#so that means they have two moms (Leto and Demeter)
antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. Am i just stupid or does it seem all the fashion in LO hasn't recently gone backwards in time? Like it looks like like stuff from the 50's and 60's. Is there any particular reason for this? Because it seems weird it went from modern fashion, then 80's, and now even older.
2. rachel really went "you know who is the most oppressed people? two rich heterosexuals who are also literal gods ad only her bitch of a mom doesn't support the relationship 😔 please pray for them" like ma'am 💀
3. Persephone’s tits are about as large as her head when she’s drawn as an adult so it’s still creepy as fuck. Also, I thought she was like 16 in the flashback of her actual first meeting with Hades for some reason, she just seemed so much more immature in the flashback than she was at the beginning of the comic that I assumed she’s several years younger.. Also why are the only good nymphs the ones who have no identity outside of cheering on Persephone?
4. So every time I see pomegranates in LO I get flashbacks of that professor screaming “no pomegranates “ lol
5. There’s no way in hell RS would make Perse lose her fertility since Hades wants kids and the fandom has gone nuts over Melinoe. I think it’s more likely for Persephone’s sacrifice to be either 1) spending 6 months with Demeter like in the OG myth (how else would RS write that in since P is so smitten with H she’d never willingly leave him?) or 2) Apollo going free to keep the mortal world running smoothly (now that would be a REAL sacrifice and makes sense with how RS uses SA as a plot device)
6. I know the height thing is kinda like infantilizing an adult or whatever. However, I’m an adult who is 4’10” and I feel like depicting this kinda shows how even as an adult, sometimes shorter people aren’t taken as seriously? Like even though I’m 23, my aunts forget and refer to my (younger, but obviously taller) cousins as if they’re older than me. Idk if that makes sense.
7. I mean, considering the art team seems to do most of the work, it's more likely them making Persephone look more like an adult than RS's doing it.
8. Ah yes the great echange
Be the ruler of the Underworld and the price is.........losing your fertility...
9. So If eating the Pomegranate make you sterile mean when LoPerse will eat the fruit to become Queen she will be sterile her too....
But in the logic of the comic and people reading it she supposed " to give " LoHad children with her fertility goddess's powers.
I am the only one who see the problem?
------FP Spoilers------
10. lmao persephone isn’t even being shy about her privilege anymore. “HI I’M A FELON.” miss girl. you’re somehow both a member of the 1% and a recovering troglodyte, living it up in the upper echelon of the underworld after maiming a woman who blew the whistle on your operation. so much for giving a shit about the souls who don’t have the money to cross the river styx. she’s got the attention span of a horny chihuahua and the temperament to match. so chipper. so smug.
11. Okay to whoever said that Leto is the one pulling the strings here, GOOD JOB!! YOU GOT IT!! Leto does seem like she’s pulling the string here!! It seems like she’s going to be the most trouble and Apollo a slap on the wrist. Also why does Leto look like Hestia??? Unless that’s me???
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Godly Inheritance
Okay, so I was thinking about the gods powers and how they pass down and noticed, you can kinda see how they go down the line. The powers come from the parent’s or grandparent’s or uncles. You can see how they connect and go down the line.
At the request of my discord server, I’m making a post breaking down the connections (only really going through the direct lines to the Gods I’m focusing on)
Chaos- Creation, the primal elements, the beginning.
Kids (just the two relevant ones)
Uranus (Sky) <---> Gaea (Earth, the divine mother)
Kids (just the two relevant ones)
Kronos (Time (which you could say comes from creation) Harvest (from the Earth) <---> Rhea female fertility, motherhood, and generation (all of which can come from Gaea as the divine mother)
Hestia- hearth (again with the home (home being on Earth too), Rhea and Gaea), domesticity (home aspects, commonly connected with the mom, so Rhea), family (Rhea’s generation going to family), home (Rhea and Gaea in motherhood and the divine mother)
Hades- the underworld (Tartarus is his great-uncle and the the embodiment of a section of the underworld, Iapetus (mortality) is his uncle)
Demeter- harvest (Kronos), cycle of life and death (chaos or Iapetus (mortality))
Poseidon- Sea (from his uncle (Oceanus (who got it from Pontus/chaos)/great-uncle (Pontus)), Earthshaker (Gaea), Stormbringer (Uranus, sky)
Hera- family, marriage, childbirth (aspects connected to Rhea and Gaea as family/mothers/generations/fertility)
Zeus- sky (Uranus, sky)
The majority of the Titans got their powers from Chaos as I can tell, as Chaos is the beginning and the primal elements. The gods then inherited through them, mainly connected to parent’s or grandparents or close uncles/aunts. I could point out more Titan connections to Hera and Hestia especially, but I didn’t want to get into it all.
The rest of the main 12 Olympians.
Athena: wisdom- her mom is Metis, titaness of wisdom, prudence and deep thought
Apollo: healing, poetry, prophecy (prophecy comes from his mom's side, her mom has a connection to prophecy. Healing and poetry can be connected to family in a sense)
Artemis: childbirth, wild animals, the hunt (wild animals and the hunt connected to Gaea, childbirth to Leto or Rhea)
Ares: war or most properly spirit of battle (he takes after the spirit of how his family got along. The distasteful aspects. War between family, the deaths that led to each succession, or Tartarus his great great uncle)
Hephaestus: craftmen, blacksmiths (Metalworking and the like are arts and things connected to them so from a lose standpoint Rhea and Hera) , fire ( fire can be to lightning (Zeus) or you could connect it to earth (Gaea)), volcanoes (volcanoes are connected to earth (Gaea))
Aphrodite: she was known as a sea goddess and beauty and love (the sea is clearly love, she was born of seafoam and the sky, both have many connections to love and both are beautiful even if not holding that as a realm, obvious where sea is from)
Hermes: trade (connected to travel and wealth so Zeus and Gaea), wealth (connected to Justice, Zeus) , luck (connected to Justice, Zeus), fertility (Maia, goddess of nursing mothers), sleep (Maia, goddess of nursing mothers), travel (over Earth so Gaea)
Dionysus: wine, pleasure, festivity, madness (I mean, he earned his on his own. Mad props to him for being his own person) 
I’ll reblog this later or make another one that has more gods, children of the above, and how they inherited their powers.
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hermesmoly · 5 years
I've been doing some research on Britomartis (and I really like her) and I really wanted to do some drawings of her but I have no clue what she would look like. I've got some ideas but because she is a minor deity and sometimes gets confused with Artemis the images I've found of her or descriptions are all over the place or are just descriptions and images of Artemis. So what do you think she would look like because I'm a little stuck?
I think the official pjo artist made one for her in the Riordan wikipedia page...
Tumblr media
(Honestly she looks so badass) (maybe it's just my pan heart)
Sadly, there's no literary description of Britomartis that I could find (which is a shame because i like her a lot too) buutttt: if this may help, she is very identified with two goddesses: Demeter and Artemis.
Demeter because Brito's dad is a son of Demeter, which makes Brito her granddaughter. So if Brito takes after her grandma, she'd have "golden rich hair." Rich in this sentence means thick, so you can use that as a reference. Or switch it up and give her dark brown hair XD, you do have the freedom!
And Artemis for obvious reasons. Some versions call Britomartis as a daughter of Leto (need to love your girlfriend's mom XD) and she's also described as a goddess with "lovely tresses" and "slim waisted." Since Britomartis is a part of Artemis' hunters, i like to think she dresses similar to Artie, maybe with her own set of bow and arrow as well (and of course her nets). I'm afraid that's all i could think of this moment, but i really hope this helps!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. does ... does anyone on the LO art team know anatomy? why does daphne look like that? (also im p sure the flower petal hair idea was stolen from punderworld and/or hades game, because all flower nymphs before in LO never had that feature but now do?)
2. Weird thing but Daphne was/is a health it. She runs, is a yoga teacher, and probably more since she has a lot we “don’t expect” yet Apollo is just following behind her, like not flying not some weird god power, just chasing after her as she runs from him. Sure the dress might slow her down but she tied it. I feel like she could have gotten farther faster.
3. i kinda get what LO is doing by trying to make Demeter "redeemable" by making her a victim too, but that shouldn't be via depowering her so much to where Zeus and Leto and even Hecate can push her around, but also we still saw Demeter was emotionally and mentally abusive to Persephone, that doesn't just go away over the span of a stressful month. I get LO is doing this so Persephone isn't stuck with an abusive mom half the year, but this is the worst possible way to do it.
4. I honestly hate Apollo’s character in lo.  He’s not a fun villain or a villain to root for. He’s not even a villain I love to hate.  Apollo’s motivations are barely even explained.  His character makes me so uncomfortable and makes reading lo harder than usual.
5. the only two times ive seen a depiction of hades running a business like LO it was HADES and Hadestown, and the former made sure to show Hades paid everyone and have them benefits like time off, and the latter was about how capitalism is a cruel and unjust system. Meanwhile LO is like "slavery is good, actually", like ...
6. I used to really love Lore Olympus - to the point where I would argue with the anti's to leave the comic alone. I'm Greek, and I hate the Percy Jackson series with a passion and I think I clung onto LO as the closest thing to what a non-Greek could produce that was actually pretty good.
And to be honest, season 1 wasn't that bad at all! There were a few funky pacing issues, and some things that needed an explanation (why Apollo was entitled, why Demeter kept Persephone hidden, a bit more on why Hades is considered a bad person, ext.) But I just interpreted that these things would come with time. After all, it's a series.
But then, season 2 actually came out. This is when I started to notice that the webtoon, even in season 1, had a ton of bad writing.
Apollo is cartoonishly and unreasonably evil. He has no nuance to him, like the other gods and goddesses. In Greek mythology, everyone did shitty things, so I guess I expected a bit more nuance to his character since Smythe had given this to her other villain-like characters - like Minthe, Zeus, even Chronos was hinted at having some emotional issues. Yet Apollo comes in and the only thing we know is that he could be being pushed by his mother - but we don't really see his side of the story - and if anyone tries to bring this up it immediately gets put down as "You're a r@pe apologist!" No, I just need a bit more consistency - you can't give Minthe a reason as to why she does what she does, make Zeus nuanced, but then treat this other character like the devil himself - especially when this God is such an important part of Greek culture and mythology.
Smythe's Demeter has become a joke. How is it, the Goddess that was once referred to some ancient Greeks as Mother Earth herself, a powerful Chthonic Goddess along with her daughters Persephone and the mysterious Despoina, was one of the most important Goddesses to date, is not a Fertility Goddess and is easily captured? I mean, ok, Leto was indeed a Titan of Night/Light of Day and considered to be one of Zeus's brides; but Smythe didn't even bother showing us the Goddesses fighting or interacting! There was no struggle at all?! On top of that, she is a perfectionist that is considered overbearing and snobbish - I don't understand how Demeter can be shown as strong and even threatening in season 1 and was even hinted at having a history with Zeus and Hades is now just....a character trope?
Why is Persephone being written as a Mary Sue? I never thought I would have to bring this word up in the Lord's year of 2021, but here we are. Persephone has too many men after her or has shown a slight interest (Hades, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, and possibly Chronos? Seriously?) Like, I know that in *one* story it was mentioned that those Gods mentioned offered her wedding gifts, but Demeter turned them away- but they weren't all going after her at once. Demeter's fertility Goddess title was obviously taken from her (among other Goddesses) to make Persephone the super special one. And now her Act of Wrath is being downplayed and Zeus is being villainized for wanting to convict her...I honestly stopped feeling sorry for her. I'm at the point where I want Zeus to give her to Apollo haha.
Hades's character is inconsistent - first, he's portrayed as a 'scoundrel' CEO type that people fear - one that literally rips someone's eye out and forces the dead to pay to get into the afterlife- and then he's portrayed as a gentle and loving man? These two character types do not flow together smoothly, and Smythe has made little to no effort to harmonize them.
When I presented these criticisms to the recent fast pass chapter - I was attacked. More than 10 dislikes and fans telling me that I need to stop reading and that saying that Demeter and Apollo are badly written is me missing the point of the story. The fandom has also become incredibly toxic, and I'm ashamed to say that I even defended this comic. 
7. id be so mad if i spent years reading this comic only for them to get together off screen. i really hope rachel isnt pulling that because as much as the fans are annoying, they deserve to actually see what they've been waiting and paying for, not have it all happen off screen and rushed.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. i dont even think lo persephone is particularly a bad character, i think the issue is rachel has no idea what to do with her. she wants her to be native and innocent but also deadly and confident, but that'd require persephone to have some flaws/complexities, so she just makes up vague "feelings" and the underworld making her smell bad. rachel herself cant commit to actually letting persephone be a real character with weaknesses and flaws.  which just ends up making persephone boring and flat. 
(same anon abt persephone's lack of flaws) the issue too is that because rachel made persephone the most powerful goddess and has hades as the most powerful king with all the resources, all sense of stakes and tension is just not there. they dont even have actual antagonists because apollo, demeter, and leto are jokes, minthe had no power, and everyone falls over backwards to defend hxp, and we already know the ending. the plot and conflict are as shallow as the characters themselves.
2. its honestly kinda ??? that there is art of lo demeter and persephone and how loving of a relationship they are (were?) and yet thats not in the actual comic? like demeter's love for persephone is framed as abusive and cruel and the actual reason for persephone's problems yet everything demeter said would happen did?? and those werent her fault? like its one thing if demeter had all these fears but were proven wrong, but she's time and time again proven right? and is still framed badly for it???
3. i think part of the reason the art of lo doesnt hold up is bc the world is very flat. like the characters are already boring enough in their colors being the only actual character design, but the world around them is very lacking. theres no distinct buildings, no distinct flowers or trees, and the backgrounds all just flat voids of a single color with some sketchup lines slapped on top. now, other webtoons do this too, but its so the panel doesnt become overwhelmed, LO does it to be lazy.
4. the webtoons app updated to where now the main page banners change every time you open the app to let more series get ad space so OF COURS LO has a banner on it and?? its confusing?? like it has persephone being ~sexy in a bathtub~ and the tagline is "no service in the underworld" and its like what does that even mean?? also the ads love to pretend shes this confident, sexual woman when shes literally everything but in the actual comic. its kinda shocking how often the LO ads just lie like that.
5. Comparing LO to some other WEBTOON I would say that LO is too ambitious for its writer. For “Forever After” you normally just have the current issue and the overall issue with the story, so just because we go through characters in that story their characters complete their arcs. True Beauty is drawn out BUT arcs are still tied up abs even tho it’s not as interesting as it was it still holds my attention positively. “The first night with the duke” kinda got past the point I care about but still again has me drawn in. Suitor of Armor’s story is expanding greatly but I feel the writer already has plans for that
BUT LO is another story. The cast seems bloated for the plots going on and I’m losing track. Like Eros got to explain his little story, and then we forgot about it for a bit with Hades and Aphrodite talking about it for a split second and then way later Eros says “I’m gonna find Pyche” but is he looking? No he just asks his mom for more hints we don’t see him try to do anything clever. He doesn’t even find her on his own merit. And after two years we don’t even get a full conclusion how that went. They shot arrows at Apollo and then what? They were high up in the air, was Eros able to break their fall (probably) What about the whole falling for Ampleutus stuff? We probably won’t see anything for another couple months regrading those two.
ARTEMIS! She’s Persphone’s roommate, we know she’s lying about never having a crush but who is it? RS stated Artemis is gay. Does it matter? Does it influence the plot at all? Is it gonna be a big reveal that Zeus is her father? Why does she hate the three kings so much? Does Zeus know he’s her father? Or was Apollo abs Artemis “created” like Persphone and Hera? (Probably not but still)
HESTIA and ATHENA! When did they start TGOEM? Why did they? Hestia isn’t Athena’s aunt right? Was Athena “created” by Zeus? How does Hera feel about that? What was Hestia like before the war and now? Is Hestia close with the other six traitors?
Hera and her kids! We know Hera has more than Hephaestus Ares and Hebe but like what’s the story man? Hera is closer to all three of these children (Zeus seems to discourage Hephaestus presence, Ares defends his mom, and Hebes mad at Zeus for banishing Ares from the house) but these weren’t snap things that happened, it seems like the kids bond to their mother way more than their father just in general before the story, but why? I feel like Hera’s stuff is used as filler but I’m still more interested rather than HXP all the time. Whose the sister? Why is Hera closer to P rather than her own kids it seems. And echo!? Why did Zeus hire her and what’s the agreement?
That ghost that keeps showing up?
Whatever the Kronos revival plot is?
What happened to rhea?
So the Trojan war already happened?
What’s the deal with Demigods?
Nymphs can have parents but sometimes don’t? (Daphne was crested by Demeter, but Thetis has a mom?)
Is Megara and P now just friends? Or did we miss her character where she either gets over hades or plots revenge?
I just feel like with everything LO isn’t planned this far out and it’s just worrying for what she’s in the mood for not tying plots together and getting much figured out. Like the plot just Keep not moving forward because there’s just too much to cover. 
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