands at the dojo. 
“C'mon, we're just friends, he's always flirty, he's flirty by nature” you tried to laugh it off.
Robby chuckled at your words yelling again, face so close to yours. “That. that was not “just friends” touches!” 
You stood looking at him, fear in your eyes. “'mm sorry” you mumbled. 
“Just go” he sighed, angrily pointing the other direction, opposite his car, to which he normally takes you home in, or to his house. 
You walked off in silence slowly nodding your head. As soon as you got home you cried, the slams of your door closing echoing in the back of your mind, You sobbed into your pillow in your room. The flashes of him angrily slamming his car door shut, when you walked off into the distance, Him roughly grabbing your arm, red spot where his hand used to be. Tears burned your eyes. 
Robby stared at his phone, waiting for some miracle to happen, for you to pick up the phone? To receive a text from you? Yes. You haven’t answered any of his calls or texts in the past couple days, and it led him to worry. Gosh you could be so frustrating he thought to himself. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen you since, "the incident”. When he got jealous and he yelled at you, and you who looked like you were about to burst into tears in front of him. Oh my god, i'm an idiot he thought. 
Robby quickly ran down to the flower shop, got roses your favorite and then got you brownies with fudge frosting and m&m's on top, your favorite. He ran over to your house; knocking on the door. 
Who could that be you thought? You weren't expecting anybody, pausing taylor, you ran downstairs to open the door, a smile on your face. Swinging the door open. 
"I-” robby says lifting the flowers up towards you. Slam. You slammed the door in his face. You angrily turned around about to run upstairs. 
"Y/n!!!”robby yelled banging on the door, “give me a chance please” 
You slowly turned around, I mean what the worst that could happen you questioned yourself. Squeezing your eyes shut you open the door, peaking one eye open. "Hi" you said quietly.
“Omgosh y/n, i'm so so sorry for yelling at you and accusing of you of flirting with hawk. I know hawk's a flirt well and sorta a jerk too. but you know i trust you-”
"what do you want” you spoke up.
“i just want to spend some time with you?” robby stated. A shy smile appearing on his face. You looked at the flowers he was holding, “Oh! I almost forgot, these are for you and um brownies your favorite, with m&m's.” robby held out the gifts for you to take.
Gosh he looked like a nervous teenager, like he did on that first date of yours together. “Come in” you said, accepting the gifts and moving to the side arm swinging out to welcome him in. Walking up to your room, you ask shyly, "Wanna watch a movie and cuddle?”
"Yes! Wait does that mean you forgive me??” robby asked eyes pleading. 
See the full post
732 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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She's different
Aj POV : hi...I just...okay imma shut up but before that Im so happy that 2 or 3 people saw my post and even though I may spell some words incorrectly , english isnt my first language unfortunately but...I hope you guys stick around , this is my first time posting a story and my first time getting to be judge by other writers better than me so If I made a mistake...tell me 😊😗💖
Ps. I still have no proper storyline cause Im one of those people that always forgot to write down ideas but...hey...Im trying my best 😊💖
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WARNINGS : none🚫
Okay...IDK , if this goanna be a oneshot but this is Reader's ( YOUR ) background story okay?😗
To be close to borderland let's say Y/n is Japanese , ps. I dont own Y/n thats your name but some traits and personality are made by me.
× Female Reader ( Demisexual )(I'll try making different type and soon maybe gender neutral)
Info : Reader is 5'7 , 22 years of age , patient , sweet and gentle , she loves helping and always optimistic and keeps thinking of a better future
Y/n was like any other girl , well as any other girl who loves drowning themselves with school and helping other's , shes studying in Harvard to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) or a doctor that speacialize in helping patient recover from accidents or Emphasizing a whole-person approach to treatment and care, DOs are trained to listen and partner with their patients to help them get healthy and stay well.
See Y/n grew up to a lower class family but she was gifted with beauty and smarts , she takes modeling as a job to keep her and her mother M/n a float , her mom working as a bagger in a grocery store 24/7 even if sick
And the reason for her wanting to be a DO was because of her father F/n , he use to be a strong and athletic man until the accident , that made him full on paralyze and some days he keeps mouthing to his daughter "pull the plug" but Y/n always ignores her fathers remarks , he was the one who help Y/n graduate high school in Japan and paid for her trip to America so whenever she visit her dad she would always practice on him and eventually her dad can speak again even though it was broken he can say I love you to his daughter and loving wife , and it made it worth it.
Y/n borded her plane to visit her parents and upon arriving it seems pretty normal and she went to there new house that they manage to afford from Y/n modeling carrer and stunt doubling celebreties who happens to be 5'7
Her visit was lovely her dad can sit up and now finally half paralyze and can use his hands again making the father proud and happy because of his daughter's success and devotion in life job
Y/n woke up really early and decided to buy snacks in a convenience store down the road , grabbing her surgical mask and cap she grab her backpack with cash , her shoes and a swiss knife she was prepared , she dint became a stunt double just to get attach to a wire she also loves the thrill of jumping and climbing buildings , and whenever she gets to be part of the action scene
She bought her favorite spicy ramen and ramune a famous japanese carbonated drink that she grew up to enjoy and miss , and some fresh vegetables she bought on the way home she decided to make breakfast so she went to the market and buy stuff before she continued her walk down back to there house when every street lamp and houses lights turned off quickly
"...aish...Why now..ugh , I was hoping to watch , Zettai Kareshi/Absolute Boyfriend even though it was from 2008 I love it...*sigh*..." The young woman said calmly grabbing her flashlight , she forgot her phone unfortunately , but not the light
She walk in there house saying her "Im home and Im making breakfast" in a sing-song voice before going to the kitchen It was still dark and still no electricity , sighing she put the bought items and went to check her parents , but to no avail....
It's night here TwT , I'll continue this no worries....I hope you enjoy~
Follow me for the Updates 💖😉🍅
If you guys like it Reblog or tag me cause in all honesty we need to credit real creators more and not leave them empty handed cause honey that sucks😔✌
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americanegg · 3 years
egg’s digestible guide for attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
(cheap to mad expensive) post then later a (free quest cars) post
Car Model >  €$ (Fixer). All details about each are my own experience. Location of vehicle by district and waypoint.
(Reminder that if you’re short on eddies you can do Gigs, Sidequests, and “Assault in Progress” mini quests to get rich and level up.)
1. Thorton Galena G240 > €$ 13,000 (Regina)
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Rusty hunk of junk but functional, especially after your car gets bodied in the beginning of Act 2. Located in the garage of your apartment building.
2. Makigai MaiMai P126 >  €$ 14,000 (Wakako)
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Small. Super fucking small but decent and could turn into a red bullet on the highway at the cost of absolutely no control on your turns. Located in the southern part of Charter Hill, Westbrook sitting neatly in a small parking lot.
3. Mahir Supron FS3 >  €$ 16,000 (Reyes)
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Sort of van type situation but compact. Cheap and definitely made of plastic. Like it says that in the lore. Located East from Hargreaves St waypoint in Arroyo.
4. Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson >  €$ 17,000 (Padre)
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It’s a smooth ride, I’ll give Padre that. Long in length and takes years to turn with but it’s not made for street racing so it’s still decent for traffic and looking like a corpo. Located directly South of the Pumping Station waypoint in Wellsprings.
5. Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight >  €$ 19,000 (Dino)
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Another van-type situation with plenty of seating. Could drive your kids to soccer with this one and get there in one piece. Average vehicle overall but can go 210mph if needed. Located SouthWest of the Downtown Central waypoint and sitting in a parking lot.
6. Thorton Galena “Gecko” >  €$ 21,000 (Dakota)
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Found in the Badlands this is a great choice for rocky roads at 100mph. Go crazy and go stupid outside the city with this bad boy. Shred rubber and whatnot. Be wary of turns and speed in rocky areas as you can make as much airtime as a dirtbike on a ramp! Located SouthWest of the Old Turbines waypoint in the Eastern Badlands.
This is where Street Cred Level will come into play along with your pocket full of eddies:
(cred = streetcred level)
7. Kaiba Kusanagi CT-3X >  €$ 22,000 > 12 cred (Wakako)
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Right after Jackie’s Arch, this is my favorite ride in the game. She’s sleek, perfect for bypassing traffic, and very well-designed. Located in an abandoned parking lot in Japantown, Westbrook directly NorthEast of the Skyline and Salinas waypoint.
8. Archer Quartz EC-L R275 > €$ 29,000 > 12 cred (Regina)
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Another great set of wheels for burning rubber and kicking up sand in the Badlands, if you have the eddies for it. Located South of the Offshore St waypoint in Northside and immediately next to a Neutralize the Perps mini quest.
9. Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar >  €$ 32,000 > 12 cred (Dino)
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First of the heavy duty SUV you acquire at 30k eddies. Didn’t drive this one very much since I’m a small and sleek kinda dude but if you need to ram a taxi or show off to your video game girlfriend your chunky ride, here is the car for you. Located in Corpo Plaza SouthWest of Arasaka Tower waypoint or NorthWest of Reconciliation Park waypoint.
10. Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor >  €$ 37,000 > 12 cred (Padre)
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If you want to look like an asshole you can check this one out. Pretty much a bougie limosine type situation. Long car so long turns my guy. Located in Wellsprings, Heywood sitting in a parking lot West of Berkeley & Bay waypoint. 11. Thorton Colby C240T (aka Thorton Colby C125) >  €$ 39,000 > 20 cred (Regina)
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Vehicles to pick up your gf/bf and go to a drive-in theater with? This one. Smooth ride with plenty of seating to do you know what at said drive-in theater definitely not watching Bushido 3. Located Northside, Westbrook South of the Docks waypoint in a small parking lot in front of the Ded Zed clothing store.
12. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green) >  €$ 43,000 > 12 cred (Reyes)
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Imma be honest... I’m a slut for Thorton car models. This one is straight up satisfying to my ears and eyes. Located in the parking lot of PieZ waypoint in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.
13. Thorton Colby “Little Mule” >  €$ 49,000 > 12 cred (Dakota)
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Truckin and fuckin around the Badlands? This is definitely the car for you!  Located near the Sunset Motel parking lot in the Eastern Badlands.
14. Quadra Type-66 Avenger >  €$ 55,000 > 20 cred (Dino)
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Remember those Need for Speed games? No? Well imagine it for a second and look at this preem ride. Got that image in your mind? Now look at your wallet. Located West of Metro: Republic Way waypoint tucked under the Empathy club building.
15. Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley” (aka Quadra Type-66 640 TS)  >  €$ 58,000 > 20 cred (Reyes)
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If you haven’t noticed, Quadra Type-66 are very good at designing cars that make you look like you shred these streets since you were a babe. Like, Baby from Baby Driver would fuck this ride up, you know it choom. Located West of Kendal Park waypoint in Rancho Coronado, no more than 2-minute walk away.
16. Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate >  €$ 62,000 > 20 cred (Padre)
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Another Limo! I’ll be honest, six wheels on a car this low is crazy but Villefort always finds a way. This is the ride you’d drive to your corpo apartment to go pick up your corpo wife so you can take your corpo ride to a nearby corpo restaurant and only drink Spunky Monkey in a wine bottle. Located directly West of the Palms View Way waypoint in The Glen.
17. Herrera Outlaw GTS >  €$ 62,000 > 30 cred (Dino)
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Limousine type body but god damn if it ain’t gorgeous to look at. A real sexy piece of wheels, this one. Located in Corpo Plaza, North of Ring Road waypoint. 
18. Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” >  €$ 73,000 > 30 cred (Dakota)
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God am I a fan of rides that pick up hefts of sand and dirt? Yeah, I am. Do I love how this car looks? Absolutely. As a Nomad V, is this one of the sexiest rides you can get? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. Located in Southern Badlands near the Protein Farm waypoint.
19. Mizutani Shion MZ2 >  €$ 75,000 > 30 cred (Regina)
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Not gonna lie, this is the car that occupies my headspace every time I boot up Cyberpunk. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the design, maybe it’s the car I would take to my honeymoon, idk. Located in the same garage as the Thorton Galena in Little China, Watson.
20. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” >  €$ 76,000 > No cred requirement (Regina or Sampson)
Condition to receive for free: Sparing Samson in “The Beast In Me” side quest
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Okay other than Beast which is a chonky beast this one is a very speedy beast with classic racecar features but bulky armor. The wiki literally says this ride has 666 horsepower so you KNOW this shit is gonna slap as soon as you get in and hear that engine, dawg.  Can be found in Little China, Watson in Megabuilding H10.
21. Brennan Apollo >  €$ 94,000 > 30 cred (Padre)
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If you thought Jackie’s ARCH and the Yaiba Kusanagi was sexy boy you will not be disappointed. Smaller and more compact but a speedy on the highways and countryside. Side Effect is you’ll look like the coolest pizza delivery driver in Night City. Located in Vista Del Ray, Heywood a short walk away East of Delamain HQ waypoint. 22. Mizutani Shion “Coyote” >  €$ 115,000 > 20 cred (Dakota)
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... Look at her. Just... just look at her. Look at those wheels, that build, the spoiler, look at her! I would own so many Hot Wheels and have her in a display case alright. Like, you know what you’re signing up for at 100k eddies for Dakota. Like this car that was originally used for scooting around the city was LITERALLY modded for the Badlands. As a Nomad this is a must-have. Located in the Eastern Badlands, North of the Sunshine Motel waypoint.
23. Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 >  €$ 128,000 > 30 cred (Reyes)
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The most SUV that ever SUV’ed in Night City. Reyes calls you for this one and shit, it’s new, it’s spotless, it’s a shiny new car, and trouncing down Badlands, the streets of Kabuki, Pacifica, name it. This beaut does go maximum of around 150mph but with how big this bad boy is, it can charge through the highways but be wary of how you turn corners! Located around the block from the Red Dirt Bar waypoint to the East in Arroyo, Santo Domingo.
24. Quadra Turbo-R 740 >  €$ 129,000 > 30 cred (Wakako)
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TURBO-TASTIC ride. Again, of racecar design, you can almost smell the 1980s nostalgia from the picture alone. Located in the Dynalar building/waypoint in Charter Hill, Westbrook.
25. ARCH Nazaré >  €$ 138,000 > 40 cred (Wakako)
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Writing this guide up to this point I have discovered that Old Lady Wakako knows what “fucking nova” means because all the cars she offers are fucking bangers so of COURSE she would offer an ARCH bike like this bumblebee badboy. You can see all the fun bits in and around the bike to know what you’re getting into so expect some hella smooth sailing. Located on the way TO the Drive-In Theatre in the lot of the Gig: A Shrine Defiled. South of Drive-in Theatre, North Oak, Westbrook.
26. Rayfield Caliburn (White) >  €$ 157,000 > 40 cred (Dino)
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Dino actually coming in clutch with this last call for vehicles he offers. Like, I had to look up what “hypercar” meant to logistically know how hype this car makes me every time I hit the gas. At high speeds the engines purr like a cat, which is a whole other satisfying experience after driving hunks of junk. Located West of the Corporation St. waypoint in Downtown, City Center.
27. Rayfield Aerondight S9 “Guinevere” >  €$ 225,000 > 50 cred (Wakako)
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Um... so... this is- this is the last car from Wakako. I haven’t even gotten to the point of being able to afford this... this... work of art. I can only imagine, with the Rayfield brand, that it’s better than the Caliburn. Which I don’t even think that’s possible but once I buy it I’ll let you know. Located North of the Columbariam or directly West of the North Oak Sign waypoints in North Oak, Westbrook.
Yo, if this guide helps you or makes your day or think it’s absolutely genius or dogshit don’t forget to like/reblog! Share with your friends!
Free Vehicle Post coming soon!
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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keyboard-clicks · 4 years
tearinmyheart reblogged your post and added:
Pls go on
ok it’s not a super “FUCK YOU JOB” story but it’s still pretty good I think.  So this week, Sunday-Saturday, was gonna be my last week at this job.  I’ve lined up a new job with like, better everything and I’ll be starting soon, but I wanted to give my 2 weeks to be considerate...
But imma be real it was SO HARD to care about LITERALLY ANYTHING.  But whatever bc it was low stress, I just kinda chilled and did the bare minimum and nobody blamed me bc, y’know, I’M LEAVING.
Today I’m there just chilling with my friend and our other coworkers.  Things are getting done, but I’m not micromanaging or any of that bs bc we’re all adults everyone can handle doing some tasks.  If they ever wanna take a few minutes of a break or look at their phones I’m not gonna stop them.  They’ll get shit done.
Enter K.  She comes in today and announces that she’s our new GM.  Almost no introduction ,just a ‘hey I’m K I’m your boss now”.  We knew it was legit bc we’d heard our District Manager mention her a few times but it was really surprising that she just kinda... showed up.  Our previous GM quit literally like 4 days ago so the speed with which they found us a new one was kind of incredible and also terrible.
Now I’m gonna level with everyone.  I don’t do very well being told what to do,, especially by people I don’t know.  The old GM, i had my problems with him but overall he was a good guy and most importantly he went out of his way to be pleasant and get to know all of us.  K just came in and was like “You need to make sure you’re doing [arbitrary task] every day.”  I wont’ go into the details of [arbitrary task] but let’s just say it was a thing managers did to micromanage.  Since I was the opening manager, I was supposed to do the thing.  I had not been doing the thing bc a) we’ve only been having like 3 people on staff per day bc of COVID, b) I’d rather let everyone pick which tasks they wanna do rather than picking for them and c) I’m leaving, I literally don’t care.
I kinda say this to K, and I’ll admit it was not my wisest moment to back talk the new GM within 5 minutes of her walking into the store.  But I don’t think before i speak sometimes and i just kinda went “I’m gonna be honest, my last day is the end of the coming week I don’t... really care.”
So that made her mad.  But whatever.  I don’t know you, lady, your feelings and opinions of me have no impact.  (A slight lie, I very quickly felt sad that I made someone dislike me but it was overpowered by the happiness I felt of talking back to a manager.)
So the day goes on and stuff keeps getting done.  Something else ends up happening that K and I have a disagreement about, really nothing major but something she was like “next time, call your superior to handle the situation” and i’m like bitch a) it wasn’t a big deal and b) I’m a manager, I’m allowed to deal with unhappy customers  i don’t know you i’m not gonna call you for the problems when you don’t even officially work at this store yet and you’re just here like 2 days a week until you finish at your OTHER store.
But I don’t say that.  What I do say is (and I know almost exactly bc I texted it to a friend directly after I said it), “Listen.  I know you’re just trying to do your job, and you’re trying to do it well.  I respect that.  But like i told you it’s my last week and I honestly do not care enough to do more than the bare minimum.  I’m only still here because I didn’t want there to be a panic-scramble to fill the 4 opening shifts I’m supposed to have.  (there’s only a couple of keyholders for the store, so finding people people to fill the 4 opening shifts that would cover would have been difficult.)  If you don’t like me, if you want me to go, I will give you my keys and leave.  I just don’t want to put you in a position of having a missing keyholder for 4 openings this week if I don’t have to.”
She changed the topic and said nothing about this, so I figured she was like “y’know what fine I’ll wait it out”.
She kept leaving the building to make phonecalls for the rest of the shift, and I kinda assumed it was stuff for her other store or calling the District Manager to confirm stuff about moving locations, whatever.  I did a few small tasks, stickered stuff, rang people out, whatever whatever.  End of day comes I’m like “Hey D I’m taking down your drawer.”  D tells me “Oh, K said she was gonna do it.”  and I’m like well it’s 15 minutes to close and she’s not up here so I’m gonna do it.  So I do, but Kay stops me and takes the drawer and says she’ll do it and I’m like cool ok I guess I’ll go man the front.  Then when we actually close I’m taking back my drawer and I set it in the office and K’s like “I forgot to do a thing on the spreadsheet” and I’m like “oh hey no problem I’ll do it” and she’s like “No, I’ll do it.” and I’m like “It’s... it’s really not that big a deal but okay if that’s what you want I guess.”
So I step back out of the office and twirl my keys around my finger for a few minutes, then she comes out of the office and just says, “I’m gonna take you up on your keys offer, you’re done.”  And I’m like cool ok, so I take my keys off my keyring and give them to her, then I go into the office to count my till but she says no, she’ll do it.  This part was probably just me reading the room wrong bc autism but I go like, “Oh, maybe it’s different at your store but here we normally have the person whose drawer it is count it while the manager looks on, but if you do it a different way that’s fine.” and she’s just like “No you’re just completely done, go get your stuff and I’ll escort you out.”
turns out the calls she was making were to the other two keyholders so get the 4 openings figured out and I’m like... well damn okay.  Like I feel kind of upset but also not really bc that job was getitng on my fucking NERVES like fuck I hate retail.  So I just kinda shrug and say okay and go get my bag and my snack and have her check my bag before I leave (have to have a manager check bags when you leave to prevent theft) and she’s just like “By the way... why do you keep your bag behind the counter?’
I just kinda shrug.  The real answer is that it’s easier but I just say, “I dunno, I know we’re not allowed to.”  (I’d just been doing it for the past few days bc I had such little amount of stuff with me and so few fucks to give).  And K just looks at me and goes, “Yeah, no shit!”
Then she unlocks the door for me and I go out like “k peace byee” and I think she was actually angry by how nonplussed I seemed.  and that’s the story of how I got fired a week before my last day at the job lol
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