#so they die in each others company alone so that they arent without the one person who cares for them
sailorshadzter · 6 years
alright so here’s going to be my thoughts / breakdown of the new trailer. im actually really excited to do this because ive not done a game of thrones trailer before!! 
so i hope you guys enjoy.
also, shoutout to everyone who has taken the time to gif this trailer, i hope no one minds me using their gifs (with the proper credit of course!) 
anyways, under the cut for SPOILERS and length :)
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we immediately cut to arya running off, her breathing heavy, she even makes a frightened sound as she takes off. we watch her run, looking over her shoulder, true fear in her eyes and on her face. but i dont think this is fear for herself. i can only assume that these opening seconds are post battle with the ww/nk because she’s covered in blood (also WHO’S blood?) and sweat. something or someone (jon  👀) has sent arya back to winterfell and we all know what the reason is: sansa fucking stark. 
something has struck fear into jon or arya for their beloved sister/cousin and arya is 100% going after sansa. because she looks over her shoulder, i imagine she’s running away from whatever has come for sansa- she’s leading it away, perhaps in hopes that it will give chase to her and give sansa a chance to escape. maybe not, maybe the look over her shoulder is at someone else chasing after her to rescue sansa (jon? the hound? brienne?). either way... this is true fear we see on arya’s face. she’s terrified that something has happened to sansa. 
worse yet... what if she’s running from someone who she loves that’s been turned into a white walker? i hate the thought of that but wow that could be something else, huh. 
what i find really interesting throughout this scene (besides arya’s voice over) is the three bell tolls. they say death comes in threes. the three bell tolls could signify the deaths of the characters we see as they chime (davos, varys, and arya herself / whoever she’s speaking to). i will literally lose my mind if davos dies, i cant even THINK about that. but, its definitely a very real possibility as we move into this final battle. 
arya’s voice over is chilling... i know death... it’s got many faces... i look forward to seeing this one. What i LOVE about this is its all voice over until that final line. she’s saying that to someone on her list. she’s clean in that moment, meaning its before or after the opening moments. my guess is its after and she’s speaking to cersei. cersei has been on her list from the beginning and it’s absolutely without a doubt that arya will rush off to king’s landing to rescue sansa. if cersei doesnt die in childbirth like i think (we’ll talk about that later) it would be arya to get the kill. and i know, the old witch told cersei it would be her brother that killed her... but let’s talk about that for a second
it’s going to be tyrion. he’s going to get them into king’s landing without cersei knowing and he’s going to be the reason they’re able to take cersei out. so really, he’s her undoing. he causes her death. this also feeds into my thought that tyrion won’t stay loyal to dany. if dany lives past the fight with the night king, something tells me she wont want to rush into king’s landing just to rescue sansa. she wont view her as important any longer and wont want to risk harm to herself or her dragons by immediately leaving one fight for the other. not for sansa stark. that will be tyrions breaking point. 
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these are a few of the shots we get while bran’s voice over plays. everything that you did brought you to where you are now... where you belong. home.  we also see king’s landing & sam looking over his shoulder with bran in the background. the moment bran says home we’re hit with a shot of dany’s army marching towards winter fell, of course with jon and dany on horseback coming up at the rear? the middle? im not sure but i also dont think it matters much.
i think its obvious this is bran speaking to jon. he’s reminding him that despite this reveal of who his parents really were... he’s still a stark. he’s still home there at winterfell, in the north. he’s still got a family. everything jon has done up until this point has been for the north or for sansa. he went to war with the boltons to take winterfell back, to avenge what happened to sansa, to protect what family he had left. 
next is cersei, she’s clearly overlooking a ship coming into the harbor or someone riding up on horseback / in a wagon. i wont lie, im not versed enough in the ins and outs of king’s landing to know, or if you can even travel from winterfell to king’s landing... but i would assume there’s a way considering the golden company is most likely sailing there from king’s landing???
i think cersei is watching sansa being brought to her. she’s smirking because she think she’s won. she thinks she’s going to be the queen on the throne in the end of this fight. she’s untouchable. she’s pregnant with the future heir to the iron throne and she has who she believes to be her son’s murderer almost in her grasp. not just that- this is sansa stark, the key to the north. her “brother” is king in the north (well kind of) and now she has leverage against him. her life for something. i cant imagine word of jon’s parentage would have traveled to cersei yet (although... who knows) so she cant use sansa as leverage for jon to give up his claim to the throne. maybe sansa for dany? give up the dragon queen and ill give you back your sister, type thing. im not sure. i truly believe at this point, cersei still hasnt let go her belief that sansa helped poison joffrey & i think that’s the biggest motive for her here. everything else is just gravy. especially if she DOES learn the truth about jon while she’s in her keep. 
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yeah so here we have dany and jon riding into winterfell, looking very much like a king / queen riding into battle. i dont have much to say about this moment other than they both look very stoic, not that is surprising for jon. dany seems to be just ahead of him, as if to remind everyone she’s the queen. i do like the contrast of her white outfit compared to the darkness of the dothraki and jon. but those blood red gloves? girl. talk about having blood on your hands.
now this is the part im LIVING FOR
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the shot continues with sansa taking a few steps towards the other side of the walkway, her eyes never leaving the dragons. first of all, can we talk about how all the men in got have reacted to the dragons? THEY COWERED. THEY RAN. THEY FLUNG THEMSELVES ONTO THE GROUND. jon literally threw himself on the ground out of fear and shock. but not this girl. not my stark sisters. they literally show no fear as the dragons fly overhead. 
sansa is wearing the same gown here as she is when she meets with jon and dany. i definitely think this is her watching the arrival of the army and dany. the dragons arent hard to miss and im sure someone alerted her of them being sighted. she’s up there watching their arrival, knowing any moment jon would be back in winterfell where he belonged.
im sure she’s thinking about hundreds of things. how am i to feed all these people without the north starving? how are the dragons to feed without starving us all? why has jon brought her back with him? why do they ride side by side like husband and wife?  part of me wants to believe that this is all planned out ahead of time, but i know it isnt. if jon wants this political agenda to go through the right way he has to make every last detail seem believable. he knows sansa cant lie for shit (bless her heart) and if he doesnt make even her believe he’s with dany, then this whole thing will fall apart. 
he’s doing this for her, after all.
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next we see jon already in the crypts and daenerys coming to join him. we have jon’s voice over as she walks they’re coming, our enemy doesn’t tire.   what’s interesting to me is the placement of jon’s words over this particular scene. it pans in to dany looking upset as she approaches jon (who looks downright miserable) as if she means to console him. it’s here that jon says the enemy never tires. are we to take this literally as dany is the enemy? its a trailer so its hard to say. we can only infer things at this point. i definitely believe dark!dany is coming whether this trailer did this or not, so i cant really use it as proof of anything. 
i just find it odd that jon is NEVER smiling or happy (it seems) when he’s with dany. now this post isnt about a ship war (but if you follow me, you already know where i stand) but i find it odd that for the couple we’re supposed to think is end game... they never seem happy. if jon’s in love with dany, why doesnt he show it? in his past relationships we see him smile and laugh. yes, i know, jon is definitely the brooding type but we KNOW he can smile, we’ve seen it before with sansa & ygritte. so why not with dany? that alone is proof enough for me that jon and dany are NEVER going to end up together. 
anyways moving on before the stans come for me  👀
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doesnt stop, doesnt feel... Jon’s voice over continues as we flash to Gendy (looking like a whole ass snack, hello) Jorah riding into battle, and Grey Worm with Missandei sharing a kiss. also i think its important that we’re shown them kissing as jon says dont feel, implying that only the living can of course feel, while the night king feels absolutely nothing at all. their kiss is a reminder that happiness can be found even in the darkest of moments (thanks for the quote, albus) and its bittersweet too because this very well could be the last time they see each other. 
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(credit to @vavaharrison for this gif as well) 
we cut then to a battle scene with brienne and jaime. i love the background of this scene- all fire and ash, brienne slicing through a white walker (i hope lol) as intense as ever. it cuts to jaime shouting for bronn which has me SHOOK because does that mean something has happened to bronn? is jaime trying to get his attention BEFORE something happens? just needs his attention so he can send him elsewhere on the battlefield? its hard to say. 
looking very closely, jaime is wearing northern armor here, the same set he was wearing in the one set of hbo stills. there’s been a lot of speculation that it’s robb’s armor he’s wearing and i love that idea. 
the scene switches immediately after this and we get something INSANE and AMAZING all at the same time.
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without a doubt, that’s sansa there in king’s landing, standing before cersei. i think its safe to assume the person next to her is the commander of the golden company, the uniform he’s wearing is pretty spot on, at least from the distance of the shot. 
obviously they did this for a reason. they dont want us to be 100% but we know. but you cant miss sansa’s frame or the way she styles her hair. even in such a small, far off shot you can tell it’s sansa standing there. you can even just barely make our her fur wrap around her shoulders, the black cloak she wears a dark contrast to the room. 
now, i touched on this earlier... the kidnapping plot. 
i’ve been a big believer in this since i first heard of it. it makes sense, it falls perfectly into the plot.. it works. i wont repeat myself (much) from what i said earlier, but sansa has been brought here because she’s the key to the north & the whole joffrey getting poisoned at his own wedding. cersei blamed tyrion and by default sansa too... because besides sansa, who else could want him dead THAT MUCH? i mean to us, the answer is a LOT of people, but to cersei... sansa is the only answer. she was mistreated by joffrey from the start and he had cut of her father’s head right before her very eyes. of course sansa would want him dead. 
and its so easy to blame her. poor little sansa stark. she’s jealous of sansa, i’ve always thought so. a beautiful girl, well loved by her family and everyone around her. even at king’s landing people were drawn to her. she was a shining example of what a lady was supposed to be, untainted by the darkness like cersei. she was pure, like myrcella was. she would grow to have a nice life eventually, even if it meant she remained married to tyrion. and her own son, evil as he was, he was still hers, he would grow cold in the dirt. cersei needed someone to lash out at, someone to blame. and there was no one better than sansa stark. 
the shot of the hall is followed by that one of cersei, looking teary-eyed and drinking wine.  we already knew she was pregnant (or was she? now im not sure what to think!!) and avoided the wine when talking with tyrion. but here she’s drinking again. we know how much cersei loves her wine. i suppose its safe to assume there’s no more pregnancy, there’s to be no heir to follow after her for the iron throne. and now that jaime is gone from her... there’s no one left in this world that she loves or loves her. that child was her one last chance to start over, to be a good mother, and rule the seven kingdoms. now its all gone. its like she’s asking herself here what’s the point now? why continue? she’s wearing what looks to be a dressing robe, so i can only assume this is after she’s been cleaned up from her miscarriage. maybe she’s even brought sansa in and is talking with her, a call back to the conversations they used to have in the earlier seasons. 
i think we’ll get a lot of drama from this- everyone is going to witness jon losing his mind over sansa’s kidnapping. blaming himself, arya blaming herself, and probably brienne too. let me tell you... i live for that. i think this will be the moment where people realize just how deeply jon feels for her. this will be where the political plot unravels. 
*cue the dramatic music*
we get a shot of the dragons, a repeat of arya seeing the dragons, grey worm putting his helmet on, and an amazing shot of jon in the godswood (which ill talk about below) all while jaime has a voice over i promised to fight for the living... i intend to keep that promise! just like with arya, it starts out as a voice over, but the last line is him actually saying the line to whomever he’s speaking to. i believe this is part of his speech as he pledges himself to sansa / house stark. 
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ive read a few posts about this moment- some speculating that there’s someone sitting there that we can’t see, others saying we’re seeing this in the POV of someone walking towards jon. im more inclined to believe the latter. its almost like jon’s waiting there for someone. i think we’d still get a glimpse of skirts if it was sansa or silver hair over his shoulder if it was dany. i guess you could argue it could be arya who’s so small he would obscure her or bran even, but again, i think its most likely this is the pov of someone walking towards jon.
but who?
i think its sansa. my little shipper heart would LOVE to believe this is a secret wedding or the moment they’ll confess their feelings, but its a long shot i know. anyways. if its not sansa... then i dont know. at this point, im assuming this is after jon’s parentage reveal. he’s struggling with who he is. all along he’s wanted to be a stark, not just the stark bastard. now he’s a targaryen? who’s the one person who told him he was a stark when no one else would? Sansa. im not a stark, you are to me. jon doesnt have the stark name, but i do. together, they are house stark. if he married her, he could claim the name he always wanted. it would be an amazing call back to ned & cat under the godswood back in season 1 if we had jon and sansa here as well.
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all i can think about when i see these scenes are something i mentioned above: how are the dragons going to feed without putting the whole north into starvation? originally id been worried about the army dany was bringing with her but this... this is the real problem. look at all the bones jon and dany have to cross to get to her dragons. how much livestock and wild animals have died to feed these things? how many more innocent children / people have been killed already in wintertown? that livestock / animals could be feeding the people, but they arent. 
this leads me to this next moment
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wow my girl looks so sad here :(
im having a LOT of mixed feelings about what’s got sansa so down. she’s in a new dress entirely (note the neckline) so im not sure where to place this in the timeline of everything. i could refer this moment to SO MANY THINGS. is she watching jon and dany? a new thought that has come to me is... have the dragons burned someone? is this her reacting to someone crying over a dead child / loved one? im having a lot of flash backs to how dany looked when the father brought her his daughter’s charred corpse. 
her lips are parting like she means to say something but cant find her voice. she’s standing in winterfell’s courtyard, so who else is around her? we’re not privy to anyone in the background or before her, so again, we can only infer from what the trailer is giving us. 
is she watching jon and dany as they walk away to visit the dragons? have she and jon just argued? is she watching HIM walk away to brood in the godswood, feeling down himself after learning who his parents were? it could literally be anything that’s making her look this sad. im leaning towards it being jon related, but wow if it were something to do with the dragons burning someone... wow. 
i feel like this is where im going to end.
the rest of the trailer are quick glimpses of scenes and faces. arya fighting with the same background as brienne, tyrion looking hella depressed, drogon hitting us with a fire blast, the dothraki & brienne/jaime/ ect in line to fight, and of course the epic moment where we see the first glimpse of a white walker.
overall, this trailer was great. 
it gave us just enough without being TOO much. i thought id be let down once we did get a trailer only because we’ve been waiting so long!! but it’s amped me up and got me even more excited for the season to come!!
if you’ve made it this far... thanks for reading! lets chat about all things game of thrones! my ask box is always open~! :)
49 notes · View notes
hielorei · 6 years
Digimon Shared Universe.
I just put all the digimon seasons in one universe, with a timeline and how the characters grow with some relationships. if you want to read it go ahead, but then again, i merged 8/9 seasons, a few movies and mangas and I kept track of +70 characters. Infinity War the most ambitious crossover event in history? bitch please,
you can allways ask me about this, and/or give me ideas and suggestions
the events of each series stay the same but some thing change,,,
Takuya (11), Kouji (11), Kouichi (11), Zoe/Izumi (11), Junpei (12), Tommy/Tomoki (8)
> +1 year
Tai (11), Matt (11), Sora (11), Izzy (10), Mimi (10), Joe (12), TK (8), Kari (8)
Takuya and Joe are classmates, while the adventure kids were in the Digital World, he got his D-Scanner back (he was in the same summer camp), thanks to the distortion. He knew something was up. Once he go back to the city contacted the other Frontier Kids, and all had their D-Scanners back. They decide to meet where everything started, Shibuya. When Myotismon attacked they protected the civilians. Then they watched how the Adventure Kids fought the Dark Masters.
> +3 years – Our War Game happens here-
Davis (11), Yolei (12), Cody (9), Ken (11), Willis (11)
TK (11), Kari (11)
Tai (14), Matt (14), Sora (14), Izzy (13), Mimi (13), Joe (15)
Takuya, Koiji, Kouichi and Zoe (15) – JP (16) – Tommy (12)
Zoe Move back to Italy. Tommy is Yolei’s classmate.
Hurricane Touchdown (not Digimon movie dub, but japanese version) happens after the Digimon Kaiser Arc.
Everything is the same up until the world Tour arc. In France TK and Tai are helped by Zoe. In Hong Kong, Izzy and Kari are helped by Kouji and Kouichi, Kouchi was in a vacation with his brother for the first time. Takuya was in Australia so he helped Cody and Joe, Joe was surprised that his old classmate was a digidestined. Cody was in Russia and Helped Yolei and Sora, but he trolled them and pretended to not know japanese. JP was in Mexico (he was there for a girl he starting dating online) and helped Matt and Ken. The american team is the same (Davis, Mimi and Micheal) but Willis is also there. The Frontier Kids cant go back to Japan, because their families. But are there in the final episode.
> +3 Years
Tai, Matt, Sora (17) – Mimi, Izzy (16) – TK, Kari (14) – Joe (18)
Meiko (16), Daigo (30), Maki (30)
Joe started dating Zoe, Zoe is Joe’s mysterious girlfriend. Also, Tommy is dating Yolei. The Frontier kids were in the Dark Ocean while the Events of Tri happened. Figthing Daemon? Who knows-
> +2 Years.
Takato (12/13), Jenrya (13), Ruki (13), Ryo (14), Juri (13), Kazu (13), Kenta (13), Alice (13), Suzie (7), Makoto & Ai (4)
Yamaki (32), Riley (26), Tally (23)
The Secret Agency, after loosing Daigo and Maki took a new aproach for Digimon, and name themselves Hypnos. Yamaki was Daigo’s best friend and he wants revange.
JP, adressing the memory loss, decide to find a way for digimon to be always in the people’s mind, but keep it a secret, so he created a card game. The TCG was an instant success.
The wonderswan games are canon. After Ryo felt so betrayed by the adventure kids, he decides to start a new life and erase all memories of himself (even he forgot) and live in simulation made by the homeostasis. But after the reboot from Tri (he is 11 in Tri), he was back in the digital world and without memories whatsoever, he didnt age while in the simulation. So Gennai decides to disguise himself as his father. Even without memories, his connections to the digital world still there, what mades him really good at the TCG, getting the title of the Digimon King. A year before the events of Tamers he goes to the digital world with a girl name Alice, but there she dies and like Wizardmon, her spirit still alive (because she didnt die in her own world)
Cody is Ryo classmate. Yolei and Tommy break up but still friends.
This Digital world isnt the same as the Adventure/Frontier one. This is the digital world created by Yggdrassill after the old one is full (X Evolution Movie). This is why it looks so empty and unstable and why Digimon are never born again, its a mecanism to prevent the digital world from getting full (like your phones). The Holy Beast are based on data from old Digidestined Partners (Daigo and the others). And because we are talking about another digital world, the adventure/frontier kids arent very efective against the devas and the D-Reapper.
>+2 years
Masaru (14), Thomas (14), Yoshino (19), Ikuto (10)
Sampson (34), Miki (21), Megumi (21), Chika (10)
Nanami (14), Kouki (14), Ivan (19)
Takato, Henry, Ruki, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (15), Ryo (16), Suzie (9), Makoto, Ai (6)
Tai, Matt, Sora (21) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (20) - Yolei, Tommy (19) – Tk, Kari, Davis, Ken, Willis (18) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouichi (22), JP (23), Yamaki, Maki (34), Riley (28), Tally (25)
Hypnos changes names to DATs, after realizing that battling digimon isnt the answer, and they start to invetigate them and controling them in order to protect the Human World. The Tamers Digital World closed for being to unstable after the Tamers kid got their partners back, but before the portal closed Gatomon felt Wizardmon in that digitalworld, and Kari encouraged her to go find her friend, and she did. And now the Human world is connected to the Adventure/Frontier Digital World again.
Izzy and Yolei joined DATs as data analizers joining Riley and Tally. Yamaki is in charge of the investigation side of DATs, While Sampson is in charge of the protection of the human world. And surprise! Sampson was a digidestined and was part of Daigo and Maki’s group. And Daigo-Maki-Sampson where a triangle like the fandom likes to think of Tai-Sora-Matt.
Takuya, Davis, Ruki and Kazu joins DATs under Sampson, and are the Savers kids tutors. The Sexual Tension between Rika and Thomas is real (but isnt sexual really becase they are 14 and 15 and thats fucking creepy, but it was the best way to describe it), Kazu became really good at the TGC, because he trained with Rika (I will use my dub version were Kazu did respect and admire Rika because she is the Digimon Queen and the sexist was Kenta, Kazu always called him out on his BS), also Kazu is dating Ryo (my AU, my OTP, my Canon.) but the relationship is secret, Kazu isnt ready to be out and Ryo is okay.
Matt is busy with rockstar stuff. Tai and Joe are busy with university. JP is busy running a company at only 23 and TK is the main writer of Digimon Stories, TK is in a polyamorous relationship with Kari and Willis (who moved to Japan). Sora started her first cloth collection with designs based on the digital world, and Mimi and Zoe are the main models. Mimi also started a movie career.
> +1 year
DATs couldnt take care of all digimon related dangers so create various teams around the world.
DATs America: Willis, Sampson, TK, Kari, Ryo, Kazu, Izzy, Mimi, Tally
DATs Europe: Matt, Sora, Zoe, Joe, Tommy, Yolei, Thomas, Ivan, Miki, Tai
DATs Japan: Yamaki, Riley, Masaru, Ikuto, Yoshino, Ken, Davis, Ruki, Megumi
The Digital World start glitching and Ryo recovers his memories, and he is angry, especially at Tai and Davis. Ryo thinks that the Adventure group cant be trusted, on top of that, he discovers the story of DATs, and how it was called Hypnos, and what the organization did when was under control of Maki, whom is Back, and maybe its the cause of why the digital world is glitching. Who gave the right to a small group of humans to decide what is best for the digital world? The digidestined have to choose a side, Ryo Side, who think humans should leave the digital world alone and it population. Davis Side who after the Events of Tri, Tamers and Savers thinks Humans should protect the human world from the digimon (and maybe build a firewall around it and make the digimon pay for it). Both sides started fighting, until Tai took charge, and decide that diplomacy is the best choice, a middle ground.
DATs collapsed after that but didnt end. And the Door to the Digital world closed.  
> 2 years
Taiki (13), Akari (12/13), Zenjirou (12/13), Kiriha (14), Nene (14), Yuu (11)
The Fusion kids are called to the Tamers Digital World once it bacame stable, it was divided in zones and all this time without being in danger allowed a new way of evolution.
In this AU, Akari Friendship and Zenjirou Courage made them worthy of their 
xrosloaders, with a little help of an Omegamon and never went back to the human world (because I cant be the one who connected what Omega said to Taiki about Akari’s friendship and Zenjirou’s courage with the their crosloaders colors, I mean, Akari got a light blue xrossloader and Zenjirou a orange one! Come one! It was a callback to the crests!)
Also, a Gatomon and a Wizardmon joined the Xros-Heart Army. And like the manga, Wizardmon also dies here and Gatomon jump to another digital world to find her best friend/lover.
> +1 year
Taguiru (12), Yuu (12), Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari (14), Kiriha, Nene (15)
Ryouma (13), Ren (12), Airu (12), Hideaki (13), Kiichi (12), Mizuki (14)
KenX (12), Haruki (13), Noboru (13)
Makoto, Ai (10) – Suzie, Alice (13) – Ikuto, Chika (14) - Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (18) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (19) – Ryo, Cody (20) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (22) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (23) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (24) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (25) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (26) – JP (27) – Tally (30) – Riley (32) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (38)
Akari is classmate of Ikuto and Chika, whom may or may not have feelings for each other. Suzie is classmate with Ryouma. JP and Tally started dating. After Joe graduated got married with Zoe. Davis moved to the USA. Yolei and Ken are dating. Yamaki finally proposed to Riley. Without Daigo, Maki and Sampson started having a thing. Yoshino and Tommy are fuck buddies. Kazu is out and all his friends supported him and is happy with Ryo. Nanami dated Henry, but it didnt end well. Henry dated Takato, but they decided to stay as friends, and they still best friends (with benefits...), in fact, it was Henry who pushed Takato to ask Jeri out. And Jeri may or may not have had a one night stand with Rika (all the Tamers kids are at least bisexual, fight me, again, my AU, my canon). Takuya is dating Megumi. Matt and Sora Break up, and Sora is dating Kouichi. There are rumours in DATs that Thomas and Ruki are banging in “secret”, they are, but are horrible at keeping it a secret, and everyone pretends to not know about them.
A new thing called DigiQuartz is a plane similar to the Digital World in small scale, and it has characteristics of the DW-FAS (Digital World Frontier/Adventure/Savers) and DW-TX (Digital World Tamers/XrosWars) . DATs decide to investigate this and the leader of it is Izzy, helped by Yolei, Riley and Maki. They discover that the Digiquartz hold the data of creatures who died in other worlds. So they can recover Alice, Wizardmon, Meicoomon and Leomon (adventure). Gatomon was in the DigiQuartz looking for Wizardmon. Once the data recovered, Juri’s D-Arc linked with Leomon (because basically its the same digimon, but not “her leomon”), and Alice D-Arc linked with Wizardmon.
With the DigiQuartz Izzy could create new technologies and society advance really fast. Izzy also started working with a old professor on a AI, Code Name: Minerva.
> +4 years
Haru (13), Eri (14), Astra (11), Rei (14), Yuujin (13), Ai-U (13), Hajime (8) Knight (?)
Makoto, Ai (14) – Taguiru, Yuu, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Ken-X (16) – Suzie, Alice, Ryouma, Hideaki, Haruki, Noboru (17) – Ikuto, Chika, Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari, Mizuki (18) – Kiriha, Nene (19) -  Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (22) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (23) – Ryo, Cody (24) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (26) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (27) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (28) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (29) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (30) – JP (31) – Tally (34) – Riley (36) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (42)
JP’s Digimon company was absorbed by the L-Corp and cancelled the Digimon Franchise, But Haru has some memories of the games. Ryouma is dating Suzie and Henry doesnt like it at all. Matt dated Nene and it was scandalous since they both are well known musicians and have a 10 years diference… but it didnt worked at all, they still good friends tho, and collaborate from time to time. After that, Matt and Sora starting dating again, and he proposed to her. Taguiru is dating Hideaki, Airu is dating Alice. Davis and Takato opened a restaurant and Hideaki work part time there, and hopes to get an intership in L-Corp. Cody is in Law School. Yoshino and Ken enter the police. Kari graduated and is a teacher now.  A Hollywood studio got the rights of TK books. Takato is also in Art School.  
The DigiQuartz evolve into the AR-Fields, and in the space between the DW-FAS and DW-TX, the data there created a sub species knows as Appmons.
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misterbitches · 3 years
@flootweed ​
That's super fucking romantic? Like tragic but in a nice way. i love that shit. i'm a monogamous slut for romance pghiosuag even tho we have to learn to live alone too but it's just like the NOTION is nice?!??! awwww i told my mom that SOPHIE's gf was like "she died taking a picture of the moon" and how it was like idk. the gf was just processing it and she thought it was romantic and my mom was like "wow.....depressing" bc think she thought it was stupid millenial shit i was like no mother doent u see she died in the BEAUTY LMAO but then i told her jessica walter's husband died the year before and then she died and she was like "aw...kind of romantic" LMAOOOO i guess two people have to die. why did i tell this story? i am so sorry. the show ended today right (ep 10?) i didn't realize it was that short. so i hope it was a happy ending? (tell me) i understand why you love the atmos! it's like, not really been done. there's this BL that i hear isn't too great but it does take place in a rural part of thailand and there's way less budget. a lot of ppl seem to like it. ep 6 LW / LW in gen gotta be honest, rushed through it. i knew spoilers from jump cause BL spoilers are just absolutely nothing and sometimes ur just like i need to know. i do not understand the ~silently lookin 4 u~ trope it always backfires and is also DUMB. so happy about tiffy. a girl who likes girls but ends up with a man bc of mommy and also the man is ok....it's me. she's gorgeous and actually [h*lf] gay so it's great. god ok i feel so old again. lmaooo but i was like obsessed with lady gaga for that reason (dont ask...also how i got kinda popular on tumblr way back in the day) and shes just absolutely fucking beautiful and bad ass. (which kind of doesnt helpcos they r all skinnty but that's FINEEEE) right? i mean like i guess cos we knew abt it? i can see why he was so pissed off, too? i mean i'm so fucking like...sensitive to being told what to do so i was angry for him from jump. i guess i was also looking at it different wholetime cos i knew the spoilers? i'm assuming u did too lmao. so we knew hed be pissed and leave. and frankly that's what sib gets. just for you my friend i will watch it and update. i think MANY times in shows in gen but it is something you notice a lot in BL bc they are just absolute novices most times. in this case, gene's actor mostly well (and i like him as a person just cos he was on that thai 3 girls in a car show and used to date on eof them lmao) can act so i will look over that scene to see how sib's actor plays off him. but the pausing in between sentences or for so long even decent actors or actors doing better. kao is not bad, not great so they will talk slowly because dramatic acting but the problem is most times it's too long. even if the person is an adept actor it won't always work and YES THEN THAT MEANS THE EDITOR COMES IN AND SNIP SNIP SNIP! it's too long. and sometimes it just does not work even if you can act. but it is GLARING when they cant or are average (someoe said this about tharntype and my god lmao tharn..is...so...slow...in...talking...the actor idk his name it's one of em, the other one with the nose (type) is....different not better but he certainly does not talk as slow. they arent bad but they are not good so.) also sometimes they are forgetting their lines. some ppl find this charming. clearly we do not lmao. what is their relation? what is going on there? i don't have a problem with stepbrothers as long as they didn't grow up with that sibling bond. many times blended families really have to watch out for that kind of fraternizing but it's always when theyre older and teenagers bc they didnt grow up w/ each other....i mean they have chemistry so i'm whatever. but. hennYYWAYYYS.actually it's bc im an idiot i didn't read it as Mhok (singular) and aey's father. Yes and his sister who i think i may hate? im like bitch okkkkkk but. his name is lhong. and he is a psycho. i mean so is type. so. oooh it could be that he stole! but also i'm pretty sure cos hes gay lol or did they
not make that explicit? the thing is i had to skip through most of that scene too because the drama was WAY too much for me. too much. lmao. the sister thing i got and it made sense and iliked that. oh yea he is gay and they know. that's a big one.
haven’t watched color rush! did you like it? i have seen wyel, parts of mr heart, and ofc to my star :) 
ohhhhhh ok. i get you. yea he definitely wasn’t being ooc cos i think that....what u said. and also like....ugh i cant even think rn. i like sam lin a lot so i like gao shi de but i gotta say. lmao. hm. first of all. yes it is creepy what he did. it’s fucking weird. and sad that his whole life revolves around him. it’s not as fucking weird as LW but still like when he did the door thing. i was like UMMMMMMMMM cos i really didnt want it to be constructed. and when it was i was like imma suspend my disbelief. but if anyone dared...
and so what he did in s2 i think he just couldnt realize that he was loved back which is why it’s good he WAS ALONE for 5 yrs imo. but he gave shu yi 0 choice and for that i am pretty sure i would be even angrier. i do think though that the father’s role is pretty important but i can see how the show is like....letting that go? bc as fucking weird as GSD is, he was still like...20? i guess and shu yi’s dad is like. crazy? i am also like he really had to fucking start a company to get noticed like are u joking? is it also that easy? and also why? lmao i just. ugh. i think that probs bothered me the most...priorities.
i like the show! well idk if i love it but sure. i think it’s decent lmao. i understand what you’re saying. for here it bothers me less but i certainly don’t think it was OOC. immature and stupid but like...that’s.....what they are. i also don’t have a problm with the timing from a technical point.
however, when i started the show? i had NO clue what concept of time it was. and that was very annoying. tehy redeemed it bc of the comedy aspects (the first time shu yi sees shi de is so fucking good, i really loved the shot and editing; it’s hilarious and silly) and i started to go with the flow of the show through that. but the fucking concept of time in the show in general esp with repetitive outfits (i understand that they are more likely to wear multiple outfits as well, it’s just that you have to split it up or it i sconfusing visually and looks like the same scene twice or just a full day of shooting which it could be but then something should change in the clothes. this is just an ex~~*~*) and partof that is they have this already controlled narrative i guess. 
i have to admit as well...i skipped episode 1. and most of 2. i was like i rly dont want to see someone slap a pereson even if they were like. not together. it’s just not cute also not in front of ppl. and then when they were yelling and bla bla i was like listen ladies lets calm down. too much angst in a boring way. what they have now is good. also they should probably like estrange the father but i doubt they will. 
i cannot make up my mind totally now bc i see what ur saying i guess i just don’t feel that way as much but i guess i have to think about it more, too. i do think he was contorlling in getting him or like when he didnt want shu yi to find out whwatshisface liked him. i guess for me it would be if he is still that way in the rship. but even tho he’s at fault for what happened, i’m also like but his dad? but also like...did he try? why did he just stop contacting? but then i guess he emailed everyday? DO U C MY QUANDARY.
alsoi have to say i do not care abt their backdoor being opened lmao like wow business? no thanks
LMAO. did they cry a lot in UWMA? i only know the teamwin parts. which one is fluke the really pale one who died? idk what it is about that kid but i just cant watch him. it’s not his fault it’s mine.
DUDE i still dont understand the husband and wife thing and ive looked into it multiple times. ive kinda just classified it as one of those things that make me uncomfortable but arent problematic lol. it you have any insight about it id love to hear it tho !!
it’s stupid. that’s what it is (husband and wife.) it’s just something they say like many gay couples may use pejoratives in conjunction with them, the f word etc. or even imply something about being a top and a bottom. whatever. but these arent gay spaces or gay storylines. sure gay men may direct them but since BL operates and relies on patriarchy without a doubt and also stereotypes poorly kathoeys or won’t cast trans women in anything substantial and use them as jokes (and see this is one of those things where it’s like...ud never see this in the US tho like our concept of third gender or kathoeys but life stillBOOOOO.) so it’s just useless when they put it into the scripts because it’s for people to consume and lots of girls are. obviously. so the idea that if you are being penetrated and u r the wife and this is used like literally anywhere but not from gay or whatever men is gross. are cis women’s vaginas sieves to them? are trans women not women? do we have to categorize people by PHALLIC OBJECTS IN OUR BODIES SPECIFICALLY A WOMAN? it dont make no sense. plus really most ppl just experiment, there’s more ways than one to have sex, we have lives so most times it’s not just full penetration for hours anyway. it’s just so gross. like oh that’s really funny lol ur the wife cos his dick goes in ur butt XD i get it, same. i say “i’m wife’ whenever there’s a penis in me. fucking kill me. it’s not a big deal but it’s just dumb and gross. if they use it they could try and subvert it too like i like how my engineer has  a whole absurdly stupid episode about it. but in TT the dad says “if ur the wife i wont accept it” and i was like u know what gals? im good. goodbye.
pgojaihousgajigko THAT’S SOOOOOOO OOWIEOFUGHOIJ WEIRD. FANDOM IS REALLY WEIRD. i have read rpf and written it once upon a time but dont do it anymore  uch. i mean it’s weird. no doubt about that. invasive, weird, strange. but very unreal anyway. it is. plus i dont like celebs or fame and think of it as a gross capitalist scheme so i had to stop (also so weird?) but i know very many people like lean in. lean in. LEAN IN. this youtuber i watch did a video on like insanely popular ships (like that 1d one) and their insane fandoms and i just couldnt. it’s so embarrassing? and then they’re so bold????? about it? 
yea it would be cool (more queer men or visibly we should say or like out whatever.) but it doesnt necessarily mean that will be good or beneficial i guess? i mean like. i dont know. so much about the genre is about wish fulfilment for young girls. its literally selling some fantasies because the other thing is for BL (i read a paper on this...) esp for girls in more conservative societies they cna maybe replace themselves in the character? but they may not feel a threat as a woman or like their life will fall apart if they engage in sexual things with anyone really. and that’s where i’m like....for a lot of these are they just writing a story and just replacing two men? bc they also seem to think it owrks like that. and in a way that’s what it is bc of the writing and how they use certain terms. you can tell the piece is about pushing a product and less about the real affects of a story. i think ITSAY is a great example of a really intelligent great piece of work that contains multitudes. and the girl was amazing. it just depends on the goal. and for most of the ppl the goal isnt...to do anything. so i dont know. idk how to talk abt representation anymore. it both is and isnt.
 i really liked tingting from my engineer a lot (idk if u have seen) she’s so fun and unapologetic. i love how much she drinks and if someone tells her to be ladylike she says no. and i appreciate that in the show when girls were rude to her she said nothing about the girls but said “NO IM NOT LUCKY TO HAVE ALL MALE FRIENDS?” i really want to see her more in the next season. obviously tiffy is goat. super excited to see how their rship develops.
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kitkat1003 · 7 years
He has flown too close to the sun
@snarkyowl this was longer than expected
Bing meets Google when he’s flying through clouds.
Not many people have wings; less than 3% of the population in fact, considering their odd origin, so Bing is certainly surprised to another person gliding above him.
“Hey!” He calls, and the person halts; well, halts as best as one can in the air, and Bing flies up to him, taking in the long, dark hair that sweeps over one eye, and the large, sharp feathered, white wings speckled with blue spots.  They contrast widely with his own, Bing notes, considering his soft tipped, black wings with orange spots.  “Don’t see many fliers around here.  I’m Bing, nice to meet you!” He sticks out his hand, and hovers in the air while the newcomer stares at him with calculating eyes.
After a moment, the person shakes his hand.
“Google,” Is the curt, but not unfriendly reply, and Bing beams.
They fly together a lot as the days pass.  When you have so few people who can fly, you want to cling to those who can, and he can tell Google at least enjoys his company for amusement.  They’ll sit in trees and talk, with Bing making kind jokes and Google throwing out sarcastic, cynical bits that makes Bing laugh so hard he nearly falls out of the tree.
Google’s arm is always strong against his back when it feels like he’s about to tip over, and that’s when Bing realizes that Google really cares.
They don’t really have parents; winged humans appear from the minds of strong actors.  Bing hadn’t had a home until Google shows him the hut he’s constructed.  They work on it together until becomes a real home, and Bing loves it more than anything, the closet full of the same shirts and the beds they pay for with odd jobs; mostly deliveries, the lack of a wall between them, and the idea of being around someone.
They look similar, and Bing decides that they must of come from the same person, and that they’re brothers through and through.
Google doesn’t object, and that’s as much of an agreement that Bing will get.
They’re cleaning each other’s wings when the man in black appears.  Cleaning your wings is difficult when you’re on your own, and Bing is glad to have Google around.  Google is always gentle with the cleaning, his fingers deftly smoothing out ruffled feathers and wiping off the dirt with a soft cloth.
Bing doesn’t see the man, but he does feel Google still, and the presence of someone else.  When he turns around, he sees a man with raven wings, ones with a look of age and experience.  They look pristine, but weathered, and end in points so sharp Bing wonders if they’ve been tipped with blades.
“Google,” The man says, and Bing shivers at the voice, slimy and cold and unkind, but Google gets up, shaking the man’s hand.  “The name is Darkiplier, but others call me Dark.  Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Google nods his head, and Bing knows the look Dark is being given, the one Google uses to size up someone with wings.  “I need you to come with me…for the time being,” Black, glassy eyes land on Bing, who clenches his fists to keep his hands from shaking.
“Where?  And why does he need to go?” he demands, and Google turns to look at him in surprise, like he hadn’t expected Bing to speak.  Dark looks almost affronted, and there are red and blue bits of aura that contrast the black suit and grey skin with each movement.  The red glows as Dark considers Bing, but then recedes.
“He’ll be accompanying me to the sun in order to do some work that only his expertise can accomplish,” Bing’s jaw drops.
The sun is where the most powerful of winged people go.  It’s a place only those with wings can reach, a utopia for the strong and a dream for the weak.  To be invited is an honor nearly no one gets these days, and by the way Google’s eyes widen, Bing can tell that this is a big deal to him.
Still, Google hesitates; he turns to look at Bing, a question in his eyes, because it doesn’t seem like he’s comfortable with leaving Bing alone.
Bing nods even though he doesn’t trust Dark in the slightest, and he’s there to wave Google goodbye.
A pit of distress worms itself into his stomach, but Bing sees the two off smiling.
The four months that Bing is left alone for feel unbearably long, filled with one person flights and hours of doing jobs for the sake of doing things and not feeling so empty.  He cleans obsessively, and tires things like skateboarding and other odd skills to past the time.
Google arrives with a new haircut and attitude, and even when he comes home Bing feels as though he might as well not be, because he doesn’t go one flights with him anymore and offers to clean his wings are met with angry glares.  said wings are now silver instead of white, a cold color. The sarcastic comments become more caustic than funny, and Bing ends up feeling more alone than before, walking into their shared house and ignoring the person who’s there because talking to them hurts. 
He doesn’t let Google know that it matters, of course.  He won’t be seen as weaker than he is.  A part of him knows that it’s partly his fault anyway.
Google changed, and he didn’t.  It’s fair that they wouldn’t click like they used to.
The breaking point arrives when Google…upgrades.  They’re both technologically inclined, what with their circuitry and ability to scan people, but Bing had never received an update notification before.  Google does.
Suddenly there is four of them, and when there is four Google says he is leaving.
“The sun.”
“Oh.  When are you coming back?”
“I’m not.”
Bing starts, listening to the cold way Google announced his permanent departure, like it doesn’t matter, like Bing is nothing to him.
That can’t be true.  It can’t be.
Google has the kindness, at the very least, to endure Bing’s affections the week of his leaving.  Bing cleans all of their wings, flies with them , does whatever he can because he’s going to miss them so terribly much that it burns like a flame to his skin.
They leave, and Bing feels absolutely and utterly alone.
You can fly to the sun.
The poisonous thought worms its way into his thoughts during one of his flights, when he stares down at clouds and reminisces on meeting Google for the first time.  It’s so startling and new that he has to land, pacing the ground and pondering the idea.
Winged people have made their way to the sun without invitation before.  That’s how such a place was found.  Still, it’s usually powerful figments, and Bing isn’t sure he’d be able.
His overconfidence rises up against his self doubt, and the sharp pang of loneliness pushes him over the edge, because Google had filled up his life so quickly that his absence leaves a dark hole, and Bing misses him so much that he can’t stand it.
He spends weeks practicing, flying for miles without stopping, flying straight up and pushing past the cold air until he doesn’t feel it.  Day after day he gets stronger and stronger, until flying any distance is easy, until he feels ready.
There’s a cliff that he uses as a starting point, aligned with the horizon and the highest point for miles.  He shivers, not from the cold, but of anticipation and fear that grips him, and from the excitement of possibly seeing his friend again.
He tucks his shades into his pocket, and the wind stings his eyes.
No turning back.
He takes off.
The horizon grows closer and closer with each flap of his wings.  It’s noon, known as the perfect time to try to reach the sun, and he streamlines through the air with sharp accuracy as he makes his journey there.
As the sun gets closer, however, his wings start to tingle.
It’s not painful at first, simply a prickling sensation emanating from his feathers, but the closer he gets the more noticeable and painful it gets.  He doesn’t stop, not when the sun is so close, not when he can almost see the utopia, can almost see Google somewhere waiting for him in that mysterious place, and the bright light of the sun makes him near blind as suddenly his wings begin to burn.
He falls.
The flames send waves a smoke that cause him to choke on air, and he plummets with his arms outstretched towards the sun.  His back is on fire, and the wind does nohing to cool it.
He’s certain he’s going to die, but then a dark shape barrels beneath him and catches him.
He hears a shout.
He blacks out.
He wakes up on cool ground, with colder hands rubbing some sort of lotion on his back.  His whole body aches, and his wings feel numb.
“You’re an imbecile,” He knows that voice.  Dark.
He turns his head, and gasps at the sight of his wings.  They’re crusty black at the bottom, rising up halfway on the longest feathers, the smallest ones losing all orange.  He pushes away from Dark getting up even when he wants to scream because it hurts, and Dark stares at him with bored eyes.
“Take me to the sun,” he manages, and Dark snorts. 
“I only take those who are useful to me there.  You arent’ useful,” The response is as cold as Bing can remember, remebers Dark taking Google away and making Google cold and now hsi wings are gone because Dark, because Dark, because Dark-
His eyes have always been a bright gold color.  Not bright enough to blind, but enough to be hard to stare at.  It’s why he wears his shades, not that he needed to around Google.  Now, the color burns his vision, burning like the feeling on his wings and covering the whites of his eyes as he grabs Dark by his tie because he’s in pain and he wants his friend and it’s all Dark’s fault.
“TAKE ME TO THE SUN!” He bellows, and the world is lost in golden light, and Dark screams.
Dark is blind when the light fades, and he shouts at Bing, grasping him by his shirt once he feels the fabric and pulling him close.
“What did you do to me?!” He hisses through the clenched teeth, and Bing can see the red outline grow and deepen in color.
“Take me to the sun, and I’ll let you see,” he knows that it takes a few days for someone to get their vision back after staring at his eyes for too long.  This had happened once before, with a bully that had been picking on a small child.  Bing had gotten so mad that his sunglasses has burst, and the kid had gone blind for a few days, by then having learned his lesson.
Dark growls, but relents, letting go of his shirt.  “Fine.”  But the words are not enough.  Bing knows this, and strikes up a deal.
“No, not just fine.  You fix my wings and take me to the sun.  Deal?  I’m holding out my hand for you to shake, by the way,” He stands with Dark, even when it hurts to move, and Dark bares his teeth at him.
“I can’t fix your wings all the way, not with the damage you’ve done to them, but I can make them look normal, and there’s a Doctor on the sun.  Deal?” The counter makes Bing sigh, but he shakes Dark’s hand.
When Dark finds out he has to wait four days for his vision to return, his aura whirls angrily so that Bing has to dodge he tendrils.  It takes him a while to calm down, but when he does Bing takes him to the house.  They get there and Bing  sets Dark down on Google’s old bed.
The room lapses in to silence, and Bing falls asleep with burnt wings and tired eyes.
The next four days are…a challenge.  Dark is a nightmare to take care of, and Bing thinks it’s on purpose.  He has to constantly help the man around, listen to his griping, and ignore the many tendrils of aura that threaten to hit him at any point.
The fourth day, Dark smacks his hands away and does…something with his aura.  The tendrils curl around Bing’s wings, melting into them and making them look undamaged.  After that, he grabs Bing by the arm, dragging him out of the house and taking to the skies.
Bing can’t see through the wind, and the grip on his arm is tight and painful, his other limbs flailing in air uselessly.  The journey takes a few minute before the wind stills so Bing can see a giant, floating city.  It’s yellow,  but not too bright to be annoying, and people fly everywhere.
Dark swings down to the clinic, or at least what looks like a clinic.  It’s connected to a larger building, and when they get inside it’s bustling.  The nurses give Dark a wide berth, who moves straight to the Doctor’s office.
The man inside looks like Dark, but with non-grey skin and with silvery soft grey wings with white tips.  He’s got a stethoscope around his neck and some weird thing around his head, and the moment Dark steps in he jumps.
“Where have you be-”
“Do what you can for this idiot, Iplier,” Dark interrupts and throws Bing forward, who stumbles as the aura around his wings disappears with a sharp snap.  The Doctor gasps.
“What on earth-Did you try to fly here on your own?!” Bing gives a shaky nod at the Doctor’s wide eyed expression because he can’t find his voice, and sits down as said Doctor gets to work.
Large heaps of cremes and massages are given to the burnt wings, cooling cremes that cause Bing to shiver, but he doesn’t say anything.  This all feels to surreal, and he just wants to see Google again.  “You most likely won’t be able to fly for very long when this heals.  Try not to strain yourself,” He says, and Bing blinks back the tears at the thought of it, of not being able to fly like he had before. 
Dark arrives back the moment the Dr.Iplier finishes, like he could sense it, and the aura swirls back and hides Bing’s crumpled wings with ease.
He drags him to a room, one that’s empty save for a bed, a dresser, and a bookshelf.  The last two things are empty.
“Welcome to the sun,” Dark says with an air of mockery, and he leaves Bing in the empty room.
Bing starts to wonder if any of this was worth it.
It takes a few days for him to gather the courage to find Google. 
When he walks through the city, it feels as if everyone is staring at him.  He sees people who look like him and people who don’t, but the city isn’t very large or packed.
He ends up searching the large building next to the clinic when he finds Google.  He and his three brothers are working on the computers when he runs in.
“Google!” He shouts, and for a moment the whole endeavor is worth it, and his wings don’t hurt and it’s fine because Google is there-
“Bing,” Blue eyes that are sharp and exasperated at the sight of him stare through him.  “How did you get here?”
The light feeling disappears.
“I, uh, Dark brought me here, dude,” he stutters out.  “Said I was useful,” he puffs out his chest with a grin at the lie.  Google pushes the bridge of his glasses up his nose.
“That’s surprising,” he says, and the four of them get back to work, ignoring Bing entirely.
Bing bites his lip to keep from screaming.
Nothing changes from before.  Bing spends his days on the sun meeting new people and running to Google B to try for something that isn’t there any more.  He makes new friends, but it isn’t the same, because he went through all of this for something he still doesn’t have, and it burns worse than the flames.
He can fly still, somewhat.  He can’t fly fast or high like he used to, but he can get off of the ground.  The look of his wings and their immaculate style is like of mockery of what he isn’t anymore, and he stops staring at mirrors.
Dark, after a while, stops glaring and looks at him with either indifference or maybe pity.  He sticks around a man named Wilford who has bright yellow wings with pink dots, and Bing thinks that Wilford is the reason for Dark’s change of attitude.
Oliver, Google Oliver, is the only Google who truly likes to hang out with him.  He can see that Oliver notices his lack of flight, and he sees the way Google G and Google R stare at him with calculating eyes.  Google B barely glances at him, and when he does, the stare is empty.
Bing feels so tired.
He wants home.
He wants his wings to be okay.
He wants Google B to be his friend again.
He wants…
He’s reaching out to the sun, eyes wide and his wings aflame.  His voice calls out a name, screaming because it’s all he can do.
He gets no response, and Icarus falls.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
5,000 question survey series–part thirty-one
2901. have you ever written a letter to: a friend: yeah a lover: kinda a celebrity: Yes. congress/house/reps: No. the president/leader of your country: no 2902. Why are cigarette companies allowed to manufacture and sell cigarettes when they are so unhealthy and dangerous? They are getting rich on the deaths of the people you love who smoke. probably the same reason companies can sell alcohol. 2903. Do you chat with people in an elevator? sometimes. 2904. What’s your favorite Jack Nicholson movie? The Departed...I think. 2905. Who should play the part of Superman? don’t care 
2906. Do you like when your friends and your mate’s friends hang out? sure? 2907. Doritos or Cheetos? doritos 2910. Do you brush your teeth three times a day? no 2911. Should I stop making questions with multiple parts and just count each actual question as a question? don’t care... 2912. What gives you ego a boost? people complimenting my singing 2913. What knocks your ego down? people being mean. 2914. Live and let live or live and let die? Live and let live...i guess 2915. What do you think of Damien Hirst’s art piece Mother and Child, which is half a cow in formaldehyde? - 2916. Why is it that 70 percent of Americans do not want to go to war with Iraq and yet we are going to war with Iraq anyway? people the government is awful
Is this democracy? dunno 2917. Imagine you have two choices of what life you can live: One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc.. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no tv, no newspapers and no books. OR Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work and there is no guarantee you will ever live comfortably. Which life do you choose? Why? they both sound like it’d kill myself in either one. 2918. Why is there no ‘Mr. America’ pageant? who cares?
Should there be? idgaf
What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like miss america he would have to be a role model)? - 2919. If something offends you do you feel that it has no right to exist? no? 2920. Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next too? i don’t think that’s really want they think 2921. What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male acquaintance, and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names and being very disrespectful? I’d kick the mother fuckers ass 2922. What do you represent? ask others. 2923. What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present? flowers: it’s thoughtful
slippers: you know me well
candles: i like them.
diamond necklace: diamonds are a girls best frienddd
gift certificate: THANK YOU
books: you know what my heart says 2924. Have you ever completed a paint by number? maybe?
If yes of what?/ -
2925. How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book? oh gosh.....YEARS 2926. What have you been caught doing? many things? 2927. Does temptation make you do what you love? no? 2928. Do you have any gadgets in the house that you don’t know how to use? What? no 2929. Do you read the instructions to things or skip them? depends 2930. Will you ever reach your full potential? probably not 2931. Who is your biggest fan? My mom 2932. Who do you take care of? Matt. myself, my cat
Who takes care of you? my mom; matt, myself. 2933. Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right? lawyers can do what they want?
If you were a lawyer would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong? no 2934. Is it sexy in here or is it just me? -_- 2935. You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note or draw a picture too? If yes, what? i wouldn’t do that. 2936. Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)? What? no 2937. How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating’s mom to like her better? don’t be a cunt? 2938. What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has? nothing... 2939. Do you like answering questions about:
your life? sure
your taste? yes
tv? yes
music? yesssss
art? naw.
politics? no.
life? sure
religion? yeah
issues? no
sex? depends
loved ones? yes
favorites? yes
objects? sure....?
math? no
philosophy? sure
hypothetical situations? Sure.
things that require lots of thought? not really. 2940. The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny? i dunno if i would eat there 2941. What would you think of a new reality tv game show where real life criminals on death row competed in life threatening tasks for the prize of a reduced sentence? that’s fucked up/
Did you know that they are considering making this a show? i feel like that’s a lie
Would you watch it? probably... 2942. What was the last song you looked up the words to? dunno 2943. What Saturday morning cartoons do you like? - 2944. If anything’s possible, then is it possible that nothing’s possible? sure 2944. What does the T in T-Shirt really mean? fuck if i know 2945. Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area? probably not 2946. Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders? let it happen. 2947. If you are a girl have you ever experienced penis envy? yeah. i wanna pee where ever i want
If you are a guy would you still want to live if you had to be castrated? id probably miss my penis 2948. Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. A the start of the year you tell them, “If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned….(finish the sentence) you’re not alone 2949. If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers? i wouldn’t because i don’t care about fashion 2950. How do you stop pop up ads? ad blocker
2951. You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don’t buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You can not get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home??? i’d probably find a phone in the mall and call someone for help.
2952. How long would it take you to organize your bedroom? it’s organized fine 2953. Make up a nickname for your bedroom: no 2954. What comes after:
“I’ve got a love-a-lee bunch of coconuts (diddly dee) There they are a-standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head…”
whelp i dunno 2955. Where ARE the wild things? in the forests and jungles 2956. You get a six cd changer for the car, only problem is that you know that once you put in six cd’s you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 cd’s do you put in?
a mix of BMTH, AA, and Flyleaf probably. 2957. Let’s play Jeapordy. (Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dooooo-) I’ll give some answers..you give the questions. Ready? Begin. The answer is: Purple
Yellow What is lemons?
Candle Pepsi Peace Lisa Cotton Flag 42 i don’t understand
2958. Pick a letter. A
List some great words starting with that letter: apples; angels; antiques 2959. Is eight days a week enough to show you care? there arent 8 days in a week? 2960. Have you told your parents you love them today? my mom 2961. What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil? dunno 2962. Have you ever cross-dressed? No. 2963. Are we living in a world without end? it’ll end at some point 2964. What do you think of that couple that was just on the news who kidnapped a 16 year old girl for a week and forced her to be their sex slave? they can rot 2965. Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition? naw 2966. Are you singing in the rain? naw 2967. Should the sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St Patrick’s Day parade? sure? 2968. Is oral sex. anal sex or regular sex more intimate? all of them are... 2969. Is it time to switch to Decaf? noooooo 2970. Why is it that the truth hurts? who knows 2971. How do you feel about: ticketmaster? i like them
scalpers? LAME 2972. What are you guilty of? a lot of things. 2973. Have you ever done any of the following in order to catch a buzz or get high? sniffed glue: No.
sniffed magic markers: No.
ate paste: No.
drank Nyquil, Robitussen or any other Over-the-counter drug: no
'huffed’ (inhaled or sniffed) any kind of fabric softner, cooking spray or other household product: yeah
whip-its: Nope. 2974. What gives you inner strength? music 2975. ::eyes you suspiciously::Where have all the COOKIES gone? my belly. 2976. What is a good gift for someone you don’t like so that it SEEMS to be nice but really 'gets’ them somehow? i wouldn’t buy a gift for someone i don’t like 2977. If you don’t like the service at a restaurant would you skip the tip? no
Why or why not? because it’s rude. 2978. Apples or peaches or pumpkin pie? none 2979. What Race/nationality was Jesus? Middle Eastern 2980. What was one evening you’ll never forget? being proposed to
2981. Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird: no 2982. Trick or Treat? TREAT 2983. If you had money to burn, what 'toy’ would you spend your money on (think monopoly game with real money, luxory boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)? Ouija board. 2984. Are you having trouble with aol 8.0? LOL
Or if you don’t have aol…have you ever been to a podiatrist? no
2985. If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
same as God’s
2986. When people lose weight, where does it go? the abyss 2987. Your mate/partner/wife or husband/longterm boy or girlfriend/etc. has SOMEHOW gotten his or her FAVORITE celebrity’s attention. Your sweetie has always thought this celeb was so sexy and now the celeb kinda fancies your sweety as well(although the celeb is not interested enough to stick around for more than one night). Your sweetie wants to have a one night stand with the celeb. Knowing that this is your sweeties one and only chance to bang (or even hang out with) a celebrity (ESPECIALLY their FAVORITE celebrity) you would say: i don’t even know. 2988. Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film? probably?
if yes, what one(s) and what did you think? don’t feel like going to IMDB
If no, aren’t you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time? lolol well now yes 2989. What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoe, grain, whole wheat, etc)? doesn’t matter 2990. Are you emotionally articulate? sure.. 2991. Does everything happen for a reason? not sure 2992. Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever? maybe?
If yes, than aren’t they still with you even when you are gone? i suppose so 2993. Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent? ill go with yes 2994. Can you think of a door that has closed in your life? yeah
Can you think of a window that has opened? sure 2995. What does this mean to you: 'Necessity is the mother of invention’? don’t know
Do you believe that necessity is also the mother of: courage? sure
survival skills? sure
independence? sure 2996. What helps you to get over a Major heartache? don’t know. 2997. Can you depend completely upon yourself? yes
have you ever tried? yes 2998. How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beautiful beginning of the next part? sure 2999. Have you ever read an stories by Kate Chopin? No. If not, I suggest that you do. thanks 3000. Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren’t looking for anything (or anyone)? maybe?
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