#so we cant even have complex villains anymore or they are 'problematic'
childeapologist · 8 months
media literacy is so dead
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simp-pony · 4 years
Queen B + Romancing the ladies
Honestly, I don’t think the direction of Queen B is looking well, especially for people who want to romance the ladies (aside from Ina of course). But a lot of people (including me) is not comfortable romancing the prof. And as a wlw playing this game, I have to share a few thoughts.
So I want to discuss the other female LIs and the other potentials
First of all, let’s start with Zoey Wade. As a confirmed LI since the beginning, her treatment in the series is by far the most disappointing. It’s so tiring to complaint about the same thing all over again each week, but here we are. We got to kiss her since chapter 2, then constantly flirt with her. But she’s being sidelined so hard by turning her to a walking wardrobe and supportive friend who keep pushing us to the prof.
Our first diamond scene happened in chapter 8, and only happened if we bought he dress for the prof.
None of the romantic option brings our relationship to the next level, even though we had the option to confess to her. “Zoey, I want you, not the professor.” (Chapter 9), which is once again, ended up with her pushing us to the prof.
Chapter 10, we did have a cute scene with her massaging us, but it only ends up with us making out on the bed. This is ridiculous when we could hook up with the others so easily if we have diamond scene with them. But with Zoey, we always stay bff. 
Is this an attempt of slowburn romance? This could be handled much better if we get more zoey x mc, hinting about their growing feelings. Zoey is an interesting character. She’s drop dead gorgeous and charming, but there’s never any chance to let her personality shine. At least they could show Zoey being a bit conflicted about pushing us to the prof anymore.  .
Then chapter 11 happened and - I don’t know anymore. It was incredibly painful to see, and honestly it was really hard to finish the chapter. What happened to Zoey was cruel, it’s too much, it’s unnecessary. If this was an attempt from PB for a social commentary, then there are waaay better other ways to address in my opinion.
Which brings us to  Poppy Min-Sinclair. I know, I know, some of you are asking, “Why are you guys so disappointed? She’s the villain since the beginning, you guys are just dumb.” First of all, I’ve explained before that I’m here for the potential. I only played choices because of her and it’s all because I saw snippets of chapter 6. When they hinted that soft side of her, as a wlw, I immediately see the appeal because it has such a big potential to be a compelling enemies to lovers story. You cant blame us for feeling this way when there are tons of straight pairings (with problematic men) with this trope, and they get redemption + end up together. Why can we have the same chance?
However, the way PB literally drove her to the point where she’s completely irredeemable after chapter 11, throwing away all of her potentials. I just don’t understand why they still write hint of attraction between them though. 
Do I ever expect her to be a real LI at the end? Honestly, not really. But I believe that Poppy COULD be a very interesting complex ‘mean girl’, especially after they teased a bit of her family problem in chapter 10. And this would also take Queen B to a very interesting turn with the shift of dynamic. But well, since they choose to ‘basic mean girl’ route - what can I say more aside from ‘wasted potential’
Both Veronica Lombardi and Chloe St. James only appear several times so far. They are far from being an LI, but still, these two being Love interests would open so many more interesting routes for the plot.
I personally can’t see where the direction is going on. The things between MC and Poppy has escalated from petty fights to actual nasty stuff and all of them are just too much for me.
So in short, Zoey got sidelined so hard and now driven away, Poppy is now irredeemable, Veronica and Zoey are not really there. People who want to romance the ladies, especially wlws don’t have many options huh. I really hope that we can still get Zoey back somehow, but with how they handle her character since the beginning, eh, I don’t think it will be a rewarding experience.
Don’t get me wrong, you can still have fun with this book, especially if you love the prof, loves to be bad bitches and wreck shit up.
But from my personal opinion as a wlw who expect that I can at least have a good time romancing the ladies (romance, not casual hook ups), after 11 chapters, I don’t think Queen B is the right book if you’re looking for this.
I’m writing this as a feedback to PB since you said that you value player’s happiness. Well, I’m devastated. I think that there are so many missed opportunities in this book. and I’m just hoping that you’re more serious in giving wlws a well deserved representation in the future. What happened to Zoey certainly does NOT look like a serious attempt in giving us a female LI.
As for now, no, I won’t be playing Queen B again. Like what I wrote before, I don’t think this book is right for me. But I will be lurking, maybe.
This is purely my personal opinion.
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